5 Motivational Videos To Help You Succeed In Life

I am not as successful as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, but I am very proud of what I have achieved in the last couple of months.
In the last six months I started my own online business in one of the most competitive niches, I published my first book and I attract about 60,000 visitors to my website every single month.
However, my business success is not the only area that makes me proud. The supportive and fulfilling relationship that I have with my wonderful girlfriend is definitely another reason to wake up with a smile every day. All in all I can say that I achieved more in the last six months than in all the years before.
The reason why I tell you this is not because I want to brag or because I want you to admire me. The reason why I decided to write this article is the same reason why I continue to work on my business. I want to inspire you to change your life. I want to help you to reach your full potential and to live the life of your dreams.
“You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better than anyone else”. – Albert Einstein
There were a lot of moments in the last six months in which I thought that living the life of my dreams is impossible. I have to admit that there are still moments in which I doubt myself and in which I make excuses to not take the necessary action steps.
Whenever I experience one of those moments, there is one thing that always helps me to get back on track and to focus my energy on my goals. All I have to do is watch a really good motivational video and I feel as if I am reborn. Of course not every motivational video that ended up on YouTube has that kind of power. It has to be a really good video with a strong message.
In the following lines I want to share some of the videos that changed my life and that allowed me to achieve my goals. I hope they inspire you in the same way that they have inspired me.
Here are 5 motivational videos that helped me:
1. Alan Watts – What is wrong with our culture?
This video that is based on a speech of the great philosopher Alan Watts, changed the way I look at the world and at how we spend our time. It was actually this video that motivated me to stop watching TV and to focus on the relationships with my friends and family instead.
It also changed the way I think about doing business. I always wanted to create a business that helps people to live a better life and to achieve their dreams and after I watched this video, my determination to achieve this goal was even higher. Looking at the tired factory workers and the mountains of garbage, showed me quite frankly, what I don’t want to create.
2. Mateusz M – Why do we fall?
The second video I want to share with you is from a YouTuber who gained quite a lot of subscribers over the last months. I have to admit that his videos are exceptional, so he definitely deserves the attention he gets.
When I first watched this video I was in a city I hated, working in a job in which my boss bullied me with all his power and I had barely enough money to quit my job and to move back in my parents basement.
As you can imagine, this was not the most glamourous time of my life. It was a time when I didn’t know where to go, if the decision I made was right and what to do next. Even though it sounds hard to believe, this was only about four months ago.
After I watched this video I knew that it was okay to fail. I knew that it was okay to fall down on my feet, as long as I made the decision to get up again. It helped me to get up again and I am convinced that it can help you do the same.
3. Tony Robbins – Raise your standards!
One thing that I had to do in order to create a successful online business was to raise my standards and Tony Robbins showed me how. Most of my readers don’t know that I had another website with a similar vision before I started my current one. It failed. It failed so bad that I only sold one e-book after working on the site for more than 14 months.
This failure was not only a great learning experience, but it also showed me how important it is to raise your standards and to implement the necessary rituals in your life to achieve those standards. The standards that I had for my first site were so poor that it made any success impossible.
Today I know that you must have higher standards if you want to be successful. You won’t become a successful business man if you don’t care about your customers. You won’t lose weight if you can’t even stick to your diet for one week. You won’t attract the woman of your dreams if you settle for less.
Tony Robbins reminded my how important it is to raise your standards and I hope that his video will make you rethink your own standards.
4. Arnold Schwarzenegger – Life’s 6 Rules!
Arnold Schwarzenegger is undoubtedly one of the most successful people in history and I don’t just say this because we have the same mother tongue. He came from a tiny village in Austria, he became the best bodybuilding champion that this world has ever seen, he became a movie star and eventually he became the Governor of California.
How did he do it? Watch his speech about Life’s 6 rules and you’ll know how. After you have watched his inspiring and also quite entertaining speech about the 6 rules that led him on the path of success, you’ll understand how important it is to trust yourself and to work hard. Follow his rules and success is inevitable.
5. Jon Jandai: Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard?
Even though this is not your typical motivational video, it motivated and inspired me in a way that no other video has ever before. What I share with you here is a TED Talks from a farmer from Thailand who is considered poor by any Western standard. Nevertheless, he is probably happier than 90% of the people who live in the Western hemisphere and after you have watched his talk you will understand why.
I stumbled upon his video when I was looking for information about minimalism. I believe that owning less and living a relatively simple life can lead to more happiness than consuming all the things that you are supposed to have but never need.
After I have watched his talk I was convinced that I want to pursue a simple life, no matter what anyone else thought about it. The fact that I learned to live on less than $800 a month allowed me to save a lot of money for my business and to live a happier life.
I hope these videos help you get motivated! I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below!
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3 Prince EA Videos To Change Humanities Path To Greatness

If you haven’t heard of Prince EA, then you should of. He’s the guy who delivers amazing spoken word rhymes over the top of inspirational soundtracks. His YouTube channel has millions of views, and the video’s he produces are some of the best quality and most creative you will find.
The production that goes into these videos has to be seen to be believed. If you’re looking for a millennial with a different view of the world who is not afraid to ask the questions nobody is asking or the questions nobody wants to answer, then Prince EA is for you.
If you’re pursuing any level of success, then Prince EA is a must.
Below you will find what I believe are his top three videos that will change humanities path to greatness!
1. Why Most People Die Before Age 25
This is a heartfelt video about how people stop chasing their dreams before the age of twenty-five and how they die inside even if they live a long life. Prince EA talks about how people make excuses for their dream and delay their dreams.
He says that life shouldn’t be something that you just get on with. Everyone can relate to this video, and the challenges Prince EA talks about are real for all of us whether we like to admit it or not.
“You will never start this video again with the same perspective you had when you clicked play”
2. I Am NOT Black, You are NOT White
This video will seriously change your perspective on the world and the many different races that co-exist. Prince EA presents the idea that our race is nothing more than a label and that labels cause racism and wars.
He explains that who we really are is not skin deep and that we are all global citizens. He uses a brilliant analogy about our bodies being like cars that we get from a dealership called society. Our race is nothing more than a model of car but at its core, we are all the same.
I love how Prince EA says in this video that who we are is found inside, not on the outside. You’ll find this video will move you and challenge your current view of the world. This simple idea that is presented in this video is the key for all of us to have global success.
This idea is what has the power to bring us all together and create as one team rather than in silos. Burn the freakin labels!
“Who would you be if the world never gave you a label?”
3. Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?
Prince EA’s most popular video with more than 17 million views is all about changing our relationship with technology. The myth we have been sold is that technology has made our lives better. In reality, technology has caused us to lose the human connection between each other.
Yes, technology has many advantages, but what it has done is exacerbate the flaws of the human blueprint. The digital age, as Prince EA puts it, has become obsessed with taking selfies and creating content that is about “I” instead of “we” or “us.”
This digital disease has been caused by a choice. Choice is at the centre of every one of life’s significant challenges. Prince EA says it the best when he says that our choices cannot be autocorrected. It’s time for all of us to have a regular digital detox.
What is one lesson you learnt from Prince EA’s inspiring videos? Let me know in the comments section below or on my website or my Facebook.
(Video) What Is Success? An Entrepreneurial Story To Inspire You

Going back a few years I was lucky enough to be part of a very successful business. At the time, everyone told me that I was successful and living a dream life. While the money, cars, clothes, and nightclubs may have made others think I was successful, I felt I was anything but successful.
I was low on energy, depressed, anxious, and uninspired. As I recently reflected back on this entrepreneurial journey that most never get to have, I asked myself the question “what is success?”
It’s a question I want all of you to ask yourselves and answer truthfully. Everyone’s answer will be different but strangely enough, the fundamentals of our answer will be similar.
The reason I made this video for all of you is to get you thinking about your version of success and show you how you can get it so very wrong using my own story. The good news is my story has a happy ending. I won’t share with you what that is cause you have got to watch the video to get that.
Let’s just say that all of the walking around late at night listening to Tony Robbins Tapes helped me to discover something new during my ultimate low. It’s in these times of severely low inspiration and shocking heartache that you can discover something new.
“As quick as you can make lots of money and have lots of success, it can be taken right from underneath you, so be humble” – Tim Denning
All it takes is a new idea (a seed) to come your way (and be planted), and it can blossom into something totally unexpected. Who knew that listening to something could take me down a whole new path that I never expected.
You’re smarter than you think you are, and you will never have all the answers no matter how hard you try. As you get older, you will realise that you can’t plan any activity or control it, so when you learn to just go with the flow and be on the lookout for something great, phenomenal things can happen to you.
Whatever you put out into the world comes back at you ten times harder. My hope is that if you put out nothing but good vibes then you can do some seriously cool stuff. Firsthand, I can say that the more good I put out, the more good comes back.
There is a platform for all of you to achieve what you have always dreamed of and you just need to find it. It’s hiding somewhere where you least expect it so keep an eye out and don’t dismiss any idea without thinking it through.
When people try and reach you on social media, be humble and respond to them if you can. Be grateful for what you have because nothing lasts forever my friends and remember it’s not all about you.
I made this video for all of you, so I hope ya’ll enjoy it and get inspired by my story!
What’s your story? Let me know in the comments section below or on my website or my Facebook.
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