Videos Archives - Addicted 2 Success Quotes | Motivation & Success Advice Sun, 02 Jun 2024 21:41:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Videos Archives - Addicted 2 Success 32 32 10 Ways Your Life is Like a Video Game Fri, 31 May 2024 02:37:29 +0000 Watch this amazing TED presentation by Steve Kamb to find out how you can live your life like an awesome video game. Steve Kamb has taken his online business to another level and experienced some mind blowing things all because of the way he sees life. Steve has applied the most addicting and enjoyable aspects of video game culture […]

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Watch this amazing TED presentation by Steve Kamb to find out how you can live your life like an awesome video game.

Steve Kamb has taken his online business to another level and experienced some mind blowing things all because of the way he sees life. Steve has applied the most addicting and enjoyable aspects of video game culture to leveling up in real life, culminating in his worldwide Epic Quest of Awesome.

Here’s how Steve Kamb, founder of Nerd Fitness, often compares life to a video game and his perspective for you:

  1. Leveling Up: Think of your life like a character in an RPG. Each day, you’re grinding experience points. Whether you’re learning a new skill, hitting the gym, or tackling a project, you’re leveling up your stats.
  2. Quests and Side Missions: Your goals are like main quests in a game, but don’t ignore the side missions. These are the hobbies, adventures, and passions that make life richer and more enjoyable.
  3. Health Bar: Just like in games, your health bar matters. You need to take care of your body with proper nutrition, exercise, and rest to avoid burnout and stay in peak condition.
  4. Inventory Management: Your time, energy, and resources are limited. Manage them wisely. Keep your inventory clutter-free by focusing on what truly matters and dropping what doesn’t serve you.
  5. Boss Battles: Challenges and obstacles are like boss battles. They’re tough, but they’re designed to test your skills and push you to grow. Embrace them and learn from each defeat.
  6. Guilds and Parties: You don’t have to go solo. Surround yourself with a supportive crew, your guild or party, who can help you, provide advice, and make the journey more fun.
  7. Unlocking Achievements: Celebrate your victories, big and small. Achievements aren’t just for gamers; acknowledging your progress keeps you motivated and focused.
  8. Character Customization: Personal development is like customizing your character. Invest in yourself, refine your strengths, and work on your weaknesses to become the best version of you.
  9. Exploration: Don’t just stick to the main storyline. Explore new areas, try new things, and step out of your comfort zone. The world is vast and full of opportunities.
  10. Game Over?: There’s no real game over until it’s all over. If you fail, respawn, learn from your mistakes, and try again. Every setback is just another chance to improve and come back stronger.

Life, much like a video game, is an adventure full of opportunities to grow, learn, and have fun. So, grab your controller and start playing to win!


Steve Kamb – Treating Life As A Video Game

Checkout Steve Kamb’s Awesome Blog:

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3 Prince EA Videos To Change Humanities Path To Greatness Sat, 25 Jun 2016 22:44:33 +0000 If you haven’t heard of Prince EA, then you should of. He’s the guy who delivers amazing spoken word rhymes over the top of inspirational soundtracks. His YouTube channel has millions of views, and the video’s he produces are some of the best quality and most creative you will find. The production that goes into […]

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If you haven’t heard of Prince EA, then you should of. He’s the guy who delivers amazing spoken word rhymes over the top of inspirational soundtracks. His YouTube channel has millions of views, and the video’s he produces are some of the best quality and most creative you will find.

The production that goes into these videos has to be seen to be believed. If you’re looking for a millennial with a different view of the world who is not afraid to ask the questions nobody is asking or the questions nobody wants to answer, then Prince EA is for you.

If you’re pursuing any level of success, then Prince EA is a must.

Below you will find what I believe are his top three videos that will change humanities path to greatness!

1. Why Most People Die Before Age 25

This is a heartfelt video about how people stop chasing their dreams before the age of twenty-five and how they die inside even if they live a long life. Prince EA talks about how people make excuses for their dream and delay their dreams.

He says that life shouldn’t be something that you just get on with. Everyone can relate to this video, and the challenges Prince EA talks about are real for all of us whether we like to admit it or not.

“You will never start this video again with the same perspective you had when you clicked play”

2. I Am NOT Black, You are NOT White

This video will seriously change your perspective on the world and the many different races that co-exist. Prince EA presents the idea that our race is nothing more than a label and that labels cause racism and wars.

He explains that who we really are is not skin deep and that we are all global citizens. He uses a brilliant analogy about our bodies being like cars that we get from a dealership called society. Our race is nothing more than a model of car but at its core, we are all the same.

I love how Prince EA says in this video that who we are is found inside, not on the outside. You’ll find this video will move you and challenge your current view of the world. This simple idea that is presented in this video is the key for all of us to have global success.

This idea is what has the power to bring us all together and create as one team rather than in silos. Burn the freakin labels!

“Who would you be if the world never gave you a label?”

3. Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

Prince EA’s most popular video with more than 17 million views is all about changing our relationship with technology. The myth we have been sold is that technology has made our lives better. In reality, technology has caused us to lose the human connection between each other.

Yes, technology has many advantages, but what it has done is exacerbate the flaws of the human blueprint. The digital age, as Prince EA puts it, has become obsessed with taking selfies and creating content that is about “I” instead of “we” or “us.”

This digital disease has been caused by a choice. Choice is at the centre of every one of life’s significant challenges. Prince EA says it the best when he says that our choices cannot be autocorrected. It’s time for all of us to have a regular digital detox.

What is one lesson you learnt from Prince EA’s inspiring videos? Let me know in the comments section below or on my website or my Facebook. 

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(Video) What Is Success? An Entrepreneurial Story To Inspire You Thu, 02 Jun 2016 20:02:22 +0000 Going back a few years I was lucky enough to be part of a very successful business. At the time, everyone told me that I was successful and living a dream life. While the money, cars, clothes, and nightclubs may have made others think I was successful, I felt I was anything but successful. I […]

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Going back a few years I was lucky enough to be part of a very successful business. At the time, everyone told me that I was successful and living a dream life. While the money, cars, clothes, and nightclubs may have made others think I was successful, I felt I was anything but successful.

I was low on energy, depressed, anxious, and uninspired. As I recently reflected back on this entrepreneurial journey that most never get to have, I asked myself the question “what is success?”

It’s a question I want all of you to ask yourselves and answer truthfully. Everyone’s answer will be different but strangely enough, the fundamentals of our answer will be similar.

The reason I made this video for all of you is to get you thinking about your version of success and show you how you can get it so very wrong using my own story. The good news is my story has a happy ending. I won’t share with you what that is cause you have got to watch the video to get that.

Let’s just say that all of the walking around late at night listening to Tony Robbins Tapes helped me to discover something new during my ultimate low. It’s in these times of severely low inspiration and shocking heartache that you can discover something new.

“As quick as you can make lots of money and have lots of success, it can be taken right from underneath you, so be humble” – Tim Denning

All it takes is a new idea (a seed) to come your way (and be planted), and it can blossom into something totally unexpected. Who knew that listening to something could take me down a whole new path that I never expected.

You’re smarter than you think you are, and you will never have all the answers no matter how hard you try. As you get older, you will realise that you can’t plan any activity or control it, so when you learn to just go with the flow and be on the lookout for something great, phenomenal things can happen to you.

Whatever you put out into the world comes back at you ten times harder. My hope is that if you put out nothing but good vibes then you can do some seriously cool stuff. Firsthand, I can say that the more good I put out, the more good comes back.

There is a platform for all of you to achieve what you have always dreamed of and you just need to find it. It’s hiding somewhere where you least expect it so keep an eye out and don’t dismiss any idea without thinking it through.

When people try and reach you on social media, be humble and respond to them if you can. Be grateful for what you have because nothing lasts forever my friends and remember it’s not all about you. 

I made this video for all of you, so I hope ya’ll enjoy it and get inspired by my story! 
What’s your story? Let me know in the comments section below or on my website or my Facebook. 

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(Inspirational Video) What If Today You Knew You Were Going To Take Your Last Breath? Tue, 29 Mar 2016 01:28:29 +0000 The post (Inspirational Video) What If Today You Knew You Were Going To Take Your Last Breath? appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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How To Make Enough Money From A Blog To Quit Your Job – Kate McKibbin Fri, 18 Mar 2016 01:35:40 +0000 In my third and final interview from The Pause Fest Conference, I sat down with Kate McKibbin, who is the founder of the Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily Blog. Kate is an expert in building blogs from nothing and through her own sites, she was able to quit her day job within 12 months, and make […]

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In my third and final interview from The Pause Fest Conference, I sat down with Kate McKibbin, who is the founder of the Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily Blog. Kate is an expert in building blogs from nothing and through her own sites, she was able to quit her day job within 12 months, and make multiple income streams.

Kate is so knowledgeable in the blogging world that she started an online course called Secret Bloggers Business to share everything she knows. She was able to make a substantial amount of money from these blogging courses in a very short period.

Check out my interview with Kate on YouTube below.

Here are 5 key takeaways from the interview:

1. Start your blog lean

The temptation to go onto and hire the most expensive person you can to help you build the best-looking blog from scratch is something you should avoid. Early on, you should concentrate on finding your niche and narrowing in on your target audience.

If you waste too much money before you have got a small amount of traction, you won’t know if your subject matter and the way you present it is relevant. Once you have nailed your niche, concentrate on giving as much value as you can.

2. Build an email list from day one

The issue with building up followers on social media is that you don’t own their data; specifically their contact details. Even though this strategy has existed for ages, Kate still swears by it: make your main focus building an email list from day one.

This email list down the track will become your customer database when you turn on monetisation. Forget the naysayers who tell you email is dead because it’s not; you just have to use it in the right way, deliver value, and not overdo it.

To help build your email list, try releasing a free eBook or a free course to get more subscribers. These two methods have been around for a while, but that’s because they work the best, as long as the content is perceived to be valuable and you put some effort in.

3. Ignore traditional blogging models (monetise early)

The bloggers who are the most successful are the ones who are not trying to follow the traditional blogging model. The traditional blogging model, Kate says, is to try and build up an audience before you start making any money.

Why would you put all this time into something and then start to make only a little bit of money much later down the track?

Your goal should be to make money from your blog from day one – period!

4. Test some monetisation concepts

When you offer free content and products, pretty quickly people will contact you asking for more and that’s when you can test some paid products or services.

The best way to test a product, according to Kate, is with as minimal spend as possible. The easiest way is through a free Kickstarter Campaign or by creating a landing page and driving traffic to it through a low budget Facebook Ad Campaign.

One tip Kate insists on is never to run Facebook ads just to get traffic; always have some type of opt-in offer as part of the ad. Also, you don’t need a huge budget for Facebook Ads – try starting with $5-$10 a day.

Once you have tested a few ideas with these methods, you will then have a rough idea of what people want and you can concentrate on putting a lot more effort into some new products.

“What you think people want, and what your friends agree and your mum agrees people want, doesn’t necessarily have any baring on what actually is going to happen”

5. Sell your own product vs someone else’s

With a blog, there is always the option to sell and promote other company’s products or to sell your own products. If it’s a personal blog about things you love, then you may be better off being an ambassador for other brands.

The most effective strategy, though, that Kate recommends, is to establish your own platform to sell your own things. Otherwise, you will be helping grow someone else’s platform and only getting a percentage of selling their products.

The other advantage of selling your own products is that you can do it with a much smaller list of email subscribers.

If you insist on working with brands and promoting their products, then you should start communicating with them early on. This way, you will build a long-term relationship with them that you can leverage once your audience is big enough.

6. Try eCommerce early on

Another income stream you can earn from your blog is to trial an eCommerce store as an extension of your site where you sell physical goods and ship them to your audience. Kate tried this and for her, she wasn’t passionate about it and felt it was too much work.

Either way, you should test an eCommerce store early on to see if it works for your niche and to gauge if it’s a good return on your time. The key to putting time into an eCommerce store is to understand how it’s going to affect your lifestyle by taking time away from other things that you love to do.

7. Offer a paid course

If you’re solving a problem for people with the content you are sharing on your blog, then that can be turned into a course of some sort. Kate did this by emailing her followers and offering a blogging course to see if anyone would actually pay for it.

When people signed up and paid her through PayPal, she then began creating the content for the course. Taking this presale approach using the best platform to sell digital products is a great way to create the mental willpower needed to come up with quality course content that is valuable to your audience.

As you become a subject matter on the problem that you are solving, you may be asked to go to the next level and make a further income from your blog by being paid to speak at events. As your audience really starts to grow you could even think about running your own events.

“There is never a point where I can say this business is sorted. You have to be constantly growing, developing, and innovating. It’s all about continuous problem solving and trying new things out”

Books Kate Recommends

The One Thing – Gary Keller
Sacred Success – Barbara Stanny

Check out Kate’s blog Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily and if you want to start your own blog then have a look at Kate’s Secret Bloggers Business site.

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How Finding Your Passion And Becoming An Entrepreneur Can Lead To Happiness – Chiquita Searle Mon, 14 Mar 2016 21:16:42 +0000 My second interview from The Pause Fest Conference was with the delightful Chiquita Searle, who is the former General Manager of The League Of Extraordinary Women, and now runs her own copywriting & content creation business. Chiquita intrigued me after I watched her TedX talk about how she changed her life and some of the […]

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My second interview from The Pause Fest Conference was with the delightful Chiquita Searle, who is the former General Manager of The League Of Extraordinary Women, and now runs her own copywriting & content creation business.

Chiquita intrigued me after I watched her TedX talk about how she changed her life and some of the key concepts she learnt from entrepreneurship. She has a Dalai Lama kind of female wisdom that I found captivating, and she shares some real gems around what you can do to change your life.

After interviewing Chiquita, I found that the idea she has grasped the best is to understand what happiness is and how to find it. This is her number one priority and something that she believes should rule your life.

Finding your true happiness is a real cliché right now, but Chiquita goes much deeper into what it means and describes in detail the feelings that come from true happiness. As she described what happiness was, I finally started to see other sides to my own happiness that I hadn’t seen before.

What she then does after explaining happiness is tie it back to entrepreneurship and how many people don’t see the link, but that they should.

Check out my interview with Chiquita on YouTube below.

Below are my five key takeaways from the interview.

1. Happiness and purpose are joined at the hip

Never allow yourself to be unhappy, and always believe that something will come your way that will make you feel happy, and believe that you are resourceful. Pick a purpose that makes your soul sing and is something that gives you a feeling that you can’t get from anything else.

To find your purpose you need to think about what you do in your spare time, that makes you happy. You then need to ask yourself, “why is it that I don’t believe I can’t transform this passion into a source of income?”

A lot of people don’t know where they are headed, and they don’t take action. People are on a treadmill, and they follow the same pattern day to day. The challenge with society is that we put our happiness in the arms of somebody else.

We wrongly look for happiness in things like shopping, addictions, etc. We are responsible for our own happiness, and we have everything inside ourselves to be happy.

Social media shows us everyone else’s highlight reel, and we are natural comparers as humans. These highlight reels make us think that this is the life others are living when they are actually not. We dull our senses with TV and social media but what we should be doing is feeding our brains.

“You don’t need to pay for information anymore, and you barely need a university degree”

Your happiness is attached to what you do and your purpose. You spend more time at work or on your business than you do in any other area of your life, so you need to make sure what you are doing is important.

2. Entrepreneurship sprouts from your happiness

To be the best version of yourself you need to be happy with your work, and that most likely means being an entrepreneur. Interrupting your current pattern of thinking towards your work takes courage, is difficult, can be scary, and takes real belief in yourself.

Your thinking can be even more difficult to change if you have no experience in the field you want to go into, or if you don’t know anyone in your niche.

One way to overcome these challenges is to ease into entrepreneurship slowly. Try negotiating a four-day workweek with your current employer and then spend the other three days on your passion. Doing this will require you to make sacrifices like having less money and limiting your social life.

As you move into entrepreneurial activities Chiquita says expect sleepless nights and worries about money to arise – these are both reasons for you not to pursue your passion which is why most people don’t.

“You have time; there is always time. It’s just about how you prioritise”

Once you find your passion, you will feel different. When you are doing a job you don’t enjoy you drag yourself to work, surf the internet heaps, take longer lunch breaks, etc. – you’re not inspired and not passionate.

When Chiquita had her first business, which was a clothing label, and she was still working a normal job, she would wake up at 5 am, work for two hours on her label, get ready at 7 am, and then be at work by 8:30 am.

After coming home from work, she would then do it all again. She explained in our interview that when you’re on purpose and following your passion, you will feel different and probably excited all the time. It’s this excitement that fuels you to work these longer hours on your dream.

3. Try to uncover successful people’s deepest, darkest secrets

Chiquita shared with me that one of the reasons that The League Of Extraordinary Women succeeded over similar communities, was the entrepreneurs they got to speak at their events didn’t just tell their typical startup story.

The speakers were told before an event that they could only take part if they agreed to share their deepest, darkest secrets and be real. They were encouraged to share things like whether they mortgaged their house, took their kids out of private schools and sold their products out of the boot of their car.

When the attendees heard about someone else having to overcome significant challenges, this is what would inspire them with their own entrepreneurial endeavours. Similar communities were concentrating on the overnight success stories, but they would never have people speak that failed badly, or that would present the really hard part of their successful journey.

The reasons these hard times and dark secrets are avoided within entrepreneurial circles is that it’s scary to talk about, and people are afraid of what others might think. The reason The League Of Extraordinary Women is so successful and began by word of mouth alone, Chiquita explains, it that the hard times are some of the best learning you can do, and there is just nothing else like it.

“When you hang around other entrepreneurs you start to think to yourself, if they can overcome all of that then I can too”

4. Disruption is everywhere

One of the benefits of people starting to find their passion and discovering entrepreneurship is that lot’s of people like Chiquita are leaving jobs they hate to follow their passion. The reason Chiquita says this is happening is partly due to the face that corporations are stuck in the “this is how we do it, and this is how it’s always been done” mentality rather than embracing innovation.

New startups that come onto the scene and are innovating end up stealing the market away from the corporations. Monopoly industries are being disrupted by the likes of Uber because they provide a far superior, more reliable, cost effective service, and they use technology in a clever way to do it.

“Entrepreneurs are forward thinking. Without them, we would still be in the dark ages”

5. Dealing with writers block

A core component of entrepreneurship is creativity. Sometimes when you have to work on your art form (your business), you may be having a day where you are not feeling inspired. A lot of the time Chiquita says that we try to push through it, and that’s not always the best way.

What Chiquita recommends is to walk away or take a moment so you can think about something totally different. It’s when you’re not thinking your creative endeavours that you will come up with something that works or become reinspired. This is a great lesson for entrepreneurs but also very useful to me when I am blogging.

Books Chiquita Recommends

Ask and it is given – Abraham Hicks
The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho
The E-myth – Michael Gerber

Check out Chiquita’s copywriting and content creation business at or follow @Chiquitasearle on Instagram

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How To Start An Online Business With No Experience – Julie Stevanja Mon, 07 Mar 2016 12:24:20 +0000 Recently Addicted2Success attended Pause Fest, which is a creative tech conference that a lot of entrepreneurs attend. I was lucky enough to catch up at the conference with Julie Stevanja, who is the founder of the very well known women’s activewear website Stylerunner. Julie’s business is an Australian icon because it grew 30%-50% month on […]

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Recently Addicted2Success attended Pause Fest, which is a creative tech conference that a lot of entrepreneurs attend. I was lucky enough to catch up at the conference with Julie Stevanja, who is the founder of the very well known women’s activewear website Stylerunner.

Julie’s business is an Australian icon because it grew 30%-50% month on month in the first few years and this has resulted in her startup now being valued ten’s of millions of dollars.

A lot of that success has been due to the more than 450K of followers that the brand attracts and the eye-catching web presence that is hard to avoid.

Check out my interview with Julie on YouTube below.

Here are 7 takeaways from Julie Stevanja’s interview:

1. Know if you want to be an entrepreneur

One of the keys to starting an online business that Julie taught me is to first of all work out if you want to be an entrepreneur. Now we all know this, but what Julie taught me is that when you start to become eager to do something more creative, that’s a really great sign that you probably have the entrepreneur bug.

I often tell people that with all the automation happening in the economy, the one scarce resource is creativity which is usually entrepreneurship. Julie recommends that if this happens to you, try working in a tech startup like she did for a few years to gain some knowledge, then consider starting an online business.

2. Find a niche

The secret sauce to Stylerunner in the early days was that fashion was crowded, but what Julie discovered was that there was no niche within this category that did women’s active wear well. The mistake a lot of entrepreneurs make is that they pick a crowded category to launch a business into.

To find the niche that might work for you, start looking at blogs, social media, and other online businesses. Think about your niche from the consumer point of view. Is there something that you have to buy that is always hard to find online, or that is done poorly?

Once you find your niche, launch with a very lean product, test the market and then iterate your product based on customer feedback.

3. You don’t need to have a tech background

One of the first things I noticed about Julie was that she started an online business with no tech background. She did what most people are not prepared to do and jumped straight into the deep end. If you don’t have tech expertise, you can build it by bringing it into your team.

In Julie’s case, early on, she used a freelancer platform to build her first website that was very basic. Once she had something up on the web, she then spoke with web developers on the cheap side and the expensive side.

She spoke with as many as she could to then drill down to the main concepts they were all saying. From there, she began work on a better site using what she had learned.

“Every problem has a solution” – Julie Stevanja

4. Use social proof to sell products

Upon looking at Stylerunners Instagram account, it’s very clear that Julie understands social proofing. Social proof makes customers feel like other people like Stylerunner’s products, and they are not alone.

Many of the photos that Stylerunner uses are taken by other Instagrammers and people that seem genuine, and relatable. These photos make it very easy to see what the active wear might look like on a real person who is not a supermodel.

Stylerunner’s social media reflects a community and not just a brand or product. If you can achieve this goal with your own online business, then you will be well on your way to having a successful startup.

“If something doesn’t work that’s data” – Julie Stevanja

5. Try some simple social media tricks

Julie taught me some really quick and easy tips that work well for most of the social media platforms. She said in all content you should have a call to action. So if you use Instagram, then your picture description should have a question to get people talking about your post.

We all think we know how important content is for creating an online business, but Julie says you need to go the extra mile. The only content that goes viral is a post where you go out of your way to create value. If that value is relevant to your end customer as well, then you will see an increase in sales from it.

The simple way to test if a social media post works is by seeing how many likes and comments it gets. Over time, you will figure out what’s working and what’s not, and then you can adjust your social media strategy accordingly.

6. Build relationships with investors early

Dealing with Venture Capital or Private Equity firms can be a challenge and if you want to scale your online business later on, you need to know how to deal with them. Julie explains that a relationship with an investor is a bit like a marriage; you are going to spend a lot of time with them so you have to make sure you like them and you feel they are good for your startup.

Start by creating a wishlist of investors (use your competitors investors if you don’t know any) and then introduce yourself to each of them. “You must do this early on” Julie explains, “otherwise, if you wait until you need them to invest, they will know nothing about you, and so they are unlikely to put money in.”

Julie described it to me like this; investors are a bit like converting customers on your website. You need to have a large funnel of them to begin with because only a few of them will convert. Investors are also like customers in the sense that they too want social proof.

If your funnel of investors is too small, then an investor might be wondering why there are no other interested investors. So, to sum up, engage investors early on, and send them regular updates of how your online business is tracking.

7. Get some practical education

In Julie’s case, she has a traditional business degree but what she found is that the education she did was missing a lot of practical advice. The basics of setting up a business and managing it day to day were just not covered so Julie joined an unconventional entrepreneur course run by The Entourage.

She said that the benefit was not only the knowledge but the opportunity to build a network of great entrepreneurs and thought leaders. These people are going through the same struggle so they can often help with highly relevant solutions.

Now if unconventional entrepreneur education is not for you, then there are plenty of other ways to meet like-minded entrepreneurs, you just have to put yourself out there!

Check out Julie’s startup Stylerunner to find out more about her company or follow @Stylerunner on Instagram

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10 Videos That Will Show You How To Change Your Mindset Forever Tue, 23 Feb 2016 04:17:10 +0000 Many of you ask me the secret to writing blog posts on Addicted2Success and I am happy to share with you my little secret; before I write anything, I watch a Motivation Grid video first to get me in the zone. Motivation Grid is a YouTube channel I have been following for a number of […]

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Many of you ask me the secret to writing blog posts on Addicted2Success and I am happy to share with you my little secret; before I write anything, I watch a Motivation Grid video first to get me in the zone.

Motivation Grid is a YouTube channel I have been following for a number of years. They have tens of millions of YouTube views, and the founder Cris Nikolov is an inspiring young man himself. The videos Chris posts on his channel are all about motivation and how we can change our mindset and think differently.

His videos are made up of powerful, inspiring movie footage, mindblowing background music and some of the greatest speakers of our time delivering different snippets that align to the videos overall message. Every time I watch one of his videos I get chills down my spine, and it changes how I am feeling in the moment.

Below are ten videos that will show you how to change your mindset about your life or business forever. Enjoy!


1. I Will Win

This video is my favourite of the ten which is why it appears first. It’s all about winning and what it takes to be successful. It touches on the fear of failure and how disappointment causes people to settle for less and not win at the game of life through their individual goals.

Don’t let this be you. Most of what it takes to win is about you and you telling yourself that you actually can win. What you think about winning is what will be your reality. This video very clearly explains that you must seize the moment and understand it’s the only moment you’ve got.

There are no second chances, and you may not be around to try again the next time, so you have to try and win every time you try something as if it’s your last attempt. Don’t fall for the trap of thinking someone needs to approve your dream. Even if you get thrown to the ground, what it takes to get back up will come down to your level of determination.

“There is some good out there in the universe that has your name on it” – Les Brown


2. Be Phenomenal

This video explains what it takes to be phenomenal. Essentially you need to dream big but start with small steps. When you reach for a target that may seem really hard to achieve, the people who are phenomenal know that you don’t have to be perfect at something to get what you want.

My favourite part of the video is where Eric Thomas explains that you can’t beg average or good people to be phenomenal. Either you are phenomenal, or you’re not. If you are phenomenal, then the good news is you will automatically attract phenomenal into your world.


3. Never Quit

Quitting is something you do when you attempt a goal that you are not really passionate about, or that is not congruent with your true self. This video explains all the things that cause us to quit and that cause us to give up half way through achieving greatness.

People that don’t quit and excel do so with a sickening work ethic. While everyone else is eating or sleeping, they are grinding away at their true passion which is why they don’t give up. There will be times when you fail, but that doesn’t make you a failure.

“Failure is the stepping stone to success“

When someone does the wrong thing by you don’t head for the path that quitters do and try and get even with someone, just keep going and get ahead of them. The coolest part of this video is when one of the speakers says that if you get on a treadmill with him, he won’t get off until you do first, even if it kills him.

That’s what achievers do, and that’s why they don’t quit. You shouldn’t quit either! Just keep going!


4. Do What Is Hard

We have to do what is hard not what is easy if we want to win and achieve our goal. This video explains this concept in depth and how if you be a volunteer victim, stand around, and complain about your circumstances, your life will be damn hard!

Your life is controlled by you and nobody else. The only enemy you have that will make your life hard is the person that wakes up every day and stares back in the mirror at you – yourself.

“Stay hungry. Stay foolish” – Steve Jobs


5. Nothing Will Stop Me

Nothing is impossible. The only thing that is impossible is what you make impossible. This video is all about getting you not to stop what you are doing. Even when everything inside of you is telling you to give up, it’s your mind that has the ultimate control over you.

If you tell yourself the opposite of what your body is feeling then it’s possible not to give up; in fact, anything is possible. Where you are right now is temporary and that shouldn’t make you want to stop. You have got to focus on where you want to be and know that you will eventually get there if you don’t stop.


6. Enraged

Hopefully, this video will make you enraged (in a good way). As humans, a lot of us never realise our greatness because we become sidetracked by secondary activity.

This video explains that one idea can change your life and that developing habits like giving more than your paid for will stop you from being enraged and frustrated, and take you to being enraged and determined.
I love this lesson I got from the video too which is; life is supposed to be difficult.

If life weren’t difficult, then there would be no growth, and then there would be nothing that would force you to grow stronger. The process of overcoming something hard makes you stronger, and that’s how you grow.


7. Believe In Yourself

Even when you believe in yourself, there is always a bit of doubt in everyone. If you surround yourself with non-believers, there is a good chance you will start listening to their thoughts. The conditions are never going to be perfect, but you just have to believe that what you want to do is possible.

The core message of this video is that if you stop believing in yourself and believe the doubters, then someone will execute your dream and have all the success / money that comes with it.


8. Stop Killing Time

The “Stop Killing Time” video is all about humans and time. It’s a real eye opener and explains many different viewpoints about how we should perceive time. The video makes the point that the time we have only grows smaller from today going forward.

Unfortunately, evolution hasn’t helped us with the concept of time, and there is no urgency to stop us wasting it. It’s on you to create the pressure of not wasting time yourself. After all, pressure is what creates diamonds.

“While you’re killing time, time is killing you” – Ashley Zahabian


9. The Greatness Within

Every one of us has greatness within, but we just need to unlock it. This video shows a man named Neil Ung, who is 60 years old and just begging to learn how to skateboard. He decided not to let his age limit him, and he believes he has greatness inside of himself.

This video demonstrates that you can fail at a job or activity you hate so you may as well try failing at something that you actually love. This is where greatness is found.


10. The Other Guy

The story of the other guy is all about two people who were both laid off from their jobs. This video explains the path they both took and how one took the experience and achieved greatness while the other never found another job. I won’t spoil the story, but you’ve got to check this one out.

How have you changed your own mindset? What inspired you? If you want to see more videos like this, then check out Motivation Grids Youtube Channel.

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(Motivational Video) There Is Nothing More Powerful Than A Changed Mind Wed, 21 Oct 2015 21:41:46 +0000 Throughout your life, periodically, two questions will haunt you: Who am I? Why am I here? I have found that these two questions become more distinguished as you get older. Why, because we are beginning to understand the significance of our mortality. But sometimes all we need to do is change our minds. This Mindshift […]

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Throughout your life, periodically, two questions will haunt you:

  1. Who am I?
  2. Why am I here?

I have found that these two questions become more distinguished as you get older.

Why, because we are beginning to understand the significance of our mortality. But sometimes all we need to do is change our minds. This Mindshift video drills into you, “There is nothing more powerful than a changed mind.”

By changing your mindset to believe with certainty in your potential, it gives you permission to take massive action. And that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of your success.

This video from Ping Pong Studio will give you the inspiration, as it did for me, to start believing in your potential and take massive action.

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4 Videos That Will Inspire Greatness Inside Of You Tue, 15 Sep 2015 23:13:39 +0000 The whole purpose of this post is to give you some amazing references in the form of video. Video is very powerful because it attacks your senses from every direction and has the ability to make you feel something and to begin to create new neural pathways within your brain. For you to be able […]

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The whole purpose of this post is to give you some amazing references in the form of video. Video is very powerful because it attacks your senses from every direction and has the ability to make you feel something and to begin to create new neural pathways within your brain.

For you to be able to achieve greatness you need constant references of the impossible because you are surrounded by people every day who are not successful. I don’t say that to talk badly of the average person, I say that because these videos are the very thing that anyone can use as a starting point to turn their life around – even someone who is not currently successful.

The road to change all starts with one small step and my hope is that you will watch one of these videos and it will be like planting a seed; maybe one day that seed can grow into something amazing and help you do something that no one thought was possible.

Below are four videos that have radically changed my own thoughts and beliefs and I believe they can help transform you from where you are right now!

1. Believe in yourself

This was a video that was presented to me in an environment where I least expected it – work! We were assessing why a team were able to completely turn their results around and become first in the country for what they did. It turns out that this video is where that journey started.

As I watched the video with my work colleagues, I got chills down my spine because I realised yet again that the belief systems we have determined who we are. If we believe that we are destined for greatness and that we are unique in our own field, then others will believe too.

People that believe in themselves come across totally different. They have passion, their posture is tall, the tone in their voice is confident, they speak naturally and so on. This way of being is infectious and everyone wants a piece of it.

I have seen this in my own life and I have spent three years working on my belief systems and questioning everything that was ever taught to me.

“Your brain is like a circuit and so if we introduce it with the proper wiring, you are going to go straight to your target. If you are unsure about who you are, your dreams, your goals will never become a reality”

2. Negative People

It was this video that made me realise that I had to look at the people around me and realise what effect they were having on my life. I began to see that if I wanted to achieve greatness I had to be conscious of how other people were influencing me.

Be careful who you spend time with and don’t allow people’s attitudes and beliefs to be subconsciously affecting your success because it can happen without you even realising it. Your view of the world is shaped by the people who you chose to allow around you and by those who you allow to inspire you.

The video features Les Brown as the narrator and he makes the point that it doesn’t take any effort to be a loser. By default, if you don’t develop yourself and if you don’t dream, you too will become insignificant, unhappy, unfulfilled and maybe even a loser. Do you really want that in your life? If not, be careful who you spend time with and try to hang around amazing people.

The best part of the video is at the 2:21 mark when the movie soundtrack in the background hits an emotional point and Les Browns passion in his voice reaches a pinnacle. I promise you, this video will inspire you to greatness and change the way you think, just watch it for yourself!

“If you want to keep on getting what you’re getting then keep on doing what you’re doing”

3. Why we do what we do – Tony Robbins

The talk that got me hooked on Ted was this one from Tony Robbins. Out of all the things that we can look at when assessing success, the one thing that will make the most difference is understanding why you do what you do every day.

The point of this talk is to understand what role emotion plays in our life and how it can influence our results. The other key point is around the six human needs of which two of them, the need for growth and contribution, can lead to human fulfilment more than anything else.

Tony is a powerful storyteller and what is most compelling about the talk is when he ties everything together at the end by retelling one of his seminars that occurred at the same time as September 11. If you like Tony’s Ted talk I would strongly suggest you watch the video that was filmed on September 11 where he shows how you can change your identity, even during a time when the world is in shock. –

4. How bad do you want it?

This video features the inspirational speaker Eric Thomas who is known for giving people a shake up and almost screaming at them through his motivational presentations. He is someone that knows what it’s like to have nothing and has risen from adversity.

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful”

The message of this video is that we fall because we quit too easily and we don’t know why we are doing what we do each day. Don’t spend your life unfulfilled and uninspired. Find out what makes you happy and do that, and only do that!

We spend our lives trying to make lots of money because we think that it will make us happy but the sad reality is it won’t. Spend your life making other people’s lives better and you will feel the best you have ever felt. You won’t need to try and get out of bed because you will be fired up every morning.


If you have any other motivational videos that you think are worth watching, then please mention them in the comments section below or on my Facebook / Twitter Page.

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(Motivational Video) Be Remembered – Greg Plitt Fri, 21 Aug 2015 01:44:08 +0000 Fitness Model, Actor and Former Army Ranger Greg Plitt shares his advice for those who are struggling through hard times. His words will move you to take action no matter what state you are in. Greg Plitt was a legend in his field and will always be remembered. Mateusz M did an amazing job putting […]

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Fitness Model, Actor and Former Army Ranger Greg Plitt shares his advice for those who are struggling through hard times. His words will move you to take action no matter what state you are in.

Greg Plitt was a legend in his field and will always be remembered. Mateusz M did an amazing job putting this highly motivational video together for the masses.


Greg Plitt – Be Remembered


Greg Plitt Quotes to live by:

“Second by second you lose the opportunity to become the person you want to be , when are you going to stop making excuses and take charge of your frickin life?” – Greg Plitt

“Stop going about the day as a servant , become the master, run your day and stop letting it run you.” – Greg Plitt

“Life’s a plan of action. If you don’t have a plan, you become the plan of someone else’s.” – Greg Plitt

“Sacrifice today for tomorrows betterment, you are willing to pay those payments with pain, because pain is just a message when you are fixing something that’s insufficient in your life.” – Greg Plitt


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5 Motivational Videos To Help You Succeed In Life Sat, 25 Jul 2015 23:13:01 +0000 I am not as successful as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, but I am very proud of what I have achieved in the last couple of months. In the last six months I started my own online business in one of the most competitive niches, I published my first book and I attract about 60,000 […]

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I am not as successful as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, but I am very proud of what I have achieved in the last couple of months.

In the last six months I started my own online business in one of the most competitive niches, I published my first book and I attract about 60,000 visitors to my website every single month.

However, my business success is not the only area that makes me proud. The supportive and fulfilling relationship that I have with my wonderful girlfriend is definitely another reason to wake up with a smile every day. All in all I can say that I achieved more in the last six months than in all the years before.

The reason why I tell you this is not because I want to brag or because I want you to admire me. The reason why I decided to write this article is the same reason why I continue to work on my  business. I want to inspire you to change your life. I want to help you to reach your full potential and to live the life of your dreams.

“You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better than anyone else”. – Albert Einstein

There were a lot of moments in the last six months in which I thought that living the life of my dreams is impossible. I have to admit that there are still moments in which I doubt myself and in which I make excuses to not take the necessary action steps.

Whenever I experience one of those moments, there is one thing that always helps me to get back on track and to focus my energy on my goals. All I have to do is watch a really good motivational video and I feel as if I am reborn. Of course not every motivational video that ended up on YouTube has that kind of power. It has to be a really good video with a strong message.

In the following lines I want to share some of the videos that changed my life and that allowed me to achieve my goals. I hope they inspire you in the same way that they have inspired me.

Here are 5 motivational videos that helped me:


1. Alan Watts – What is wrong with our culture?

This video that is based on a speech of the great philosopher Alan Watts, changed the way I look at the world and at how we spend our time. It was actually this video that motivated me to stop watching TV and to focus on the relationships with my friends and family instead.

It also changed the way I think about doing business. I always wanted to create a business that helps people to live a better life and to achieve their dreams and after I watched this video, my determination to achieve this goal was even higher. Looking at the tired factory workers and the mountains of garbage, showed me quite frankly, what I don’t want to create.


2. Mateusz M – Why do we fall?

The second video I want to share with you is from a YouTuber who gained quite a lot of subscribers over the last months. I have to admit that his videos are exceptional, so he definitely deserves the attention he gets.

When I first watched this video I was in a city I hated, working in a job in which my boss bullied me with all his power and I had barely enough money to quit my job and to move back in my parents basement.

As you can imagine, this was not the most glamourous time of my life. It was a time when I didn’t know where to go, if the decision I made was right and what to do next. Even though it sounds hard to believe, this was only about four months ago.

After I watched this video I knew that it was okay to fail. I knew that it was okay to fall down on my feet, as long as I made the decision to get up again. It helped me to get up again and I am convinced that it can help you do the same.


3. Tony Robbins – Raise your standards!

One thing that I had to do in order to create a successful online business was to raise my standards and Tony Robbins showed me how. Most of my readers don’t know that I had another website with a similar vision before I started my current one. It failed. It failed so bad that I only sold one e-book after working on the site for more than 14 months.

This failure was not only a great learning experience, but it also showed me how important it is to raise your standards and to implement the necessary rituals in your life to achieve those standards. The standards that I had for my first site were so poor that it made any success impossible.

Today I know that you must have higher standards if you want to be successful. You won’t become a successful business man if you don’t care about your customers. You won’t lose weight if you can’t even stick to your diet for one week. You won’t attract the woman of your dreams if you settle for less.

Tony Robbins reminded my how important it is to raise your standards and I hope that his video will make you rethink your own standards.


4. Arnold Schwarzenegger – Life’s 6 Rules!

Arnold Schwarzenegger is undoubtedly one of the most successful people in history and I don’t just say this because we have the same mother tongue. He came from a tiny village in Austria, he became the best bodybuilding champion that this world has ever seen, he became a movie star and eventually he became the Governor of California.

How did he do it? Watch his speech about Life’s 6 rules and you’ll know how. After you have watched his inspiring and also quite entertaining speech about the 6 rules that led him on the path of success, you’ll understand how important it is to trust yourself and to work hard. Follow his rules and success is inevitable.


5. Jon Jandai: Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard?

Even though this is not your typical motivational video, it motivated and inspired me in a way that no other video has ever before. What I share with you here is a TED Talks from a farmer from Thailand who is considered poor by any Western standard. Nevertheless, he is probably happier than 90% of the people who live in the Western hemisphere and after you have watched his talk you will understand why.

I stumbled upon his video when I was looking for information about minimalism. I believe that owning less and living a relatively simple life can lead to more happiness than consuming all the things that you are supposed to have but never need.

After I have watched his talk I was convinced that I want to pursue a simple life, no matter what anyone else thought about it. The fact that I learned to live on less than $800 a month allowed me to save a lot of money for my business and to live a happier life.


I hope these videos help you get motivated! I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below!

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5 Of The Best Motivational Videos In 2015 Tue, 26 May 2015 03:02:42 +0000 We all go through times where we don’t feel like doing anything. Times where we can barely get on our feet. And sometimes it’s not just a matter of turning your internal switch on, sometimes you need that extra boost, the little reminder of exactly why failure isn’t an option. In that respect,  after going […]

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We all go through times where we don’t feel like doing anything. Times where we can barely get on our feet.

And sometimes it’s not just a matter of turning your internal switch on, sometimes you need that extra boost, the little reminder of exactly why failure isn’t an option.

In that respect,  after going through numerous inspirational videos to find the best words to push you towards your goals, I’ve decided to share with you the 5 best motivational videos that came out in 2015. You probably haven’t watched them yet, so let me show you just how much you missed out.

Here are the 5 most motivational videos for 2015:

1. Enraged

Key quote: One idea can change your life. One idea can turn your life around.

 “It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.” – Bob Proctor

2. Destiny

Key quote: Not only is it possible for you to have your dream, but it’s necessary. It’s necessary that you go for what is yours in this universe.


 “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” – Carl Jung

3. Born Again

Key quote: You have to be willing to do the things others won’t do in order to have the things tomorrow others won’t have.

 “You don’t get in life what you want; you get in life what you are.” – Les Brown

4. Mindshift

Key Quote: The only thing that’s going to make you happy this year or any other is to step up. It’s to raise the standard, it’s to discover what you’re capable of and feel that incredible power of pushing through whatever’s holding you back and get to the other side of your true self. That’s what this game is all about


 “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” – Buddha

5. Change Everything

Key quote: Most people will make excuses, but if you want things to go your way, take full responsibility, because that means you have the power to change it. It’s up to you to make a difference. Now think about that for a second. That’s all the power you need, the ability to impact and change anything is up to you.


“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Hope you enjoyed these inspirational videos, as much as I did.

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The #1 Fatal Mistake People Make Around Achieving Success Fri, 06 Mar 2015 05:32:08 +0000 Neuroscientist, New York Times Best Selling Author and Self Development Expert “John Assaraf” shares the #1 fatal mistake people make around achieving success. He then shows you how you can stop making this mistake so you can move forward towards your dreams achieving your goals.   John Assaraf – The Biggest Mistake We Make The strongest […]

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Neuroscientist, New York Times Best Selling Author and Self Development Expert “John Assaraf” shares the #1 fatal mistake people make around achieving success.

He then shows you how you can stop making this mistake so you can move forward towards your dreams achieving your goals.


John Assaraf – The Biggest Mistake We Make

The strongest factor for success is self esteem: BELIEVING you can do it, believing you deserve it, believing you will get it. – John Assaraf


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Why Every Bit Counts When You’re Chasing Success – Gary Vaynerchuk Wed, 04 Feb 2015 02:07:30 +0000 It baffles me to see how many people think they are bigger than they actually are. People will ask me questions like: “How do I get into the New York Times?” or “How do I get a meeting with that CEO?” My reply? One is better than zero.   You need to be thinking about […]

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It baffles me to see how many people think they are bigger than they actually are.

People will ask me questions like:

How do I get into the New York Times?” or “How do I get a meeting with that CEO?

My reply? One is better than zero.


You need to be thinking about the steps it takes to actually get to the biggest places in the world. Before you get that meeting with Zuckerberg or Mark Cuban, or whoever you want to meet with, you need to have a lot of little meetings. You have to build up your cadence.

I’ve been on Conan. Ellen. The Today Show.

But I also did a thousand interviews that got one or nineteen or 137 views on YouTube. Max.

Why did I do blog posts for so long that only had six readers? Why do I guest on shows with a smaller audience base than my own? Because I’m all about depth over width. I want to go deeper with my community. I want to give back to people who support me.

Even today, when I have more leverage than I did three years ago, I still live under the motto of one is greater than zero.

To me, doing these interviews or guest posts is about the process of the work. Too many people are impatient and not willing to do that work. When you’re still making the climb, when you haven’t made your name known yet, you need to put in that work. I did those 119 and 137 view videos day in and day out.

And I continue to.

You might make a video with 89 views. But one of those viewers could be a producer at CNN. Undervaluing just that one view is a huge mistake.

It’s about having the humility. It’s about not saying no. Even when you’ve made it. You’re never too big. One is bigger than zero.


Gary Vaynerchuk Quote about Humility


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Discovering The Real You – Alan Watts Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:23:03 +0000 Here is an amazing lecture given by British Philosopher, Writer and Speaker “Alan Watts“. Who are you really? This is a great speech that reflects on who we really are and how we play our part in this world. We lose sight of it all because we let the negative things distract us and overcomplicate […]

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Here is an amazing lecture given by British Philosopher, Writer and Speaker “Alan Watts“.

Who are you really?

This is a great speech that reflects on who we really are and how we play our part in this world. We lose sight of it all because we let the negative things distract us and overcomplicate our life.

This video is a great reminder to live fully and enjoy every moment.


The Real You – Alan Watts

Speech extract from “Does it do you, or do you do it” by Alan Watts.

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Living and Breathing Your Passion (Inspirational Video) Mon, 08 Dec 2014 16:08:23 +0000 Here is a great video by The Journey of Purpose which contains very inspiring messages by Randy Pausch, Steve Jobs and Will Smith. This video is a huge eye opener and big wake up call for those who are just floating through life, not living everyday to their full potential. It’s important to follow your […]

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Here is a great video by The Journey of Purpose which contains very inspiring messages by Randy Pausch, Steve Jobs and Will Smith.

This video is a huge eye opener and big wake up call for those who are just floating through life, not living everyday to their full potential.

It’s important to follow your passion, and these 3 wise men share why this is so.


Passion – Inspirational Video


Will Smith Picture Quote

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(Video) Discovering Your Own Dreams & Being Your Own Hero Thu, 03 Jul 2014 05:41:38 +0000 This motivational video created by Mateusz M is a goldmine of inspiration for all of those who are struggling right now to find their greatness. To face their fears and follow their dreams. “Often, our most rewarding dreams are staring us right in the face, but for some reason we focus on how hard things […]

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This motivational video created by Mateusz M is a goldmine of inspiration for all of those who are struggling right now to find their greatness. To face their fears and follow their dreams.

“Often, our most rewarding dreams are staring us right in the face, but for some reason we focus on how hard things are, how we are scared of the unknown and what would happen if we failed.” – Joel Brown

In order to achieve greatness you have to push through the adversity, obstacles and critics if you want to reach the gold at the end of the rainbow.

If you are willing to fight your way through the battles, and break through the fear you will reap the incredible benefits when you reach the other side.

This video is a message for those who are currently struggling and facing adversity and makes for a great reminder of what we can achieve if we just push on and don’t stop when the odds seem to be against us.


Motivational Video – Be A Hero


“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” – Babe Ruth


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Timothy Sykes Gives You A Tour Of His $15,000 A Night Hotel In Bora Bora Tue, 24 Jun 2014 02:18:40 +0000 Multi-Millionaire Stock Trader & Internet Entrepreneur “Timothy Sykes” takes the Addicted2Success viewers on an exclusive tour of his $15,000 a night hotel stay in Bora Bora. Tim Sykes shares a few inspirational messages on how you can achieve a multi million dollar success in this day and age. Pretty awesome Tim!     Timothy Sykes – […]

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Multi-Millionaire Stock Trader & Internet Entrepreneur “Timothy Sykes” takes the Addicted2Success viewers on an exclusive tour of his $15,000 a night hotel stay in Bora Bora.

Tim Sykes shares a few inspirational messages on how you can achieve a multi million dollar success in this day and age.

Pretty awesome Tim!



Timothy Sykes – Multi Millionaire In Bora Bora


Timothy Sykes Bora Bora Inspirational Picture Quote

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Jim Carrey’s Inspiring Message To The World Fri, 20 Jun 2014 00:26:02 +0000 Here is a new video created by The Journey of Purpose of Jim Carrey’s recent Viral video of his inspiring commencement speech. Jim Carrey is overflowing with amazing advice for living a successful life. For those who just remember Jim Carrey as the comedian and class clown, this guy is a multi-talented and very insightful individual […]

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Here is a new video created by The Journey of Purpose of Jim Carrey’s recent Viral video of his inspiring commencement speech.

Jim Carrey is overflowing with amazing advice for living a successful life. For those who just remember Jim Carrey as the comedian and class clown, this guy is a multi-talented and very insightful individual with a world of knowledge to share.

So sit back and enjoy 3 minutes of highly valuable advice.


Jim Carrey’s Advice on Living A Successful Life


Jim Carrey Quotes

“Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them.” – Jim Carrey

“It is better to risk starving to death than surrender. If you give up on your dreams, what’s left?” – Jim Carrey

“I don’t think human beings learn anything without desperation. Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything or creating anything. Period. If you ain’t desperate at some point, you ain’t interesting.” – Jim Carrey

“My focus is to forget the pain of life. Forget the pain, mock the pain, reduce it. And laugh.” – Jim Carrey

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(Video) Hints To The Purpose of Life Sat, 07 Jun 2014 09:31:20 +0000 Motivational Coach and Best Selling Author “Brendon Burchard” shares his advice on how to discover those hints that life is throwing our way so that we can discover our own life purpose. After a car accident at 19 years old Brendon Burchard became inspired to turn his life around and follow his dreams. He switched […]

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Motivational Coach and Best Selling Author “Brendon Burchard” shares his advice on how to discover those hints that life is throwing our way so that we can discover our own life purpose.

After a car accident at 19 years old Brendon Burchard became inspired to turn his life around and follow his dreams. He switched his gears up a notch and learned everything he possibly could about personal development. Shortly after he achieved amazing success as he accomplished his dreams of becoming a multi-millionaire writer and trainer.

Brendon now dedicates his life to helping others to find their charge and to share their voice with the world.


Brendon Burchard – Hints To The Purpose of Life


Brendon Burchard Picture Quote

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(Video) This Guy Has Lived An Epic Life Sun, 01 Jun 2014 03:32:50 +0000 What a great example Alex Chacon is, of someone who has experienced a world full of adventure. Check out his “Around the World in 360° Degrees” Youtube video that Alex him 600 days of recording and travelling to create. The thing I love about this video is that it shows how amazing the world really is and that […]

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What a great example Alex Chacon is, of someone who has experienced a world full of adventure. Check out his “Around the World in 360° Degrees” Youtube video that Alex him 600 days of recording and travelling to create.

The thing I love about this video is that it shows how amazing the world really is and that there is so much out there that most of us have yet to experience.

I will definitely be updating my vision board with some new places to visit after watching this.

I hope you find some inspiration in this video also.


360 degrees of some of the world’s most iconic sites with Alex Chacón


Travel the world picture quote

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(Video) Charlie Day’s 2014 Merrimack Graduation Keynote Sun, 25 May 2014 10:01:51 +0000 Actor, producer and screen writer “Charlie Day” made an appearance at Merrimack College to deliver a hilarious and highly valuable keynote for the students of Merrimack. The “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” actor, “Charlie Day” has a great message about dealing with fear and failure amongst the goofiness in this speech. Enjoy the jokes, but more […]

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Actor, producer and screen writer “Charlie Day” made an appearance at Merrimack College to deliver a hilarious and highly valuable keynote for the students of Merrimack.

The “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” actor, “Charlie Day” has a great message about dealing with fear and failure amongst the goofiness in this speech.

Enjoy the jokes, but more importantly note the great advice that he shares with the students who are about to take their life, and career to the next level.

Charlie Day’s Merrimack Graduation Keynote

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(Inspirational Video) Playing The Game of Life Sun, 25 May 2014 09:14:47 +0000 This amazing speech by Alan Watts explains the importance of individuality. This clip is called “Playing The Game of Life“, where Alan exposes the protocol that society expects us, as a majority, to live our life by and then breaks down why this is a ridiculous way to live. Those who have chosen to live their […]

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This amazing speech by Alan Watts explains the importance of individuality.

This clip is called “Playing The Game of Life“, where Alan exposes the protocol that society expects us, as a majority, to live our life by and then breaks down why this is a ridiculous way to live.

Those who have chosen to live their lives in the present, are of course the exception of this.

So really, the risk takers, the left of center’s and those who live outside the bubble are really and truly LIVING.

Let’s get into this thought provoking speech by Alan Watts to learn how we can live our life in a unique and individual way instead of sticking to the identity that society expects us to live by in what they call “the real world“.

“The most dangerous risk of all — the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” – Randy Komisar


Alan Watts – Playing The Game of Life


“Making plans for the future is of use only to people who are capable of living completely in the present”


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(Video) Timothy Sykes Harvard University Speech About Becoming A Multi-Millionaire Mon, 12 May 2014 10:40:40 +0000 Multi-Millionaire Penny Stock Trader and Wealth coach Timothy Sykes dropped by Harvard University last week to share his story of failures and achievements with an ambitious crowd of young students. He is a walking, talking example that your dreams can come true if you persevere, if you work hard, and if you realize that what you […]

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Multi-Millionaire Penny Stock Trader and Wealth coach Timothy Sykes dropped by Harvard University last week to share his story of failures and achievements with an ambitious crowd of young students. He is a walking, talking example that your dreams can come true if you persevere, if you work hard, and if you realize that what you might think is impossible is actually possible in today’s world, because of the internet.

Timothy Sykes is totally transparent with how he conducts business and hides nothing from the crowd when he shares his story of mistakes that he made along the way during his journey to success.

Tim is even confident enough that he throws his Porsche and Lamborghini car keys to the crowd.

What a mad dog!

Millionaire Penny Stock Trader “Timothy Sykes” Harvard University Speech


Here are some of Timothy Sykes Penny Stock Trading Rules:

1. Cut losses quickly — always rule #1, always the most difficult to abide by due to ego…when I’m wrong on a stock I HAVE to get out when it doesn’t go my way.

2. Get out of trades when they don’t go my way — one step up from cutting losses quickly, many people are surprised to see me take 5-10-15 cents/share in profits if the stock doesn’t do EXACTLY what I expect it will within minutes, hours or days of my trade, depending on the expectations I lay out in the trade alert, based on patterns like these.

3. Understand the small losses and small gains don’t get me rich, but they protect me from big losses and if I focus on taking good trades, those that do EXACTLY what I expect DO make me rich…so the key is giving myself opportunities to hit home runs, but taking singles, doubles and even strikeouts every now and then to protect my downside risk.

For the rest of Tim’s 64 trading tips make sure you head over to 64 Penny Stock Trading Rules To Honor My $164,000 Profit Week.


Image Credit: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images

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(Video) Kid President’s Letter To A New Born On How To Be Awesome In Life Sun, 20 Apr 2014 10:55:32 +0000 Kid President shows not only young kids, but every other age group in this world how they can be awesome individuals. He is set out to inspire as many people as possible to be more positive, thoughtful and passionate about life. He shares a world of wise words for such a young buck. Kid President even […]

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Kid President shows not only young kids, but every other age group in this world how they can be awesome individuals. He is set out to inspire as many people as possible to be more positive, thoughtful and passionate about life.

He shares a world of wise words for such a young buck.

Kid President even goes on to say “There’s plenty of reasons to dance, you just gotta look for them“.

What a great example for the younger generation. Kid President, you are so wise and so inspiring to all.

Good on you!


Kid President’s Advice On How To Live An Amazing Life


“If there are two paths, I want to be on the one that leads to awesome” – Kid President


Kid President Picture Quote

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(Video) The Importance Of Following Your Heart & Intuition Thu, 17 Apr 2014 10:57:36 +0000 Sometimes a 1000+ word article is a little too much to digest some days. So why not watch a quick 4 minute video that will move and inspire you to follow your heart. This amazing inspirational talk by Steve Jobs and Alan Watts is one to definitely remember. The Journey of Purpose has created this into […]

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Sometimes a 1000+ word article is a little too much to digest some days. So why not watch a quick 4 minute video that will move and inspire you to follow your heart.

This amazing inspirational talk by Steve Jobs and Alan Watts is one to definitely remember.

The Journey of Purpose has created this into an amazing visual experiences that paints a perfect picture of what it means to follow your heart and intuition.




(Video) Follow your heart, Follow your passion

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well worn path; and that will make all the difference.” – Steve Jobs


follow your passion love what you do picture quote


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This Guy Will Inspire You To Travel The World Wed, 05 Mar 2014 15:00:42 +0000 Seasoned traveller “Rick Mereki” set out to inspire the world via his one minute video, travelling 38,000 miles across 11 different countries to show us all how amazing and diverse the world really is. “We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures […]

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Seasoned traveller “Rick Mereki” set out to inspire the world via his one minute video, travelling 38,000 miles across 11 different countries to show us all how amazing and diverse the world really is.

“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru




This Guy Will Inspire You To Travel


“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

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(Video) Drake Explains Why He Is Addicted To Success Sun, 29 Dec 2013 07:42:26 +0000 Award winning Rapper and Actor, Aubrey “Drake” Graham recently shared his insight on becoming successful and what it takes to be a high achiever in the music industry. Not only is Drake doing very well in the music industry, Drake recently featured as an actor in Will Ferrel’s “Anchorman 2” and has just earned the […]

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Award winning Rapper and Actor, Aubrey “Drake” Graham recently shared his insight on becoming successful and what it takes to be a high achiever in the music industry.

Not only is Drake doing very well in the music industry, Drake recently featured as an actor in Will Ferrel’s “Anchorman 2” and has just earned the titled of “Global Ambassador” for the Toronto Raptors NBA Team.

Drake shares his experiences with CBC Radio’s Jian Ghomeshi on his addiction to success, the importance of winning and what he’s sacrificed to get there.




Drake – What It Takes To Be Successful

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(Video) Serious Advice For Young Entrepreneurs Tue, 17 Dec 2013 14:35:49 +0000 So you are young and hungry, and you want to be a successful entrepreneur? But where do you start? We believe that to become a great entrepreneur, no matter what age you are, you must be taken seriously. So the good folks at “People Helping People” linked up with a handful of successful entrepreneurs to find […]

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So you are young and hungry, and you want to be a successful entrepreneur? But where do you start?

We believe that to become a great entrepreneur, no matter what age you are, you must be taken seriously. So the good folks at “People Helping People” linked up with a handful of successful entrepreneurs to find out how they became great entrepreneurs.

If you are young and striving to be an entrepreneur, this advice could save you a lot of headaches on your journey to entrepreneurial success.




Advice for Young Entrepreneurs on how to be taken serious

Although this advice may be simple to some, the advice shared is something that is a must know for any up and coming entrepreneurs.

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