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5 Secrets to Building a Strong and Dominant Sales Team



how to build a successful sales team
Image Credit: Unsplash

For the past 10 years, I have been working with this multinational company as the head of the sales department. In my 10 years of experience, I’ve realized that having a strong team of employees is what makes a business stand. If your team is weak and uncooperative, you can never grow your business or reach success.

For every business, the sales team happens to be the backbone. Ask why? Well, that’s where the profits and revenue come from. If you don’t have a strong and dominant sales team at work, things are going to be really difficult.

In this guide, I will share with you the 5 key secrets to building a strong sales team:

1. Selflessness

Ego is one of the elements that lead you to your downfall. If you want cooperation from your team members, you need to be selfless. Having unnecessary ego can make you look bossy, so you need to show selflessness to be a successful leader. Selflessness is one of the most critical elements of building a lasting team. Working with a sales coach can also help you achieve this.

When you are working for a company, whether big or small, you cannot always take credit for the success that has been achieved with the help of your team. The success you have is because of the joint cooperation of your team. As a good team leader, you need to be selfless and share successes with all your team members.

After all, you alone are not responsible for the success. Everyone contributed equal efforts and therefore, they should be given credit too. Sadly, most team leaders don’t realize the value of their team and try to grab onto the limelight alone. This is where you are betraying your team. Try to be selfless with your team, and you will see the difference in performance.

2. Understanding and appreciating your individual roles

If you want a better outcome from your team you need to first understand and appreciate your individual values. Being a team leader is not easy. Your team looks up to you for guidance and the right advice. When you look at the bigger picture, you should be able to picture yourself in a position where you have sacrificed your time and credit to support your team.

Let’s say, you have a big task to handle. You instruct your team on what needs to be done and then engage yourself in leisure activities. This is not the way to support your team. As a good leader, you should be sacrificing your time too and work with them to achieve success.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams

3. Improve communication on priorities

Communication is very important when you are working with your team. I have seen many team leaders who only communicate when there is a need. If that’s how you handle your team, you will never be able to establish a connection. You need to make your team feel more like your friends rather than your employees.

This kind of relationship can be established only when you leave communication open. Your team members should be able to communicate with you whenever it’s needed.

Try to be a part of the team instead of bossing them around. Don’t make your team feel like they are below you. You should treat everyone equally with respect, because only then can you expect productivity and performance from them.

Also, having proper communication can solve problems both big and small. This is why many of the top companies focus so much on improving the communication line between the employees, team leaders, and bosses.

4. Focus on your KPI’s

By KPI, I mean your key performance indicators. Focus more on those who are actually giving their 100%. Appreciate them for their good work. Set them as examples before other members of your team. However, that doesn’t mean you will neglect the rest of your team.

You should appreciate the best performers and encourage others to do the same. That’s how you run your team. You need to maintain a balance between the two categories of performers.

“Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity.” – Reed Markham

5. Hunger to attain success

You need to have the hunger to attain success. However, you alone cannot make everything happen and that’s why you need to encourage your team to be equally passionate about their work. You need to show them the meaning of success so that they put in 100% to be successful.

What you should do is use yourself as a good example before them. When they see their leader dedicated to his work and working for success, they will follow you too. Work together and achieve the impossible. You and your team both need to have the same level of hunger to attain success.

These five elements can help you to build a strong sales team. They are the blood and soul of your company. Therefore, make sure that you are paying full attention to them. If you found this article helpful, share it with your friends and acquaintances. They may also find it useful.

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