Podcasts Archives - Addicted 2 Success https://addicted2success.com/category/podcasts/ Quotes | Motivation & Success Advice Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:14:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://addicted2success.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/cropped-WhatsApp-Image-2023-04-03-at-5.12.27-PM-32x32.jpeg Podcasts Archives - Addicted 2 Success https://addicted2success.com/category/podcasts/ 32 32 8 Powerful Ways To Show Up In Dating & Relationships – Apollonia Ponti https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/8-powerful-ways-to-show-up-in-dating-relationships-apollonia-ponti/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/8-powerful-ways-to-show-up-in-dating-relationships-apollonia-ponti/#respond Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:13:20 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=52007 If you are struggling to create clarity in your life then I have created the Addicted2Success academy to support you in getting crystal clear on your next moves in life. Join my mentorship in The Addicted2Success Academy here. The only PROVEN METHOD in the world that allows ANYONE to effortlessly ELEVATE the 8-KEY AREAS of […]

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If you are struggling to create clarity in your life then I have created the Addicted2Success academy to support you in getting crystal clear on your next moves in life. Join my mentorship in The Addicted2Success Academy here. The only PROVEN METHOD in the world that allows ANYONE to effortlessly ELEVATE the 8-KEY AREAS of life, is finally being passed down… EXCLUSIVELY, in this Academy.


Apollonia Ponti is a Dating & Relationship Coach for men. She specializes in teaching men to understand what women want, master their attraction skills, and build their confidence in dating or a relationship.

In this Addicted2Success Podcast episode Apollonia shares how you can show up powerfully in Dating and Relationships.

Here is the audio of the podcast:


Mindset #1 You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone

You have clarity in your life about who you are as a person and if you are not going to be desired as a man by a particular person, then you know there is someone else that will desire you. Now I’m not saying that you’re going to be disrespectful and come off harsh and really, really aggressive, but what I do mean is that you just hold your power. You know who you are and you don’t have to prove yourself or you don’t have to say things to get people to like you.

You don’t have to act in a particular way for someone to like you. You know that you showing up as you will be the way people will see you and if they don’t like you, no big deal. You like you and that’s what matters.


Mindset #2 You’re not attached to an outcome, you know that everything will work out, and if it doesn’t, you will be okay

If you go a little bit deeper in this, this means that you’re okay with being alone, right? This means that you, alone, are okay because a lot of times in relationships a lot of people seek validation from another. They seek validation that they are loved, that they are enough but you’re the only person that needs to see yourself as enough to attract that. That’s what I’m saying. Mindset number two is not attached to a specific outcome.

If you like a girl and she’s an amazing girl and you think this is going great blah blah blah, you’re okay if it works out and you’re okay if it doesn’t work out. It’s just the simple act of you not putting pressure because if you put pressure it shows neediness, insecurity, and attachment.


Mindset #3 You look at things as what value can I offer someone or something instead of what can I get out of this because you have a mindset that you know the more that I give the more that I’m going to receive

Now it’s not that you’re saying that you’re going to give someone a piece of you or your time if they’re not going to be respectful or receiving towards it, but you know that you don’t have this attitude that you’re just like, “Okay, what are you giving me? I’m here because you need to be here and you’re giving me something because my time is valuable to me.” No.

Your time is valuable to you, yes, but this is from a different perspective and mindset. You’re like, “Okay, how can I add value to you in your life?” Because you know you’re capable of meeting your own needs and being there for others. It’s less selfish. This comes off so attractive to women and it shows too that you are powerful and that you hold your own pretty well.


Mindset #4 You’re unapologetically honest

I don’t mean that you’re just going to point out and say things like you look fat in that dress or anything like that but you’re going to obviously be honest and open about your own opinions. Women are so attracted to this and I talk about this so much because I just want to get it ingrained in your head. You don’t want to always agree with a woman because one, you’ll fall into friend zone pretty easily when that happens, and two, women test men a lot when it comes to this.

When you’re open and you’re honest about how you feel or have your own opinion about a specific topic that the both of you are talking about, it shows that you are just you showing up for you and not trying to impress her because you are enough and that’s what is impressive to a woman.


Mindset #5 You value your time so this means you also want to see if she’s worth it

There is a difference here. What I mean in value your time is you take your time with her to see if she is worth it for you. A lot of times men fall into just the visual of the woman. Like oh my gosh, she has a nice body, she’s beautiful, she’s this, she’s that, which I’m not saying to dismiss, but what I am saying is understand that those women can be a little bit more intriguing to you when you’re really trying to get to know her on an emotional level, what she has to offer you and who she is as a person if she’s worth a commitment as well.

Instead of just seeing her beauty and thinking, “This one!” This is the mindset you want to always have: no matter how beautiful the woman is or how great the woman is, you have to see if she’s worth it for you to invest your time in and the same goes vice versa. A woman of value is deciding the same thing; are you the type of person she wants to make a commitment to as well.


Mindset #6 You show up powerfully in your own skin

What I mean by this is you just know yourself. I mean I talk about this in mindset number one and mindset number two, but when you show up in your own skin, you walk into places like a lounge or a restaurant or wherever you are, and your chin is up, shoulders are back, and you just confidently know who you are. Women can sense this when a man just knows who he is and he owns it and he’s just powerful in who he is. It shows in how you present yourself.

How do you become powerful? Well, you have to be focused on something that is thriving in your life and you can read my article on how to find your purpose to discover some ideas on how to find your purpose and how you give back. This is significant to your everyday world when it comes to attraction.


Mindset #7 You’re compassionate but you don’t get defensive

There are so many men that I know that get very low on patience. They take automatic offense to something as though if a woman says something she’s being disrespectful and he points fingers back and he automatically gets offended as though he has to defend himself and the world is all against him. This is not compassion. What this actually does to a woman in her mind is it kills attraction all the time. I mean from day one. It’s a huge red flag for a woman. I bring this up because this has happened a lot in coaching sessions and men that I’ve talked to, they’re just like, “I just don’t have patience. I just don’t have the time, blah blah blah blah blah,” but they hold this aspect of not having compassion but also not knowing how to just breathe, take a moment and be like, “All right.

This has nothing to do with me. What’s the worst thing possible that can come out of this? Let me just open this up for discussion,” instead of just pointing fingers and getting so frustrated to the point where you can hear it in their tone. You can see it in their physical being and you can hear the way that they come off and their expressions. Everything changes, their demeanor, their energy, everything.

This is huge in regards to the mindset of a man. You don’t want to let anybody else control your emotions. You are the one that’s in control of your own emotions, right? Meaning, okay someone says something to you to piss you off. You have a choice! You have a choice to either get angry or just look at him and smile and be like, “Damn. You’re having a bad day.” Right? Because of the fact that when you hold your own, it shows so much more confidence that you’re just not reacting and you’re just accepting it and you’re just like, “You’re not going to get to me,” because you control yourself. You control you.

Reacting and taking everything personally can kill attraction instantly. It comes off as unsafe. And that is huge for women, they need to know they can be safe with you. It is your choice in how you choose to respond to the things around you.


Mindset #8 You embrace failures with strength and confidence

We all mistakes in life but you embrace these mistakes and ask yourself how can I be better, what can I learn from this and what would I choose to improve. Let me respond to my mistakes and see how I can fix this so it doesn’t happen again. You don’t get down on yourself and start punishing yourself like, “Oh, you’re not a good guy, you’re horrible, no woman is going to like you. You don’t deserve love.” You don’t say those things to yourself.

When you’re in the dumps you’re like, “Okay fine. I messed up but how am I going to improve with this and how am I going to move forward?” You take the proactive notions and you build the skills so you don’t have this happen to you again.

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The Mindset Of A Multiple 7 Figure Entrepreneur – Michael Michalowicz https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/the-mindset-of-a-multiple-7-figure-entrepreneur-michael-michalowicz/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/the-mindset-of-a-multiple-7-figure-entrepreneur-michael-michalowicz/#respond Thu, 05 Mar 2020 03:30:47 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=51927 On this week’s Addicted2Success podcast we have Michael Michalowicz who is an American author, entrepreneur, and lecturer. He is the author of five business books including Fix This Next, Clockwork, Profit First Revised & Expanded, Surge, Profit First – The Pumpkin Plan and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, is an advocate of a business philosophy by […]

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On this week’s Addicted2Success podcast we have Michael Michalowicz who is an American author, entrepreneur, and lecturer.

He is the author of five business books including Fix This Next, Clockwork, Profit First Revised & Expanded, Surge, Profit First – The Pumpkin Plan and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, is an advocate of a business philosophy by the same name, and is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal.

Michael is the “Business Rescue” segment host for MSNBC’s Your Business.

He also hosted the reality television program called Bailout!


Listen to this powerful episode with Michael here and get ready to take notes:








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Top 12 Addicted2Success Podcast Episodes for You to Listen To https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/top-12-addicted2success-podcast-episodes-for-you-to-listen-to/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/top-12-addicted2success-podcast-episodes-for-you-to-listen-to/#respond Thu, 27 Jun 2019 10:03:33 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=50834 We are almost 6 months into the year and there has been so many great articles, videos and podcast episodes featured on Addicted2Success. The Addicted2Success podcast is one of the most popular podcasts in the business section of the apple podcast store and we are officially live on Spotify, Stitcher and SoundCloud now so you […]

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We are almost 6 months into the year and there has been so many great articles, videos and podcast episodes featured on Addicted2Success.

The Addicted2Success podcast is one of the most popular podcasts in the business section of the apple podcast store and we are officially live on Spotify, Stitcher and SoundCloud now so you can’t miss a motivational beat.

Here are the Top 12 Addicted2Success podcast episodes of 2019 for you to listen to

If you feel that any of the below podcasts have inspired you in any way shape or form please share the episodes on your insta stories, facebook, emails or direct message them to your friends as this would be deeply appreciated as we are on a mission to spread powerful self development advice to the world.

1. Dr. Dain Heer – How To Be More Conscious With Your Thoughts, Feelings And Emotions

Dr. Dain Heer is an internationally renowned author, speaker and facilitator of consciousness and change. For over 17 years, he has been inviting people to embrace their true greatness—people from every culture, country, age and social strata of society.

Originally trained as a chiropractor, he has a completely different approach to healing by facilitating people to tap into and recognize their own abilities and knowing.

2. Ashley Hann – 4 Ways To Master Magnetic Confidence

Ashley Hannawacker is an online branding and marketing strategist, author and speaker. Ashley specializes in creating powerful, cohesive online brand experiences and is an expert at making websites that make money.

Ashley is very passionate about personal growth and mindset through which she has led various presentations, coached leadership trainings and written a #1 best selling book: Magnetic Confidence: Attract the Results, Relationships and Life You Want.

3. Jason Stone – The 3 Principles To Building A 6 & 7 Figure Online Business

Jason Stone is widely known by celebrities and almost 2 million people around the world as @Millionaire_Mentor on Instagram. Stone has successfully launched multiple 6 and 7 figure Instagram and Internet platforms and is becoming a well known social media influencer and marketer. Known for his e-commerce success in the automotive industry in his early years with Treadstone Performance Engineering.

4. Les Brown – How To Achieve The Ultimate Level Of Self Motivation

One of the greatest Motivational Speakers of All Time “Les Brown” shares his powerful wisdom on what it takes to face any fear and how to reach the ultimate level of Self Motivation.

Les Brown goes deep in this conversation, he pours his heart and soul into this and keeps this one real and raw. Don’t Miss This!

5. Tony Robbins – 5 Ways To Master Your Money And Impact Millions Of Lives

Advisor to Billionaire’s, Athletes, Celebrities and some of the top leaders in the world! Tony Robbins is the go to guy for Success strategies and Joel Brown had the fortunate opportunity to chat with Tony about achieving success in this half an hour exclusive interview on the Addicted2Success Podcast!

6. Jay Shetty – How To Be Remembered For Your Love & Contribution

Jay Shetty is a philosophical content creator, story teller, Forbes 30 under 30 entrepreneur and former monk who has created a brand and movement that has reached over 1 Billion views and is dedicated to Making Wisdom Go Viral.

7. T. Harv Eker – How Multi-Millionaire’s Think

T. Harv Eker, the Best Selling Author of Secrets of The Millionaire Mind shares his insights and unforgettable advice on creating a life with abundant wealth and success.

The strategies he shares will change the way you view money forever!

8. Peter Sage – How To Live Your Best Life

Peter Sage is a well known international & serial entrepreneur, author, philosopher and teacher. His unique way of looking at and relating to life has inspired tens of thousands of people worldwide to Reinvent themselves.

Whether by improving or turning around a business or developing a new and empowering psychology through practical yet profound shifts in awareness, Peter hopes his insights and teachings can offer something of value to those who seek it.

9. Yahya Bakkar – How To Powerfully Sell Your Story To The World

Yahya Bakkar is a powerhouse speaker and leadership coach.

Yahya has spoken on over 500 stages around the world and he believes in giving you motivational, practical & transformational content to help you become the most courageous, confident and charismatic version of yourself.

10. Ajit Nawalkha – 4 Powerful Mindset Shifts That Will Change Your Life Forever

Speaker, Coach and Author “Ajit Nawalkha” shares his powerful advice on how to create emotional and mental shifts within to achieve more as an entrepreneur so you can move closer to your dreams.

Ajit’s new book “Live Big” is out now. In Live Big: A Guide to Passion, Practicality, and Purpose, Nawalkha shares 25 shifts—changes in your mental, physical, emotional, or even spiritual state—that will propel you on your road to success.

11. Olivia Arezzolo – How To Master Your Sleep For More Success

Australian Sleep Specialist Olivia Arezzolo shares her powerful advice for achieving more success through better sleep. Olivia writes for some of the world’s top publications on the power of sleep routines and how to live a more empowered life with new and healthy habits.

12. Grant Cardone – How To Increase Your Hunger For Success

Grant Cardone shares his advice on what it takes to be obsessed with your success. Get your hands on Grant Cardone’s New Book “Be Obsessed or Be Average” now.

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4 Ways YOU Can Create Powerful Habits – James Clear https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/4-ways-you-can-create-powerful-habits-james-clear/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/4-ways-you-can-create-powerful-habits-james-clear/#respond Sat, 01 Jun 2019 05:35:57 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=50746 Author and habits expert James Clear says if you want to make big changes, first you have to think small. His new book, “Atomic Habits,” zeroes in on the idea that small adjustments add up to larger changes over time. Checkout his new book Atomic Habits on Amazon now! What Are Habits? Let’s define habits. […]

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Author and habits expert James Clear says if you want to make big changes, first you have to think small. His new book, “Atomic Habits,” zeroes in on the idea that small adjustments add up to larger changes over time.

Checkout his new book Atomic Habits on Amazon now!

What Are Habits?

Let’s define habits. Habits are the small decisions you make and actions you perform every day. According to researchers at Duke University, habits account for about 40 percent of our behaviors on any given day. 

Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits. How in shape or out of shape you are? A result of your habits. How happy or unhappy you are? A result of your habits. How successful or unsuccessful you are? A result of your habits.

What you repeatedly do (i.e. what you spend time thinking about and doing each day) ultimately forms the person you are, the things you believe, and the personality that you portray. Everything I write about – from procrastination and productivity to strength and nutrition – starts with better habits. When you learn to transform your habits, you can transform your life.

Listen to the full podcast interview below to learn the ways that James Clear has Mastered his Habits!

As James Clear says:

Becoming better is not simply a matter of willpower or work ethic. It’s also a matter of strategy. What people assume is a lack of willpower or an unwillingness to change is often a consequence of trying to build good habits in bad environments.

  • If you are trying to read more books, don’t do it in a room filled with video games, Netflix, and a television. Move to a less distracting environment.
  • If you’re very overweight, don’t try to follow a workout program for college athletes. You can get there eventually, but that’s not a battle you need to fight right now. Start with a manageable change.
  • If you’re surrounded by people who tear down your goals, then work on your projects in a different location or reach out to like-minded people.
  • If you’re trying to stick to a writing habit when your kids are home from school and your house is in chaos, then work on it at a different time. Switch to a time of less resistance.

Build your habits where it is easy to do so. Re-define the situation. Create a game where the odds are stacked in your favor.

It sounds simple, but how often do you find yourself fighting difficult battles and ignoring easy ones? There is plenty of time to fight the difficult battles. Win the easy battles first.

The smartest path is to improvement is the one of least resistance. Fight battles you are destined to win.

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How To Relentlessly Live In Your Potential – Ben Kelly https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-relentlessly-live-in-your-potential-ben-kelly/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-relentlessly-live-in-your-potential-ben-kelly/#comments Sun, 19 Aug 2018 10:34:54 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=48845 Millionaire Entrepreneur, Speaker, Trainer and Investor Ben Kelly shares his principles with you for Rapid Transformation. Ben Kelly was a financially crippled bricklayer with large debt along with a debilitating mindset and low self worth as he struggled for purpose with a feeling of very little hope of a better life. However, Ben managed to […]

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Millionaire Entrepreneur, Speaker, Trainer and Investor Ben Kelly shares his principles with you for Rapid Transformation.

Ben Kelly was a financially crippled bricklayer with large debt along with a debilitating mindset and low self worth as he struggled for purpose with a feeling of very little hope of a better life.

However, Ben managed to turn that around in 2 short years through a strong desire to learn, grow and apply all that he learned in facing his fears and identity attachments that held him back.

Ben leads a movement of thousands around the world, speaking to large groups throughout Australia, the US, the UK and Asia sharing the lessons he has learned and the process that helped him to go from a depressed bricklayer unable to voice himself to being able to confidently speak to thousands on how life can change in a moment with a strong growth mindset and a willingness to leave behind what is not in service to your greater self.

His successful network marketing business has allowed him, along with his sister Peta to retire their single mother of four “Christine” and alleviate all of her financial burden. Ben loves travelling the world to lead people to their own empowerment, growth and expansion so they can step into greater expressed versions of themselves.


Click Play below to listen to the podcast episode with Ben Kelly.




Ben Kelly Quote

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6 Ways to Expand Your Consciousness for More Success – Garrain Jones https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/6-ways-to-expand-your-consciousness-for-more-success-garrain-jones/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/6-ways-to-expand-your-consciousness-for-more-success-garrain-jones/#respond Thu, 28 Jun 2018 04:43:41 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=48563 Garrain Jones is a powerful transformational leader and speaker who has broken through barriers most would see as impossible. Every industry he has stepped into he has achieved a high level of success and he continues to expand his network into the millions and networth into the multiple millions because he continues to challenge the […]

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Garrain Jones is a powerful transformational leader and speaker who has broken through barriers most would see as impossible.

Every industry he has stepped into he has achieved a high level of success and he continues to expand his network into the millions and networth into the multiple millions because he continues to challenge the way he looks at his potential and his life. He loves teaching others how they can do this too.

In this podcast episode Garrain shares 6 interesting ways to expand your consciousness so you can achieve more success. He also shares a powerful exercise to create clarity and power in your life, this episode is not to be missed.


Click Play below to listen to the podcast episode with Garrain Jones.





Garrain Jones is the author of “Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life” and is a leader who believes that you can create whatever you believe and that you put your heart and soul into.

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How to Share Your Vision and Ideas With The Super Wealthy – Kevin Harrington https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-share-your-vision-and-ideas-with-the-super-wealthy-kevin-harrington/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-share-your-vision-and-ideas-with-the-super-wealthy-kevin-harrington/#comments Sun, 20 Aug 2017 18:29:00 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=37991 Kevin Harrington is an American entrepreneur and business executive. Harrington is the founder of “As Seen On TV”. Kevin has appeared on the television series Shark Tank and has launched over 500 products resulting in more than $5 Billion in sales worldwide.   Listen to this Addicted2Success episode to find out how you can share […]

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Kevin Harrington is an American entrepreneur and business executive. Harrington is the founder of “As Seen On TV”. Kevin has appeared on the television series Shark Tank and has launched over 500 products resulting in more than $5 Billion in sales worldwide.


Listen to this Addicted2Success episode to find out how you can share your vision in the most effective way

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5 Habits Of Radically Authentic Leaders – Malaine Lea https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/5-habits-of-radically-authentic-leaders-malaine-lea/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/5-habits-of-radically-authentic-leaders-malaine-lea/#comments Sun, 20 Aug 2017 18:16:55 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=37988 New Jersey’s very own Women’s Lifestyle Architect and 6 Figure Transformational coach “Malaine Lea” shares the habits of Radically Authentic, Highly Impactful and Incredibly Intentional Leaders. As a Lifestyle Architect Malaine Lea loves supporting you in redefining and designing who you really are from the inside out.   Click Play below to listen to the […]

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New Jersey’s very own Women’s Lifestyle Architect and 6 Figure Transformational coach “Malaine Lea” shares the habits of Radically Authentic, Highly Impactful and Incredibly Intentional Leaders.

As a Lifestyle Architect Malaine Lea loves supporting you in redefining and designing who you really are from the inside out.


Click Play below to listen to the podcast episode with Malaine Lea.




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6 Things You Must Do To Transform Your Life – Jack Canfield https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/6-things-you-must-do-to-transform-your-life-jack-canfield/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/6-things-you-must-do-to-transform-your-life-jack-canfield/#comments Sun, 20 Aug 2017 18:05:53 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=37980 Jack Canfield the author of Chicken Soup for The Soul and The Success Principles hangs out with me last week to talk about how YOU can transform your life with self development. Jack Canfield has sold over half a billion books in his lifetime and has developed a number of incredible exercises and ways of […]

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Jack Canfield the author of Chicken Soup for The Soul and The Success Principles hangs out with me last week to talk about how YOU can transform your life with self development.

Jack Canfield has sold over half a billion books in his lifetime and has developed a number of incredible exercises and ways of thinking over the last few decades to help you elevate your success and live a life of empowerment.

Click Play below to listen to the podcast episode with Jack Canfield.


Or you can watch the FULL Video interview here



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How to Double Your Faith and Self Confidence – Trent Shelton https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-double-your-faith-and-self-confidence-trent-shelton/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-double-your-faith-and-self-confidence-trent-shelton/#respond Sun, 20 Aug 2017 17:59:51 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=37977 Ex-NFL Superstar turned Motivational Speaker and International Entrepreneur “Trent Shelton” caught up with Joel Brown to share his advice on what it takes to build a belief that is untouchable. Trent is a big believer that “It All Starts With You”. Click PLAY on the podcast episode above to find out how you can step […]

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Ex-NFL Superstar turned Motivational Speaker and International Entrepreneur “Trent Shelton” caught up with Joel Brown to share his advice on what it takes to build a belief that is untouchable.

Trent is a big believer that “It All Starts With You”.

Click PLAY on the podcast episode above to find out how you can step into your untouchable greatness so you can live out your life Purpose in Full Effect.




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How To Purify Your Mind With Powerful Beliefs – Marisa Peer https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-purify-your-mind-with-powerful-beliefs-marisa-peer/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-purify-your-mind-with-powerful-beliefs-marisa-peer/#respond Sat, 17 Jun 2017 14:38:59 +0000 http://addicted2success.com/?p=37431 Marisa Peer, who was named the Best British Therapist by Men’s Health magazine, has spent 25 years working with an extensive client list including royalty, rock stars, Hollywood actors, Olympic athletes, CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies and political leaders. Marisa Peer‘s tools and techniques aim to bridge the gap between 99% of the population and […]

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Marisa Peer, who was named the Best British Therapist by Men’s Health magazine, has spent 25 years working with an extensive client list including royalty, rock stars, Hollywood actors, Olympic athletes, CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies and political leaders.

Marisa Peer‘s tools and techniques aim to bridge the gap between 99% of the population and the top 1% of super-achievers she works with. Marisa has a very unique way to help many individuals worldwide to increase their self belief so they can own the incredible parts within them to live in their full potential.

Click PLAY below to listen to Marisa Peer break down many amazing ways to conquer your limitations  and how you can flood your mind with empowering beliefs.


marisa peer quote


“Belief without talent will take you further than talent without belief’ – Marisa Peer


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The Mindset Of A Multiple 6 Figure Online Entrepreneur – Daniel DiPiazza https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/the-mindset-of-a-multiple-6-figure-online-entrepreneur-daniel-dipiazza/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/the-mindset-of-a-multiple-6-figure-online-entrepreneur-daniel-dipiazza/#comments Fri, 05 May 2017 01:26:18 +0000 http://addicted2success.com/?p=37081 Daniel DiPiazza is a millennial business mastermind and the young entrepreneur behind the massively popular career and lifestyle website Rich20Something.com. In this episode Daniel shares his insights on what it takes to crush it online. You can listen to our interview on the Addicted2Success podcast where Daniel shares his advice and strategies for online success (just […]

The post The Mindset Of A Multiple 6 Figure Online Entrepreneur – Daniel DiPiazza appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

Daniel DiPiazza is a millennial business mastermind and the young entrepreneur behind the massively popular career and lifestyle website Rich20Something.com.

In this episode Daniel shares his insights on what it takes to crush it online.

You can listen to our interview on the Addicted2Success podcast where Daniel shares his advice and strategies for online success (just hit play!)


STOP wasting your potential and create a Kickass business you love. Click the picture below and grab the BRAND NEW Rich20Something book today!


What you will discover in this book:

  • Why most people can never think of a profitable business idea, and how to become an idea machine
  • How to completely destroy your fear of failure and pounce on the most important opportunities
  • Hustling 101: How to make your first $100,000 on the side
  • Why you should never network again, and how to befriend powerful influencers who will gladly help you
  • From freelancer to entrepreneur: How to create an online business that prints money while you sleep
  • How to eliminate distractions, get laser focused, and crush your goals
  • The mental tools and daily strategies I use to consistently create world-class work

In total, the book has more than 300 pages of detailed strategies, crazy anecdotes and larger-than-life personalities—including case studies from over a dozen wildly successful entrepreneurs who will tell you exactly how they did it.

Grab it here. Consume it. Start your dream business. Live an incredible life.


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How Crime, Drug Abuse, and Heartache Pushed One Man to Change the World – Jeremy Anderson https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-crime-drug-abuse-and-heartache-pushed-one-man-to-change-the-world-jeremy-anderson/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-crime-drug-abuse-and-heartache-pushed-one-man-to-change-the-world-jeremy-anderson/#respond Fri, 07 Apr 2017 20:10:06 +0000 http://addicted2success.com/?p=36896 Welcome once more to the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Breakdown”!  My name is Erik Andress and I am the host of this show.  Today, I am humbled and grateful to bring you the compassionate wisdom and the ambitious advice of speaker and minister Jeremy Anderson!  He has gone from a life of hopelessness […]

The post How Crime, Drug Abuse, and Heartache Pushed One Man to Change the World – Jeremy Anderson appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

Welcome once more to the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Breakdown”!  My name is Erik Andress and I am the host of this show.  Today, I am humbled and grateful to bring you the compassionate wisdom and the ambitious advice of speaker and minister Jeremy Anderson!  He has gone from a life of hopelessness to prosperity.  Through his hustle he took himself from the ground floor to working one-on-one with luminaries like the world renowned speaker Eric Thomas.  He has a fascinating story of grind and redemption that we all strive to emulate.

Check out this podcast interview with Jeremy to learn all his tips, tricks, and techniques that he wants you to know to live a empowered life:
While there were a lot of gems this ambitious entrepreneur dropped, here are the three most important ways Jeremy believes that you can do to revolutionize your business and personal life:

1. You are capable of redemption.  You can live a life that makes a difference

It was only a few short years ago that my life looked very different.  My outlook was bleak, to say the least.  I was lost in murky depths of drug abuse and I was nearing 300 pounds on the tiny scale in my bathroom.  I spent my evenings mesmerized by the glow of my television and I wasn’t taking any purposeful steps towards success.  I felt deeply confined by the labels that had been placed on me by teachers, counselors, and middle school bullies.  I was weighed down and shackled by the ideas that had been embedded in me.  Of course I was a “loser”, they had all told me so.  Of course I was destined to always be the fat kid, they had all told me so.  Of course I was doomed to live a life of underwhelming mediocrity, they had all told me so.

My life changed when decided to make it change.  I decided that I would no longer accept feeling sluggish and encumbered by the weight that I had put on.  I bought a pair of tennis shoes and I began to hit the pavement.  I decided that I would no longer spend my nights held hostage by the media on my electronic devices.  I began to put myself out there and attend social events put on in my area.  I decided that I wasn’t going to accept the idea that I was stuck in this job that I despised driving to every day.  I began to apply of other positions and I found a teaching position that allowed me to give of myself to the most vulnerable of student populations.

Your life changes only when you get angry enough with your current situation that change is a NECESSITY, not an option.  So get disgusted with the things in your life that are holding you back.  Get furious at the idea that you are not living up to your physical potential.  Get livid at the fact that you are not in an occupation that allows you to fulfill your purpose.  Get angry with the idea that you are not bringing your best self to your significant other or those in your life that you love.  Use this as fuel to push you to take action.  It is then, and only then, that you can truly start to live the life that you deserve!

“I’m gonna make the rest of my life, the best of my life.” – Eric Thomas

2. You are deserving of health and happiness

For so much of our younger years, the adults in our life that we trust focus on our deficiencies. They often do this with good intentions, in the idea that they will push us to bigger and better things by helping us to rectify our mistakes. However, for many young people, this strategy backfires. This often times convinces them that they don’t deserve to be happy. This often times pushes them to believe that they don’t deserve to be healthy. They might end up feeling that they do not deserve the chance to fight for the version of success that they hold dear and their mind’s eye. However, (and I want you to focus on the sentence because it might be the most vital one that you read today) you are a person of worth that deserves health, happiness, and an extraordinary life.

Yes, you might have had your feelings in the past yes, you might have caused hurt and heartache for others. However, your past does not dictate your destiny. Choose right here and right now to change the way that you have looked at yourself in the past.  Choose right here and right now to move forward in your life with the assumption that your DEFAULT SETTING is happiness and that you can accomplish incredible vitality and health if you put in the work.  Simply by being alive, breathing, and having that heart continuing to pump in your chest…you are worth it.

Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet.  I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it. Groucho Marx

3. Being of service to other people brings abundance into your life

Before I entered the transitional period in my life that brought about my own self empowerment, I was so used to having my credit card declined that it just became another frustrating part of my life.  I was so used to feeling like I could never quite get a hold of success and that all good things in my life just seemed to continually slip through my fingers.  However, there was one revolutionary moment, in which all of this changed.

I had just returned home from an evening interview at a high school.  I desperately wanted that job.  I was living paycheck to paycheck and barely scraping by.  Shrugging my backpack off my shoulders onto my kitchen table, I felt compelled to go for a walk.  As I trudged through a nearby park, illuminated only by the pale circles of light that were cast on the path in front of me, I dejectedly slumped over on a dilapidated park bench.  This will be my seventeenth interview, and probably my seventeenth rejection, I thought to myself.  On top of all of this, I had recently put my heart out there for a woman.  I had left her a message on her answering machine while she was out of town telling her how incredible I thought she was and that I would be profoundly grateful if she let me buy her a cup of coffee.  Days had passed and no response from her.  As I surveyed the park and listened to the late night wind rustle through the leaves of the trees above me, I was overwhelmed with a sense of letting go.

I still don’t entirely know what compelled me to do this, but on that park bench I said out loud to nobody in particular, “If I get this job, I will dedicate my life to being of service to these kids.  It will not be about the paycheck for me.  It will be about helping them realize their greatness.”

I sighed deeply, feeling utterly helpless.  It wasn’t even a minute later that my cell phone began to buzz in my pocket.  I had gotten two text messages.  Opening my phone, I was astonished to see that the first was from a teacher at the school I had interviewed at earlier that evening.  It read, “Call me.  We want to offer you the job.”  The second message was, much to my surprise, from the woman that I tried to contact.  Her message said, “I’d love to get coffee with you.  Pick me up this Friday at 8.”

When I chose to let go of my expectations for myself and decide to be of service to others, abundance entered my life.  As I began my journey as a teacher in that institution, and was able to bring those young scholars the kind of compassionate instruction they deserved to have, I started to get opportunities to speak and change the lives of kids outside my classroom.  Oh, and the woman from earlier in the story?  We’ve now been happily married for nearly three years.  While it may seem antithetical to what you have been taught, giving of yourself is truly the quickest and easiest way to bring more love, more wealth, and more hope into your life.  

“The measure of a man’s greatness is not the number of servants he has, but the number of people he serves.” – John Hagee

If you want to find out more about Jeremy Anderson and the work that he does, please visit: https://www.jeremyanderson.org/
I hope you’ve enjoyed the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast!”  If you have some takeaways from the interview I missed, SOUND OFF in the comments below.

The post How Crime, Drug Abuse, and Heartache Pushed One Man to Change the World – Jeremy Anderson appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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How Persistence, Patience, and Authenticity Helped One Entreprenuer Achieve His Wildest Dreams – Jeremy Slate https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-persistence-patience-and-authenticity-helped-one-entreprenuer-achieve-his-wildest-dreams-jeremy-slate/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-persistence-patience-and-authenticity-helped-one-entreprenuer-achieve-his-wildest-dreams-jeremy-slate/#comments Fri, 31 Mar 2017 20:01:16 +0000 http://addicted2success.com/?p=36860 Welcome once more to the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Breakdown”!  My name is Erik Andress and I am the host of this show.  Today, I am humbled and grateful to bring you the words and wisdom of entrepreneur Jeremy Slate!  He has a fascinating story of redemption and hustle that we all can […]

The post How Persistence, Patience, and Authenticity Helped One Entreprenuer Achieve His Wildest Dreams – Jeremy Slate appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

Welcome once more to the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Breakdown”!  My name is Erik Andress and I am the host of this show.  Today, I am humbled and grateful to bring you the words and wisdom of entrepreneur Jeremy Slate!  He has a fascinating story of redemption and hustle that we all can learn something valuable from.

Check out this podcast interview with Jeremy to learn all his tips, tricks, and techniques that he wants you to know to live a empowered life:
While there were a lot of gems this ambitious entrepreneur dropped, here are the three most important ways Jeremy believes that you can do to revolutionize your business and personal life:

1. Connect to others with authenticity and genuine compassion

We live in this weird time right now.  We live in a time in which it is seemingly socially acceptable for two young people on a date to be staring at their cell phones as opposed to each other. We live in a time where people automate their social media responses and text back pre-written answers to people that attempting to contact them. This practice of detached communication is slowly eroding our ability to connect with each other.  Over the course of my conversation with Jeremy Slate, we discussed the profound power that lies behind authentic communication.

Want to differentiate yourself from other people? Use heart-centered and compassionate communication. Be the person that tells a potential client the unfettered truth. Be the person that tells your significant other that they are deeply meaningful to you. Be the person that resolves disputes with co-workers peaceably while still recognizing the humanity in them. Be the person that goes out of your way to tell your teacher or professor that you are very grateful for the opportunity to learn under them. There are so many individuals out there right now trying to find that romantic partner, trying to start and sustain their own entrepreneurial venture, trying to get to the top of their class in their respective academic institutions. If you want to stand out from the crowd, do so by communicating in a much more meaningful way. It doesn’t take much more than a few kind words, eye contact, and a willingness to persist in conversation even when you have a deep desire to grab your iPhone from your pocket and start flipping through Instagram once more!

“The way we communicate with others and ourselves, ultimately determines the quality of our lives.” – Tony Robbins

2. Persistence and patience are key components of success

I will admit it. As a former English teacher, I love clichés. The reason I do is that there is a kernel of truth for us to learn from in each of them. One of my favorites is, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” I think that this particular platitude is so important for us to keep in mind because of the kind of culture that you and I have gotten used to living in is infatuated with getting things handed to them instantaneously. It feels deeply frustrating to me that so many young people are obsessed with the idea of instant gratification or attaining their goals immediately.

In reality, all good things in our lives have to be fought for.  A business is not built overnight. It takes countless hours and a lot of sweat equity to develop and demonstrate your value in the marketplace. A great relationship does not come immediately. A long term and sustainable relationship is one that you have to work on. Graduating at the top of your class is no easy feat. To be that kind of young scholar, you need to accept the fact that you will have many late nights in study groups, with tutors and with your nose shoved in a book. Be patient and continue to push. When you apply this principle to your life, you will absolutely start to see the success that you want to have!

Your legacy is being written by yourself.  Make the right decisions Gary Vaynerchuk

3. Have an undying faith in your dream and your grind

There is a price for success that most people are unwilling to pay. Unfortunately, while I am a proud educator, I believe that our schools have failed many of you in that regard. For much of your young life you have had your hands held, you have been told that you are special, and anytime that you complain about your challenges, you have been given a copious amount of help. Sadly, as many of you know, this is a far cry from what you will experience in the real world.

There are always going to be that was the doubt you. There are going to be those that see you in the early stages of your journey toward success, and they will take that opportunity to try to tear you down. They will take that opportunity to try and laugh at you. Nevertheless, this is the time that you need to fight the hardest. This is the time that you need to believe the most in that dream that keeps you awake at night. Understand that you don’t need the approval of others to chase your version of success. You don’t need other people to co-sign the thing that you wish for the most. If your teacher doesn’t believe that you have the ability to find real success in the classroom, show them differently. If your significant other doesn’t believe that you can be a better partner to them, show them differently. If your business partner or clientele don’t see you as a leader, show them differently. The universe does not shape you, you shape the universe!

“Every time I wake up, I am thinking that I am alive, this is the day!  This is an opportunity.” – Eric Thomas

I hope you’ve enjoyed the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast!”  If you have some takeaways from the interview I missed, SOUND OFF in the comments below.

The post How Persistence, Patience, and Authenticity Helped One Entreprenuer Achieve His Wildest Dreams – Jeremy Slate appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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3 Simple Steps One Entreprenuer Took to Go From Homeless Shelters to Impacting Thousands – Kyle Lipton https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/3-simple-steps-one-entreprenuer-took-to-go-from-homeless-shelters-to-impacting-thousands-kyle-lipton/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/3-simple-steps-one-entreprenuer-took-to-go-from-homeless-shelters-to-impacting-thousands-kyle-lipton/#respond Fri, 24 Mar 2017 18:56:06 +0000 http://addicted2success.com/?p=36806 Welcome once more to the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Breakdown”!  My name is Erik Andress and I am the host of this show.  Today, I am humbled and grateful to bring you the words and wisdom of entrepreneur Kyle Lipton!  He is a walking testament to what we can accomplish when we align […]

The post 3 Simple Steps One Entreprenuer Took to Go From Homeless Shelters to Impacting Thousands – Kyle Lipton appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

Welcome once more to the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Breakdown”!  My name is Erik Andress and I am the host of this show.  Today, I am humbled and grateful to bring you the words and wisdom of entrepreneur Kyle Lipton!  He is a walking testament to what we can accomplish when we align with our true purpose in the universe and have a positive vision for our future.

Check out this podcast interview with Kyle to learn all his tips, tricks, and techniques that he wants you to know to live a empowered life:

In this podcast, Kyle has dropped some powerful knowledge and discusses his past hardship that has given him a rare glimpse into how to access a drive and clarity of purpose that many entrepreneurs can only dream of having!

While there were a lot of gems this inspiring entrepreneur dropped, here are the three most important ways Kyle believes that you can do to exponentially increase the abundance in your life:

1. The instruction booklet for “lasting success” is there, you just need to go and get it

We live in an amazing time in human history.  Right now, in your pants pocket or purse is a small device that has access to all the knowledge that humanity has to offer.  Your cell phone, tablet, or personal computer is a key to open the door to virtually infinite free knowledge that can help you.  Start listening to podcasts.  Understand that there are so many podcasters that bring you weekly shows that can bring you knowledge, on a weekly basis, that could rival college courses taught on similar topics in years past.  Use your library card!  There is a plethora of information just waiting for you to unlock it in countless tomes that have been written by powerful women and men that want to guide you towards the life that you deserve to be living.  

When we expand the knowledge that we have at our fingertips, we drastically increase the tools we have to deal with any difficult situation.  Don’t curtail your ability to be a beast at life.  Give yourself every opportunity, every chance, every last possibility that you that you can by becoming a voracious life-long learner!

“If you are not willing to learn, nobody can help you.  If you determined to learn, nobody can stop you.” – Anonymous

2. Your circumstances do not define you, your work ethic does

Kyle spoke beautifully about his past experiences with financial hardship and the steps that he took to remove himself from that mindset.  There is a wonderful parable, that I have said on the podcast before, that I think addresses this point nicely.

Once upon a time, there was a young man that was facing a lot of challenges in his life.  His grades were in the toilet, his girlfriend has just broken up with him, and his car had just gotten towed.  On top of all of that, in the middle of the night, he had heard his parents arguing about a potential impending bankruptcy.  Feeling totally overwhelmed, one night he finally broke down in front of her Dad and told him everything that was weighing on his shoulders.  Without a word, his father brought him into the kitchen and put two pots on the stove, lit the burners, and instructed his son to watch.

As the pots began to simmer and boil, his father dropped an egg in one pot and a potato in the other.  The son began to protest and say that he really needed advice from his father, but the Dad once more instructed him to be quiet and watch.  Soon, the Dad ladled the egg and the potato out onto the countertop and allowed them to cool.  The father waved his son over and asked him to look closely.  “What do you see son?” the father asked with an amused smile on his face.

“A potato and an egg,” the son replied hastily.  “What does this have to do with anything Dad?”

His father then explained that the potato and the egg had each faced the same struggles and hardship-the boiling water. However, they had reacted differently from each other. The potato went in strong, unrelenting and tough, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak. The egg was fragile, with the thin shell protecting its insides until it was put in the boiling water.  From there, the egg turned into something chewy and durable.

The father put his hand on the son’s shoulder and said, “It is not the adversity we face, but rather what we are made of.  We all have pain, heartbreak, and hopelessness in our lives.  It is how we face down our challenges that define who we are as men.”

We must push ourselves to believe that this storm will pass.  When we decide that we are stronger than our hardships, when we decide that we must persevere, that is when we are truly embarking on the journey towards real success.

Champions keep going even when they don’t have anything left in the tank. Eric Thomas

3. You won’t move forward in life, if you don’t start asking for help

Those of us that choose to frequent a website like this live in a different kind of culture than most of our fellow Americans.  We choose to prize personality responsibility.  We choose to, in the words of the ex-Navy Seal Jocko Willink, take “extreme ownership” of our actions and outcomes in our life.  That is why it can be so difficult for us to reach out and ask for guidance or aid when we reach a deadend in our knowledge of any given topic.  It does not make you weak to ask for people to point you in the direction of new and sustainable success.  If you want to get into the best shape of your life, hiring a personal trainer can help you get there.  If you want to bring your business to the next level, there are countless coaches, webinars, and programs out there to help you move forward in the way that makes best sense for you.  If you want to strengthen your relationship or become the best parent that you are capable of being, it is vital for you to seek knowledge for trained professionals.  

There is no weakness in asking for help when your goal is to better yourself.  Reach out to people in your community or those online that you could learn from.  Teachers are not relegated to the classrooms in your high school or college.  There are so many people out there, in fitness, in business, in the therapeutic fields, in the trades that have valuable information that you can use to drastically increase your quality of life.

“The only mistake you can make is not asking for help.” – Sandeep Jauhar

I hope you’ve enjoyed the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast!”  If you have some takeaways from the interview I missed, SOUND OFF in the comments below.

The post 3 Simple Steps One Entreprenuer Took to Go From Homeless Shelters to Impacting Thousands – Kyle Lipton appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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How to Make Millions, Affect Millions and Feel Like a Million Bucks – Kash Shaikh https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-make-millions-affect-millions-and-feel-like-a-million-bucks-kash-shaikh/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-make-millions-affect-millions-and-feel-like-a-million-bucks-kash-shaikh/#comments Fri, 17 Mar 2017 20:05:10 +0000 http://addicted2success.com/?p=36763 Welcome once more to the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Breakdown”!  My name is Erik Andress and I am the host of this show.  Today, I am humbled and grateful to bring you the words and wisdom of entrepreneur and mastermind behind the #besomebody movement, Kash Shaikh!  He is an example of hustle, positivity […]

The post How to Make Millions, Affect Millions and Feel Like a Million Bucks – Kash Shaikh appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

Welcome once more to the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Breakdown”!  My name is Erik Andress and I am the host of this show.  Today, I am humbled and grateful to bring you the words and wisdom of entrepreneur and mastermind behind the #besomebody movement, Kash Shaikh!  He is an example of hustle, positivity and hope that we can all look to and try to emulate!

Check out this podcast interview with Kash to learn all his tips, tricks, and techniques that he wants you to know to live a empowered life:

In this podcast, Kash shares powerful insight on how his past experiences and the fight for success that he endured, have given him invaluable knowledge that people around the world need to hear and study!

While there were a lot of gems this inspiring entrepreneur dropped, here are the three most important ways Kash believes that you can do to dramatically increase the quality of your life:

1. There are many different valid avenues towards lasting success

We get told a lot that there is one way to succeed.  You have to get the right grades to get into the right college.  After attending the right college, you will enter the workforce and find comfortability in the fabric lined walls of your four foot by four foot cubicle.  Soon you will find the adequate romantic partner and …ZZZZZZZ (*falls asleep mid sentence*)  It’s BORING even just typing it out!  The rules that have been imposed on you are PRETEND!  Teachers, administrators, parents, bosses and so many more well meaning people have tried to keep you on the well trod path of comfortability and success.  

You were BORN to chase greatness.  There are extraordinary men and women over time that have MADE history not simply participated in it.  Not a single one of these thought leaders made their mark on the world by doing the same thing that society has always done.  Not a single one of those influential individuals changed society by embracing the status quo.  Go beyond your boundaries of comfortability.  Believe in the parts of you that are sensational and understand that you can use those to fuel your success in business, in relationships and in life!

“At first they’ll ask why you’re doing it.  Later they’ll ask how you did it.” – Nathan Chan

2. Hear your haters, but keep moving forward towards your dreams

What steps did you take this morning to differentiate today from EVERY other day of your life?  Did you eat a healthier breakfast?  Did you sneak in a thirty minute workout before you had to head off to work or school?  Did you hop on a call with your business partner to get a little grind in before you had to start your day in full?  Did you send a text to your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife to let them know how grateful you are that they are in your life?  If you aren’t pushing yourself to be better from the moment you wake up, to the time that you lay your head on the pillow in the evening, then your haters are right about you.  Then those that doubt you have a valid point.

Many people simply dismiss the naysayers, when they should be looking to see if there is any truth in their criticism of you.  Are you going down a path that will lead your business into ruin?  Are you dating somebody that detracts from your happiness as opposed to adding to it?  Are you surrounding yourself with people that enable you to make destructive decisions instead of constructive ones?  Develop a keen sense of self-awareness and become your own harshest critic.  Demand excellence and discipline from yourself in all areas of your life.  You can not have uncommon results when you keep taking common action.  So, buck mediocrity by taking constructive criticism and pushing yourself to be more than anybody believed you were capable of becoming!

Most haters are stuck in a poisonous mental prison of jealousy and self-doubt that blinds them to their own potentiality. Steve Maraboli

3. Sacrifice being comfortable for the greatness you are capable of achieving

We don’t go to movies to see the main character succeed immediately.  We flock to the cinema to see somebody that embodies the “underdog story”.  We watch films like this because they resonate with us at a core level, and shakes up something primal within our hearts.  We love these movies because they portray some unassuming character that is willing to risk it all to find glory.  They are willing to leave behind the comforts of home to face down internal or external demons.  We love these films because we want to see that “underdog” spirit in us!  

Understand that this kind of heroism doesn’t have to be relegated to movies.  It doesn’t have to be stuck on the silver screen.  You are the hero of this story.  You are the main character that is charged with facing down the challenges in your life.  It is now or never.  Your journey towards success doesn’t start tomorrow.  It has to start right here, right now, in this very moment.  Get up from your chair and start making those choices that will lead you towards the success that you deserve to have.  Lace up those tennis shoes and go exercise.  Keep cold calling for your business until you get the coveted “yes” that you have been looking for.  Call your significant other RIGHT NOW and tell them you just needed them to know that you loved them.  Stop telling yourself that making the same choices, doing the same things the same way that you have always done them, is suddenly going to yield different results!  You need to let go of your comfortability and start pushing yourself towards mastery!

“You must be willing, at any moment, to sacrifice who you are for what you will become.” – Eric Thomas

Feel like the article is TOO LONG?  No worries!  Check out the video breakdown of “How to Be a Grownup Podcast”!

I hope you’ve enjoyed the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast!”  If you have some takeaways from the interview I missed, SOUND OFF in the comments below.

The post How to Make Millions, Affect Millions and Feel Like a Million Bucks – Kash Shaikh appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-make-millions-affect-millions-and-feel-like-a-million-bucks-kash-shaikh/feed/ 3
5 Habits of World Class Achievers – Robin Sharma https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/5-habits-of-world-class-achievers-robin-sharma/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/5-habits-of-world-class-achievers-robin-sharma/#comments Mon, 13 Mar 2017 17:03:36 +0000 http://addicted2success.com/?p=36740 The Speaker, Entrepreneur & Best Selling Author “Robin Sharma” who wrote the classic books “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” and “The Leader Who Had No Title” drops by the Addicted2Success podcast to share his wisdom on how to apply highly effective habits for world class success with Joel Brown and his viewers. Robin Sharma […]

The post 5 Habits of World Class Achievers – Robin Sharma appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

The Speaker, Entrepreneur & Best Selling Author “Robin Sharma” who wrote the classic books “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” and “The Leader Who Had No Title” drops by the Addicted2Success podcast to share his wisdom on how to apply highly effective habits for world class success with Joel Brown and his viewers.

Robin Sharma – 5 Habits of World Class Achievers


Here is the Audio Podcast of this exclusive session with Robin Sharma.


Make sure you download Robin Sharma’s free Gift for you – The Mental Mastery Toolkit by clicking the picture below:

robin sharma mental mastery toolkit


Robin Sharma Courses and Programs to look out for:


The post 5 Habits of World Class Achievers – Robin Sharma appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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3 Crucial Steps You Must Take to Create the Strongest Version of Yourself – Elliott Hulse https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/3-crucial-steps-you-must-take-to-create-the-strongest-version-of-yourself-elliott-hulse/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/3-crucial-steps-you-must-take-to-create-the-strongest-version-of-yourself-elliott-hulse/#comments Fri, 10 Mar 2017 02:41:01 +0000 http://addicted2success.com/?p=36723 Welcome once more to the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Breakdown”!  My name is Erik Andress and I am the host of this show.  Today, I am humbled and grateful to bring you the words and wisdom of Youtube sensation and spiritual explorer Elliott Hulse!  He is a walking testament to what can be […]

The post 3 Crucial Steps You Must Take to Create the Strongest Version of Yourself – Elliott Hulse appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

Welcome once more to the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Breakdown”!  My name is Erik Andress and I am the host of this show.  Today, I am humbled and grateful to bring you the words and wisdom of Youtube sensation and spiritual explorer Elliott Hulse!  He is a walking testament to what can be possible when you align with your purpose in this universe and grind hard to find the success that you deserve!

Check out this podcast interview with Elliott to learn all his tips, tricks, and techniques that he wants you to know to live a empowered life:

In this podcast, Elliott shares powerful insight on how his past experiences and the adversity he has overcome has given him amazing insight that allows him to bring holistic, vital information to the millions of people that follow his career.

While there were a lot of gems this inspiring entrepreneur dropped, here are the the three most important ways Elliott believes that you can do to dramatically increase the quality of your life:

1. Understand that purposeful adversity and suffering leads to greatness

Part of the human experience is pain.  Don’t let anybody tell you differently.  Anything that is worth doing in life will be challenging.  Building, maintaining, and sustaining a business is not for the faint of heart.  Developing a deep and loving relationship with a significant other that will stand by your side in the good times and the bad is a journey of personal growth for both partners.  However, so many of us don’t give ourselves the tools to deal with these burdens or roadblocks before they happen.  We allow ourselves to flounder and fail in the face of challenges, because we haven’t practiced being resilient.  

You have the chance to change that today.  You have the chance in this twenty four hour period, to give yourself the gift of GRIT and MENTAL TOUGHNESS.  Whether you choose to lift weights like Elliot or push yourself by reading a book a day like Tai Lopez, developing that internal sense of resilience will help you to deal with the challenges of everyday life much more easily.  Get up off your couch and take on the Spartan Race, see how much you can dead-lift, push yourself to jog a little bit further, pick up a book that seems like it might be beyond your scope of understanding and know that you will better your life for it!

“When you participate in purposeful suffering, your happiness level actually rises.” – Joe De Sena

2. Realize that your past mistakes cannot dictate the quality of your future

Don’t let other people’s perception of you be the excuse that you use to avoid going for your dreams.  As Elliott and I spoke about in the interview, he CHOSE to break out of the negative path that he was walking on.  Empower yourself to believe that you are capable of this as well.  Allow this paragraph to act as your permission slip to let go of the story that you believe was written for you, and to start to pen a new one for yourself.  

Give yourself permission to believe that you are not the negative labels that your educators placed upon you.  Give yourself permission to believe that friends and family that doubt your dream, just can’t see the heights that you are capable of reaching.  GIve yourself permission to believe that any mistakes that you have made in your past, were made by an entirely different person.  Those mistakes were made by a person full of uncertainty, doubt, regret, and devoid of purposeful direction.  Give yourself permission to believe that greatness and power are there inside you, just waiting for you to unlock the potential that you have always had!

The only way to get out of mediocrity is to keep shooting for excellence. Eric Thomas

3. Recognize that patience and persistence are the key ingredients to lasting success

In the social media world that we have been born and bred in, it becomes very easy to believe that success came overnight for so many of the flashy and beautiful individuals that you see on the Instagram recommend page.  Nothing in life that is worthwhile comes easily.  You want to be successful as a business owner or an entrepreneur?  Patience and persistence are the answer.  Stop reading books, stop watching Gary Vaynerchuk videos and start to put the work in while understanding that it will be a long trek towards lasting success.  Do you want to have a meaningful and deep relationship with a partner that makes your life better? You need to get out there, put yourself in positions where you could meet that person, and bring your best self to every interaction that you have with them.  When things get tough, when you argue or fight, push yourself to see the long term as opposed to the conflict in the moment.  

There is no debate, success is persistence and patience.  Challenges are an inevitable part of your journey towards the top.  You will fail.  You will stumble.  Onlookers might mock you or try to tear down your dreams.  You will fall down and get bloodied, bruised, and broken.  However, those that make their lasting mark on this world are the ones that choose to say that, “My obstacles don’t define me, my goals do.”

“You are not patient enough.  Your lack of patience is killing you.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

I hope you’ve enjoyed the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast!”  If you have some takeaways from the interview I missed, SOUND OFF in the comments below.

The post 3 Crucial Steps You Must Take to Create the Strongest Version of Yourself – Elliott Hulse appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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3 Vital Lessons That Can Take You From Broke to Billionaire – Daniel Gefen https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/3-vital-lessons-that-can-take-you-from-broke-to-billionaire-daniel-gefen/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/3-vital-lessons-that-can-take-you-from-broke-to-billionaire-daniel-gefen/#comments Fri, 03 Mar 2017 20:06:16 +0000 http://addicted2success.com/?p=36661 Welcome once more to the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Breakdown”!  My name is Erik Andress and I am the host of this show.  Today, I am humbled and grateful to bring you the words and wisdom of entrepreneur Daniel Gefen!  He is a walking testament to the power of the “hustle”, and I […]

The post 3 Vital Lessons That Can Take You From Broke to Billionaire – Daniel Gefen appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

Welcome once more to the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Breakdown”!  My name is Erik Andress and I am the host of this show.  Today, I am humbled and grateful to bring you the words and wisdom of entrepreneur Daniel Gefen!  He is a walking testament to the power of the “hustle”, and I am excited for you to get to know his story over the course of the podcast!

Check out this podcast interview with Daniel to learn all his tips, tricks, and techniques that he wants you to know to live a empowered life:

In this podcast, Daniel shares powerful insight on how his past experiences and the adversity he has overcome has given him a rare drive and sense of ambition that is matched by few in the entrepreneurial space today.

While there were a lot of gems this inspiring entrepreneur dropped, here are the three most important ways Daniel believes you can revolutionize your life:

1. Just because you are down, does not mean that you are out.

I remember how cold the damp tile felt underneath my cheek.  It was just after Halloween and I could see the spider webs of frost beginning to cover the aging window in the dorm bathroom.  Somewhere out there, on that casket black and blustery night, my girlfriend was sleeping with another man and I didn’t have the courage to do anything about it.  At that point, I had been lying on the floor of the bathroom stall for nearly a half hour trying to summon the strength to stand.  Just beyond the reach of my fingertips lay my makeshift noose that had failed to support my weight.  I was 19 when I tried to kill myself.  I felt like I had lost everything and I had tried to end my life.

It was in the coming days, weeks, and months that I had to learn that I still had a future in front of me if I wanted it.  You don’t have to accept that your losses or pain will dictate the quality of your coming days.  Dive deep into developing your potential.  Read books that will give you the information you need to move forward.  Seek out mentors or teachers that will model positive and constructive ways of conducting your personal and business lives.  Surround yourself with a circle of influence that enables you to make better choices with your life.  DECIDE that you are a person of worth with the skills, talents, and passions necessary to find your version of success!

“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” – Steve Maraboli

2. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and start taking action.

Experiencing heartbreak is a fundamental aspect of the human experience.  We have ups and downs in our careers.  We lose romantic partners that we were deeply invested in.  We have loved ones pass away.  However, I want to challenge you to believe that wallowing in your self-pity, does nothing to help you move forward towards success.  Sometimes we have a confluence of bad things happen in our lives.  Like a perfect S@#t storm, we can easily get lost in the rough waters that our challenges stir up within us.  Right now, I want you to understand that your heartbreak does not define you.  The scars that our past hurt have left with us, are simply lessons to help us to live better in the future.  

No matter how bad it has gotten, you ALWAYS have tools to keep moving forward.  Even if you have lost your financial stability, the important relationships in your life, or even your self-esteem, you still have an essential tool at your disposal.  Place your hand on your chest and feel your heart quietly beating.  Right there, in that quiet pumping of your heart, is your permission to believe that you still have a shot at success.  As long as your heart keeps beating, you will wake up tomorrow.  Remember and realize that every single day that we wake up, we are given a blank slate on which you can write a new narrative of success!

You will never ever be successful, until you turn your pain into greatness, until you allow your pain to push you from where you are to push you to where you need to be. Eric Thomas

3. Be humble and grateful for the gifts that others give you.

We live in a society that is built around the idea of getting what you believe to be yours and leaving others in the dust.  While this might help you to amass some wealth and influence relatively quickly, it also burns bridges.  Nobody finds success in a vacuum.  We have teachers that inspire us.  A parent that pushed us to be better.  A friend that encouraged us to take a positive chance.  We all have had the positive influence of others that has helped us to get to where we are today.  

Remain humble and grateful for the gifts that others have provided you.  Adopting gratitude into your daily practice, allows you to live in a peak state of high performance.  The motivational speaker and business strategist Tony Robbins speaks about the power of cultivating a grateful mindset when he states, “When you’re grateful you can’t be angry. When you’re grateful you can’t be fearful. Anger and fear is what stops most people.”  So, push yourself to express thankfulness to your co-workers, friends, family and anybody else that has helped you along your journey.  

“Be humble.  Be hungry.  And always be the hardest worker in the room.” – The Rock

Was the article TOO LONG?  Check out the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Video Breakdown” below:

I hope you’ve enjoyed the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast!”  If you have some takeaways from the interview I missed, SOUND OFF in the comments below.

The post 3 Vital Lessons That Can Take You From Broke to Billionaire – Daniel Gefen appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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How to Stop Caring and Start Finding Real Success! – Kolby Kay https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-stop-caring-and-start-finding-real-success-kolby-kay/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-stop-caring-and-start-finding-real-success-kolby-kay/#respond Sat, 25 Feb 2017 05:24:42 +0000 http://addicted2success.com/?p=36605 Kolby Kay is a renaissance man who wears many hats.  He is a dynamic public speaker, a devoted Dad, a business strategist, the owner of several companies, and the mastermind behind the supplement movement, “The Healthy Primate”.  He is a walking testament to the power of the “hustle”, and I am excited for you to […]

The post How to Stop Caring and Start Finding Real Success! – Kolby Kay appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

Kolby Kay is a renaissance man who wears many hats.  He is a dynamic public speaker, a devoted Dad, a business strategist, the owner of several companies, and the mastermind behind the supplement movement, “The Healthy Primate”.  He is a walking testament to the power of the “hustle”, and I am excited for you to get to know him over the course of the podcast!

In this podcast, Kolby shares powerful insight on how his past experiences and the adversity he has overcome has given him a rare drive and sense of ambition that is matched by few in the entrepreneurial space today.

While there were a lot of gems this awesome entrepreneur dropped, here are the three most important ways Kolby believes you can revolutionize your life:

1. You are not defined by the names that they call you

We have all struggled with the labels that were placed upon us by the adults in our lives during our formative years.  Even well-intentioned authority figures gave us the monikers of “too fat”, “too skinny”, “too smart”, “not bright enough”, or any other myriad of names that stuck to us like glue and began to shape our views of ourselves.  For many of us, the final nail in the coffin, was the fact that we felt like our school experience stifled our creativity and individuality.  We were told that we were no longer allowed to be “square pegs” and we had to fit into the “round holes”.  We were convinced that we were not “out of the box thinkers”, we were “troublemakers”.  We were not bursting with potential, we had “attention problems”.

I am telling you right now that you are enough.  You have passions, talents, skills and unique experiences that make you a valuable addition to any team or organization. Embrace what makes you great and let go of anybody’s opinion to the contrary.

“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” – Maya Angelou

2. Build your tribe with genuine and heartfelt interaction

There is a certain type of pitch that seems really popular on social media right now.  It is boilerplate, it tells me nothing about the creator of the product and it looks like a mad-libs game for entrepreneurs.  They go something like: “Now, the new course from the world’s most dynamic speaker (insert name of random businessperson you’ve never heard of)!  You will learn to (something plagiarized poorly from a “Dailyvee” episode).  You can get this invaluable information for the LOW price of 11 kajillion dollars!”

People don’t buy your product, they buy into you.  They buy into your story.  People don’t purchase Apple products because they are technologically superior to their competitors.  Consumers flock to purchase the new iPhone, because they have bought into the ethos that the company has cultivated.  Steal the tactics from the masters and do the same for your end users.  Show them your ups and your downs.  Document your passion.  Engage in authentic conversation with a community that you have helped to build.  Bring them into your love affair with the product or service that you honestly believe will better their lives.  By doing so, you won’t just have customers, you will have dedicated fans for life.

“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen..” – Brené Brown

3. Be genuine and authentic with those that you love

It is incredibly easy to get lost in the pursuit of success and lose sight of the wonderful gifts that you already have in your life.  We, as people who chase bigger and better things, have been known to sacrifice a lot at the altar of our greater goals.  Look, I am not here to tell you that money and material things are not great.  As a person that has been without creature comforts, and now has a few zeros in my bank account, I can tell you unequivocally that having money is much better than being without.

Nevertheless, while money helps us to live efficiently, it is the relationships that we build and the love that we give to others that allows us to live DEEPLY.  Go to the dance recitals, cheer loudly for your kid’s soccer team, take your significant other out to a lavish “date night” and know that it is these investments that will help your life have real meaning.  When we lay on our deathbed, someday in the hopefully distant future, we will want to reminisce not on what we took for ourselves but rather the great good that we gave to others.

“Be somebody who makes EVERYONE feel like a SOMEBODY.” – Kid President

Check out this podcast interview with Kolby to learn all his tips, tricks, and techniques that he wants you to know to live a empowered life:

I hope you’ve enjoyed the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast!”  If you have some takeaways from the interview I missed, SOUND OFF in the comments below.

The post How to Stop Caring and Start Finding Real Success! – Kolby Kay appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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3 Key Ways to Ensure That Your Message Reaches Millions – Cam Adair https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/3-key-ways-to-ensure-that-your-message-reaches-millions-cam-adair/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/3-key-ways-to-ensure-that-your-message-reaches-millions-cam-adair/#comments Sat, 18 Feb 2017 04:21:36 +0000 http://addicted2success.com/?p=36564 PCam Adair is the empowered mastermind behind the organization “Game Quitters”.  Cam’s company emboldens people, the world over, to move past their video game addictions and to begin living the life that they deserve!  He is a powerhouse of positivity and I am excited for you to get to know him over the course of […]

The post 3 Key Ways to Ensure That Your Message Reaches Millions – Cam Adair appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

PCam Adair is the empowered mastermind behind the organization “Game Quitters”.  Cam’s company emboldens people, the world over, to move past their video game addictions and to begin living the life that they deserve!  He is a powerhouse of positivity and I am excited for you to get to know him over the course of the podcast.

In this podcast, Cam shares valuable insight on how his past experiences and the choices he has made have given him a rare glimpse into what it means to have the resilience to overcome hard times and the tenacity to put your message out to the world. Here are some of my favorite bits of advice that Cam had to offer: 

1. You have permission to start getting better

We live in a society that facilitates addiction.  We are surrounded by advertisements for artery clogging fast foods, we are indoctrinated to believe that we need to purchase the newest iPhone each year, and we are told time and time again that we aren’t worthy as people unless we spend a frighteningly large amount of time documenting our lives on social media.

However, here and now, I want to give you permission to get help.  I want you to understand that, without a shadow of a doubt, you are not defined by your mistakes or addictions.  I want you to believe that seeking guidance, counseling, and advice on beating your compulsive behaviors is one of the strongest things that you can do.  

“We can change our lives.  We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.” – Tony Robbins

2. You have gifts that are unique to you

A lot of amazing things have happened over the course of humanity.  Civilizations have risen and fell.  Shakespeare penned words that will last millennia.  Leaders have come and gone.  But, there is one thing that has never before happened in this history of humankind…you!  You are a unique combination of molecules, experiences, and feelings that has never occurred before and will never again come to pass.

Understand that this means that you are SPECIAL.  You have unique gifts, passions and insight that no other person has ever been able to offer quite the way that you do.  That means that you have an obligation to get out there and share your message.  It is necessary that you walk through your every day as the powerful person that you were born to be.  It doesn’t matter what job you have.  It doesn’t matter your station in life.  If you are a barista at Starbucks or the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, you owe the world around you the ability to experience your best self.  No matter where you are or what you are doing, make it your mission to always bring your best self to all that you do.

“I learned from my mother that there is a greatness in all of us, and that all of us are delivered to this world with a mission.” –Les Brown

3. Build your tribe by getting your message out there

I know that it has taken on a mythic status as an origin story worthy of the ages, but Apple really did start in a garage.  Jeff Bezos began Amazon as a humble online book store.  Disney began in a small shack, barely large enough to fit one car.  Hewlett-Packard began with only $548 dollars to spend.  It is easy to make excuses about why you shouldn’t start pursuing your dream.  It is easy to say that the naysayers in your life are correct.  It is easy to look at your bank account believe that a certain number in there will preclude you from making progress.  Understand, it is not the means that you have at your disposal, but rather your willingness to be a hustler and a disruptor that will determine your success.

Cam began putting his message out there with little more than his cell phone and an idea.  Now, he has clients from the world over that he has helped to empower and move towards the lives that they deserve to be living.  Stop making excuses and start executing.  Don’t know the right people in your field of choice?  Start making calls and sending emails.  Don’t have enough money to make the product you want right away?  Make something anyway and start getting people excited about the possibility that you bring to the table.  Small steps built upon small steps lead to large accomplishments and those are the foundation of real lasting success!

Check out this podcast interview with Cam to learn all his tips, tricks, and techniques that he wants you to know to live a empowered life:

I hope you’ve enjoyed the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast!”  If you have some takeaways from the interview I missed, SOUND OFF in the comments below.

The post 3 Key Ways to Ensure That Your Message Reaches Millions – Cam Adair appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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Four Ways to Live an Epic Life – Preston Smiles & Alexi Panos https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/four-ways-to-live-an-epic-life-preston-smiles-alexi-panos/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/four-ways-to-live-an-epic-life-preston-smiles-alexi-panos/#comments Fri, 10 Feb 2017 19:01:48 +0000 http://addicted2success.com/?p=36508 My name is Erik Andress. I am a high-school teacher, a family man, a hot-wing connoisseur and the host of “How to Be a Grownup Podcast”, the first show on the new Addicted2Success podcast network. Alexi Panos is a former model & rap star turned motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and compassionate coach whose MISSION in life […]

The post Four Ways to Live an Epic Life – Preston Smiles & Alexi Panos appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

My name is Erik Andress. I am a high-school teacher, a family man, a hot-wing connoisseur and the host of “How to Be a Grownup Podcast”, the first show on the new Addicted2Success podcast network.

Alexi Panos is a former model & rap star turned motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and compassionate coach whose MISSION in life is to enable you to be the powerhouse you were destined to be.  

Preston Smiles is a motivational speaker, thought leader, and social entrepreneur who’s spoken word motivation is exploding in popularity on YouTube.

In this podcast, my favorite power couple shares valuable insight on how their past experiences and personal choices have given them rare insight into what it means to live a truly happy life. I have compiled some of my favorite bits of advice that Preston and Alexi had to offer, and have summarized them here for you:

1. Your history doesn’t dictate your destiny

You are not the mistakes of your past.  Part of being human is screwing up.  We all fall down.  We all stumble from time to time.  However, the scars that your past heartache has left, do not dictate your ability to be amazing today.  Those scars are lessons that are there to push you and teach you to be the unbelievable person you are destined to be.  Whether you know it or not, you have boundless and infinite potential within yourself just waiting to be unlocked.  Let go of who you were and take steps to become the person you want to be!

2. You are the average of the five people you hang out with most

Want to be successful in business?  Want to be healthy, fit and vibrant?  Want to enhance your relationships? Great!  Stop kicking it with people who enable you to make choices that keep you stuck and stagnant in life. Start hanging out with people who are obsessed with progress.  Chill with friends who view themselves as victors not victims.  Surround yourself with individuals on an upwards trajectory and learn from their successes and failures.  When you find yourself in this new circle of influence, don’t be surprised when you start to experience abundance on a level you have never seen before!

3. When you let go of labels, you see that love is the one thing we all share

We are not defined by the labels that other people place on us.  Beyond our race, creed, sexual orientation, or political leanings, we are simply people of love.  We all want to feel safe and loved.  We all want to feel validated and know that we matter.  We all want those that we care about to find success, feel safe, and loved.  As soon as you accept that these are fundamental truths that we all share, the sooner you can start to connect on a deeper and more heart-centered level with others.

4. Practice gratitude and watch your life change forever

Take the time to notice and reflect on the things you are grateful for in the “here and now”.  Too often we get stuck in the haze of past decisions or get lost in our vision of the future, and forget to see what is in front of us in the present moment.  When you practice gratitude on a regular basis you will sleep better, experience more positive emotions, have more productive business interactions, find that it is easier to express kindness and even get sick less frequently

Check out this podcast interview with Preston and Alexi to learn all their tips, tricks, and techniques they want you to know to live a more epic and empowered life.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast!”  If you have some takeaways from the interview I missed, SOUND OFF in the comments below.

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How To Live A Life With No Excuses – Alexi Panos https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-live-a-life-with-no-excuses-alexi-panos/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-live-a-life-with-no-excuses-alexi-panos/#comments Sun, 14 Aug 2016 00:08:32 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=35058 Former model & rap star turned motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and life coach, Alexi Panos is on a mission to spread positivity to all people across all walks of life. In this podcast she shares valuable insight on how her past life experiences drove her to become the person she is today.  She also talks about […]

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Former model & rap star turned motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and life coach, Alexi Panos is on a mission to spread positivity to all people across all walks of life.

In this podcast she shares valuable insight on how her past life experiences drove her to become the person she is today.  She also talks about the importance of a positive mindset, overcoming excuses and how to deal with lifes challenges with a smile on your face.

Press ‘Play’ to listen to this podcast interview and learn how to live a life with no excuses:


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How To Live A Life With All Heart & No Regret – Jenna Phillips Ballard https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-live-a-life-with-all-heart-no-regret-jenna-phillips-ballard/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-live-a-life-with-all-heart-no-regret-jenna-phillips-ballard/#comments Mon, 08 Aug 2016 03:00:22 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=35060 Jenna Phillips Ballard is the founder of Ascension Leadership Academy, which is an elite training center for individuals who are committed to elevating every area of their life. In this episode, Jenna breaks down how her hardships that have allowed her to help other people to self-discovery through motivational speaking and life coaching.  She encourages others […]

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Jenna Phillips Ballard is the founder of Ascension Leadership Academy, which is an elite training center for individuals who are committed to elevating every area of their life.

In this episode, Jenna breaks down how her hardships that have allowed her to help other people to self-discovery through motivational speaking and life coaching.  She encourages others to be true to their authentic selves as they move forward in the journey of life.  Her perspective on life is incredibly inspiring and she enjoys sharing what she has learned with others.

Check out this podcast interview with Jenna to learn how to embrace your heart and live without regrets:


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Love, Relationships, And Finding Your Soul Signature – Preston Smiles https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/love-relationships-and-finding-your-soul-signature-preston-smiles/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/love-relationships-and-finding-your-soul-signature-preston-smiles/#comments Sun, 31 Jul 2016 06:46:40 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=35056 Preston Smiles is a motivational speaker, rising thought leader, and entrepreneur who is best known for his spoken word motivation on YouTube. In his new book “Love Louder” you can learn how to find, maintain, and embrace love in today’s era. This is a great read for anyone in any stage of a relationship looking […]

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Preston Smiles is a motivational speaker, rising thought leader, and entrepreneur who is best known for his spoken word motivation on YouTube.

In his new book “Love Louder” you can learn how to find, maintain, and embrace love in today’s era.

This is a great read for anyone in any stage of a relationship looking to bring their love life to the next level. He brings a fresh and new perspective on love through his own research and experiences.

Check out this podcast interview with Preston to learn how to enhance your relationships, romantic or otherwise:



Here is the Video version of this interview:


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Why Ego Is The Enemy – Ryan Holiday https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/why-ego-is-the-enemy-ryan-holiday/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/why-ego-is-the-enemy-ryan-holiday/#comments Mon, 25 Jul 2016 14:52:17 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=35046 Ryan Holiday is the author of several books, marketer, media strategist and entrepreneur. Additionally he is the former Marketing Director for American Apparel and editor-at-large for the New York Observer. In his new book “Why Ego Is The Enemy“, Ryan shares why Ego may be the one thing holding back individuals from achieving greatness and success. Ryan […]

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Ryan Holiday is the author of several books, marketer, media strategist and entrepreneur. Additionally he is the former Marketing Director for American Apparel and editor-at-large for the New York Observer.

In his new book “Why Ego Is The Enemy“, Ryan shares why Ego may be the one thing holding back individuals from achieving greatness and success.

Ryan offers a fresh perspective on the concept of Ego and how it is to be understood in today’s digital era.

Check out this episode of the podcast to learn why ego is the enemy and how you can defeat it in order to find success:


If you love visuals then you can watch the video interview with Ryan Holiday here:


Get your hands on Ryan Holiday’s EGO IS THE ENEMY here:


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5 Ways Entrepreneur Couples Can Have A Playful, Peaceful & Passionate Relationship – Gaby & Raj Sundra https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/5-ways-entrepreneur-couples-can-have-a-playful-peaceful-passionate-relationship-gaby-raj-sundra/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/5-ways-entrepreneur-couples-can-have-a-playful-peaceful-passionate-relationship-gaby-raj-sundra/#comments Wed, 06 Jul 2016 00:48:19 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=34945 Gaby& Raj have been a couple for a decade AND together nearly 24-7, they run two businesses together and STILL enjoy a playful, peaceful, passionate relationship. And they want YOU to as well! Their message and methods are fun, even funny and totally forward focused. No need to be so significant and serious or to dissect […]

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Gaby& Raj have been a couple for a decade AND together nearly 24-7, they run two businesses together and STILL enjoy a playful, peaceful, passionate relationship. And they want YOU to as well!

Their message and methods are fun, even funny and totally forward focused. No need to be so significant and serious or to dissect problems anymore.

Gaby helps turn impossible dreams into awesome realities. Her favorite expression is “Pigs CAN fly!” Raj’s thirst for meaningful knowledge has him known as the “Energizer Bunny of transformation”. His motto is “Let’s do this!

Together with over 40 combined years of education, training and experience, they help couples “Keep the fights clean and the sex dirty” and learn how to “Save being nasty for your sex life!

In our podcast interview and this article, together we explore the impact our business has on our relationship and our relationship on our business along with the top 5 tips for entrepreneurs in relationship. 



1. Choose Wisely!

As a business person, you make all sorts of important decisions, still there is NO more important decision you can make in your life that who you choose as your partner in life and love.

If your relationship sucks, your life pretty much sucks. Relationships can fuel your performance in a positive way or can distract you, slow you down or even totally derail you.

Are they going to be a weight around your neck or the wind in your sail?

Yes life is too tough to do alone, yet a crappy relationship is worse than none at all and a wonderful one is so worth it. So choose wisely!


2. Your Relationship Is Like Your Business – Invest in It!

The most common threat to a relationship is the Autopilot Attitude. Just like your business, your relationship TAKES SOMETHING!

What did you think an awesome relationship just happens? No!

Invest in intimacy. Invest your attention…before it is demanded of you (often at the worst time possible). Just a little intention, attention and action can go a VERY long way towards a playful, peaceful, passionate relationship.

Bonus: Get creative, lighten up and turn that “relationship work” into “relationship fun”. As Gaby likes to say when she wants to up-level intimacy…“I know… let’s play a Game!”


3. Arguments Are An Access to Next Level Loving & Living – “The Problem is the Path”

Stop resisting and avoiding the differences and conflict. Lean in, embrace it and learn all you can from it. There are valuable lessons available itching to be heard and healed. In fact, the very thing that is pulling you apart can be there very thing that brings you together.

If you chose well, your beloved’s perspective is VALUABLE and they want your happiness and success. Their concerns could be a golden finger of loving and wise wisdom pointing towards an “Even Better If” future.

And often enough, that lesson your relationship has to teach you is exactly what you needed to learn and transform to take your business to the next level.

Most couples just want to get through the day let alone a fight. But don’t just settle to just get through it and move on, move FORWARD by leaning in for the lessons. “Experience can be expensive. Just make sure you get what you paid for.


Life Is Too Tough Wonderful Is Worth It

4. Know Thyself and Your Beloved – Create a Me Manual

Knowing your patterns around feelings, behaviors, preferences and resets is a HUGELY helpful life hack that can save you TONS of stress, headaches and even a broken heart. Taking a few personality assessments online can be eye opening, even life changing and certainly helpful in navigating a romantic relationship.

Take it a step further and get to know your beloved in the same way. Invite them to take the assessments or to just share what works best or doesn’t work at all for them.

Then together, co-create practices and habits to avoid, diminish and even heal the triggers.

This will set you up to save your relationship from all the drain and drama of the repeat or ugly fights that take forever to heal from. Who has time for that?!

Bonus: Create a “Me Manual” electronically and print it to have a hard copy accessible. Learn the Dos & Don’ts that work best with your type and have it ready to reference when in conflict. Then share your “Me Manual” with your beloved and create some “Games” to play to embrace both your types and the special interaction between them. (Check out the podcast for specific assessments)


5. Even Better If It!

Many couples resist conflict and do not embrace the influence of their beloved.

A powerful paradox to practice holding is “All Is Well”, everything IS great as it is AND at the same time we are all always learning and can “Even Better If” our experience.

After a fight, ask yourself and each other – How was that? How did we do and how could we do better next time? (For 5 fantastic questions to ask after a fight, listen to the podcast).

After some sexy-time, ask yourself and each other – How was that? How did we do and how could we do better next time? (For the 3 super satisfying criteria to “score” your experience and up-level the erotic intimacy listed to the podcast.)

Hold the attitude that everything is just as it should be now AND that you can always make it better for the future and you will continue to grow as individuals and as a couple.

In case this is useful anywhere – here is the summary of the show – looks like you include just the bio and no reference to what the podcast is about.


Summary by Time

2:30 It takes some time and energy – you reap what you sow. Invest in intimacy – invest rather than demanded.

4:00 Arguments as Access – lean in, not away

5:30 You CAN get the manual! Personality assessments (apply biz practices to relationship and vice versa). Also resets.

7:20 Get curious about your partner.

7:30 Relationship Hacks – Non linear jumps

8:00 Love languages

9:00 Specific examples for what personality assessments to take.

10:45 Another personality assessment – Personality Hacker

11:00 Most common problems – autopilot attitude

12:25 Stop Resisting/Lean In – The Problem is the Path – The Conflict is your teacher

13:00 Get pro-active- aim for what you want.

14:30 Book recommendation: The obstacle is the way

15:20 Don’t just move on, move FORWARD – breakdown => breakthrough. What turns you apart can actually pull you together

16:00 Relationships can fuel your performance in a positive way

18:15 Date an entrepreneur, work together or be with a “9-5er”? Approaches to each.

20:00 working together tips – stay in your lane

20:15 Dating a “9-5er” – embrace the problems as access to even better if. Asset or liability? Weight around your neck or wind in your sail?

23:15 Assessment: Strengths Finder – understand your partner

24:30 Your relationship is like a business – embrace the differences, self awareness, learning about ourselves and others.

26:00 Choose Wisely! (But it might look messy at first! Don’t give up too early.)

26:50 Relationship helps you transform the very things that you need to excel in your business. Directly translated my ability to be a calm effective holder of space…Managing anger, lack of ability to communicate your needs – they came out in a biz setting.

31:00 How to not fight about driving ever again!

34:00 Name your arguements -can’t get a word in edge wise

34:30 Making Marriage simple Drama Free Diet Biggest issue in relationship negativity – blaming shaming complaining critizing. Magic ratio – 5to 1 ration positive to negative. Make a game out of it. Blamey Shamey Complainy.

37:20 All is well + Even Better If

38:30 Romp Recap – Intimacy, Sexiness & Technique

39:30 – Argument Even Better Ifing – how often does it happen? How bad/extreme did it get? (And lines crossed?), How long did it last? Did we use our tools? Did we learn any lessons? (What can we take to the next one).

41:00 Find out more at: relationshipfunandgames.com/success
gift of our ebook – easy to scan dozens of tips by topic. 8 categories FCSD Before as it starts during and after.

43:00 Last message – Gaby – The problem is the path – life is too tough to do alone, yet a crappy relationship is worth than embrace the problem. Love is worth it.

A great relationship is like everything else in life – it takes something – it is not magically going to happen. Embrace your relationship will take something to be great – wonderful relationship is so worth it.

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How To Live In Abundance NOW – Lisa Nichols https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-live-in-abundance-now-lisa-nichols/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-live-in-abundance-now-lisa-nichols/#comments Fri, 24 Jun 2016 06:16:27 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=34850 I recently caught up with the highly sought after Motivational Speaker, Coach and Author Lisa Nichols. Lisa has featured on The Steve Harvey show, Oprah and the hit movie “The Secret”. Her stories and words of wisdom have inspired millions of people around the world. Lisa’s new book Abundance Now will show you how to amplify […]

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I recently caught up with the highly sought after Motivational Speaker, Coach and Author Lisa Nichols.

Lisa has featured on The Steve Harvey show, Oprah and the hit movie “The Secret”. Her stories and words of wisdom have inspired millions of people around the world.

Lisa’s new book Abundance Now will show you how to amplify your life and achieve prosperity today.

Listen to my new podcast interview with Lisa Nichols below or watch the video interview at the bottom of this page.




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Unleashing The Power of Your Extraordinary Mind – Vishen Lakhiani https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/unleashing-the-power-of-your-extraordinary-mind-vishen-lakhiani/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/unleashing-the-power-of-your-extraordinary-mind-vishen-lakhiani/#comments Wed, 22 Jun 2016 17:46:29 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=34842 Vishen Lakhiani is the Founder of one of the top Personal Development brands “MindValley” and is a world renowned Entrepreneur and Education Hacker. His new “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind” is in book stores around the world and is an incredible read for anyone looking for epic transformation in their life. He challenges the […]

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Vishen Lakhiani is the Founder of one of the top Personal Development brands “MindValley” and is a world renowned Entrepreneur and Education Hacker.

His new “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind” is in book stores around the world and is an incredible read for anyone looking for epic transformation in their life. He challenges the old rules and models we live in and sheds light on what is possible when you disrupt traditional systems.

Check out my latest podcast interview with Vishen to find out how you can unleash the power of your extraordinary mind:


vishen lakhiani book

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Matt Morris – Lessons From a Self Made Millionaire https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/matt-morris-lessons-from-a-self-made-millionaire/ https://addicted2success.com/podcasts/matt-morris-lessons-from-a-self-made-millionaire/#comments Fri, 10 Jun 2016 19:33:40 +0000 https://addicted2success.com/?p=34767 In this latest Addicted2Success podcast episode I jam out with Matt Morris who is a serial entrepreneur, network marketer and an eight-time bestselling author, including his #1 bestseller, The Unemployed Millionaire: Escape the Rat Race, Fire Your Boss and Live Life on YOUR Terms. Currently, Matt Morris is actively building a sales organization for the largest direct […]

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In this latest Addicted2Success podcast episode I jam out with Matt Morris who is a serial entrepreneur, network marketer and an eight-time bestselling author, including his #1 bestseller, The Unemployed Millionaire: Escape the Rat Race, Fire Your Boss and Live Life on YOUR Terms.

Currently, Matt Morris is actively building a sales organization for the largest direct selling travel company in the world. Through his leadership, his marketing organization has produced over 1,000,000 customers in less than 7 years.

Matt serves on the Presidential Advisory Council and his organization produces hundreds of millions of dollars in annual sales.

Matt shares his advice with you on this podcast below on what it takes to harness the millionaire mindset and how to break through your financial barriers.


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