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Success Advice

This One Thing Will Make or Break Your Businesses Success

Throughout my career and personal life, I have learned that having the right people around you is critical to your success.



business success
Image Credit: Midjourney

Throughout my career and personal life, I have learned that having the right people around you is critical to your success. Success can be defined through different perspectives or interpretations.

The achievement of goals, monetary rewards, and being promoted to higher titles or responsibilities within an organization are just some notable accomplishments a person can attribute to success. 

Having the right people around you can create different successes, some more powerful than others. 

The right people can create the most suitable environment for you to work in – a positive atmosphere where people are appreciated, developed, and empowered. The right people in your life can help with a positive mindset to help you accomplish your goals even in the face of adversity. 

Having the right people in your life can work to your advantage, guiding you when the path is unclear and helping you when your mental focus may be depleted. 

Trusted advisors who are honest with you and provide different viewpoints on problems or obstacles can create a scenario where decisions have a higher probability of a successful outcome.

The right people can come in many forms, for example, advisors, mentors, and counselors. Spiritual advisors, partners, a spouse, or close family and friends can also serve in this role. 

In business, a board of directors, oversight committee, and advisory board protect all stakeholder interests and act with the organization’s best interest in mind.

A great advisory board can significantly contribute to the success of an organization by providing valuable insights, expertise, and guidance. 

“Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who will argue with you” – John Wooden

Here are some key characteristics of an effective advisory board.

  • Diverse Expertise: Members bring diverse skills and expertise relevant to the organization’s industry. This diversity includes experience in finance, marketing, technology, legal matters, operations, human resources, logistics, and more.
  • Industry Knowledge: Advisory board members should have a deep understanding of the industry in which the organization operates. Their insights into industry trends, challenges, and opportunities can prove invaluable. Domain expertise can serve a CEO and a management team well when faced with obstacles or setbacks in the business model.
  • Strategic Vision: A great advisory board is forward-thinking and has a strategic vision. Members should be able to provide guidance on long-term goals, growth strategies, and positioning in the market. They should also have contingency plans in place just in case strategies become too challenging to achieve. 
  • Network and Connections: Members with extensive networks can open doors to valuable partnerships, clients, or investors. The ability to leverage personal and professional connections is a significant asset. A great network can accelerate plans and help find new paths to growth.
  • Commitment and Availability: Advisory board members should be committed to actively participating in meetings and providing timely advice. Availability to address critical issues and respond to inquiries is crucial. Advisors must be active and engaging.
  • Integrity and Objectivity: Members should act with integrity and prioritize the organization’s best interests. It is crucial to have individuals who can provide objective advice, even if it’s not always what the leadership wants to hear.
  • Passion for the Mission: A strong connection to the organization’s mission or goals can drive members to go above and beyond in their advisory roles. Passionate advisors are more likely to invest time and effort into contributing meaningfully. 
  • Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential. Advisory board members should be able to articulate their thoughts clearly, provide constructive feedback, and work collaboratively with other members. Communication is essential to collaboration and trust, which is the foundation for sound decision-making. 
  • Adaptability: Industries and markets are dynamic, so advisory board members need to be adaptable and open to change. Their ability to navigate and respond to evolving challenges is crucial. An open-minded, adaptable, and nimble advisory board can overcome changes quickly while maintaining positive outcomes.
  • Problem-Solving Abilities: The best advisory boards are composed of individuals with strong problem-solving skills. They should be able to analyze complex situations and provide practical solutions. They should also be flexible and open-minded to alternative solutions.
  • Ethical Considerations: Members should adhere to high ethical standards. Ethical conduct is critical for maintaining the organization’s reputation and ensuring stakeholder trust. There is never a good reason to be unethical, and corporate governance of the highest standards must always be adhered to. 
  • Experience in Scaling: If the organization aims for growth, having advisory board members with expertise in scaling businesses can be particularly beneficial. They can provide insights into the challenges and strategies for expansion. Advisory board members should have experience with different methods of expansion, for example, through debt or equity, acquisition, organically, or joint venture, to name a few. 
  • Global Perspective: For organizations with international operations or aspirations, having advisory board members with a global perspective can be advantageous. This includes an understanding of diverse markets, cultures, and regulatory environments. Advisors with international experience can navigate the rules of the game in different jurisdictions, like the political, legal, and regulatory environments, as well as the cultural aspects, norms of doing business, and ethics of a specific country.
  • Track Record of Success: Members with a proven track record of success in their respective fields can bring credibility to the advisory board. Their past achievements can instill confidence in stakeholders. Having an advisory board with members who have sold companies, raised significant capital, and achieved a high level of success in the industry can attract investors, partnerships, employees, and new growth opportunities.
  • Continuous Learning: A great advisory board is composed of individuals who are committed to continuous learning. Staying informed about industry trends, technological advancements, and best practices ensures their advice remains relevant.

Building and maintaining an effective advisory board involves selecting individuals who collectively possess these qualities and can work together synergistically to guide the organization toward success. 

Regular assessments and adjustments to the advisory board composition may also be necessary to align with the organization’s evolving needs or goals.

Dr. Vincent DeFilippo, DBA, MBA, is a professor in the School of Accounting and Business at Monroe College. Prior to that he was CEO of a private equity fund in Hong Kong, raising several billion dollars in venture capital for entrepreneurs and publicly traded companies throughout the Asia Pacific Region. His new book Braking Point: How Escalation of Commitment Is Destroying the World (and How You Can Save Yourself), (ViennaRose Publishing, May 3, 2023), is a Wall Street Journal #2 bestseller. Learn more at

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