How To Grow Your Business Blogs - Scale Your Business Quotes | Motivation & Success Advice Tue, 07 May 2024 19:31:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Grow Your Business Blogs - Scale Your Business 32 32 Crisis-Proof Your Business Now: Essential Strategies for Every Entrepreneur Thu, 21 Mar 2024 21:13:49 +0000 Around one in five U.S. businesses fail within a year of opening their doors, with around half closing in five years.

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Every business of any size in any industry will experience a crisis at some stage. Sadly, the majority don’t survive. Around one in five U.S. businesses fail within a year of opening their doors, with around half closing in five years.

Crises can come from any avenue. Whether it’s the global COVID-19 pandemic that caused 9.6 million job losses, a natural disaster, or a cyberattack, you need a plan for negotiating challenging times.

Here’s how to develop a workable crisis management plan for your small business.

What is a Crisis Management Plan for Small Businesses?

Crises come in many forms. Some of them may be self-made, and others could be unavoidable. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 595,000 businesses close their doors each year. How you manage a crisis will define whether you emerge from it.

Small business crisis management is the strategic process of identifying crises, preparing for them, and having an action plan that comes into force after a crisis is triggered. Common examples of action plans for various disasters include: 

  • Natural disasters
  • Cyberattacks
  • Lawsuits
  • Product sabotage
  • Labor shortages

Benefits of Crisis Management Planning

Resiliency is a priority for business leaders today. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), 89% of business leaders claimed resiliency was a key priority. But that doesn’t mean businesses are acting on those priorities sufficiently.

For example, only 49% of U.S. businesses have a formal crisis communication plan. It illustrates the gap between talk and action. So, why should you invest in crisis management planning?

  • Minimize downtime
  • Reduce financial losses
  • Give your employees confidence
  • Protect your reputation
  • Swift resumption of day-to-day operations

8 Steps to Creating a Crisis Management Plan for Your Small Business

Where do you begin with crisis management planning?

Ground zero is acknowledging and acting on the need for a crisis management plan. If you’re ready to take action, follow these steps.

1. Form a Crisis Management Team

The first step is to divide responsibility. Who should form part of a crisis management team? This goes beyond designating somebody to provide information and support.

Ideally, a crisis management team begins with your senior management team. Likewise, this should include somebody from every department. You may also want to select an ordinary employee to act as a conduit between the top and bottom of your organization.

2. Identify Crises

What constitutes a crisis for your organization?

Most businesses have much in common regarding the type of crisis they may encounter. No business is immune from cyberattacks or industrial action. On the other hand, some risks may be so remote that they’re not worth spending undue time on.

For example, if your business is in Florida, natural disasters like hurricanes are a significant crisis. But a business in a rural town of a few thousand people in Wyoming probably doesn’t need to worry about international terrorist attacks.

Conduct a SWOT analysis to determine which risks your business is likely to encounter and the likelihood of them coming to bear. Additionally, you should assess the general impact of such a crisis and how prepared your company is currently.

3. Break Your Crisis Management Plan Into Four Phases

Most businesses only act when a crisis has already revealed itself. Unfortunately, on-the-fly thinking can only accomplish so much. As part of your plan, it’s wise to break each crisis response down into four stages:

  1. Pre-Crisis – This is the planning phase. It’s the time spent putting in safeguards for potential disasters. It may include forecasting a crisis or taking out a comprehensive insurance policy.
  2. Latent Crisis – What happens during the early signs of a crisis? The focus is on communication and information sharing to help all stakeholders be proactive.
  3. Acute Crisis – Crises that cannot be contained, like a natural disaster, will enter the acute crisis phase. This is where businesses must have a plan for taking evasive action.
  4. PostCrisis – Crisis management planning doesn’t end with the crisis itself. It also includes the recovery stage. Projecting best-case and worst-case scenarios can show you what your business must do to bounce back quickly.

These four stages are what crisis management plans are, but they can simplify communication and coordination by breaking them down into these distinct categories.

4. Formulate Individual Response Plans

Classifying each threat and the likelihood of it manifesting enables you to prioritize.

Preparing individual response plans means determining how to mitigate those risks, or at least the damage. This may include building up your cash reserves, shifting to temporary remote working, or creating prepared statements for customers and other stakeholders once a specific crisis has been triggered.

5. Think About Your Insurance

As part of effective crisis management, it’s essential to consider the role of insurance. It is a fundamental tool that can mitigate the financial impact of various crises.

Various types of crises necessitate diverse insurance coverage. For instance, liability insurance for your small business can help safeguard your company in the event of accidents or injuries caused to third parties, while property insurance can shield against damages from natural disasters like fires or floods.

Identify potential risks associated with your business operations and ensure you have adequate insurance coverage for each. Regularly review your policies to make sure they are up-to-date and in line with your current business needs. It’s also a good idea to understand the claims process for each policy so you can act quickly when a crisis occurs.

Remember, insurance is not a solution to prevent crises, but rather a safety net that can help your business recover and continue operations during challenging times.

6. Develop Your Communication Plan

Communication is everything because confusion is one of the most significant crisis issues. If your employees and customers don’t understand what’s happening, it creates unnecessary panic.

Building a communication plan and a system for disseminating information can help keep calm heads. Some tips for a crisis communication plan include:

  • Creating templated statements early.
  • Designating someone to distribute information throughout all channels.
  • Be accurate and fast.
  • Prioritize who to communicate with first. Ideally, this should be your customers.
  • Construct a schedule for updates on an unfolding crisis.

7. Formulate a Recovery Plan

Building and role-playing your emergency response plans is one thing, but how will you recover from that crisis?

Your recovery plan depends on the crisis in question. For example, if your servers go down during a time-limited sale, your recovery plan may involve refunding customers or giving them a bonus to prevent bad press.

Recovery plans focusing on natural disasters may include knowing where your offsite server backups are and who’s responsible for bringing your systems back online.

Ideally, you should have recovery plans based on the absolute worst-case scenario.

8. Revisit and Update Your Crisis Management Plans

Planning for a crisis and locking it up somewhere is not enough. Getting out of a crisis means up-to-date solutions that reflect the world as it is at the time.

Review your small business disaster management and continuity plans every few months. This will help you to identify emerging blind spots, bridge gaps, and include the most accurate information.

Although this might seem like a hassle, reviewing your plans every so often shouldn’t take long. After all, if you’re staying on top of the situation, any changes you must make will likely be minimal.

Build a Resilient Business to Withstand Any Disaster

Nobody wants to think about the worst-case scenario, but burying your head in the sand isn’t an option. Small businesses are more vulnerable because they possess fewer resources to manage crises.

Early planning and building a streamlined disaster management plan can spell the difference between survival and failure. The sooner you address your crisis management plan, the better because disaster can strike when you least expect it.

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Why Your Business Can’t Afford to Ignore Mapping Software Mon, 26 Feb 2024 23:22:57 +0000 data-driven organizations are more than 20 times more likely to gain customers

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Effective decision-making is fundamental to successful business operations, but achieving informed decisions can be challenging without proper data. Unfortunately, having so much data available also means having the right tools. 

As a result, public data shows that data-driven organizations are more than 20 times more likely to gain customers.  

For this reason, introducing tools like mapping software can be a game-changer for decision-makers, providing access to data-driven insights and recommendations. 

Visualization for Informed Analysis

The best mapping software may also be pivotal in presenting data and information in a visually accessible format, facilitating easy comprehension and analysis. For instance, mapping customers’ locations, competitors’ locations, or relevant data points allows for identifying patterns and trends. 

This enhances understanding and provides valuable insights that can inform strategic decision-making processes. Businesses can explore the spatial relationships between elements, gaining a nuanced perspective on market dynamics and customer behaviors.

Efficient Project Planning and Execution

Mapping software greatly enhances project planning and execution efficiency through features like optimized route planning, real-time tracking, and resource allocation. 

By visualizing team locations, equipment, and project progress, businesses can minimize travel time, allocate resources effectively, and make better decisions to keep projects on track. 

Additionally, mapping tools enable site selection based on accessibility and risk assessment, fostering proactive mitigation strategies. 

Customized mapping layers, scenario analysis, and collaboration features contribute to a comprehensive view for better decision-making, while integration with external data sources and visual reporting further enhance the overall project management process.

Increasing Efficiency

Utilizing mapping software empowers businesses to streamline operations by visually analyzing data on a geographic map. 

This technology allows businesses to pinpoint the most efficient delivery routes or identify the nearest suppliers, resulting in cost reductions, time savings, and heightened productivity.

In another application, mapping software can facilitate the identification of optimal delivery routes and showcase the real-time progress of projects. 

This not only saves time and resources but also ensures timely project completion. Sharing project updates through maps becomes an effective means of communication within the team.

Highlighting Concerns and Opportunities

Interactive maps provide a platform to highlight areas of concern or opportunity. As a visualization tool, mapping software can show team members on a map which regions have higher competition and where they are currently allocating their resources. 

Sales associates can then use this information to find potential gaps and suggest how they can be more effective. In many cases, sharing these insights becomes the foundation of a collaborative work environment where everyone feels like they have a voice.

Strategic Choices for Success and Growth

Leveraging the power of interactive maps in decision-making and planning can also give businesses the data points (or proof) they need to make strategic choices, or carry out strategic initiatives. 

When it comes to getting funding for a new project, higher-ups often want to see what background research you have done to guarantee its success, with points plotted in mapping software being one of the things you may choose to point to.

Enhance Decision-Making

Web mapping is a valuable support for decision-making, offering abundant information, insights, and options to address your challenges or objectives. You can explore and compare various scenarios, alternatives, or outcomes related to your data through web mapping tools, assessing their impacts, risks, or benefits. 

Additionally, these tools enable effective communication and justification of your decisions, allowing you to seek input and feedback from stakeholders, clients, or users. 

Shaping Your Team’s Financial Trajectory

The outcomes of decision-making play a pivotal role in shaping the financial trajectory of an organization. Successful decisions not only pave the way for higher profits but also contribute to the growth and sustainability of the business. 

Conversely, poor choices can lead to substantial losses, affecting the financial bottom line and the organization’s reputation and standing in its respective industry. This leaves one question: will you take this advice to improve your team’s decision-making?

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The Art of Convincing: 10 Persuasion Techniques That Really Work Mon, 12 Feb 2024 14:09:38 +0000 The knack for persuading others can act as a catalyst for change, open doors, forge alliances, and effect positive change

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Persuasion is not as complicated as it may sound. In fact, it is something that we have been practicing since childhood. Do you remember convincing your parents to let you skip school, asking your teacher not to assign homework, or persuading your boss to give you a day off? Well, these are just small examples of what persuasion looks like.

However, in the vast landscape of human communication, the knack for persuading others can act as a catalyst for change, open doors, forge alliances, and effect positive change. Whether you are a professional, a student, or someone engaging in everyday conversations, mastering the art of convincing can be a powerful asset

This article explores the critical components of building convincing arguments. So, let’s get going.

1. Understand Your Audience

The foundation of influential communication lies in understanding your audience. Before constructing your argument, take the time to analyze your audience’s values, beliefs, and motivations. Altering your message to align with their perspectives increases the likelihood of them being receptive to your argument.

2. Focus on Clarity and Conciseness

A persuasive argument should be clear and concise. Avoid ambiguity and unnecessary complexity. Straightforwardly present your ideas using easily digestible language, as a well-articulated message enhances comprehension and makes it easier for your audience to fathom your reasoning.

3. Establish Credibility

If you want to convince someone, it is essential to establish your credibility from the get-go. One way to do this is by sharing your relevant expertise, experiences, or credentials, which can strengthen your argument. 

When your audience perceives you as a credible and trustworthy source, they are more likely to be swayed by your perspective. Therefore, making a solid first impression and proving to your listeners that you have the necessary knowledge and experience to back up your assertions is crucial.

4. Knit Threads of Emotions

While logic and evidence may be necessary, emotions are crucial too. Appeal to your audience’s emotions by incorporating relatable stories, anecdotes, or vivid imagery. Connecting with them emotionally leaves an indelible mark on them.

Craft compelling narratives to convey your message, as stories uniquely anchor attention, evoke feelings, and make information more memorable. Weave relevant anecdotes into your argument to provide context and make your points relatable and engaging.

For instance, if you want to convince a prospect to buy your product, consider narrating a stunning story of how the product helped numerous people and made their lives easier. By knitting threads of emotions, you can hit the right chords and close the deal.

5. Be Concrete and Follow a Logical Structure

To win over your audience, you must logically organize your views. Start with a catchy introduction that captivates attention, and then dive into a well-structured body that lays out your main points, supported by solid evidence and relevant details. And remember to finish strong with a powerful summary that drives home your message and leaves a lasting impression. 

Support your arguments with compelling evidence and real-world examples. This could include statistics, studies, expert opinions, or specific instances illustrating your points. Concrete evidence strengthens your case and builds credibility and trust with your audience.

“Real persuasion comes from putting more of you into everything you say. Words have an effect. Words loaded with emotion have a powerful effect.” — Jim Rohn

6. Anticipate and Address Counterarguments

Any objections or counter arguments can be frustrating and derail the entire conversation. That is why it is important to anticipate potential counterarguments and address them proactively. 

As a presenter, it helps you demonstrate that you have thoroughly considered the issue at hand and are all set to engage in a thoughtful, well-rounded discussion.

For example, suppose you are debating whether or not education should be free. Your opponent might argue that making academics free would pressure taxpayers. Instead of ignoring this objection, you could acknowledge it and address it calmly. 

You could say that although making college accessible would require a significant investment, studies have shown that the long-term benefits to society far outweigh the costs. 

7. Use Persuasive Language

The words you choose to convey your message can make a big difference – they can either make or break your talk. So, choose positive language and remember not to be aggressive or confrontational. By selecting your words thoughtfully, you can evoke the emotions you want and keep the conversation respectful and persuasive.

For example, if you want to seek the support of the audience in a particular campaign, you can say like this-

“We stand together in this crisis. By doing your part, you can contribute to a great cause.”

8. Harness the Power of Visual Aids

Complement your verbal arguments with visual aids such as infographics, graphs, images, or charts. You can use pre-designed templates to enhance comprehension, provide different contexts, and make complex information more accessible. 

For example, if you are trying to build a persuasive argument towards the positive effects of a new policy, highlight its statistical data in a well-crafted infographic. Use numbers to convince the degree of change and show comparison with the help of bar graphs and charts.

9. Adjust Tone and Style

You can increase the receptivity of your message by adapting your tone and communication style to match the preferences of your audience.

Demonstrate confidence and conviction in your arguments. Also, project assurance in your words and body language to strengthen your message. It will instill confidence and trust in your audience and reassure them that they can rely on the validity and importance of your perspective.

10. Foster Two-Way Communication

A collaborative exchange of information promotes a sense of shared understanding and can uncover new perspectives that enhance the overall persuasiveness of your message. So, encourage open dialogue and two-way communication. 

Ask your audience to raise questions, provide feedback, and involve themselves in discussions to explore your arguments.

The skill of using the power of words for convincing is an asset for all professionals. It helps you make the audience believe in your ideas and agree with your viewpoints. By creating persuasive arguments, you can inspire your target customers/clients to take the desired action.

However, you can’t master this skill in a day. You can develop and improve this skill through thoughtful communication strategies. Tell a compelling story, include a strong call-to-action (CTA) in your statements, and use effective words to influence the audience’s emotions. By simplifying the complex information and conveying it in the way that best resonates with the audience, you can ensure your presentation’s success.

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6 Smart Moves to Grow Your Business and Your Profits Thu, 08 Feb 2024 22:25:17 +0000 Practical strategies that companies use to guarantee long-term growth while increasing profitability

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In the world of business, achieving development and success is a shared objective. Maximizing earnings is an important part of this journey because it is a vital source of funding for long-term, sustainable business growth.

In this post, we’ll look at practical strategies that companies may use to guarantee long-term growth while simultaneously increasing profitability.

Simplifying Inventory Control to Achieve Maximum Effectiveness

Effective inventory control is essential to a profitable industry. You can optimize your inventory by putting in place efficient procedures, making use of cutting-edge inventory management software, and carrying out frequent audits. 

Make sure your stock is in line with market trends and demands to reduce carrying costs and boost cash flow. Strategic alliances with dependable suppliers can also provide you with a competitive edge by giving you access to special offers and discounts that raise overall profitability.

Accepting Internet-Based Marketing Techniques

A good internet presence is a must for any successful business in the modern digital age. Adopt efficient Internet marketing techniques to expand your customer base and improve the exposure of your business. 

To make sure that your website appears highly on search engine results pages, spend money on search engine optimization (SEO). Use social media to interact with potential clients by producing interesting material that highlights your offerings and areas of expertise. 

Use online advertising to draw customers to your virtual showroom by focusing on particular demographics. An effective internet marketing plan can have a big effect on your revenue.

Providing Outstanding Service to Increase Customer Loyalty

In all industries, a key asset is customer loyalty. Beyond making the first sale, providing great service is about establishing long-lasting relationships. From the sales team to the service department, teach your employees to put the needs of the customer first. 

Creating a customer-focused culture can result in satisfied customers, word-of-mouth recommendations, and repeat business. Use individualized communications, exclusive incentives, and loyalty programs to let your clients know how much you appreciate them. 

If you have an automotive business, you can improve it by implementing a tool such as VIN Check so your clients can make sure that every car in your inventory satisfies strict quality requirements, which lowers the possibility of problems after the sale and increases customer satisfaction.

Customers who are happy with your business are more likely to stick around and recommend you to others, which will keep your business generating income.

Putting Money Into Employee Development and Training

The core of your company is your crew. Invest in continuing education and training initiatives to make sure your employees have the most up-to-date understanding of the field and customer service techniques. 

Employee satisfaction, overall business performance, and greater efficiency are all impacted by well-trained staff. A competent and driven staff can also successfully manage obstacles, adjust to changes in the business, and provide creative ideas that advance your company.

Adopting Sustainable Methods to Reduce Expenses

In addition to being a social duty, sustainability is also a wise commercial move. Eco-friendly business methods can help your company save money and build a stronger reputation.

Investigate energy-saving solutions for your buildings, implement recycling initiatives, and think about stocking hybrid or electric cars (if you’re in the car business). In addition to helping to conserve the environment, green efforts draw in eco-aware clients who could be prepared to spend more on ecologically friendly products.

Increasing Revenue Stream Variety Outside of Sales

Take the automobile business as an example. Even though the sale of cars is the main source of income for auto companies, long-term success depends on diversification. Investigate extra revenue streams such as providing financing options, aftermarket accessories, and extended warranties. 

Work together to create mutually beneficial collaborations with nearby companies. In addition to drawing in new clients, holding workshops or events about car maintenance and care positions your dealership as a leader in the neighborhood. 

You can reduce the risks associated with market and economic uncertainty by diversifying your sources of income.

Optimizing earnings in different industries necessitates a diverse strategy that blends data-driven decision-making, effective operations, solid client relationships, and flexibility in response to market developments. 

You may set up your business for long-term growth and success by optimizing inventory control, embracing Internet marketing, emphasizing client loyalty, varying revenue sources, investing in employee training, and implementing sustainable practices. 

In an ever-changing business environment, stay ahead of the competition, adjust to shifting market conditions, and watch your business flourish.

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How Entrepreneurs Can Fortify Their Startups Against Fraud Mon, 22 Jan 2024 23:59:52 +0000 Businesses that neglect workplace fraud detection are leaving themselves open to catastrophic losses

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Fraud in the workplace is a problem of gigantic proportions. Everything from a little light skimming of the cash register to fraud at a corporate level represents extreme risks that organizations need to guard against.

While each industry has unique risks that it must mitigate against, there are plenty of common threats that a robust and structured anti-fraud policy can help prevent.

Understanding these risks and how to protect your business against them is a critical step in mitigating fraudulent employee risks.

Workplace Fraud: Understanding the Risks

Let’s be clear, understanding the size of the problem will not make pleasant reading. However, it is essential to read because knowing the size and scope of the problem is a vital first step to mitigating the risk.

The challenges that employee fraud raises are often in line with e-commerce fraud trends. But there are plenty of areas where they differ and detection methods and how businesses defend against it differ accordingly.

But how big is the problem? Well, huge if the latest Association of Certified Fraud Examiners report into occupational fraud is to be believed. To illustrate the size of the problem we only need to list a few of the key takeaways from the report:

  • Duration and loss: An average fraud case will go undetected for 12 months and cause a median loss of $117,000.
  • Revenue loss: The report estimates that 5% of all revenue is lost to occupational fraud.
  • Fraud types: Asset misappropriation (theft in common parlance) accounts for 86% of all employee fraud. Other high-rankers include corruption and financial statement fraud.
  • Department: Four departments (accounting, upper management/executive, sales, and operations) accounted for half of all employee fraud.

The report does make a grim reading. But there are plenty of positives to take from it. The most notable is the improvement in these statistics among organizations with strong anti-fraud procedures in place.

Strategies to Mitigate Fraudulent Employee Risks

It is obviously necessary to stop fraud that can disrupt the customer experience. However, the problem of employee fraud should not be overlooked at its expense. The potential scale of workplace fraud means robust measures are needed to protect an organization from “insider” fraud.

Some of the most successful measures for workplace fraud prevention are detailed below.

1. Implementing a Strong Ethical Culture

This is more important than it may appear at first glance. But a strong ethical culture that encourages employees to voice their concerns is an incredibly potent anti-fraud measure.

The importance of this is emphasized by a single statistic – 42% of workplace frauds are detected by tip-offs. This is three times as many cases as the next most common method.

Workplace culture should promote honesty, integrity, and transparency. It should also make employees feel that their concerns are listened to and taken seriously.

2. Smart Security Technology

While cybersecurity is absolutely critical, physical building security systems and measures are an essential component in protecting against fraud in the workplace. Theft, or “asset misappropriation”, is the number one threat that workplace fraud poses. Physical security measures such as the examples listed below can substantially lower the risk of theft:

  • Smart security cameras: A modern no business video surveillance system that utilizes the latest business camera technologies can act as a deterrent as well as catch perpetrators red-handed. The latest generation includes features such as high-resolution imaging, night vision, cloud-based remote systems, and the integration of AI.
  • Smart access control systems: The latest generation of smart access control and fob entry systems can easily be integrated with companion technologies like business surveillance systems and alarm systems.

Physical security is an essential part of an integrated security policy, it can radically reduce workplace theft and other forms of employee fraud.

3. Regular Audits and Surprise Checks

Again, these can act both as a deterrent and an effective method of detecting fraud. Surprise audits and checks deter fraud by serving as a reminder that regular monitoring for irregularities is undertaken.

It also ensures transparency and accountability making it more difficult for fraud to go unnoticed. This is important as the average duration of fraud is a year – and a lot of damage can be done in 12 months.

A proactive policy of regular audits supported by surprise checks can significantly reduce the opportunity, and the willingness, to perpetrate fraud in the workplace.

4. Employee Education and Awareness Programs

Finally, employee education and training can play a crucial role. With 42% of all workplace fraud uncovered by tip-offs, an educated workforce that understands the risks and the warning flags of fraudulent behavior can be an added line of defense.

It also helps to promote a workplace culture that is open, transparent, and more resistant to employee fraud.

An Inside Job: Mitigating Employee Fraud

Businesses that neglect workplace fraud detection are leaving themselves open to massive, potentially catastrophic, losses. However, being forearmed is forewarned, and much can be done to mitigate the risks.

A combination of smart technology in the form of business surveillance systems, an ethical culture that promotes openness, and robust auditing procedures can greatly reduce a business’s exposure to workplace fraud.

With 5% of all annual revenue lost to employee fraud, investing in robust internal fraud controls is a smart investment.

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Unlocking the Minds of Entrepreneurs: 5 Insider Secrets Revealed Thu, 30 Nov 2023 22:10:30 +0000 You can become a big-time entrepreneur by selling products or services and start making money for yourself

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Are you tired of the 9 to 5 job or making money for someone else? You can become a big-time entrepreneur by selling products or services and start making money for yourself. But how do you become a successful business owner?

The first step is to see how other successful entrepreneurs made it big in their lives. There are secret strategies that business owners use to make massive profits. In today’s post, we reveal those important secrets so you, too, can become a powerhouse no matter what industry you go into. 

1. Big Entrepreneurs Plan Accordingly

One of the biggest mistakes new entrepreneurs make is not planning accordingly. If you have an idea for a startup, immediately start working on a business plan. You may have a solid vision of what you want to achieve, but a business plan will help you figure out how to achieve that vision. 

Start with a set of goals you need to reach and write them down. These goals may be the money you need to start your business or how much profit you want to make from selling products and services. 

Once you have your plans down in writing, you must work on them every day to start making your dreams come true.  

2. Seek Spiritual Guidance 

Did you know that some successful entrepreneurs seek spiritual guidance to make business decisions? Some famous CEOs like the founder of The Body Shop or Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream prefer to practice new age religions. 

However, it’s difficult to get these CEOs to open up about their beliefs and how they think capitalism and spirituality are connected. Perhaps you can find your own way by contacting a fortune teller online to see how your spirit guides can help you when starting a new business.  

You may get information like the type of products you should sell and what sort of practices you should adopt when opening your business. You should also free yourself from all negativity because it may help you progress further. 

“Don’t worry about being successful but work toward being significant and the success will naturally follow.” – Oprah Winfrey

3. They Create Something of Real Value 

One of the reasons entrepreneurs are successful is because they create products and services that people actually need. They find a gap in a specific market and then plan to fill that gap with a product or service. 

These entrepreneurs become successful because what they’re selling fulfills the consumer’s needs. For example, food or grocery delivery services are popular because people don’t have to travel to a store to buy items. It also helps those who don’t have cars or people who can’t leave the house due to health concerns. 

Find a service or a product that can help your customers and make their lives easier.  

4. Successful Entrepreneurs are Authentic

You will lose respect if you lie to your customers. People won’t deal with inauthentic companies. Usually, companies that lie to their consumers are those that are greedy. When starting your business, don’t make unrealistic claims. Be honest about the benefits your products and services can provide. 

If you want to inform new customers of what you can offer, then allow people to provide testimonials on your products and services. Customers will appreciate honest feedback from real-world experiences people have had with your company.  

Being honest with your customers builds trust and rapport. It also ensures that your customers will come back to purchase more of what you’re selling, provided it’s of high value to them.    

5. They Work Overtime 

Although you’re trying to escape the 9 to 5 job you’re in, you may have to work extra hard when starting a new business. Some entrepreneurs work long hours in the beginning to ensure their companies are a success. 

To get through these long hours, you must be passionate about what you’re doing so that it doesn’t feel like you’re working. When you’re working toward building your own business, it will feel more rewarding at the end of the day

Once you’ve established your company, you can hire people to assist you, and then you may be able to take more frequent breaks. Managers and supervisors can help you run your departments. 

Make sure you choose managers who are excellent leaders so that your team is always ready and willing to work hard with you to grow your business. 

When you become an entrepreneur, it can be easy to lose sight of your goals, especially if you experience obstacles along the way. But it’s important to remain positive and always find solutions to every problem you encounter. Use the information in this post so you can become a successful entrepreneur in your industry. 

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A Step-by-Step Guide On How To Launch New Product or Service Fri, 11 Aug 2023 23:41:46 +0000 Whether you are a brand-new entrepreneur starting with your first business idea or a seasoned small business leader looking to grow your offerings, you should know that there is definitely a right way to launch a new product or service. Audiences tend to become accustomed to a certain type of product or service, especially from […]

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Whether you are a brand-new entrepreneur starting with your first business idea or a seasoned small business leader looking to grow your offerings, you should know that there is definitely a right way to launch a new product or service. Audiences tend to become accustomed to a certain type of product or service, especially from brands they already know. So, business leaders need to be careful about introducing new offerings, as they may impact how an audience perceives a brand.

Fortunately, you don’t have to guess about the best way to launch a new product or service. Here is a step-by-step guide to make it easier to grow your business and expand your brand.

Define the Target Audience of Your New Product or Service

A new product or service is worthless if there is not a sufficiently large audience eager to acquire it. Defining your target audience will help you understand whether there is enough demand to warrant the development of a new product or service, and it will give you insights into what your audience needs in terms of product/service design, price point, marketing channels and more.

Research Your Audience’s Buying Journey

A member of your audience experiences a problem, and the journey they engage in to solve their problem should end with the use of your product or service. To guarantee that ending, you need to understand the journey: How does your audience get information? What influences your audience’s purchasing behavior? What kind of buying experience does your audience expect? Answering these questions should give you direction for how to launch your product or service.

Fully Secure the Identity of Your Product or Service

You need to give your product or service a distinctive name, and you need to protect that name from use by your competition. To start, you should look into how to trademark a name to cover the branding of your new product or service. As it could take a few months for your trademark to be secure, in the meantime you should acquire domain names, social media accounts and other assets with your product or service name. The sooner you can get these, the better, though you may need to pay a premium if you are operating in a competitive market.

Look Into Your Existing and Prospective Competition

Many companies opt to fall in line with trends, choosing to copy the branding of the most popular products and services in their industry. However, not only does this “me too” behavior risk infringement lawsuits, but it fails to differentiate a company from its competition. You should research your competitors and try to innovate where they align. Additionally, you should make sure that your new product or service is indeed novel, which can contribute to your selling proposition.

Start Pitching Your New Product or Service ASAP

You want feedback on your new product or service as soon as possible, so you can make changes to your offering that better meet your audience’s needs. To attract early users, you might offer your product or service as a free trial, sample or demonstration, from which you can receive ratings or reviews to affect development. You can also incentivize early use with discounts for preorders, beta participation rewards and more. Not only will this help you refine your product or service, but it will start to build audience anticipation for the eventual launch.

Continue Testing Your New Product or Service

You should continue testing your new product or service regularly, scrutinizing your offering for bugs, up until the day of its launch — and even afterwards. Testing should be rigorous, often resulting in damage, which you can then learn how to fix. Though testing can be frustrating, it is essential for creating the user experience you expect to deliver.

Upgrade Your Product or Service to Keep It Fresh

By this step, you should have already completed your product or service launch — congratulations! But, your work is far from over. To maintain excitement around your offering, you need to regularly upgrade it with new features or functions. Then, you can keep your product or service feeling fresh for years to come.


Addicted 2 Success is your go-to blog to learn how to grow your business. Prepare to take over the business world by reading these articles from other successful entrepreneurs:


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The Mindful Productivity Guide: A Balanced Approach to Success Tue, 08 Aug 2023 22:41:23 +0000 When we are productive, we are better equipped to reach our goals, meet deadlines, and make the most of our potential

The post The Mindful Productivity Guide: A Balanced Approach to Success appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, achieving success often goes hand in hand with productivity. The ability to accomplish more while feeling less stressed is a coveted skill among high achievers. But what exactly is productivity, and why is it crucial in both our personal and professional lives?

Productivity, at its core, refers to the efficiency and effectiveness with which we utilize our time, energy, and resources to achieve desired outcomes. It goes beyond merely being busy and instead focuses on accomplishing meaningful tasks that align with our goals and values. Productivity is not about working harder; it’s about working smarter.

The impact of productivity on our lives is profound. When we are productive, we are better equipped to reach our goals, meet deadlines, and make the most of our potential. Moreover, increased productivity results in reduced stress levels, as we gain a sense of control over our tasks and responsibilities.

Introducing Stress Less: A Journey to Optimal Productivity

In this chapter, we embark on a journey to uncover the productivity secrets of high achievers, with a particular focus on how they manage to stress less while getting more done. We will delve into the science behind productivity, exploring the psychological aspects that influence our ability to stay focused, motivated, and on track.

Throughout this article, we will explore various strategies and techniques to set a strong foundation for productivity. From effective goal-setting methods to time management techniques that help us optimize our daily routines, we will discover the building blocks of a productive lifestyle.

As we progress, we will dive into the habits and practices of highly productive individuals. We will analyze their morning routines, understand how they make decisions and prioritize tasks, and explore their ability to balance proactive and reactive productivity.

In the following chapters, we will explore the concept of flow state and its role in achieving peak productivity, as well as the significance of rest and mindfulness in preventing burnout and sustaining long-term productivity.

In the later sections, we will examine how leveraging productivity tools and technologies can enhance our efficiency and collaboration. Additionally, we will explore the power of data analytics in measuring our progress and making data-driven decisions for self-improvement.

Cultivating a productive mindset is essential for consistent success, and in the latter part of this article, we will explore techniques to overcome procrastination, embrace imperfection, and turn failures into stepping stones towards growth.

Finally, in the concluding chapters, we will recapitulate the key points discussed throughout the article, reinforcing the secrets of high achievers and their relationship with stress-less productivity. We will inspire readers to embrace productivity as a means to lead fulfilling and balanced lives.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey towards increased productivity and reduced stress? Let’s begin.

“Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year–and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!” –Tony Robbins

Setting the Foundation for Productivity

In the pursuit of productivity, laying a strong foundation is paramount. High achievers understand the importance of setting clear goals, managing time effectively, and creating an environment conducive to optimal performance. By mastering these aspects, they empower themselves to achieve more and stress less.

Goal Setting for High Achievement

Setting goals is the compass that guides us towards success. High achievers recognize the significance of defining clear and achievable objectives. To ensure the effectiveness of their goals, they employ the SMART goal-setting technique.


High achievers understand that vague goals lead to unclear outcomes. They define their goals with precision, leaving no room for ambiguity. Whether it’s advancing in their career, launching a successful project, or maintaining a healthy work-life balance, their goals are crystal clear.


Measuring progress is essential for staying on track. High achievers set milestones and track their advancement diligently. They break down long-term goals into smaller, manageable tasks to celebrate victories along the way.


While high achievers dream big, they also keep their goals within the realm of possibility. Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and burnout. Instead, they set challenging but attainable targets that push their boundaries.


Aligning goals with personal values and long-term aspirations ensures sustained motivation. High achievers carefully evaluate the relevance of their objectives and ensure they are in harmony with their overall vision.


Without a deadline, goals lose their sense of urgency. High achievers assign specific timelines to each goal, creating a sense of purpose and accountability. Time-bound goals foster a proactive and results-driven mindset.

Time Management Techniques for Optimal Productivity

Time is a finite resource, and high achievers make the most of every minute. To manage their tasks efficiently, they employ various time management techniques tailored to their unique needs.

Prioritization Methods:

High achievers prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. They utilize techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes tasks into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. By focusing on tasks that align with their goals and values, they maximize their productivity.


Time-blocking involves dedicating specific time slots to particular tasks or activities. By creating a structured schedule, high achievers minimize distractions and maintain focus. They allocate time for essential responsibilities, personal growth, and relaxation, ensuring a well-balanced day.

Dealing with Distractions:

In a world filled with distractions, high achievers implement strategies to stay focused. They minimize interruptions by silencing notifications, setting designated communication times, and creating a conducive work environment. By limiting distractions, they enhance their efficiency and productivity.

Creating a Productive Environment

The environment we work in significantly impacts our productivity and well-being. High achievers understand the power of their surroundings and optimize their workspace for maximum efficiency.

Organizing Your Workspace:

A cluttered workspace can lead to a cluttered mind. High achievers keep their work area organized, ensuring easy access to essential tools and resources. A tidy workspace fosters a sense of calm and order, allowing them to concentrate on their tasks.

The Role of Minimalism and Decluttering:

Minimalism is a philosophy embraced by high achievers to reduce distractions and focus on what truly matters. They declutter their physical and digital spaces, eliminating non-essential items and streamlining workflows. A minimalist approach allows them to maintain clarity and productivity.

Incorporating Elements of Nature and Inspiration:

Natural elements have a profound impact on our well-being and creativity. High achievers bring nature indoors by incorporating plants, natural light, and calming colors into their workspace. Additionally, they surround themselves with inspirational quotes, images, or objects that ignite motivation.

By setting clear goals, mastering time management, and creating an environment conducive to productivity, high achievers pave the way for their success. Embracing these foundational principles sets the stage for a productive and fulfilling journey.

Habits of Highly Productive Individuals

Highly productive individuals possess a unique set of habits and routines that propel them towards success. Their daily rituals and approaches to decision-making play a pivotal role in optimizing their productivity levels and achieving their goals. In this chapter, we will explore the morning routines of successful individuals, the art of prioritization and decision-making, and the significance of proactive and reactive productivity.

Morning Routines for a Productive Day

The way we start our day sets the tone for everything that follows. Successful individuals recognize the power of a well-designed morning routine in boosting their productivity and mental clarity.

Analyzing the Morning Rituals of Successful Individuals:

Morning rituals vary from person to person, but certain elements are common among high achievers. Many kickstart their day with activities that nourish the mind, body, and soul. These may include meditation, journaling, reading, or engaging in a brief workout. By dedicating time to self-care and personal growth in the morning, they set themselves up for a productive day ahead.

The Power of Exercise, Meditation, and Gratitude:

Exercise is not just beneficial for physical health; it also enhances cognitive function and boosts mood. Successful individuals incorporate some form of physical activity into their morning routine, whether it’s a quick jog, yoga session, or a simple stretching routine.

Meditation is another cornerstone of their morning ritual. It helps them cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress, and enhance focus. By spending a few minutes in meditation, they anchor themselves in the present moment and gain mental clarity for the tasks ahead.

Practicing gratitude is a powerful habit among high achievers. Expressing gratitude for the blessings in their lives cultivates a positive mindset and sets the stage for a productive and fulfilling day.

Crafting a Personalized Morning Routine:

While there is no one-size-fits-all morning routine, successful individuals craft a personalized routine that aligns with their values and goals. They experiment with different activities and identify what brings them the most joy and focus. A personalized morning routine becomes a source of motivation and a powerful tool for stress management.

The Art of Prioritization and Decision Making

The ability to prioritize tasks effectively is a hallmark of highly productive individuals. They understand that not all tasks are created equal, and focusing on the most important ones leads to remarkable outcomes.

The Eisenhower Matrix for Effective Decision Making:

Named after President Dwight D. Eisenhower, this decision-making matrix categorizes tasks based on urgency and importance. Successful individuals employ this matrix to allocate their time and energy wisely.

– Important and Urgent: These tasks take top priority and require immediate attention. They are often critical deadlines or emergencies.

– Important but Not Urgent: These tasks are essential for long-term goals but do not require immediate action. They include planning, strategizing, and personal development.

– Urgent but Not Important: Tasks falling under this category are urgent but do not contribute significantly to long-term goals. High achievers delegate or minimize such tasks to focus on more critical activities.

– Neither Important nor Urgent: These tasks offer little to no value and are often distractions. High achievers avoid spending time on these activities.

Distinguishing Between Urgent and Important Tasks:

High achievers possess the ability to differentiate between tasks that demand immediate attention and those that align with their long-term objectives. By focusing on important tasks, they remain on track to achieve their goals and minimize stress from unnecessary urgency.

Strategies for Making Quick and Informed Decisions:

Successful individuals are adept at making decisions swiftly and confidently. They gather relevant information, assess the potential outcomes, and trust their intuition. Indecision can hinder productivity, and high achievers recognize the value of decisiveness.

Embracing Proactive and Reactive Productivity

Maintaining productivity in a dynamic and unpredictable world requires striking a balance between proactive planning and adaptability to unexpected situations.

Balancing Planned Productivity with Adaptability:

While high achievers plan their days meticulously, they also acknowledge that unforeseen circumstances can arise. They maintain a level of flexibility to handle unexpected challenges without compromising their long-term goals.

Techniques for Handling Interruptions without Losing Focus:

Interruptions are inevitable, but successful individuals implement strategies to minimize their impact. They set boundaries to protect their focus, communicate their availability to colleagues and family, and create uninterrupted blocks of time for deep work.

Turning Setbacks into Opportunities for Growth and Productivity:

Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, high achievers perceive them as opportunities for learning and improvement. They analyze the root causes of setbacks and use this knowledge to make informed decisions moving forward. By maintaining a growth mindset, they transform challenges into stepping stones towards greater productivity.

By adopting morning routines that foster mindfulness, mastering prioritization and decision-making, and embracing both proactive planning and adaptability, high achievers elevate their productivity to exceptional levels.

Mastering Focus and Avoiding Burnout

In the pursuit of productivity, maintaining focus is crucial for achieving peak performance. However, sustained high productivity levels can lead to burnout if not managed effectively. In this chapter, we delve into the concept of flow state and its benefits, as well as explore the importance of rest, mindfulness, and resilience in avoiding burnout.

Flow State: The Peak of Productivity

Flow state, often referred to as being “in the zone,” is a mental state where individuals experience complete immersion and focus in an activity. During flow, they feel fully engaged, energized, and perform at their best. Understanding the elements that contribute to flow can help individuals harness this state to optimize productivity.

Understanding the Concept of Flow and Its Benefits:

Flow is characterized by a perfect balance of challenge and skill. When the level of challenge aligns with one’s skills, the individual enters a state of flow, which leads to enhanced creativity and productivity. In this state, time seems to fly, and individuals are deeply absorbed in their work, achieving higher levels of productivity and satisfaction.

Identifying Activities That Trigger the Flow State:

Flow can be experienced in various activities, whether it’s writing, coding, playing a musical instrument, or engaging in sports. High achievers identify activities that resonate with their passions and strengths, as these are more likely to trigger flow. By understanding their flow-inducing activities, they can structure their work to optimize productivity.

Techniques for Cultivating Flow in Daily Tasks:

Cultivating flow requires creating an environment that fosters focus and concentration. High achievers eliminate distractions and establish rituals that signal the start of their flow-inducing activities. They may also set specific goals and provide immediate feedback to maintain momentum. By incorporating flow into their daily routine, they enhance productivity and achieve a sense of fulfillment in their work.

The Importance of Rest and Mindfulness

Amidst the pursuit of productivity, it is essential to recognize the role of rest and mindfulness in maintaining long-term effectiveness. Neglecting rest can lead to burnout, while mindfulness practices can enhance focus and reduce stress.

The Role of Rest and Relaxation in Productivity:

Rest is not a luxury; it is a necessity for optimal performance. High achievers understand that rest and recovery are essential for recharging their energy and creativity. They prioritize sleep, take breaks during work, and engage in leisure activities to rejuvenate their minds.

Mindfulness Practices to Reduce Stress and Improve Focus:

Mindfulness involves being fully present and aware of the present moment. Through practices like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga, high achievers cultivate mindfulness, which helps them manage stress and improve focus. By staying centered and aware, they can make better decisions and maintain productivity during challenging situations.

Building Resilience to Prevent Burnout and Maintain Productivity:

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and maintain productivity despite challenges. High achievers develop resilience through mindfulness and self-compassion. They view failures as learning opportunities and practice self-care to prevent burnout. By cultivating resilience, they can sustain high productivity levels without compromising their well-being.

Incorporating flow state experiences, recognizing the importance of rest and mindfulness, and building resilience are essential strategies to master focus and avoid burnout on the path to sustained productivity.

Productivity Tools and Technologies

In today’s fast-paced world, leveraging productivity tools and technologies is essential for maximizing efficiency and staying on top of tasks. This chapter explores a range of innovative applications and software that high achievers use to streamline their workflows and stress less while achieving more.

Leveraging Productivity Apps and Software

Top Productivity Apps for Task Management, Note-Taking, and Organization:

Productivity starts with effective task management. High achievers rely on apps like Todoist, Trello, and Asana to create to-do lists, set deadlines, and prioritize tasks. These apps provide seamless collaboration and synchronization across devices, ensuring that no important task falls through the cracks.

Using Automation to Streamline Repetitive Tasks:

Time-consuming and repetitive tasks can hinder productivity. To overcome this, high achievers embrace automation tools like Zapier and IFTTT, which connect various applications and trigger actions automatically. By automating repetitive processes, they can focus on high-value tasks that demand their expertise.

Integrating Technology to Enhance Collaboration and Communication:

Collaboration is vital in a connected world. High achievers embrace communication and collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Workspace to foster efficient teamwork. These platforms allow real-time messaging, file sharing, and seamless project collaboration, enabling teams to work together effectively, even remotely.

Time-Tracking and Analytics for Self-Improvement

Tracking and Analyzing Daily Activities for Productivity Insights:

Self-awareness is the key to improving productivity. High achievers employ time-tracking tools like RescueTime and Toggl to monitor their activities and identify time sinks. By understanding how they spend their time, they can make informed decisions to optimize their daily routines.

Setting Benchmarks and Measuring Progress Over Time:

Goal-setting requires measuring progress. High achievers set benchmarks using tools like GoalsOnTrack and track their achievements over time. This data-driven approach helps them stay focused, motivated, and accountable to their aspirations.

Using Data to Optimize Productivity and Achieve Peak Performance:

Productivity thrives on data-driven insights. High achievers analyze productivity metrics from tools like Clockify and Harvest to gain a deeper understanding of their work patterns. Armed with this information, they can make data-backed decisions to continuously improve their productivity.

Incorporating these productivity tools and technologies empowers high achievers to stay organized, collaborate seamlessly, and optimize their time, reducing stress levels while achieving a greater sense of accomplishment in their endeavors.

“Don’t confuse activity with productivity. Many people are simply busy being busy.” – Robin Sharma

Cultivating a Productive Mindset

A productive mindset is the cornerstone of success for high achievers. In this chapter, we delve into the powerful strategies that enable individuals to overcome procrastination, embrace imperfection, and turn failures into stepping stones towards continuous improvement. Building a supportive productivity community is also explored, emphasizing the significance of accountability, positive reinforcement, and creating a culture of productivity.

Overcoming Procrastination and Perfectionism

Strategies to Combat Procrastination and Maintain Momentum:

Procrastination is a common productivity roadblock. High achievers employ various tactics to break free from its grasp. Time-blocking techniques, setting clear deadlines, and employing the Two-Minute Rule are some effective strategies to counter procrastination and maintain a steady workflow.

Embracing Imperfection and Its Role in Productivity:

Striving for perfection can be a double-edged sword. High achievers understand that perfection is an illusion and that embracing imperfection is a pathway to progress. By acknowledging mistakes and seeing them as valuable learning experiences, they cultivate a growth-oriented mindset.

Turning Failures into Learning Experiences for Continuous Improvement:

Failures are stepping stones to success. High achievers view failures as opportunities for growth and learning. They analyze setbacks, identify areas for improvement, and adapt their approaches to achieve better outcomes.

Building a Supportive Productivity Community

The Benefits of Accountability Partners and Support Networks:

Productivity thrives in a supportive environment. High achievers surround themselves with like-minded individuals who share their drive for success. Accountability partners and support networks provide encouragement, motivation, and constructive feedback, fostering a culture of growth and productivity.

Creating a Culture of Productivity in Personal and Professional Circles:

A culture of productivity is contagious. High achievers lead by example, inspiring those around them to embrace productivity as a way of life. By promoting collaboration, open communication, and a shared commitment to excellence, they create an environment where productivity flourishes.

Celebrating Achievements and Fostering a Positive Environment:

Celebrating wins, big or small, is vital for maintaining momentum. High achievers take time to acknowledge their accomplishments and express gratitude to themselves and their productivity community. A positive environment enhances motivation and reinforces the pursuit of excellence.

Cultivating a productive mindset and building a supportive productivity community go hand in hand, enabling individuals to navigate challenges, stay focused, and stress less on their journey towards achieving their goals.


Congratulations! You’ve embarked on a journey to unlock the secrets of high achievers and enhance your productivity. Throughout this article, we’ve explored the fundamental aspects of productivity and how it impacts personal and professional success. From understanding the science behind productivity to mastering focus, avoiding burnout, and leveraging productivity tools, you now possess a wealth of knowledge to supercharge your efficiency.

Recapitulating the Secrets of High Achievers

Let’s revisit the key points discussed in each chapter:

Chapter 1: Introduction:** Productivity is the key to achieving your goals and reducing stress. High achievers embrace productivity as a core element of their success.

Chapter 2: Setting the Foundation for Productivity:** Clear and achievable goals, effective time management, and a productive environment form the bedrock of productivity.

Chapter 3: Habits of Highly Productive Individuals:** Morning routines, prioritization skills, and adaptability are the habits that set high achievers apart.

Chapter 4: Mastering Focus and Avoiding Burnout:** Achieving the flow state, practicing mindfulness, and embracing rest are vital for sustaining productivity and preventing burnout.

Chapter 5: Productivity Tools and Technologies:** Leveraging productivity apps, automation, and data analysis optimizes your efficiency.

Chapter 6: Cultivating a Productive Mindset:** Overcoming procrastination, embracing imperfection, and building a supportive community fosters a productive mindset.

Embracing Productivity for a Fulfilling Life

Now, it’s time to take action and embrace productivity to transform your life. Implement the strategies and techniques of high achievers into your daily routines. As you do so, you’ll notice positive changes in your productivity, focus, and overall well-being. Remember, productivity is not just about achieving more; it’s about achieving what truly matters to you.

So, take a deep breath, dive into the process, and stress less. Embrace productivity as a powerful tool to design a fulfilling life. As you continue to grow and refine your productivity skills, you’ll find yourself achieving milestones, reaching new heights, and experiencing the fulfillment that comes with realizing your potential.


Addicted 2 Success is your go-to blog to learn how to grow your business. Prepare to take over the business world by reading these articles from other successful entrepreneurs:

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7 Strategies for Building Resilience in the Face of Entrepreneurial Challenges Tue, 18 Jul 2023 21:00:19 +0000 What sets apart successful entrepreneurs from the rest is their ability to bounce back

The post 7 Strategies for Building Resilience in the Face of Entrepreneurial Challenges appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

In the world of entrepreneurship, challenges are inevitable. From fierce competition to financial setbacks, entrepreneurs face a myriad of obstacles on their journey towards success. However, what sets apart successful entrepreneurs from the rest is their ability to bounce back, adapt, and thrive in the face of adversity. This remarkable quality is known as resilience.

Resilience, in the context of entrepreneurship, can be defined as the capacity to withstand and recover from setbacks, failures, and unexpected circumstances while maintaining a determined and positive mindset. It is the mental and emotional fortitude that enables entrepreneurs to persevere, learn from their experiences, and continue progressing towards their goals, even when the odds seem stacked against them.

The importance of resilience cannot be overstated when it comes to overcoming entrepreneurial challenges. Building and nurturing resilience not only equips entrepreneurs with the necessary tools to navigate difficult times but also empowers them to turn setbacks into opportunities for growth and success.

In this blog, we will delve into effective strategies for building resilience in the face of entrepreneurial challenges. We will explore various techniques and approaches that entrepreneurs can employ to cultivate resilience, enhance their mental and emotional well-being, and ultimately thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of business.

Develop a Growth Mindset

  1. Embrace Challenges: Instead of shying away from difficult situations, embrace them as opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  2. Cultivate a Positive Attitude: Focus on the lessons and opportunities that can arise from difficult situations rather than dwelling on the negatives.
  3. Emphasize Effort and Persistence: Recognize that success is not solely based on innate talent, but on consistent effort and persistence. Celebrate your hard work and the progress you make along the way.
  4. Seek Feedback and Learn from Failure: Seek feedback from mentors, colleagues, and customers to identify areas of improvement and adapt your strategies accordingly.
  5. Embrace a Learning Mindset: Be open to learning new skills and knowledge. Continuously seek out new information, attend workshops or seminars, and invest in personal and professional development opportunities.
  6. Celebrate Progress and Success: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements and milestones along the way. This will help you stay motivated and maintain a positive mindset, even in the face of challenges.

Building a Supportive Network

  1. Join an Entrepreneurial Community: Connect with other entrepreneurs who can share their experiences and offer advice and support.
  2. Find a Mentor: Seek out someone who has been through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and can provide guidance and support. A mentor can offer insights and perspectives that can help you navigate challenges.
  3. Hire a Coach: Consider working with a coach who can help you develop the skills and mindset needed to succeed as an entrepreneur.
  4. Build Relationships with Customers: Cultivate strong relationships with your customers, who can provide valuable feedback and support.
  5. Create a Mastermind Group: Form a group of like-minded entrepreneurs who can meet regularly to offer each other support, share insights and knowledge, and hold each other accountable.
  6. Seek Emotional Support: Reach out to friends and family members who can offer emotional support when needed. Having people who care about you can be a powerful source of resilience.
  7. Invest in Networking: Attend events and meetups, and connect with people who can help you grow your business. Networking can open up new opportunities and help you build relationships that can support you through tough times.

Practicing Self-Care and Stress Management

  1. Schedule time for relaxation: It’s easy to get caught up in the never-ending to-do list but taking breaks is essential for preventing burnout. Schedule time for activities that help you unwind, whether it’s exercise, meditation, or simply spending time with loved ones.
  2. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can exacerbate stress and make it harder to manage. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep each night, and create a bedtime routine to help you wind down at the end of the day.
  3. Prioritize healthy habits: Eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and limiting alcohol and caffeine intake can all help reduce stress and promote resilience.
  4. Take breaks throughout the day: Even if you can’t carve out large chunks of time for relaxation, taking short breaks throughout the day can still be beneficial. Try taking a few minutes to stretch, go for a walk, or do some deep breathing exercises.

“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” – Charles Swindoll

Setting Realistic Goals and Managing Expectations

  1. Define your long-term vision: Envision your business goals for the future and align them with your mission.
  2. Break goals into actionable steps: Set smaller, achievable milestones to track progress and stay motivated.
  3. Assess available resources: Realistically evaluate what you can accomplish with your financial, human, and time resources.
  4. Embrace flexibility: Adapt goals as circumstances change, while staying true to your overall vision.
  5. Celebrate milestones: Recognize and celebrate achievements along the way to boost motivation.
  6. Manage expectations: Set realistic expectations for your business and yourself, avoiding comparisons with others.
  7. Seek feedback: Regularly gather feedback from mentors, peers, and customers to refine goals and strategies.

Embracing Failure and Learning from Setbacks

  1. Reframe Failure as Feedback: Rather than seeing failure as a negative, entrepreneurs can reframe it as feedback and use it as a tool for growth.
  2. Analyse What Went Wrong: Examining the reasons behind a failure can provide valuable insight into areas for improvement and future success.
  3. Stay Positive: Maintaining a positive outlook in the face of setbacks can help entrepreneurs bounce back stronger than ever before.

Developing Problem-Solving and Adaptability Skills

  1. Seek diverse perspectives: Engage with a variety of individuals to gain different insights and viewpoints. Collaborate with others to generate innovative solutions.
  2. Embrace experimentation: Try different approaches and be open to failure. Iterate and refine strategies based on feedback, learning from mistakes.
  3. Prioritize continuous learning: Invest in personal and professional growth through workshops, seminars, books, podcasts, and online courses. Stay curious and updated.
  4. Pivot when necessary: Sometimes, a failure or setback is an indication that it’s time to pivot the business strategy or model. Being adaptable and willing to make changes can be the difference between success and failure.

Building Financial Resilience

  1. Diversify income streams: Relying on a single income source can leave you vulnerable. Explore opportunities to diversify by offering additional products or services, forming partnerships, or entering new markets.
  2. Establish an emergency fund: Set aside funds to cover at least three to six months of business and personal expenses. This safety net will provide stability during unexpected downturns.
  3. Monitor and optimize cash flow: Regularly review cash flow statements, track income and expenses, and identify areas for improvement. This proactive approach ensures healthy cash flow management.
  4. Seek professional financial advice: Consult a financial advisor or accountant with expertise in entrepreneurship. They can provide tailored guidance to help you make informed decisions and maximize resources.
  5. Manage debt strategically: Use debt wisely and avoid excessive borrowing. Prioritize paying off high-interest debt and develop a repayment plan aligned with your financial goals.
  6. Stay informed and educated: Keep up with financial trends, market conditions, and industry regulations. Attend relevant workshops, seminars, or webinars to expand your financial knowledge.

In conclusion, building resilience is essential for entrepreneurs to navigate challenges and achieve long-term success. By developing a growth mindset, building a supportive network, practicing self-care, setting realistic goals, embracing failure, developing problem-solving skills, and building financial resilience, entrepreneurs can cultivate the mental and emotional fortitude needed to thrive in the face of adversity. With resilience as an entrepreneur’s foundation, they can confidently navigate the entrepreneurial journey and turn challenges into opportunities for growth and success.


Addicted 2 Success is your go-to blog to learn how to grow your business. Prepare to take over the business world by reading these articles from other successful entrepreneurs:

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7 Signs Your Small Business is Ready to Expand With Franchising Tue, 27 Jun 2023 18:45:02 +0000 Thinking about expanding your business through franchising? It's a strategic move, but not without its challenges.

The post 7 Signs Your Small Business is Ready to Expand With Franchising appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

Are you thinking about franchising to expand your business? If you are ready for more success, opening up multiple locations is an option for scaling up. It boosts the reach of your brand, market share, and profits.

But franchising isn’t easy. When I franchised my business as a home-based service concept, I learned what it takes to be a successful franchisor. Though I researched and prepared extensively, the realities of managing a franchise system were full of surprises.

Based on my experiences, here are 7 ways to know if your small business is ready to expand with franchising.

1. Solid financials and metrics

You’ve been successful in selling your products or services. As a franchisor, get ready to sell the potential of your business as an investment. Take a look at your financial statements and metrics from the point of view of an outsider. What are your profit margins? Do you have seasonal fluctuations? Do they jump up and down from year to year?

Also, how much money are you drawing out as personal income? Showing that your business has been consistently profitable and can generate a decent salary makes your company an appealing opportunity for franchisees

2. There is market potential

Is there wide demand for what your company does? Consider the potential for franchising the success of your business across your region, the country, and around the world. If you offer a niche service that depends on certain market conditions, that limits your ability to expand. Or if you are in a sector which is trending down or in decline, then there is no market potential for franchisees. 

3. You have a trademarked brand

Franchising is all about recognition, which requires the duplication of a name and logo. If your branding has been trademarked, then you have a protected asset you can licence in a franchise agreement. If you haven’t, then it’s time to research. Beware of any similarities between your name and logo with large, established companies. Solid businesses have been ruined by costly legal fights with litigious corporations who issued cease and desist orders to protect their brand.

“Franchising is like building a business with training wheels; you get to learn from others’ mistakes and successes.” – Robert Kiyosaki

4. Your business runs without you

Does your team handle all the day to day operations? If you are still involved in hiring and training staff, managing suppliers, or taking care of customers, then your business is not ready to franchise. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, if you haven’t yet taught staff how to run all the ins and outs of your business, how will you teach franchisees?

And also, franchising is a big commitment, requiring a range of skills. There is marketing, lead gen, evaluation, training, and support. If you are still responsible for every day activities, there is no room or scope for managing franchisees. 

5. You have a manual

Every business has systems, policies, and procedures. But only a business which has fully documented them into a manual is ready to expand with franchising. New franchisees must have access to a manual. It’s their guide on what to do in any given situation. Every single task, activity, and behaviour must be set out in detail. This isn’t just for them to know what to do; it’s also your way to ensure that your brand and concept is being run exactly like you want.

The whole concept of franchising is about duplication and consistency. We walk into any chain store or restaurant because we know what to expect. This is controlled by the manual, which franchisees agree to follow as part of the legal agreement of joining your system. 

If you are thinking about franchising, start documenting every aspect of running your business. Don’t assume that someone will handle things the way you would. Remember that as a new system, franchisees don’t know your brand, your business, and how things are done. 

6. You have lots of cash. And can get more.

What they say about home renovations is true for franchising. It will cost more, and take more time than you think it will. Depending on your business sector, franchise fee, and royalty structure, it may not be until you have 6-8 franchisees up and running before generating the income to support the cost of running a franchise system.

In the meantime, you’ll need cash, and be able to access lots more to cover the costs of legal fees, marketing, training, and support. 

Review your financials with your accountant to measure how much operating cash flow you have available to invest into franchising. And talk to your bank about a loan or line of credit. 

7. You are comfortable being hands off

Do you have a hard time delegating? If you have a struggle with letting go of control, then you are not ready for franchising. As franchisor, you set the direction of the brand, and make strategic decisions. But your franchisees invested in your concept so they could run a business, and they expect you to be hands off.

Which means if they want to hire their brother in law whom you immediately dislike, too bad. As long as the manual is being followed, you don’t have a say in hiring decisions. 

To conclude, franchising is a well-established method for business expansion. After all, there are almost 800,000 franchises operating in the United States alone. However, it takes more than business success for an entrepreneur to become a franchisor. Strong financials, documentation, capital, a skilled management team, and the right mindset are necessary.

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The 6 L.E.G.A.C.Y. Insights: Building A Holistic Approach To Business Tue, 13 Jun 2023 19:06:37 +0000 In the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of modern business, innovative models are the need of the hour to navigate challenges and maintain sustainable growth. Inspired by the metaphor of the ‘Earth as a Cosmic Playground’, the LEGACY Impact System has emerged as a beacon of guidance, interconnecting six crucial business elements to create a […]

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In the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of modern business, innovative models are the need of the hour to navigate challenges and maintain sustainable growth. Inspired by the metaphor of the ‘Earth as a Cosmic Playground’, the LEGACY Impact System has emerged as a beacon of guidance, interconnecting six crucial business elements to create a comprehensive roadmap towards sustainable success.

LEADERSHIP – Conscious Leadership

Simon Sinek, a world-renowned optimist and visionary, once stated, “Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.” Conscious leadership embodies this principle, prioritising awareness of the broader implications and ripple effects of decisions on the organisation, its stakeholders, and the environment.

Action Steps:

  1. Leadership Training: One of the foundational steps towards conscious leadership is investing in leadership development programs that highlight ethical decision-making, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility. These training programs should encompass elements such as emotional intelligence, transparency, empathy, and long-term thinking, equipping leaders to guide their teams towards sustainable growth.
  2. Stakeholder Engagement: Conscious leaders also emphasise consistent and open dialogue with stakeholders. By incorporating stakeholders’ insights into decision-making processes, leaders can ensure they’re addressing the needs and concerns of those impacted by the organisation’s operations.

EVOLUTION – Adaptability

Like the ever-evolving cosmos, businesses must be capable of change and evolution. Albert Einstein’s wisdom encapsulates this requirement: “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” In the fast-paced business world, adaptability becomes an essential survival trait, fostering resilience and agility.

Action Steps:

  1. Innovation Encouragement: Businesses can nurture adaptability by creating an environment that celebrates innovation, rewards creative problem-solving, and supports calculated risk-taking. This could involve implementing an open-door policy for ideas, organising brainstorming sessions, or establishing an innovation hub within the organisation.
  2. Technology Integration: Keeping abreast of technological advancements and incorporating them into business processes is another critical step. This proactive approach not only optimises operations but also positions the organisation as a forward-thinking player in the industry.

GROWTH – Continuous Learning and Development

Motivational speaker and writer Leo Buscaglia said, “Change is the end result of all true learning.” In the realm of business, this translates into the equation ‘continuous learning equals continuous growth’. Organisations that champion a culture of ongoing learning and development are well-positioned to thrive.

Action Steps:

  1. Employee Training: Regular training and development opportunities should be provided to employees to update their skills and stay abreast of industry trends. This can range from skills-based workshops and webinars to providing resources for self-learning and personal development.
  2. Learning Culture: Promoting a culture that values learning and improvement at all levels of the organisation is crucial. This can be achieved by recognising and rewarding learning initiatives, encouraging feedback, and fostering an atmosphere of open communication.

ALIGNMENT – Holistic Approach to Business and Value-Based Marketing

Renowned systems scientist Peter Senge stated, “Alignment is the prerequisite for effectiveness.” Taking inspiration from the cosmos, where every element is harmoniously aligned, businesses should ensure all aspects of their operations align with their core mission and values.

Action Steps:

  1. Internal Alignment: To ensure coherence between what a business says and does, internal processes, practices, and culture should reflect the organisation’s mission and values. This includes aligning recruitment and management practices, employee benefits, and internal communication with the organisation’s core ethos.
  2. External Alignment: Similarly, marketing, customer service, and branding strategies should resonate with the organisation’s values. Authentic alignment in these areas fosters trust among stakeholders and differentiates the business in a competitive marketplace.

Ready to Learn to Unlock The Power of Emotional Intelligence and Win More Clients? 

COMMUNITY – Community Building

Civil rights activist Coretta Scott King once stated, “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” This statement holds significant relevance for modern businesses, underlining the importance of community-building among stakeholders.

Action Steps:

  1. Stakeholder Inclusion: Businesses can foster community by including stakeholders in decision-making processes, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement. This can be facilitated through town-hall meetings, feedback sessions, and collaborative projects.
  2. Engagement Initiatives: Launching initiatives that promote interaction and collaboration among stakeholders can further strengthen community bonds. These initiatives can range from team-building activities and social events to forums for sharing ideas and challenges.

YIELD – Sustainability and Technology Integration

Danish architect Bjarke Ingels pointed out that sustainability should not be viewed as a sacrifice but as a design challenge. Businesses, similarly, should see sustainability as an essential aspect of their design and operational strategies, not as an afterthought.

Action Steps:

  1. Sustainable Practices: By incorporating sustainability into every facet of business operations, from product design and manufacturing to supply chain management and waste disposal, businesses can make a positive impact on the environment and society.
  2. Tech-driven Sustainability: Technology offers a myriad of ways to enhance sustainability. By harnessing technology to optimise resource use, reduce energy consumption, or streamline processes, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices.

In conclusion, the 6 L.E.G.A.C.Y. Insights offer a holistic and actionable guide for businesses looking to navigate the complexities of today’s dynamic business landscape. By integrating conscious leadership, adaptability, continuous learning and development, alignment, community building, and sustainability into their day-to-day operations, organisations can achieve sustainable growth and contribute positively to the larger cosmic playground.

Ray Pang SH has generated over USD$1.216mil for his business using the Transformational Sales Methods he discussed above and in his other articles on A2S.

Want to work with him and become one of the 125+ business owners he has helped generate over USD$12.164mil in sales for? Go to his Instagram here and DM him the word “LEGACY” to learn how he can revolutionise your business now.

Want to Master Sales? Find out what it takes for you to become a master salesman

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The Global Freedom Initiative: Revolutionising freedom, legacy, and impact Mon, 05 Jun 2023 00:13:17 +0000 In our hyper-connected era, the interpretation of concepts like freedom, truth, and self-expression bear profound implications. Amidst a symphony of diverse viewpoints, a revolutionary philosophy has crystallised, offering a distinctive compass to traverse the intricate labyrinth of human existence — The Global Freedom Initiative. This initiative isn’t merely a collage of thoughts; it’s a rallying […]

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In our hyper-connected era, the interpretation of concepts like freedom, truth, and self-expression bear profound implications. Amidst a symphony of diverse viewpoints, a revolutionary philosophy has crystallised, offering a distinctive compass to traverse the intricate labyrinth of human existence — The Global Freedom Initiative. This initiative isn’t merely a collage of thoughts; it’s a rallying cry for a paradigm shift, recognising the deep interconnection of life and promoting a world filled with limitless freedom, infinite love, and genuine self-expression.

In a world marred by conflict, ecological decay, and societal disparity, the mission of the Global Freedom Initiative rings louder than ever. By nurturing a global tribe dedicated to human evolution, the initiative envisions a world where Unconditional Love serves as the default emotional state.

Cultivating World-Changers

The heart of the Global Freedom Initiative beats in transcending conventional notions of business, wealth, and personal development. It strives to foster a dynamic Freedom Impact Ecosystem, merging individuals and businesses in a unified quest for a world that celebrates authenticity, where love is unbounded, and freedom is an innate right. These philosophy anchors on the ‘Creator Being’ concept, recognising our capacity to shape reality and influence our surroundings.

As the esteemed physicist Albert Einstein once stated, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” This potent quote encapsulates the essence of a ‘Creator Being’ – an individual whose thoughts, intentions, and actions have the power to shape their reality and impact their environment. This acknowledgment of our inherent creative potential is the bedrock of the Global Freedom Initiative.

The Quest for True Freedom

A 2020 Pew Research Center survey revealed that nearly 60% of adults worldwide expressed dissatisfaction with their country’s current state, hinting at a global thirst for transformation. The Global Freedom Initiative quenches this thirst by presenting an evolutionary journey starting with self-awareness cultivation and climaxing in ‘True Freedom’ – a state of existence that embraces the human experience unencumbered by repression, resistance, and rejection.

Negative emotions like shame, guilt, fear, and anger often inhibit personal and societal evolution. Brene Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston, wisely noted, “Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change.” The Global Freedom Initiative proposes a transformative response to these emotions, advocating for their acknowledgment, processing, and release to foster personal liberation and nurture a more empathetic and inclusive society.

Reimagining Business as a Catalyst for True Freedom

The Global Freedom Initiative underscores the reframing of business as a conduit for social impact and personal legacy. It proposes a radical shift in our perception of business, presenting it not merely as a profit-oriented entity but as a potent platform for societal evolution and personal self-expression. This perspective dovetails with the rising trend of impact investing. According to the Global Impact Investing Network, impact investing assets amounted to $715 billion in 2020, signalling an increasing recognition of the role businesses can play in steering societal transformation.

To support The Global Freedom Initiative, we must appreciate the significance of individual, owner, and investor contributions to the business sphere. Business is an outward reflection of our inner quest, our mission of Truth, mirroring our fullest expression of Self in driving change and impacting the world.

For a business to be sustainable and impactful, it must satisfy two primary pillars:

  1. A business should drive social impact and contribute to societal evolution, for the Greater Good Of All
  2. A business should have the necessary structure for one’s LEGACY and Truth to flow within, as this impact will voice your inner Truth mission to change the world

This defines a Freedom Impact Business.

Three tiers contribute to a Freedom Impact Ecosystem:

  1. $0 – $100k/mo (Freedom Impact Venture)
  2. $100k/mo – $1mil/mo (Freedom Impact Organisation)
  3. $1mil/mo – $10mil+/mo (Freedom Impact Enterprise)

Moreover, the Global Freedom Initiative rethinks the definition of business success. It posits that a truly prosperous business drives economic growth, contributes positively to society, and facilitates personal growth. This perspective aligns with a McKinsey & Company study, suggesting that long-term performance-focused companies demonstrate superior financial outcomes while contributing to societal well-being.

Charting the Future: What Does This Mean For You?

At the core of the Global Freedom Initiative is the conviction that personal growth and societal evolution are inherently linked. As we progress towards personal freedom, we indirectly contribute to societal transformation. This philosophy resonates with the wisdom of celebrated philosopher and writer, Aldous Huxley, who stated, “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.”

The Coaching / Consulting Industry plays an instrumental role in the Global Freedom Initiative, bridging the gap between traditional education and a more holistic approach encompassing body, mind, and spirit. This aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4, advocating for “inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

Ultimately, the Global Freedom Initiative underscores the power of community and collective action. It believes that each one of us can contribute to a world where freedom, love, and authenticity are paramount. This community-oriented approach resonates with Margaret Mead’s wisdom, a renowned anthropologist, who famously stated, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

In conclusion, the Global Freedom Initiative offers a transformative philosophy responding to the profound call for societal transformation and personal growth. It champions the creation of a world where every individual is empowered to live in alignment with their truths and contribute to humanity’s collective evolution. As we steer through the complexities of the 21st century, such philosophies serve as beacons of hope, offering a roadmap for constructing a more inclusive, compassionate, and authentic world.

Ray Pang SH has generated over USD$1.215mil for his business using the Transformational Sales Methods he discussed above and in his other articles on A2S.

Want to work with him and become one of the 125+ business owners he has helped generate over USD$12.154mil in sales for? Go to his Instagram here and DM him the word “LEGACY” to learn how he can revolutionise your business now.

Ready to become a master salesperson? Learn how to master the art of active listening

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Unlock The Power Of Emotional Intelligence: Deepen Connections and Win More Clients Mon, 22 May 2023 20:24:06 +0000 In today’s highly competitive business landscape, the key to standing out and winning more clients lies in building deeper connections and fostering trust. Emotional Intelligence (EQ), a concept introduced by psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer (1990), and popularized by psychologist and author Daniel Goleman (1995), has emerged as an essential skill set for […]

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In today’s highly competitive business landscape, the key to standing out and winning more clients lies in building deeper connections and fostering trust. Emotional Intelligence (EQ), a concept introduced by psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer (1990), and popularized by psychologist and author Daniel Goleman (1995), has emerged as an essential skill set for achieving this. By leveraging EQ, sales professionals can forge lasting relationships, adapt to clients’ unique needs, and ultimately grow their businesses.

This article explores the power of Emotional Intelligence within the context of the Transformational Sales Philosophy, providing insights and strategies for unlocking your EQ potential and thriving in your sales career.

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Sales

Emotional Intelligence, defined as the ability to recognise, understand, and manage our own emotions as well as empathise with the emotions of others, plays a crucial role in the sales process. According to a study by TalentSmart, EQ is responsible for 58% of job performance across various industries, with 90% of top performers possessing high EQ. In sales, where interpersonal interactions and relationship-building are critical, EQ is indispensable.

The Transformational Sales Philosophy

At its core, the Transformational Sales Philosophy is centered around creating meaningful, lasting relationships with clients. It focuses on understanding clients’ needs, emotions, and desires, and using this knowledge to provide tailored solutions that resonate with them. By harnessing the power of EQ, sales professionals can adopt this client-centric approach and experience unparalleled success.

5 Key EQ Skills for Mastering the Transformational Sales Philosophy

1. Active Listening

Active listening is an essential skill for building trust and gaining a deep understanding of client’s needs. It involves being fully present, avoiding distractions, and seeking clarification when needed. A study by Korn Ferry found that active listening is a key predictor of sales success. By actively listening, you can gather valuable insights, identify pain points, and craft compelling solutions.

Tips and Tricks to Become a Master at Active Listening

2. Empathy

Empathy, the ability to put oneself in another’s shoes and understand their feelings, is crucial for establishing strong emotional connections with clients. In a survey conducted by the Harvard Business Review, empathy was identified as one of the top skills needed for effective leadership. In sales, empathy enables you to better address clients’ concerns and tailor your approach to their unique needs.

3. Self-Awareness

Being self-aware means understanding your own emotions, biases, and triggers, and recognizing how they influence your interactions with clients. A study by Green Peak Partners and Cornell University found that self-aware leaders are more successful and adaptable. In sales, self-awareness allows you to manage your emotions effectively, resulting in improved communication and decision-making.

4. Adaptability

The ability to embrace change and adapt your approach to clients’ evolving needs is vital for success in sales. According to research conducted by the World Economic Forum, adaptability is one of the top skills needed to thrive in the future workforce. By being adaptable, you can provide tailored solutions that resonate with clients, ensuring lasting relationships and repeat business.

5. Problem-Solving

Effective problem-solving involves using your EQ skills to identify and propose solutions that align with clients’ emotions and needs. A study by the American Management Association revealed that problem-solving is one of the most sought-after skills in the workplace. In sales, honing your problem-solving abilities enables you to address clients’ concerns and demonstrate your value as a trusted partner.

How To Implement Emotional Intelligence in the Transformational Sales Process

Now that we’ve identified the five key EQ skills crucial to the Transformational Sales Philosophy, let’s explore how to incorporate them into your sales process to deepen connections and win more clients.

Step 1: Research and Preparation

Before engaging with a potential client, conduct thorough research to understand their industry, company culture, and unique challenges. This information will help you better empathize with the client and tailor your approach to their specific needs. Also, assess your own emotional state and be mindful of any biases or triggers that could influence your interactions.

Step 2: Establish Rapport and Build Trust

From the initial interaction, focus on building rapport and trust with the client by actively listening, demonstrating empathy, and showing genuine interest in their needs. Use open-ended questions to encourage clients to share their concerns and desires, and validate their emotions to foster a strong emotional connection.

Learn How To Build Rapport and Why it’s the Secret Sauce to Long-Term Client Success From Ray

Step 3: Present Tailored Solutions

Leverage your EQ skills to propose solutions that resonate with the client’s emotions and address their pain points. Use your understanding of their needs, combined with your industry expertise, to craft a compelling and personalized proposal. Ensure your communication is clear, concise, and emotionally engaging.

Step 4: Overcome Objections and Close the Deal

When faced with objections, employ empathy and active listening to understand the client’s concerns. Address these concerns with tailored responses, showcasing your adaptability and problem-solving skills. By effectively managing your emotions and maintaining a client-centric approach, you’ll be better equipped to close the deal and secure a long-term relationship.

Step 5: Post-Sale Relationship Management

The Transformational Sales Philosophy emphasizes the importance of nurturing relationships even after a sale is made. Continue to engage with clients, actively listen to their feedback, and adapt your solutions as their needs evolve. By demonstrating ongoing commitment and support, you’ll strengthen your connection and position yourself as a trusted partner.

Emotional Intelligence is a game-changer for sales professionals seeking to deepen connections and win more clients. By mastering EQ skills such as active listening, empathy, self-awareness, adaptability, and problem-solving, you can adopt the Transformational Sales Philosophy and experience unparalleled success in your sales career.

By focusing on creating meaningful, lasting relationships and providing tailored solutions that resonate with clients, you’ll not only grow your business but also contribute to a more empathetic and emotionally intelligent business landscape.

Ray Pang SH has generated over USD$1.215mil for his business using the Transformational Sales Methods he discussed above and in his other articles on A2S.

Want to work with him and become one of the 125+ business owners he has helped generate over USD$12.154mil in sales for? Go to his Instagram here and DM him the word “LEGACY” to learn how he can revolutionise your business now.

Check to See If You Have the Qualities of a Brilliant Sales Person and How to Master the Ones You Don’t 

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How To Build Rapport: The Secret Sauce to Long-Term Sales Relationships Mon, 15 May 2023 23:27:52 +0000 In the fast-paced world of sales, it’s not just about closing deals, but rather, building long-lasting relationships with your clients. At the heart of this process lies the ability to establish rapport – the secret sauce to long-term sales success. This article explores the Transformational Sales Philosophy, a relationship-focused approach to sales, and provides insights […]

The post How To Build Rapport: The Secret Sauce to Long-Term Sales Relationships appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

In the fast-paced world of sales, it’s not just about closing deals, but rather, building long-lasting relationships with your clients. At the heart of this process lies the ability to establish rapport – the secret sauce to long-term sales success. This article explores the Transformational Sales Philosophy, a relationship-focused approach to sales, and provides insights and actionable tips to help you master the art of rapport-building.

What is the Transformational Sales Philosophy?

The Transformational Sales Philosophy is a sales approach that prioritises building authentic, meaningful relationships with clients over simply making a transaction. This philosophy shifts the focus from short-term gains to long-term success, recognising that the most effective salespeople are those who can establish trust, provide value, and genuinely connect with their clients.

Building Rapport: The Secret Sauce to Long-Term Sales Relationships

1. Active Listening

Active listening is the cornerstone of rapport-building. This involves not only hearing the words your clients say but genuinely understanding their needs, goals, and pain points. By asking open-ended questions, giving your clients your full attention, and demonstrating empathy, you can develop a deeper understanding of their situation and tailor your offerings accordingly.

According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, active listening can increase the likelihood of closing a deal by 32%. Furthermore, research shows that salespeople who excel at active listening are more likely to establish trust and long-lasting relationships with their clients.

2. Finding Common Ground

People are naturally drawn to those who share similar interests, experiences, or values. Identifying common ground helps bridge the gap and create a sense of connection between you and your clients. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management found that salespeople who can establish common ground are more successful in building rapport and closing deals.

3. Authenticity

Authenticity is the key to building trust and long-lasting relationships in sales. Clients can sense when you’re being genuine and are more likely to do business with someone they perceive as honest and transparent. A study published in the journal Business Horizons found that authenticity is a critical factor in fostering customer trust and loyalty.

4. Adapting Your Communication Style

Effective communication is essential for rapport-building, and this involves adapting your style to match your clients’ preferences. Some clients may prefer a more formal approach, while others may appreciate a casual, friendly tone. By tailoring your communication style, you can create a comfortable environment for both parties and pave the way for a deeper connection.

5. Follow Up and Nurture Relationships

Building rapport doesn’t end with the initial interaction. Consistent follow-ups, expressing gratitude, and providing value through resources and relevant content are crucial to nurturing the relationship. Research shows that staying in touch with your clients, even after the sale, can lead to repeat business, referrals, and ultimately, long-term success.

Ready to Learn to Unlock The Power of Emotional Intelligence and Win More Clients? 

A Practical Guide to Rapport-Building

Now that we’ve explored the key elements of rapport-building, let’s dive into some actionable tips to help you incorporate these strategies into your sales process.

1. Practice Active Listening

  • Ask open-ended questions that encourage your clients to share their thoughts, feelings, and needs
  • Pay attention to non-verbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, to better understand your clients’ emotions and concerns
  • Take notes during your conversations to demonstrate your commitment to understanding their needs and to remember important details for future interactions

2. Identify Common Ground

  • Research your clients’ backgrounds, interests, and professional history to identify potential areas of common ground
  • Look for opportunities to discuss shared experiences or interests during your conversations
  • Leverage common ground to create a sense of connection and understanding between you and your clients

3. Be Authentic

  • Be transparent about your intentions, offerings, and capabilities
  • Share personal stories and experiences to humanise yourself and connect with your clients on a deeper level
  • Avoid overpromising or exaggerating your offerings to build trust and credibility

4. Adapt Your Communication Style

  • Observe your clients’ preferred communication methods, such as email, phone calls, or face-to-face meetings, and adapt accordingly
  • Pay attention to the tone and language they use and adjust your own communication style to match
  • Consider the cultural and personal preferences of your clients to ensure your communication style is respectful and appropriate

5. Follow Up and Nurture Relationships

  • Schedule regular check-ins to discuss your clients’ ongoing needs, progress, and satisfaction
  • Share relevant resources, articles, and insights that can help your clients achieve their goals
  • Celebrate their successes and express gratitude for their business to foster a sense of loyalty and appreciation

By embracing the Transformational Sales Philosophy and focusing on rapport-building, you can establish strong, long-lasting relationships with your clients that lead to long-term sales success. Remember, the secret sauce to thriving in sales is not just about closing deals but cultivating trust, providing value, and genuinely connecting with your clients. Apply these insights and tips to your sales process, and watch your relationships – and your sales – flourish.

Ray Pang SH has generated over USD$1.215mil for his business using the Transformational Sales Methods he discussed above and in his other articles on A2S.

Want to work with him and become one of the 125+ business owners he has helped generate over USD$12.154mil in sales for? Go to his Instagram here and DM him the word “LEGACY” to learn how he can revolutionise your business now.

Ready to become a master salesperson? Learn how to master the art of active listening

The post How To Build Rapport: The Secret Sauce to Long-Term Sales Relationships appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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The Art Of Active Listening: A Key Ingredient To Sales Success And Stronger Relationships Tue, 02 May 2023 19:00:33 +0000 In today’s fast-paced world, effective communication is more critical than ever, especially in the realm of sales and interpersonal relationships. The Transformational Sales Philosophy is built on the foundation of understanding clients’ needs and emotions to create lasting connections. One of the most important skills within this philosophy is active listening — a powerful tool […]

The post The Art Of Active Listening: A Key Ingredient To Sales Success And Stronger Relationships appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

In today’s fast-paced world, effective communication is more critical than ever, especially in the realm of sales and interpersonal relationships. The Transformational Sales Philosophy is built on the foundation of understanding clients’ needs and emotions to create lasting connections. One of the most important skills within this philosophy is active listening — a powerful tool that can transform your sales success and strengthen your relationships.

According to a study by Korn Ferry, sales professionals who excel at active listening are 40% more likely to be high-performers compared to those who struggle with this skill. Furthermore, research has shown that strong communication skills, including active listening, are linked to better relationships and increased life satisfaction. In this article, we will explore the art of active listening and provide practical tips for incorporating it into your sales strategy and daily life.

The Importance of Active Listening

Active listening is a deliberate effort to understand and engage with a speaker’s message. It involves more than just hearing the words; it requires processing, interpreting, and responding to the information. By practicing active listening, sales professionals can:

  • Build trust and rapport with clients, paving the way for successful sales negotiations
  • Uncover clients’ needs, concerns, and preferences, which helps in tailoring solutions and overcoming objections
    Strengthen interpersonal relationships by demonstrating empathy and understanding

Active Listening in the Transformational Sales Philosophy

The Transformational Sales Philosophy focuses on creating lasting, meaningful connections with clients. Active listening is a cornerstone of this approach, enabling sales professionals to move beyond transactional exchanges and cultivate deeper relationships built on trust and mutual respect. By employing active listening techniques, sales professionals can better understand their clients’ pain points and offer tailored solutions, ultimately leading to increased sales success.

Learn How To Build Rapport and Why it’s the Secret Sauce to Long-Term Client Success From Ray

Four Steps to Master Active Listening

To become an expert active listener, follow these four steps:

Step 1: Be Fully Present

  • Eliminate distractions: To fully engage with the speaker, put away your phone, close any irrelevant browser tabs, and focus on the conversation at hand.
  • Maintain eye contact: This nonverbal cue demonstrates that you are attentive and interested in what the speaker is saying.
  • Use open body language: Uncross your arms, lean slightly forward, and nod your head occasionally to show your engagement.

Step 2: Ask Open-Ended Questions

  • Encourage elaboration: Ask questions that require more than a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to gain deeper insights into the speaker’s thoughts and feelings.
  • Avoid leading questions: Refrain from asking questions that imply a desired answer, as this can stifle open communication.

Step 3: Reflect and Validate

  • Paraphrase: Summarise the speaker’s message in your own words to ensure you’ve understood their point and to demonstrate your engagement.
  • Validate emotions: Acknowledge and empathise with the speaker’s feelings to build rapport and deepen your connection.

Step 4: Respond Mindfully

  • Take a moment to process: Before responding, pause to consider the speaker’s message and how it relates to the conversation.
  • Offer thoughtful responses: Ensure your response is relevant, adds value to the conversation, and demonstrates that you’ve considered the speaker’s perspective.

Ready to Learn to Unlock The Power of Emotional Intelligence and Win More Clients? 

Implementing Active Listening in Sales and Personal Relationships

Now that you understand the fundamentals of active listening, it’s time to put these skills into practice. Here are some tips for incorporating active listening into your sales strategy and personal relationships:

  • Practice active listening in everyday conversations: The more you practice active listening, the more natural it will become. Start by employing these techniques in casual conversations with friends, family, or colleagues.
  • Set specific goals: Set measurable goals for improving your active listening skills, such as asking a certain number of open-ended questions during a sales call or reflecting and validating at least once during a conversation.
  • Seek feedback: Ask trusted colleagues, friends, or family members for feedback on your listening skills. This can help you identify areas for improvement and track your progress.

Active listening is a critical component of the Transformational Sales Philosophy, enabling sales professionals to build trust, rapport, and lasting connections with their clients. By mastering the art of active listening, you can enhance your sales success and strengthen your personal relationships. Remember, communication is a two-way street, and by becoming a better listener, you will also become a more effective communicator. Start practicing active listening today and witness the transformative impact it has on your sales and personal connections.

Ray Pang SH has generated over USD$1.215mil for his business using the Transformational Sales Methods he discussed above and in his other articles on A2S.

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How to Handle Difficult People With Soft Skills Tue, 28 Feb 2023 21:00:13 +0000 look at the commonalities amongst the people, not the differences to resolve conflicts

The post How to Handle Difficult People With Soft Skills appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

Handling difficult people is a challenging task in the workplace. It is easier said than done indeed! However, it is possible to handle them when you understand basic human psychology and endeavor to improve their behavior through soft skills. 

In this regard, we will discuss assertiveness, handling difficult people, and exploring tools to handle them with the help of soft skills. 

Assertiveness is a widely discussed topic in the workplace. People often confuse aggressiveness with assertiveness. Assertiveness is the art of saying ‘No’ without compromising one’s rights and without hurting others. 

It is the art of saying ‘No’ politely but firmly. Assertiveness indicates ‘I am ok and you are ok’. In contrast, aggressiveness represents ‘I am ok but you are not ok’ and submissiveness describes ‘I am not ok but you are ok’. 

Of all three situations, assertiveness helps, in the long run, to enable people to lead conflict-free and stress-free life. In a nutshell, assertiveness is a win-win situation where all stakeholders are in a comfortable position to accomplish goals and objectives.  

Research shows that 80 percent of workplace challenges arise due to improper communication. Assertiveness is an integral part of effective communication. When people communicate assertively the message can be carried forward properly, positively, and peacefully. 

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudice, and motivated by pride and vanity.” – Dale Carnegie

For these reasons, companies conduct training sessions on assertiveness to enable employees to work peacefully and productively. 

Leaders including Martin Luther King Jr, Mahatma Gandhi, and Winston Churchill led assertively. They succeeded as leaders because they did not compromise their principles. 

Martin Luther King Jr fought for the rights of Blacks in America, Mahatma Gandhi fought for India’s freedom through non-violence and Winston Churchill was instrumental in winning the Second World War through assertive communication. Therefore, assertiveness is one of the pillars of effective leadership.

Assertiveness for resolving conflicts 

People adopt different means to resolve conflicts. Some people avoid or withdraw from conflict due to a lack of confidence. Some people do not want to hurt others by striking people resulting in suffering silently. 

Some people believe in striking back with aggression. It is a tit-for-tat scenario. And some people think coolly, and logically, and persuade others to understand the situation from multiple perspectives. They are assertive people. 

As people are different in nature, their approaches toward conflict are also different. In a nutshell, in a submissive style, people avoid conflicts and suffer silently. In an aggressive style, people inflict pain on others by being indifferent to others. 

In an assertive style, people empathize with others and strike a balance by respecting others as well as by protecting themselves. 

When people are suppressed for a long time, they explode like a volcano after some time. It is basically because they failed to assert their ideas, views, and rights for a long time. Such behavior adversely affects health and leads to depression. 

On the contrary, when people constantly dominate and dictate to others unmindful of others’ sentiments, views, and ideas, they will be disliked by others. Such aggressive people resort to conflicts everywhere. 

They are a threat to corporate peace and harmony. These people demonstrate negative body language. Here are some tools and techniques to be assertive.  

  • State your feelings properly, positively, and firmly without hurting others.
  • Empathize with others by becoming a good listener. Attentive listening helps ensure a better understanding of others’ viewpoints leading to assertive communication. 
  • Be objective, specific, and clear in your approach.
  • Be cool and composed. Don’t lose your temper. Appreciate the fact that it takes years to build the relations but a few seconds to break them. 
  • Demonstrate positive body language to present your viewpoint. 
  • You can go for a sandwich conversation wherein you start positively initially then include your strong points to put across and finally end your conversation with positive points to enable the other person to receive the messages properly.
  • When you dislike the actions of other people, instead of saying ‘you did like that’ you may say, ‘I did not like that’. Although the message is the same expressing ‘I’ defuses the problem subtly. 
  • Explore the ways and means to assert yourself. 
  • Repeat your points firmly until the message goes strongly to the other person. 
  • Never say ‘Yes’ to unfair and unreasonable requests.
  • Practice assertion skills during your free time through your internal dialogue. 
  • Do meditation regularly as it helps keep your thoughts and emotions under control.  
  • Take feedback from your trusted friends about your behavior to bring out improvement.  
  • Don’t think of win-lose or lose-win but always think of a win-win situation.

It is not conflict but cooperation pays people finally. Assertiveness plays a crucial role in cooperation in the corporate world. It is time people realized the importance and significance of assertion skills. 

It is the foundation for building leadership qualities. History has proved time and again that it is not ‘might’ but ‘right’ that succeeded in the end. Assertiveness is the key to surviving and succeeding in the workplace because it minimizes conflicts and maximizes productivity. 

Tools to handle difficult people

To handle difficult people, you must understand your personality first. You must demonstrate positive body language and be assertive in your behavior.  Here are some tools to handle difficult people.  

  • Be cheerful to break the ice. 
  • Don’t lose your temper. Keep cool.
  • Listen attentively to avoid any confusion. 
  • Be assertive. Maintain positive body language. Be cheerful and stay positive. Address the behavior, not the individual.
  • Use humor to break the bottlenecks. 
  • Don’t get defensive when you are criticized. Be prepared to act rather than react. Be positive and constructive in your approach. 
  • Empathize with others. Look from others’ perspectives for a moment to address the conflicts. 
  • Emphasize the collective goals and objectives and inform them that they are paramount. 
  • Be flexible. There is no tailor-made solution to handle difficult people. Apply different strokes to break barriers and build bridges.
  • Don’t sweep the issues under the rug. Handle problematic people by addressing them with empathy and giving feedback. 
  • Be assertive. Remember neither aggressive nor submissive behavior helps in the workplace. Sharon Anthony Bower remarked, “The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect the rights and well-being of others.”

Despite your best efforts, if there is no positive outcome to handling difficult people through soft skills, you may have to use negative motivation to set them all right. 

Appreciate the fact that people are different with unique emotions, egos, and feelings. As long as people are there, conflicts are bound to erupt. There are always differences in opinions, views, perceptions, attitudes, aptitudes, and approaches in people. 

Hence, it is essential to prevent conflicts through effective and efficient communication. If the conflicts are not averted, they would result in a crisis. 

To conclude, look at the commonalities amongst the people, not the differences to resolve conflicts. The common thread running across the people will make human life peaceful, pleasant, and memorable.

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Take Your Open Door Policy and Slam It Shut Thu, 09 Feb 2023 21:00:31 +0000 It’s a check-in-the-box tactic that makes the leader seem engaged, concerned, and willing to listen

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It seems like a gracious and genuine gesture for leaders in executive, senior, or supervisory roles everywhere. Extending a policy to their team that invites them to knock on their door to express concerns at any time they feel compelled to still feels like a forward-thinking servant leadership practice, and that’s probably why it’s still so popular.

It’s a check-in-the-box tactic that makes the leader seem engaged, concerned, and willing to listen. Perhaps that’s true and the leader genuinely is all of those things. Perhaps the leader sincerely expects the team to circumnavigate any direct chain-of-command in the company’s internal structure to take grievances, professional concerns, or personal issues directly to them at any time as a demonstration of support. I sure did.

I always established an open-door policy as a leader. Opening my office to my team was typically the first order of business for me in any new leadership role I accepted. Transparently, I also felt like it would make me more approachable and more connected. It seemed like a noble idiosyncratic trait to my modality of leadership until I began to notice some pitfalls and drawbacks to having an open-door policy:

1. It’s rarely used. 

Every so often, I would field a genuine concern from a staff member who trusted me. Most of the time, however, my open door serviced general complaints and gripes about teammates and the threshold to my office would seem like a petri dish for one-sided toxic deposits of gossip and inappropriate remarks.

This did not promote healthy conflict resolution and disrupted productivity on several occasions. Real issues were discussed in my absence between teammates in the form of cynical remarks and apathetic expressions. Meanwhile, I was oblivious in my high tower assuming all was well in the kingdom.

2. In my efforts to be more approachable and connected I became the opposite. 

I lost touch with what was happening down the hall. My relationships with my teammates eroded. My door was open, and the staff knew that if there were any issues, I was all ears. But I wasn’t always attentive and vigilant independent of my team alerting me to issues. You can’t sit in an office and notice the teammate who’s exhausted or struggling. You can’t reserve yourself to your desk and notice the teammates who are at odds with one another.

You can’t see burnout on your team’s faces no matter how open you keep your office door. You have to engage. You have to seek the staff that know what’s going on and initiate discussions with them. You have to get in front of your people and care.

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” – Henry Ford

3. Served as an unintentional override on the chain-of-command.

Undermining the lead workers in leadership positions underneath me by creating a teamwide dependency on my decisions created an atmosphere of micromanagement that I was vehemently opposed to. Micromanagement stilts growth. I always want my team to feel empowered, to trust their decisions, to learn from their choices, to develop themselves, and to discover their own greatness. Micromanagement provides unsustainable and infertile conditions for this type of growth.

Before I could recognize the instability this created, I had already stripped my first-line leaders of the team’s trust by indirectly and erroneously communicating to the team that I somehow didn’t trust the lead workers’ ability to address concerns so the team could take advantage of my open-door policy if they ever felt that the lead workers were ill-equipped to resolve issues as well.

Availability to your people shouldn’t be a passive action and should not come at the expense of the trust your team places in the leaders underneath you.

Best practice: don’t communicate an open-door policy.

Show up for your people in a way that you don’t have to communicate your support for them in a policy because they’ll trust you enough to follow expectations, make decisions, resolve conflicts, and address concerns appropriately in a way that supports the vision of the team.

If you’re there for them, they don’t need a policy that lets them know that you’re there for them.

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4 Key Areas for a Successful Marketing Strategy in 2023 Mon, 06 Feb 2023 21:00:09 +0000 By creating a cohesive experience across all channels, businesses can build customer trust and loyalty

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As we head into 2023, the marketing landscape is constantly evolving. To stay ahead of the game, it’s essential to understand the key trends and strategies that will shape the industry in the coming year. 

Here are four key areas to focus on for a successful marketing strategy in 2023:

1. Personalization

Personalization has been a buzzword for a few years now, but it’s more important than ever in today’s digital age. Consumers expect brands to understand their needs and preferences, and personalization allows you to deliver a tailored experience that meets those expectations. 

Personalized marketing strategies can include things like targeted email campaigns, personalized landing pages, and dynamic content on your website.

One of the critical advantages of personalization is that it allows you to create more meaningful connections with your customers. By understanding their preferences and behavior, you can create personalized campaigns more likely to resonate with them. This can lead to increased engagement and conversions and a better overall customer experience.

You can achieve personalization through various tactics, including segmentation, behavioral targeting, and data-driven marketing. Segmentation involves dividing your customer base into groups based on characteristics such as demographics, behavior, or interests. 

Behavioral targeting is the process of using data on a customer’s behavior to create targeted campaigns. Finally, data-driven marketing involves using customer data to inform marketing decisions.

However, personalization is about using data and technology to deliver tailored messages and create a human-like connection with your customers. It’s important to remember that personalization is not just about using data and technology but also about creating a human-like connection with your customers. 

It would help if you used personalization to create a more personalized and human-like connection with your customers; it can be achieved through personalized video messages or customer service.

2. Authenticity

Authenticity and transparency are essential for building trust with consumers. In a world where fake news and misinformation run rampant, consumers look for brands they can trust. You can establish a strong reputation and build loyalty among your customers by being authentic and transparent in your messaging and branding.

Authenticity is about being true to yourself and your brand. It’s about being honest and transparent about who you are and what you stand for. When customers can trust that your brand is authentic, they are more likely to trust your products and services and more likely to become loyal customers.

One of the key ways to build authenticity is through storytelling. By telling your brand’s story, you can create a deeper connection with your customers and help them understand the values and mission behind your company. 

You can use storytelling in various ways, including through your website, social media, and content marketing.

Another way to build authenticity is through user-generated content. This is content that your customers, such as reviews and testimonials, create. User-generated content can be a powerful tool for building trust and credibility, providing a more authentic perspective on your brand.

“The best marketing strategy ever: CARE.” — Gary Vaynerchuk

3. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has proven to be an effective way to reach and engage with target audiences. Influencer marketing is the practice of partnering with famous figures in your industry to promote your brand. As a result, you can tap into new audiences and build trust with potential customers by leveraging their reach and influence.

Influencer marketing is a powerful way to build brand awareness and drive conversions. By partnering with influencers, you can tap into their existing audience and gain access to new potential customers. 

Additionally, influencer marketing can help you build trust and credibility, as the influencer’s endorsement can be seen as a form of social proof.

When it comes to influencer marketing, it’s important to choose influencers who align with your brand values and target audience. This will ensure that the partnership is authentic and that the influencer’s audience will likely be interested in your products or services.

Having a clear strategy in place for your influencer marketing campaigns is also essential. This includes setting specific goals, defining your target audience, and creating a content plan. This will help you measure the success of your campaigns and make adjustments as needed.

In 2023, we will see more brands and businesses moving away from the traditional influencer marketing model of having a few big influencers promoting their brand instead of opting for micro-influencers with a smaller but more engaged audience. This is because micro-influencers are seen as more authentic, and their followers tend to trust their recommendations more than those from more significant influencers.

4. Omnichannel approach

An Omnichannel approach is a strategy that considers all the different ways a customer interacts with a brand, across all channels, including social media, email, in-store, mobile, and others. This approach allows businesses to provide a consistent customer experience, regardless of how they interact with the brand. 

By creating a cohesive experience across all channels, businesses can build customer trust and loyalty and ultimately drive conversions. 

To implement an omnichannel approach, you’ll need to focus on three key areas: data, technology, and strategy.

First, you’ll need to collect and analyze customer data to gain a better understanding of their behavior and preferences. This data can be used to create targeted and personalized experiences across all channels.

Second, you’ll need to invest in the technology to make an omnichannel approach possible. This includes things like CRM systems, marketing automation, and analytics tools. These technologies will allow you to collect, analyze, and act on customer data in real time, and create a cohesive experience across all channels.

Third, you’ll need to have a clear strategy in place. This includes setting specific goals, defining your target audience, and creating a content plan. This will help you measure the success of your campaigns and make adjustments as needed.

By providing a consistent experience across all channels, businesses can improve customer loyalty, increase sales and drive revenue growth. With an Omnichannel approach, businesses can provide a better customer experience and increase the chances of conversions.

In conclusion, 2023 is a year of change and evolution; therefore, staying ahead of the game is crucial by personalizing your authentic approach, leveraging the power of influencer marketing, and adapting an omnichannel approach. By focusing on these four key areas, you can build a successful marketing strategy to help you stand out in the digital landscape.

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7 Tips to Becoming a Successful Networker Sat, 04 Feb 2023 21:00:49 +0000 Making yourself more memorable means you'll have a better chance of making connections

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Corporate events have long been regarded as an important tool for broadening professional networks and expanding business. Yet it’s tough to stand out from the crowd when it comes to networking at these events. You’re not the only one at the event, which means you’re competing for attention with other attendees who are also trying to make a splash.

The good news is that even at crowded conventions, workshops, fundraisers, and seminars, you can put your best foot forward. Try the following suggestions to give yourself a powerful competitive advantage. Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to your field, these tips will help you maximize the benefits of attending corporate events.

1. Mingle, don’t linger.

You have a limited amount of time to meet and greet at events. Make the most of it by engaging in as many conversations as possible. The goal? Don’t spend more than five minutes talking to any one person. Keep the conversation light and continuous, ensuring you listen more than you talk.

What if the discussion is riveting? Wonderful! Explain that you’d like to talk further and exchange contact information. Carrying a business card with a QR code makes sharing names, numbers, and emails simple. It’s much better to end a dialogue too early than to wear out your welcome.

2. Do your research.

If you know the names of the other attendees, you’re in a prime position to make real networking strides. Set aside a couple of hours to scour LinkedIn and scribble notes. This could give you a reason to approach a specific individual or group.

Let’s say one of the guest speakers recently received a few coveted awards. You could use that fact as a springboard for discussion. For instance, you could say, “I heard you received an award for your sales numbers this year. Congratulations! Can you share any selling tips with me?”

3. Lead with compliments.

Sincere compliments allow you to approach strangers and feel less awkward. While you don’t want to go around showering everyone you see with kind words, you can make life easier by handing out strategic compliments.

To avoid sounding too personal, you should avoid complimenting a person’s physical appearance. Clothing and accessories are safe to mention, but not facial features. Try saying, “I like your tie.” or “Is that the newest iPhone?” You want to sound genuine, not like a pickup artist.

“The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work.” —Robert Kiyosaki

4. Avoid hard selling.

Don’t talk shop unless you’re at a sales event where the point is to exchange leads and referrals. Only ask for meetings at professional events. It’s fine to gather contact information so you can follow up later. (You should follow up with everyone within 48 hours.) However, you don’t want to be too aggressive.

Pushing too hard can be incredibly distasteful to well-known guests. Case in point: If a keynote speaker talks about writing a book, resist asking him to recommend a publishing house or read your work in progress. It’s bad form and doesn’t present you in the best light.

5. Limit your alcohol consumption.

Many corporate events have open bars or are held at places where you can buy alcohol. While you might feel more comfortable talking to people after having a drink or two, think twice. People have made judgment errors after drinking alcoholic beverages before. This doesn’t mean you can’t have a glass of wine, a bottle of beer, or a cocktail. 

Just sip slowly and consume one drink or less per hour. You can also wait until after the event to kick back and relax at home. You don’t want to miss out on networking opportunities while you drink.

6. Act as a connector.

Want to know a networking trick? Try to connect as many people as possible at events. Every time you meet someone new, remember their name. As you meet others, aim to direct them toward people you’ve previously encountered. 

For instance, if you meet someone interested in a specific topic, you can direct them to someone who’s written about that topic. Being the person who brings others together nets you an excellent reputation and even more networking opportunities.

7. Dress for the occasion.

Finally, take time to look presentable. Even if your event is online, dress well. Do your hair, steam your suit, etc. There’s no need to go overboard, but you want to avoid looking too casual.

As a side benefit, dressing well will help you feel confident. You can ride the psychological boost of looking your best from beginning to end.

Whether you’re networking online or in person, you want to make a good first impression. Making yourself more memorable means you’ll have a better chance of making connections at your next networking experience. A little time and effort could make sure you look back on your next event as a win.

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20 Ways You Can Become a Powerful Communicator Wed, 25 Jan 2023 10:04:01 +0000 Some people seem to naturally know how to effectively communicate in a group setting. They can express themselves clearly and listen attentively without dominating the conversation. Being a powerful communicator is important for several reasons, including building and maintaining relationships, achieving goals, resolving conflicts, improving productivity, leading and influencing others, advancing in your career, expressing […]

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Some people seem to naturally know how to effectively communicate in a group setting. They can express themselves clearly and listen attentively without dominating the conversation.

Being a powerful communicator is important for several reasons, including building and maintaining relationships, achieving goals, resolving conflicts, improving productivity, leading and influencing others, advancing in your career, expressing yourself more confidently and authentically, and improving your mental and emotional well-being. Effective communication is an essential life skill that can benefit you in all aspects of your life.

But, don’t worry if you don’t naturally possess this skill, as effective communication is something that can be developed with practice, planning and preparation.

1.  Listen actively: Practice active listening by giving your full attention to the speaker and responding to what they are saying.


2. Use “I” statements: Speak from your own perspective and avoid placing blame or making accusations.


3. Avoid assumptions: Don’t make assumptions about what the other person is thinking or feeling.


4. Be clear: Express your thoughts and feelings clearly and concisely by getting to the point and avoid using jargon or overly complex language.


5. Show empathy: Show that you understand and care about the other person’s feelings.


6. Offer valuable insights: When speaking in a group, provide a valuable takeaway or actionable item that people can walk away with.


7. Be an active listener: Listen attentively and respond accordingly, incorporating your points into the conversation.


8. Choose the right time: Pick the most opportune time to speak to ensure that you have the group’s attention and can deliver your message without interruption.


9. Be the unifying voice: Step in and unify the group’s thoughts to calm down the discussion and insert your point effectively.


10. Keep responses concise: Keep responses short and to the point to show respect for others’ time.


11. Avoid unnecessary comments: Avoid commenting on everything and only speak when you have something important to say.


12. Cut the fluff: Avoid being long-winded and get straight to the point.


13. Prepare ahead of time: Sort out your points and practice them before speaking in a group.


14. Smile and be positive: Smile and nod along as others speak, to build a positive relationship and be respected when it’s your turn to speak.


15. Take responsibility: Take responsibility for your own actions and feelings.


16. Ask questions: Ask questions to clarify any confusion or misunderstandings.


17. Avoid interrupting: Allow the other person to finish speaking without interruption.


18. Practice active listening: Repeat what the other person said to ensure you have understood correctly.


19. Use your body language too: Use nonverbal cues such as eye contact, facial expressions, and body language to convey your message and build rapport.


20. Be aware of the tone of your voice: it should be calm and assertive, not aggressive or passive.


By keeping these tips in mind, you can improve your communication skills and become a more powerful communicator, which can help you build better relationships, achieve your goals, and lead a more fulfilling life.

I you want to learn how to become more confident in life then you can join my weekly mentorship calls and 40+ online workshops at so you can master your life with more success.


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Dead Men Tell No Tales: How to Navigate a Mutiny as a Leader in 10 Steps Sat, 21 Jan 2023 21:00:46 +0000 You’re the manager. You’re the supervisor. You’re the leader. But maybe your people don’t see it that way

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You’re the manager. You’re the supervisor. You’re the leader. But maybe your people don’t see it that way and perhaps that has created a divisive and adversarial working environment that makes it difficult for you to influence and inspire your team in a way that meets your vision.

Sounds like your ship is headed for a mutiny, Captain.

It’s going to be alright. I’ve been there too. Allow me to share a prime example:

When a military recruiter discusses an applicant’s potential future as a member of their agency, typically a criteria comparison is conducted to ensure the applicant meets the organization’s extraordinary enlistment standards prior to moving forward.

These standards are usually focused on academics, physical fitness, moral standing within the community, medical history, and aptitude.

If the agency’s high standards are met, and the applicant signs a contract and swears in as a demonstration of allegiance to the country, then the next person the applicant meets in the chain of initiation will be a drill instructor of some sort. That’s a demanding hiring process.

Unless, of course, you were an “applicant” for the agency where I served as a drill instructor. In which case, forget all of those standards, we just needed you to commit a violent felony prior to your twentieth birthday.

Welcome to the depleting world of “shock” boot camp programs for incarcerated youth. If there had ever been a more difficult demographic of people to motivate towards a common goal, this was it.

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” – Henry Ford

First, let me outline the unique challenges of this experience so you will have a plum line for the magnitude of the mutiny I was confronted with during this time. Perhaps you can relate.

Although there is often judicial incentive to perform well in these programs, what I typically observed was a melting pot of young men and women who would not associate with each other at all on the streets for one reason or another, usually race or gang affiliation, who will now be expected to work as a team because a correctional officer, their mortal enemy, said so. 

You might argue that a man or woman with authority and a badge would be enough to influence compliance. These youths, however, are well acclimated to a life of protesting and despising law enforcement and corrections figures within the community. The team was automatically divided at the time of arrival and the only thing they shared in common was a distrust and disdain for anyone wearing a badge. 

In this case, the drill instructor: me.

This proved to be one of the most valuable leadership experiences I have ever had because it challenged me to rethink everything I knew about effective communication and leadership each day I stepped into the living unit to train my platoon of youthful inmates. 

Everything I had relied on in the past to lead teams to success was stripped from me and I had to start from scratch and figure out how to succeed under totally new parameters. My leadership abilities were about to be put through a full audit.

Hopefully, your team doesn’t outright despise you the way mine was preconditioned to when I worked in a youth correctional facility. What I gained, though, was a solid and timeless foundation of leadership principles that translate to any team, company, or organization that helped me cultivate success in the most dismal of soil.

So, how do you inspire people who have already decided they don’t respect you or like you to want to follow your lead? It’s possible, and you can do it in 10 steps!

  1. First, drop the argument of authority. “Because I’m the boss” is a weak flex and an ineffective posture for any leader. Everyone is aware of what your position is and currently, they don’t seem to care. You’ll need a more authentic angle.
  2. Next, get to know your people. Your degree, platform, stature, title, or pedigree all mean nothing if you can’t demonstrate to your people that you genuinely care about them. What drives each one of them individually? What are their values? Why did they choose to work with your company? What are their goals? How can you help? What’s their idea of the perfect leader? What are they most proud of? Where are they strong? Where do they desire improvement?
  3. Next, you may need to roll up your sleeves and get down in the trenches with them for a bit. This demonstrates two things: you aren’t asking anything of them you wouldn’t do yourself, and also that you have a desire to understand what your people experience while working for you on a daily basis in order to help you make decisions that impact and improve the workplace culture. Be careful in your efforts to be a consistent leader that you working in this capacity alongside them doesn’t become the expectation. Set a cut-off date and communicate clearly with your team. You’re still the leader who is responsible for the team and your team needs to know how to function in your absence. That’s the benchmark of sound leadership.
  4. Next, accept their feedback. People stay where they are valued. When their voice matters, they feel valued. This garners an incredible amount of trust from your people as well.
  5. Next, be instrumental in your team reaching new standards. Ensure they are receiving public praise and appreciation for everything they accomplish.
  6. Offer opportunities for each teammate to take charge of a project or assign a different aspect of a working project for each teammate to be in charge of. This demonstrates that you are invested in the success and elevation of your people and reinforces to each team member that they hold importance and value within the company. This builds effective teams and future leaders.
  7. Be available. When they speak, offer your undivided attention and support.
  8. Be fair. Be consistent. Be just. Be approachable. Address negative behavior and toxicity immediately. The fastest way to drive out good teammates is to let them see you tolerate toxic behavior.
  9. Keep your word. If you tell your team you are going to do something, follow through. They’re keeping score.
  10. Do not give up and do not second guess yourself. Keep a positive attitude. It’s contagious.

This takes time, energy, effort, and commitment. Be dedicated to the process. Put in the time and put in the work. It’s worth it. 

You either have time to take the helm and steer the ship and the crew towards success, or you have time for a mutiny.

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How to Lose a Team in 10 Days: Are You a True Leader? Wed, 11 Jan 2023 21:00:46 +0000 The dichotomy between good leadership and poor leadership is that you are either showing up for your people or expecting your people to show up for you.

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“If you don’t like working here, I’m not going to force any of you to stay. Put in your transfer or resignation papers and I will sign them today and you can go work someplace else.”

My former administrative head to a room full of his peace officers arriving to work.

Spoken like the true toxic leader he was. Whether he was flexing the authority he possessed to move staff around the agency like chess pieces or inflating his ego by reminding his subordinates what an honor it was to work for him by comparing the privileged position we were all in to the millions of people who were putting in a hard and honest day’s work in the food service or retail industries, or any other professions he looked down his nose at, his approach always seemed adversarial and arrogant. To no surprise, staff turnover was high, staff retention was low, and staff morale had plummeted to all new lows under his lead.

But working for him was a learning experience, nonetheless.

Driving the workplace culture into the ground and obliterating your team’s morale should not be a point of pride. We all know or have worked with a manager like this before.

This was bureaucratic flexing, not leading.

So, to help identify the differences between a leader and a bureaucrat, please have a look at this list:

Leaders engage in leading.

Bureaucrats engage in politicking.

Leaders lead regardless of rank, position, title, or pedigree.

Bureaucrats chase title, position, and power.

Leaders strive to improve the workplace culture for their people.

Bureaucrats advance personal agendas at the expense of the workplace culture.

Leaders are people driven.

Bureaucrats are personally driven.

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” —John Maxwell

Leaders care about their people.

Bureaucrats care about how their people make them look.

Leaders sacrifice for their people.

Bureaucrats sacrifice their people.

Leaders service their peoples’ growth and success.

Bureaucrats service the bottom line.

Leaders make new leaders.

Bureaucrats collect followers.

Leaders create teams and value their people.

Bureaucrats flex their position and power and make people feel small.

Leaders are proactive.

Bureaucrats are reactive.

Leaders build relationships.

Bureaucrats build connections.

Leaders inspire people.

Bureaucrats leverage people.

Leaders inspire trust.

Bureaucrats keep their people in the dark and never show their full hand.

Leaders work with their people.

Bureaucrats compete with their people.

Leaders unify.

Bureaucrats are divisive.

Leaders cultivate innovation, talent, and creative thinking to improve the team’s output and success.

Bureaucrats harvest malleable, compliant, and subservient people who don’t threaten their authority.

Leaders help their people win.

Bureaucrats use their people to help them win.

Leaders retain their people and promote their advancement.

Bureaucrats inspire their people to look for opportunities elsewhere.

Leaders lead organically.

Bureaucrats manage through regulations and predesignated strictures.

Leaders attract high-value teammates because of how they treat their people.

Bureaucrats cycle low-value candidates using the organization’s surplus or reserve candidate pool.

Leaders hold themselves to a high standard and coach their people when mistakes are made.

Bureaucrats hold their people to a high standard and impose strict consequence when a regulation is broken. Their personal conduct is a matter of their own private business.

Leaders value people.

Bureaucrats value procedure.

Leaders are approachable.

Bureaucrats are unavailable.

Leaders are a part of the team.

Bureaucrats are above the team.

Leaders are adaptable.

Bureaucrats have little to no flexibility.

Leaders earn respect and show respect to their people.

Bureaucrats demand respect with written policy.

The dichotomy between good leadership and poor leadership is that you are either showing up for your people or expecting your people to show up for you.

“If you don’t like working here, I’m not going to force any of you to stay. Put in your transfer or resignation papers and I will sign them today and you can go work someplace else.”

Good leaders have one thing in common with this statement and one thing only:

They don’t force people to work with them, either. They inspire them to want to.

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How You Can Start Networking in Style in 2023 Wed, 28 Dec 2022 20:55:27 +0000 By investing your time and effort in networking, you will gain more business through the relationships you make

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Are you completely new to networking?

Then this article is a great place to start. Networking isn’t hard on paper…you go along to online and in-person meetings, make new connections and build relationships, and those relationships lead to more work so you can grow your business! The challenge is that in reality, it isn’t quite so straightforward, as our emotions get involved and make things much tougher.

It’s incredibly common for nerves to creep in and to feel overwhelmed and apprehensive when it comes to networking – even when it isn’t new to you. But how can you become more successful at it, feel less self-conscious, and make networking work for you and your business?

Here’s a few tips to help you embrace every business networking opportunity you get, so you can grow your business and achieve your goals.

Rock up with confidence

If you want to keep those nerves at bay and ooze confidence at networking get-togethers, you’ll need to downplay it rather than seeing it as a big occasion. Try not to put pressure on yourself and see it as a casual meet-up with a bunch of people with similar goals to you. To help you relax in the run-up to the event, be sure to set achievable goals and expectations before you go.

Keep your chin up and your goals in mind – positivity is key. One easy goal for your first networking meeting is very simply to speak to one other person and see where the conversation goes. Introduce yourself and your business, but take the time to listen to their story, too. It’ll only take a few minutes and will be over before you know it, so it’s nothing to fear. You may even enjoy it and want to speak to a few more people, too!

“You can close more business in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get people interested in you.” – Dale Carnegie

Where to go networking

If you’ve never been networking before, it might not be very easy to find a group – but only because there’s so much choice and you don’t know where to start your search! Groups come in different sizes and styles, so it’s important to find one that suits you and your business. Informal, formal, big, small… the choice is yours.

For your first meeting, start small to ease yourself in – a big group could prove too daunting, and stop you from feeling comfortable enough to get involved. After all, you want to make a strong first impression!

If you’re wondering which group to opt for in the long-term, give a few a go! Get a feel for them, speak to as many people as you can, and see which one suits! You’ll know when a group feels right for you, and you can see where those all-important relationships are most likely to be built. If a group doesn’t feel like the right for you, give a different one a go.

Get more leads and referrals

This will happen for you, as long as you put the effort into building those relationships. If you take the time to get to know people, and then check in with them and support them, they’ll see you as a trustworthy and reliable contact who they can call on. And when they feel that way, those leads and referrals you’re looking for will come a-knocking.

Once you’ve made relationships with people who you trust, and they’ve had a positive experience working with you, you can even ask for referrals! But don’t rush this, as you don’t want to inadvertently push people away or try and force the relationship along too quickly.

When you do get an opportunity to work with someone you’ve met at a networking group, go above and beyond to offer more value than they’re expecting, as then, they’ll be much more likely recommend you and introduce you to more of their contacts!

Grow your business

By investing your time and effort in networking, you will gain more business through the relationships you make, and you will be able to grow your business.

We know that it’s not easy, going networking for the very first time. And that’s why we want to give you all the advice and tools that you need so you can walk in with confidence and make the most of the opportunity.

2023 is just around the corner, and you have the chance to make it the year you make networking work for your business. And the benefits could be incredibly amazing for your business, just like they have been for ours, and many business owners we have worked with over the years.

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10 Principles to Attain Success in Modern Business Thu, 29 Sep 2022 21:00:30 +0000 Work hard, play hard is the mantra for success that is given to budding entrepreneurs. But in the 21st century, no single rule can be applied to it.

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Work hard, play hard is the mantra for success that is given to budding entrepreneurs. But in the 21st century, no single rule can be applied to it. You might even have heard people saying, “Don’t simply work hard, work smart.” There are endless motivational and inspirational videos of successful businesses and of people who can go on and on with their advice. 

The thing is that success has different meanings for different people and even takes different paths depending upon its pursuer. But when it comes to business, there are certain conventions that need to be observed and followed. For any business trying to survive in the 21st-century, things are a tad easier as they have technology by their side. 

But while technology has made things easier for us, it has also made the competition cruel, and to fight, survive and sustain in this competitive era, one needs to have insights on how one can get the best out of the available resources and of course out of themselves. However, these things are certainly easier said than done. Doing business in the modern era is a mix and match of several tips and tricks. While you may be able to find endless advice on this topic, listed here are ten simple yet effective principles that will come in handy for attaining success in today’s modern era.

1. Always Keep an Eye on Your Niche Market

The market is extremely volatile. What’s working today might not work after a couple of months. So the very first key to a successful business is to always keep an eye on your niche market. Whether you are thinking of launching a new product or providing extra services, you first need to make sure that the market is ready and ripe to receive those products or services, or else all your strategies can simply get vaporized in the volatility of the market.

2. Stay Focused on the Vision

Success doesn’t come easy but at some point, you might even get what you want. But remember, sustaining success is more important than attaining it. Most businesses in the modern era fail because success gets in the head of the stakeholders and they eventually lose their vision. So no matter what, you must not stray from your vision because your vision is what inspired you to get started in the first place, and that is what will keep you on the path.

3. Embrace Technology to the Fullest

And that is not an option. No matter what niche market sector you’re into, if you wish to establish a good network, automate your operations, save on your resources and escalate your market presence, then embracing technology is a must. Invest in data center infrastructure, CMS, ERPs, AI/ML, mobile applications, and many more services – there is a number of ways in which technology can assist you in easing otherwise tedious tasks. To get the best out of it, it’s better to hire the professional services of a reliable development firm.

4. Hire and Retain the Right People

Running a business requires a proficient team and a team needs members – qualified, trustworthy, and efficient people who can provide productivity and deliver results. The problem with modern businesses is that they manage to find such people but fail to retain them. Avoid this mistake because your competitors are also in need of good people and if they happen to grab some of yours, then that surely can lead to a setback, at least till you manage to find their appropriate substitutes.

5. Have Clear Communications with Customers

Your customers are one of the lifelines of your business. When the journey of success commences, most start-ups are extremely careful in handling and dealing with their customers. They arrange one-to-one calls, personalized emails and whatnots. But once the business starts gathering momentum, the customers take a backseat, and that’s a blunder. 

Remember, in today’s cut-throat competition, reputation can mean a lot, and your customers hold the power to make it or break it. Having clear communication with your customers can make a positive impression on them and can result in positive brand building through their positive feedback.

6. Filter Information

When an entrepreneur starts new, he/she tends to have a keen mind for information. Thanks to the Internet, a curious mind can find tons of information on any given topic per se. But this information overload can turn out to be dangerous if one does not know to filter. That’s right. While there are many experienced business gurus and professionals who guide young minds with practical lessons, some information is gibberish. 

So filtering information is also crucial for your business. While it is a wise thing to apply proven business tactics, not all of them are meant for application. Cross-check the given details, verify the sources and go to the implementation phase only after validating the information.

7. Prepare for Adversity

If COVID has taught us anything, it is we MUST reduce our carbon footprint as that’s destroying nature and that no matter how good your business is doing, it MUST be prepared to face the adversities. No one in their right mind imagined that businesses will have to face such a drastic situation for almost a couple of years. There is no telling what might befall us tomorrow. So a wise businessman/woman will always take measures to safeguard their business from any adverse situations.

8. Take a Break

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. You need a head full of dreams, dedication, and undeterred devotion to make your business large but more importantly, you need a break every now and then to keep the ideas flowing. Work is important but often, too much work can consume our health, mind and soul. If we don’t allow ourselves to rest, it eventually erodes our mental and physical health. So plan short vacations every now and then so you can rejuvenate your health, replenish your soul and refill your mind with more refreshing ideas.

9. Go Tech-Free Once a Week

Our day starts with looking at the cell phone and ends with putting it on alarm for the next day. In between, there are endless calls, social networking, online shopping, chatting, notification and it goes on and on. It’s true that digital networking helps modern businesses to thrive, but excess of everything is bad, even technology. 

So make it a point to go tech-free at least once a week and make that a rule in your office too. Go completely offline – no gadgets, no calls, and no social media. Spend time with your friends and family. Plan an office party, keep competitions – do anything but stay away from the gadgets.

10. Break Your Big Goals into Small Tasks

We all wish to achieve more in less time and in order to do that, we often end up setting unrealistic goals. Remember these wise words by Denzel Washington:

‘Without commitment, you will never start but more importantly, without consistency, you will never finish.’

That’s another big reason why so many businesses of the modern era are meeting with dead ends. It’s good to be ambitious but it’s necessary to stay practical too because that is what helps us in staying consistent. You have 24 hours and whatever you wish to do have to be done within these hours. 

So instead of setting unrealistic goals, set up small tasks for every day and stay committed to them. Consistently doing those tasks will eventually help you accomplish the big goals you were aiming for and keep you inspired to do and achieve more.

Summing Up

Nothing is more satisfying than watching the seeds of your hard work reap the results you always wanted. But to keep harvesting good crops year after year, you need to keep your business in good health. Though there is no exact way to do it, following these principles can help you chalk out your own set of guidelines for the same.

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10 Tips to Becoming an Extraordinary Leader Sun, 28 Aug 2022 21:00:04 +0000 It is a challenging transition to go from being an individual contributor to a leader. There are many skills that are needed in order to be an effective leader and not all of them are intuitive. In this article, we will discuss how to be successful in your transition and how to handle the challenging […]

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It is a challenging transition to go from being an individual contributor to a leader. There are many skills that are needed in order to be an effective leader and not all of them are intuitive.

In this article, we will discuss how to be successful in your transition and how to handle the challenging aspects of such a transition.

1. Keep a Growth Mindset

While it may seem like an easy task to reach your leadership potential, the reality is that this is a process and requires lots of patience and hard work. As such, you must maintain a growth mindset in order to become successful in your transition. 

This means being aware of your strengths and managing them effectively while focusing on your weaknesses and working to improve them.

For example, if you are a strong individual contributor who has a hard time with meeting goals, you may need to shift your perspective in order to be more detail-oriented or work on your leadership skills. 

On the other hand, if you are an expert at providing information but struggle with making tough decisions as a leader, you may need to work on your conflict resolution skills or improve your understanding of the strategic landscape. 

Whatever it is that has caused you to stumble in your transition, you must be willing to embrace this new mindset and use these challenges as opportunities for growth.

2. Confidence is Key 

Confidence is not only important in our everyday life, it’s also a fundamental part of leadership. If you are confident in yourself and your abilities, your transition will be easier and you’ll gain the respect of those around you.

3. Slow Down 

The pace of leadership is very fast-paced and it’s easy to let things slip by without noticing the progress you’ve made. 

Some people believe that the most effective leaders are those that are always working at full speed. They think that slowing down will only lead to a decrease in productivity. But what they don’t realize is that slowing down can actually help increase their productivity.

There are many different ways in which slowing down can be beneficial for a leader. The first way is by allowing them to reflect on their current situation and how they can improve it. It also gives them time to take care of their mental health, which can be very important for some people in leadership positions who have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. 

Slowing down also means you have more time to spend with other people and build relationships with them, which will make you more successful as a leader because those relationships will make your team feel more engaged and motivated.

4. Understand Mistakes are Normal

It is important to be aware that you will make mistakes in transitioning to a leadership role. This is normal and it gives you the opportunity to learn and grow.

When you make a mistake, if it is a simple one and not too embarrassing, just apologize and move on. If the mistake is more serious or embarrassing, acknowledge that you made the mistake but give context so that people know it was not intentional.

5. Avoid Groupthink

Groupthink is a term coined by social psychologist Irving Janis in 1972. Groupthink is a phenomenon in which the desire for harmony or conformity in a group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome.

Leaders should not underestimate the importance of group dynamics. They should instead focus on making sure that they have diverse groups where everyone’s voice is heard and respected.

“If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself.” – Jim Rohn

6. Be Approachable

Being approachable means that you are open to feedback and willing to hear what other people have to say. This is important because it will help you grow as a person, and it will help you be an effective leader for your team.

There are many ways to be approachable, but there are three main things that you can do to make sure that your employees feel comfortable around you.

  • You can have regular one-on-one meetings with each employee
  • You should always be open to feedback
  • You should always keep an open door policy

7. Develop relationships with those around you

Developing relationships is an important part of being a leader. You are not always going to have the same people working for you so it is important that you develop good relationships with them so that they feel comfortable enough to speak up when they see something wrong happening. You need to be able to trust them in order for them to be successful in their job, as well as yours.

8. Make Sure You’re Encouraging Others

In the workplace, leaders are responsible for setting the tone for their team and ensuring that they are all on board with the company’s goals.

The best way to do this is through encouragement.

Encouragement is a powerful tool that can be used to help employees feel good about themselves and their work.

It can also be used as an effective way of motivating employees to keep working hard or even complete tasks they might not want to do.

9. Invest in Coaching or Mentoring Programs

Leadership is a skill that needs to be learned and developed. This is why investing in coaching and mentoring programs for successful transitions is important.

A coach will help you with your day-to-day tasks and responsibilities. They will teach you how to set goals, deal with difficult people, handle conflict, etc.

10. Inspire Others

Leaders are people who inspire others to do their best. They are the ones who make difficult decisions, take responsibility for the consequences, and own up to their mistakes. Great leaders are confident in themselves, but they also appreciate the contributions of others.


Leadership is a multifaceted skill that can take years to develop.

One of the most important skills to develop as a leader is your ability to communicate effectively.

To transition into a leadership role, you will need to learn how to make decisions and delegate tasks. You will also need to learn how to motivate and inspire others.

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The 5 Step Framework Every Business Owner Should Be Following Tue, 22 Mar 2022 21:00:08 +0000 Every new business owner wants to gain business, yet most do not have the right perception on how to gain business the right way. Oftentimes, our ego prevents us from fostering the proper relationships that will allow us to build a strong foundation that we can grow on. You need to drop your ego and […]

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Every new business owner wants to gain business, yet most do not have the right perception on how to gain business the right way. Oftentimes, our ego prevents us from fostering the proper relationships that will allow us to build a strong foundation that we can grow on. You need to drop your ego and provide value first.

In this article I will share a 5-step framework that you can replicate in your own life and business in order to gain your first clients and then grow with those clients as you scale to a 6 or 7-figure business.

The biggest pitfall with new business owners is that they over-price themselves because they are thinking short-term instead of realizing that the delayed gratification and long-term perspective is what they need to grow the business that they envision.

For example, David Zhao, serial entrepreneur and rising millennial leader, is a great example of someone who started from nothing and has built a networth of over $10 million dollars at the age of 23 by dropping his ego and providing value first, for less.

Here’s the secret that no one is telling you:Work for free. Execute. Get case studies. Leverage case studies for new business referrals. Then charge full price. Most people do not tell you that it’s okay to work for free early on because they do not understand the long-term perspective of business.

You are not going to work for free forever

When you are just starting out you NEED to get wins under your belt and there is no better way to do this than by providing value to your ideal customer for less than your normal price. Think long term and realize how much more money you can bring in once you’ve successfully helped your first clients.

For example, when David Zhao started his business between the ages of 15-17, he helped his teachers and local clinics with their websites. In fact, his first client was his Orthodontist whom he only charged $200 dollars for a website that could have easily been worth 5x that amount.

David continued to create websites for small to medium-sized businesses and leveraged his Chinese roots to connect with Chinese business owners who were not great at speaking English because he realized he could provide a lot of value to these people.

You need to identify who you can provide the most value to. Once you identify them you can approach them with an offer that makes sense.

You’ll see immediate growth and traction in your business by implementing this 5-step framework:

1. Give first

Find someone in your niche and in your hot/warm market because the cold market is too distant with no foundation. Focus on Win-Win situations. In this case, doing work for cheaper allows you to build your credibility and get some wins under your belt.

2. Build relationships

Do not be greedy early on because that distracts you from the mission of completing the work so that you can gain a new client. David used this principle to raise his first investment fund of $5 million dollars.

For example, for the first couple of investors in his fund he did not charge any management fees. Other people may have charged a management fee + 20% – 30%, but instead David charged less in order to provide more value and get himself the opportunity.

Because his bigger goal is to raise a $100 million fund, this initial $5 million fund is just a stepping stone. What are the stepping stones you need to take to get where you want to go? Do not prevent yourself from getting the opportunity by overcharging. Think about what you are willing to give.

“I believe that you can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar

3. Execute on your product or service

Executing and providing great work is the most important part of the equation. If you don’t execute then there is no way you can build relationships and scale. Trust is built once you complete the things you say you can do. Your reputation is built around your work. Be open-minded with no ego and always ask for feedback.

Remember, you are leveraging these early clients to close higher ticket clients later on. Therefore, it’s in your benefit to ask for as much feedback as possible to ensure they have the best experience that you can leverage for new business later on. Always underpromise and overdeliver. Become so useful that you will get paid your full value later.

4. Gain referrals and case studies

After you’ve executed, it’s time to turn the experience into a case study and ask for a referral. Simply asking goes a long way. David was able to use this strategy to become one of the first members in Yelp’s marketing partnership program. Initially, David offered his time for free to build Yelp’s partnership program. He would go in to help the team for 20-30 hours a week, for free.

During this time he met the COO and Regional Account Executive and built a relationship with them. Obviously, these people are usually pretty difficult to get in contact with, yet because David provided value first, he was able to get passed any gatekeepers and build a direct relationship with them. His 7-figure digital marketing agency, NXT Factor, became the first NY agency partner of Yelp. Now he has spent $1 million+ in ad spend for his clients by wholesaling Yelp marketing.

“One customer, well taken care of, could be more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertising.”  – Jim Rohn

5. Use case studies to gain new credibility and leverage for new business

After you see success, you need to have a plan on how to use the case study to attract new business. Most business owners think that referrals just come. This is not true.

As Dan Kennedy and Shaun Buck state in their book “No B.S. Guide to Maximum Referrals and Customer Retention”, you need to have this system set in place. David has been able to leverage his past successes with his early clients to work with brands like Google, Apple, PayPal, Amex, Visa, Blade, and JetSmarter.

Using this framework will bring you new business and allow you to scale to the next level. Stop making things harder for yourself by seeing things short-term and instead change to a long-term perspective in your business. Give more than you take and focus on building relationships. Execute on your work and use the case studies to attract new business and referrals. You can do it.

How can this 5 step framework help your business in becoming more successful? Let us know in the comments below!

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7 Days to Success: a Weekly Ritual to Become a Successful Entrepreneur Sat, 26 Dec 2020 20:25:18 +0000 We’ve often said there is no exact formula for success. While that’s true, there are some definite steps you can take to move your business in the right direction. If we could put this into some orderly sequence and create a system to follow every day, wouldn’t it be nice? We brainstormed some ideas and […]

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We’ve often said there is no exact formula for success. While that’s true, there are some definite steps you can take to move your business in the right direction. If we could put this into some orderly sequence and create a system to follow every day, wouldn’t it be nice?

We brainstormed some ideas and here’s what we came up with. We’re not saying that these seven things are the only things you should do, but if you try one per day for seven days, you might be able to create new habits faster than you think!

Sunday: Planning day

Rest and plan. When things are quieter, take some time on Sunday afternoon to reflect on what you did the week before. After this, brainstorm some “mini-goals” you’d like to see accomplished in the coming week. Don’t try to plan too much at once, just think of the tasks that are the most productive and focus on those primarily. Always “plan in analog” and write them on a yellow legal pad or white paper so you can feel free to mess up and scratch out various ideas without limits. Lastly, “weed your garden” and transfer the best ideas to your “to do” list for the week.

Monday: Implement

Once you have the main ideas you plan to implement, plan the most important ones into your work week. You can spread the tasks out over the various days of the week or do three or four in one week. Focus on the most productive tasks you think will bring in the most revenue and save the others for when you have more time. Write up to six things on your “to do” list that you think you can achieve for each day.

Tuesday: Get up earlier

Though I am a night owl myself, I’ve learned that I can gain much more momentum if I get up earlier in the day and do a couple of important things before the day gets started. This idea has been shared by others in the past in the form of books that recommend that you get five things done before 11am and other similar ideas. We’re not saying that you have to do any certain number of tasks before 11. Rather, it just means you can use the early morning hours to achieve as much as possible to jumpstart your day. This technique may make you feel more productive and inspire you to keep working later to achieve even more.

“One key to success is to have lunch at the time of day most people have breakfast.” – Robert Brault

Wednesday: Focus on branding

Marketing is one of the most challenging things a business owner has to do to get their brand noticed. Yet, many often miss the mark because branding is more important than marketing. Despite what you might think, they are not the same. Marketing is focusing on products and services. Branding is focusing on your business and how it helps people to reach their personal goals. When you focus on branding, you are working on integrating all of the aspects of your marketing plan into one solid strategy which will place your brand in front of more people through multiple platforms and channels.

Thursday: Innovate and create

If you are a product-oriented business, Thursday is a good day to focus on innovation. Maybe you have your “creative team meetings” at another time, and that’s fine. Nonetheless, spend some time thinking about the innovative side of your business and write down some ideas for your next project. Get inspired and think about what Steve Jobs meant when he told his staff, “We’re going to pretend the universe.”

Friday: Evaluate and revamp

It has been said that “a life unexamined is not worth living,” but a business that is not measured is not worth having either. Take one day a week to evaluate how you are doing. Look back at your metrics, your ROI, and your sales on Friday and see how it compares to the week before or the month before and think about where you want to be in the next six months or year.

“Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.” – Ralph Marston

Saturday: Do something fun

Yes, even obsessed entrepreneurs need a little downtime. Otherwise, what are you doing this thing called entrepreneurship for? Taking a little time for yourself and doing something you love like painting, birdwatching or photography can renew your mind and spirit and get you ready for a new week. Do anything you enjoy that is helpful for recharging your batteries. Get into meditation or check out the Calm app. It can rejuvenate your mind and spirit leading to your ultimate success.

We hope these tips will help you do something each day to move closer to your goals. It’s not so important when you do them, as long as you consider these important areas of your business growth and implement, plan, and evaluate as you go. You’ll do it, one day at a time!

How do you structure your days in order to win the week? Please comment below with some tips!

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7 Questions Aspiring Entrepreneurs Must Ask to Become Successful Sat, 31 Oct 2020 21:00:33 +0000 As an aspiring entrepreneur, business owner, or working professional, you don’t need a lot. You don’t have to come from money or have a million dollars to build your business. That’s part of the hype that most people assume. What does matter is having the mindset to get started. So, start by asking yourself questions […]

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As an aspiring entrepreneur, business owner, or working professional, you don’t need a lot. You don’t have to come from money or have a million dollars to build your business. That’s part of the hype that most people assume. What does matter is having the mindset to get started. So, start by asking yourself questions to lead to building a solid foundation. You are your foundation and it starts with you.

1. Who am I? 

If you want to be successful, you must be willing to do the inner work and take a long, deep look inside to know yourself. You’re not what society or school told you who you were. You must look deeper than that. What do I like doing in my spare time? What are my core values? 

Who do I want to work with? What am I trying to achieve? What are my personal goals? How am I going to change the world for the better? Ask yourself these questions to better connect with yourself and learn how you’re most inclined to serve others.  

2. Who can I serve? 

Once you’ve established a solid internal foundation, you can now move onto the outside world and see how you can help with your skills. The world around you is a reflection of your inner world, and by knowing yourself, you can start to know how your strengths can serve others.  

Business isn’t about selling to everyone… if you sell to everyone, you are selling to no one. So, who is your ideal client? What knowledge or expertise do you have that will solve their problems? Why are they going to choose you over a sea of other qualified candidates? How are you going to connect with them so they can trust you? You must get deep and personal with yourself before you know how you can serve other people.  

3. What are my top strengths?  

Everyone is born with certain natural talents and aptitudes. Some people are introverts, and others are extroverts. There is no right or wrong answer; it’s a matter of who you are at your core. It’s being honest with yourself and knowing how you can best serve others. This is why it’s best to be honest with yourself. When you’re honest with yourself, it translates to you being honest with others. 

This relates to the first question. So here is where we can take it a step further: Do you like writing? If so, then you could be a copywriter, email marketer, editor, or content writer for a big company, or even your own.  

Are you analytical and strategy oriented? You could become an SEO professional or market research analyst. Do you have natural photography and video editing skills? Digital marketing has a major demand for video editing skills. Quality video plays a major role in marketing efforts, so video editing skills will always be in high demand.  

“Focus on your work. Do what you’re great at. Don’t compare yourself to others and or waste time criticizing the lives and work of others. Do what matters most to you and make a difference doing that.” – Germany Kent

4. Where is my ideal client located?  

Once you know your personal why and who you choose to serve, you can then perform your client research process. With millions of people using the internet to establish their presence, you have access to a number of potential contacts looking to connect with other business professionals. Social media is used for business nowadays with marketing efforts, so taking a look at companies and people you want to work with on social media is a great first step. 

If you want to serve customers, social listening is also a good strategy as well. You have to think strategically like the customer. Social apps like Reddit, Quora, Yahoo reviews, and Google Business let your customers do the talking for you. You can also interview your ideal client to build rapport and gain more insight into their wants and desires.  

5. Do I have the right systems in place to run a business?  

Running a business not only requires strategy and stamina, but do you have the right systems in place to keep organized when things get busy? Most things are available online. Which email service provider are you going to use for your email marketing strategy? Which web hosting service will you use for your site? What am I going to outsource? Who can I outsource specific tasks to? 

Those are a few of the many questions you must have answers for to get started on your business. After all, failure to plan is planning to fail. By having systems in place and knowing which tools you want to use, you can prevent most startup mishaps by being prepared.  

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

6. Which mediums can I use to reach my clients? 

So many people have an abundance of talent but unfortunately, may not know or have been taught how to channel it into business strategy. But with the proper research and knowledge, you can overcome this obstacle by studying market research. 

Currently, most business professionals utilize the LinkedIn platform to connect with like-minded professionals in their niche. This gives you the power to put yourself out there and connect with people in your industry. Facebook is also a place to connect with other like-minded business professionals, as well as create specific groups and communities of those who share similar interests and values.  

7. Are you ready to be the CEO of your life?  

The final and most important question, is are you ready to be the CEO of your own life? As an entrepreneur and independent professional, you must take charge and be fully responsible for your life. Now, I’m not about to say you have to wake up at 5am. What works for some people may not work for everyone. 

Being the CEO of your own life is knowing what works best for you and maximizing your full potential. So, you must be honest with yourself and ask yourself these questions to know yourself and who you can serve to change the world. You must also have confidence within yourself and know what you have to do to become successful.  

What do you believe is the most important characteristic to become successful? Share your thoughts with us below!

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The Power of Your Personal Brand and 5 Ways to Maximise It Thu, 22 Oct 2020 21:00:04 +0000 Like most others who start out on a completely new venture, I had no idea what I was doing. Sending 60 cold outreach messages a day, I was lucky to get one or two replies. It wasn’t until I discovered the power of personal branding that I realised exactly why I was well failing. Becoming […]

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Like most others who start out on a completely new venture, I had no idea what I was doing. Sending 60 cold outreach messages a day, I was lucky to get one or two replies. It wasn’t until I discovered the power of personal branding that I realised exactly why I was well failing. Becoming a student of the game, I spent hours each week studying the types of content and branding techniques that industry leading entrepreneurs were using – which I decided to model and implement for myself. 

After weeks of posting content and branding myself to suit my title, to my amazement, my response rate went through the roof. I went from receiving a couple of replies per day from the 60 messages I was sending, to now getting 15-20 responses. Now you could say this is coincidence but I know for a fact it’s not. This is when I discovered the real power of a strong personal brand. As an entrepreneur in the world of online business, it’s particularly important to stand on social media, it’s harder than ever to stand out – but more importantly, there are more scams out there than ever. 

A strong personal brand builds trust with your audience and potential clients, as they have an insight into who you are, what you do and how you can serve them – just from a quick glance at your profile. 

Whether it be on LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook – if you do business online, here are the 5 ways to boost your personal brand and position yourself for maximum results. 

1. Colour Pallet

One of the simplest yet most overlooked parts of a personal brand is a clear, bold colour pallet. As mentioned earlier it’s more difficult than ever to stand out, but by using strong colours to highlight your brand, you will become more recognizable and stand out from the bland, vanilla crowd. Incorporate your chosen colour in your posts, photo frames, layer mask, client testimonials and even banners and cover photos. Remember to keep it consistent across all platforms to make it as memorable and recognizable as possible.

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.” – Seth Godin

2. Five Pillars

One thing I learned from a webinar of a highly sought-after personal branding coach, was her 5-pillar method. The 5-pillar method is simple – you choose the 5 things that best represent you and your brand, ensuring that everything you post falls into those five categories. These could be just about anything. Mine for example are; Fitness, Entrepreneurship, Nature, Marketing and Golf. That way when someone comes across your profile, from a quick glimpse they can see exactly what you do.

3. Tell Stories

Both in written and video content, telling a story is the best way to connect and build trust with your audience. Story is the perfect way to influence, engage and inspire people, and it’s a sure-fire way to get people consuming your content every time you post. Remember, attention spans are becoming shorter by the day, so use a story to hook them in. 

4. Unique Content

Once again, I can’t stress the importance of standing out. I know personally, that each time I see a normal video, I almost always scroll past – unless a great caption hooks me in. Using technology to our advantage once again, there are some amazing apps that let you produce quality video content with a canvas, progress border, subtitles and headings which are sure to grab attention. Creating clever graphics and posts using Canva is another sure-fire way to make your content more unique.

“The key is, no matter what story you tell, make your buyer the hero.” – Chris Brogan

5. Overdeliver in Value

I’m a big believer that the more you give, the more you get. It’s no secret that everyone loves free things – and by consistently delivering value to your audience for free, the more likely you are to close on a sale further down the track. No longer is a simple photo post enough to retain your audience, unless you’re a supermodel. Value-packed content is the strongest content in 2020 and is a great way to boost your personal brand. 

Personal branding is all about building trust and creating a clear image of who you are, what you do and how you can help people. By implementing these 5 tips into your personal branding strategy, you’ll be building rapport with your audience without having to remind them how trustworthy you are – boosting your credibility and social proof effortlessly. 

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6 Tips We Used to Start a Booming Ecommerce Business Wed, 21 Oct 2020 21:00:58 +0000 Starting a business is not easy. If it was, everyone and their mother would have one (spoiler alert: they don’t). According to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 20% of small businesses fail within the first year. The truth is that you need to know how to start a business before you take the […]

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Starting a business is not easy. If it was, everyone and their mother would have one (spoiler alert: they don’t). According to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 20% of small businesses fail within the first year. The truth is that you need to know how to start a business before you take the risky plunge.

But don’t be discouraged! Our small cosmetics wholesale company has managed to make record sales this year alone despite 2020 being synonymous with doomsday. This serves as the ultimate starting point to turn your side hustle into your full-time business. Here are some simple tips that can increase your chances of success through business prospecting.

Remember the 5 tips below and you are bound to succeed:

1. Refuse to quit when the going gets tough  

As the famous Billy Ocean once sang, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Yes, it’s cheesy, cliché, and easier said than done. It’s also an essential mindset of starting a business

When we started our company, we had to make huge sacrifices. My co-founder had to sell his car. We both only had enough to cover the expenses of our business initially. The employees of our company consisted of just us. 

For years we had to keep our goal in mind and have no doubt that this risk would pay off. And it paid off big! Starting a business will always be difficult, no exceptions. Some days will be horrible, some days will be great. Everyday will serve a bigger purpose. 

2. Create your site on a platform made for ecommerce 

Unless you’re a web developer, please don’t try to craft your store from scratch. Many platforms have built-in functionality to hit the ground running. In particular, they even have the ability to create custom reports. You’ll be able to let customers checkout on your site, you can track their buying patterns, and see where your traffic is coming from. 

What’s also good about platforms like these, is that they have easy ways to regulate and boost your search engine rankings. It just makes it simple to update crucial SEO data like your site’s meta description and meta title. Information like this not only lets potential leads know what your company is all about, but it lets search engines know too. 

“Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you.” – Tony Hsieh

3. Stay agile and vigilant toward market changes 

Now more than ever, small businesses need to stay on top of changes in the market both domestically and internationally. Even in the best years, it’s important to monitor the market and have the ability to quickly make changes in order to survive.

Stay on top of ecommerce trends. Know the supply and demand of the market your ecommerce site is focusing on to stay ahead of the competition. This year especially has served as a good exercise in being flexible. Have a master plan, but leave wiggle room for the unexpected.

4. Make customers your focus from the first day 

Your customers are the lifeblood of your company. If you can’t absolutely commit to being empathetic to them, you might as well have no customers. 

By focusing on providing as much value as possible to the customer, you will always win. Especially when starting a business, as you enter an area that already has established competitors, one of the easiest ways to begin to take market share is by providing a better experience. 

That means having the ability to accept a smaller margin or dedicating more time and resources to areas that influence the customer experience the most. That could be in the form of customer service, pricing, or any other factor. 

Use a survey maker to figure out your customers’ different buyer personas. Who are they? What are the problems they face? Tailor your content and strategy to fit each individual’s needs. You do both them and yourself a disservice without knowing this. 

“No matter how many customers you have, each is an individual. The day you start thinking of them as this amorphous ‘collection’ and stop thinking of them as people is the day you start going out of business.” Dharmesh Shah

5. Identify which CRM systems you’ll need 

Starting a small business in the modern era has added more obstacles for entrepreneurs to overcome. Make it easy for yourself and use services that allow you to manage your customers. You’ll likely need a software that lets you respond to inquiries and need another to launch robust, segmented campaigns for marketing purposes. 

Research what CRMs you’ll need ahead of time, and which ones would be the best fit for you. It will save you time and a headache later when you inevitably expand your business. Also, good CRMs can give your small business the ability to collect key information about your clients. Buyer patterns and problems become apparent with this kind of software. 

6. Choose a market you understand

Just because your friend made 6 figures off of selling a certain product doesn’t mean you will. The web is saturated with courses telling you how you can double your salary by selling this one thing. The majority of consumers won’t find success this way alone.

Simply, the more you understand about the products or services you are selling, the easier it is to create a marketing strategy for your business. The same goes for finding suppliers and most importantly, understanding your customers. 

Have you ever considered starting a business? If so, what’s stopping you from beginning? Share your stories with us below!

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