Comments on: 3 Prince EA Videos To Change Humanities Path To Greatness Quotes | Motivation & Success Advice Sat, 18 May 2019 10:39:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: prince jay Sun, 26 Mar 2017 23:43:33 +0000 This guy is my role model..
I discovered that I am not a single talent man,but multiple gifts and talents all locked inside..
its all about passion,dedicatng time to your purpose..
a single talent can not give you much success but combining all the gifts and talents will build you a kingdom

By: Tim Denning Mon, 27 Jun 2016 18:27:03 +0000 In reply to Toño.

Toño I’m glad these videos came at the right time for you. The auto-correct humanity video really makes you think about the chains we have around us that make us obsessed with our phone. Try to stay away from the phone once in a while and you’ll discover that you are more relaxed.

By: Tim Denning Mon, 27 Jun 2016 18:24:34 +0000 In reply to Lawrence Berry.

Lawrence I am glad you have also discovered Prince EA. I find his messages very empowering. He is just a very clever guy and I love his analogies. Thanks for reading!

By: Lawrence Berry Mon, 27 Jun 2016 03:47:30 +0000 I have seen a couple of this guy’s videos online and they are inspiring. I love the way he freely speaks his mind and in such a creative way. His words have a lot of truth, and I really hope that those millions of people that have viewed his videos have become better people because of it. We should open our eyes and stop being so blind to reality.

By: Toño Sun, 26 Jun 2016 16:41:13 +0000 Ohh man this is amazing! When I saw the article about Prince EA I told to myself ‘Is this another one from Tim?’ Another link in the chain connection as I love him so much. I cannot remember how did I find him and what was the reason for me to discover all those fantastic videos, but I’ve watched lots of them and keeping an eye on his work and check him regularly.

I’ve watched all of the three vids you have listed here, and I should say once I’ve watched ‘Can we auto-correct humanity?’ I immediately purchased this track on iTunes and have been listening to it for hours. It’s just so good and so very true. The reason why I still don’t own an iPhone and use a simple phone is because of digital addiction which you have been talking about as well, I remember.

I’m just so glad you’re familiar with EA and that’s another thing we have in common 🙂 By the way, thanks to your article I just browsed his videos and watched last four which gave me a boost of energy and actually helped in one of the questions that have been bothering me during the day. Tim, this is awesome! Thank you so very much for another piece of my daily reading and a new portion of inspiration. Much love and gratitude, my man, have a beautiful morning (I think that will be time you will see this comment) and enjoy the unique life we are all blessed to have! Peace!
