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Success Advice

The Number One Reason I Give Everything Away For Free: There Are No Secrets.



Every week I give away tons of content for free. People sometimes think I never sleep and am a content generating machine that lives off vegetables and canned beans.

When I learn something new, I tell everyone.

When I find a way to reach more people for free, I tell everyone.

When someone wants to know a strategy I used, I tell them for free.

Many people think this is crazy. They say “But Tim you can charge for all of this. You’re giving away everything for free!” My response is this: “There are no secrets. All information exists on the Internet for free.”

The only thing that matters is traction and execution.

The reason people want to use my services in both social media and coaching is because I have traction and my skills have been validated by the market. The principles I teach around personal development, entrepreneurship, social media and life are based on universal principles.

Stop thinking I’m special or that you’re special and have some magic secret. Remember everything can be Googled for free.

Instead, help as many people as you can.

“Rather than dwelling on keeping things secret and believing you have some superpower that no other human has uncovered, help as many people as you can get what they want”

Do your best to solve people’s problems and self-develop at the same time. Focus your gift of helping others on a few niche areas and create raving fans. In other words, help people and go beyond their expectations. Put your heart and soul into your work.

Once you help a few people, ask them to recommend you to others. If you’ve helped them to the best of your ability and solved their problems, they’ll happily do this.

Do all of this with humility.

My own superpower is humility. I get emails all the time from readers telling me that my best trait is humility. I don’t think I’m some awesome bloke and I do my best to be human.

Translation: lower your own view of how important you are and be human by picking up on people’s emotions and using this knowledge to assist them. Use compassion, courage and kindness as you help people with your skills. This will 10X your results when combined with giving away your content for free.

Quit focusing on what you’re getting.

I meet so many people that are so laser-focused on what they can get out of everything that they turn away the people who could open so many doors for them.

The reason I give everything away for free is because it helps a lot of people and that achieves something far greater than my own selfish desires. Transcending into this headspace will breathe new light into your perception of business and reality.

“Attempting to lock up your knowledge and secrets is nothing more than a mindset battle with the idea that you don’t have enough”

You do have enough and once you understand that then you can start giving away your content and strategies for free and build a real audience.

Your knowledge is useless if it never gets to be applied or seen by anyone.

Once you start giving away your content for free, you’ll build an audience that will turn into real people who see value in what you do. That’s because you’ve taken core principles that can be found on the internet for free and applied your own opinions, perspective, experience and network to them.

That list right there is the real value you have.

A note on time.

Giving away stuff for free is a long-term strategy. You’ll probably see zero results for a while and that’s normal. There is no overnight success.

Your content has to be good.

Plenty of people give away content for free. In fact, that’s part of the problem. So many people are giving away free content that the strategy is almost useless. That’s of course unless your content is really good. There’s not much of that being given away for free.

Just putting stuff out there to tick a box and say you’ve followed the advice of this article is not enough. If the content you give away for free doesn’t align with who you are, your passions and something you know well, nothing will happen.

For your content to be good it needs one or more of these elements:

–    To be entertaining

–    Feature how-to advice

–    To be different

–    Visually appealing

–    Easy to consume

–    Deep and narrow in a particular field

–    The same themes repeated over and over

–    Simple

The end of secrets.

Now you know there’s no secret. You don’t have some unique product or idea that hasn’t been thought of before. We’re all thinking the same shit, like: “Wow there’s no Uber-type service for dry cleaning or car mechanics.”

Sorry pal but we’re all thinking that already. In summary, the aim of the game is to give away your content for free, so you can attempt to build traction and monetize later if that’s your end game.

If your intentions are purely selfish and you’re giving it all away for free to get famous, that also won’t work long-term. Why? Because you’ll end up hating yourself.

Make the best content you can and then give it all away for free. That’s the only strategy and anyone can do it including you.

If you want to increase your productivity and learn some more valuable life hacks, then join my private mailing list on

Aussie Blogger with 500M+ views — Writer for CNBC & Business Insider. Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Entrepreneurship You can connect with Tim through his website

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