Success Advice
4 Ways To Become The Symbol Of Possibility For Humanity

What are you currently a symbol of? It’s an important question to ask yourself once in a while. Every one of us is a symbol of something. That symbol can be positive or negative, and we are in complete control. Too many people either stand for nothing or stand for something that has a negative connotation. Ask yourself right now, “how do others see me?”
We may succeed, or we may fail with our dream of what we think is possible, but the results we get along the way are in many ways more powerful than achieving our ultimate goal. The journey builds muscle and helps increase our perception of possibility for the future.
When we set out to achieve our next goal, our positive thoughts about possibility increase. If all of us just expanded our scale of possibility by a few notches, we could achieve so much more. Richard Branson believes that he can achieve anything which is why he took on British Airways, by starting Virgin Airlines, and won.
Everyone thought he was crazy and that he was taking big risks; he didn’t allow himself to believe them. His perception of his own strengths and what he could achieve were just far greater than everyone else. That’s why the results Richard has achieved are far more significant than most.
It’s time for you to increase your positive thoughts around what you think is possible, and then become a symbol of possibility for everyone else. Below are four ways to become that symbol.
1. Start with you and crush your own goals
Before you can become the symbol of possibility for others you, you need to become the symbol for yourself. You need to work out what you stand for and how you see yourself currently. Once you have asked yourself this question you may find that the answer is not what you hoped for.
A negative answer is okay it just means that you will need to begin a process of growth to alter the outcome. Through the growth process, you will learn how to become a symbol of possibility. The easiest and simplest way to demonstrate possibility to others is by crushing your goals.
Each time you achieve a goal and do something that people around you thought couldn’t be done, you are becoming a symbol of what’s possible in life. What a great gift to give back to society.
2. Be Vulnerable
The only way you can ever be a symbol of possibility for others is to start finding ways to be vulnerable. Through the process there is a chance that you may get wounded, you may fall, or you could get criticised. All of these things are fine and remember that none of them are permanent.
Until you are ready to show your true self and demonstrate your beliefs to the world, no one else is ever going to see you as a symbol of possibility. Through the evolution of becoming vulnerable and doing what is uncomfortable, those around you will see you push through your limits.
They will watch you become something positive for everyone you come into contact with, and your opinion will suddenly matter much more. The feeling you get from increasing how vulnerable you are will give you the motivation you need to take the extra step and become the symbol.
Being a symbol of possibility is not something that is easily achieved, and the task should not be taken lightly. You have what it takes; you just need to draw on your belief to get there.
3. Help others to dream
To compound the results further, you can share your story of possibility and success with others. This broadens your reach and helps you to become a symbol for people on a much larger scale. You should never want to hide what you have done and instead, use it to help others to dream and achieve the results that you have been able to get to.
In sharing what you think is possible and demonstrating how you have achieved or are achieving your dream, you’re by default, helping humanity. The real fulfilment in your life won’t come from your own beliefs about what’s possible and your success, it will come from helping others to come along that same journey.
Through this journey you have the chance to become a positive symbol for others, not to be a celebrity, but to be outstanding. By being outstanding, you get to have unique opportunities that can further progress your own personal goals.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that helping others to dream requires a huge amount of work. It might just be short messages on social media or sharing a podcast with the world. The point is to have an impact by helping everyone else to believe that anything is possible.
4. Stand for something inspiring
The word’s possibility and symbol both have a positive meaning. So, to become a symbol of possibility, you need to stand for something that is inspiring. You need to stand for something that others will be drawn to, and that helps them achieve their dream in some small way.
When you dedicate your life to going against the naysayers and doing what you can to inspire others, you feel like a different person, and you become something that defies possibility itself. Standing for something will require you to stand tall, with passion, and with an unwavering belief in what is possible.
“In the vision of my own life, I stand for people living their dream and doing whatever they can to be happy. I stand for going the extra mile even when you have nothing left in the tank. I stand for going against the norm and not being afraid of what others might say about you”
While I don’t consider myself to be a symbol of possibility yet, I hope to reach this level at some point in my life, and I am prepared to deal with whatever sacrifices it takes to get there.
Do you believe you can become the symbol of possibility? Tell me your thoughts in the comment section below or on Facebook and Twitter.
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