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How to Relentlessly Pursue Your Greatest Life This Year

You owe it to yourself and to your potential to manifest the greatness on the inside of you.



Image Credit: Midjourney

Honestly, 2023 has already been one of the greatest years of my life. I am sure you may be wondering how I can say that being that we are only six months into the year. However, I have already accomplished so many goals, seen dreams realized and made some incredible connections. 

For me, 2023 has really been about getting out of my own way and daring to pursue the life of my dreams. You may feel stuck or like your life is in a holding pattern. However, I want to let you know that you are not stuck and that you are always one decision away from shifting the direction of your life. It’s time for you to awaken to what is possible for your life.

I hope you will take these words to heart and boldly take action in the direction of your dreams. 

1. Make up your mind what you really want

I talk to so many people that are confused about what they really want. How do I know that? They spend all their time focused on what they do not want. It permeates their minds and consumes their conversations. 

Therefore, it is inevitable that they will continue to manifest more of what they do not want. At some point, you have to get crystal clear about what you want in life. This is not an easy task and it will require time and commitment. However, when you operate with clarity you become a magnet for success and prosperity. 

When you are able to focus the mind on a desire you fuel the manifestation of that desire in your life. What do you really want? Clarity is the great connector bridging the gap from hope to manifestation. There is no power on earth that can stop an individual with a made up mind. Whatever the mind can conceive, your moments hold the power to create. 

2. Stop living ruled by your emotions

If you are anything like me, you can find yourself on an emotional rollercoaster. After all, you know what you desire to see manifest in your life. That’s not the problem though. The real problem is the fear, doubt and self-limiting beliefs that constantly stand in the way of your success and your fulfillment. 

You can continue to listen to the lies and live in a narrative of fear, frustration and failure. Or you can make a decision to stop living your life ruled by your emotions. Emotions are a beautiful thing. 

However, if you are not careful your emotions will hold you captive to cycles of bondage. Earlier this year, I made a decision that I was going to go after a really big goal. The moment I made that decision it seems like paralyzing fear and debilitating anxiety tried to take hold of me. 

In addition, it seemed like I found myself in an inner battle between what I knew I needed to do and what doubt and fear was telling me that I should not do. Have you ever been there? At that point, I had to make the decision that I was going to silence the fear, stand in faith and seize the future. As I affirmed the desire, I noticed that the fear and anxiety subsided. 

All of a sudden my emotions were stabilized and possibilities started to consume my heart and mind. The most tragic thing you can do is to become a prisoner to your emotions. Stop ignoring the fear. I want you to feel the fear and continue moving toward your future. 

The only cure for fear is bold faith.

“You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.” —Michael Jordan

3. You have to get out of your own way

What is holding you back from success and prosperity? Is it really a lack of opportunities? Or is it fear? Is it really a lack of resources? Or is it a lack of resourcefulness? As I made the decision to go after bigger goals this year, I realized that many of the things that I thought were standing in the way of my success were only illusions. 

I then realized that the real barrier to my success and prosperity was the person staring back at me in the mirror. In other words, it was the lies, self-limiting beliefs and internal narrative that I kept entertaining that was standing in the way of breakthrough. 

So I had to make the non-negotiable decision to get out of my own way. How do you get out of your own way? You stop making excuses and you start making adjustments to your life. 

In essence, you stop living in denial and you start doing the deep inner work to become the person that you were born to be. In order to get out of your own way, your will has to align with the life that you want. 

You get out of your own way when you stop waiting and you start willing your desires into manifestation. You get out of your own way by saying yes to destiny and no to every distraction in your life.

4. Be relentless

When I look at the last six months of my life, I can truly say that my life has been anything but ordinary. While I have been pushed to extraordinary lengths, I have pressed my way into new possibilities for my life. Your limits were made to be tested. 

On the other side of fear is an incredible future filled with possibilities and opportunities. What are you waiting on? Your life does not get better by hoping and dreaming. Your life will only get better when you are brave enough to pursue your greatest life. 

You have to be relentless in breaking cycles, interrupting patterns and shattering paradigms that hold you captive to old seasons and old ways of thinking. At some point, you must come to the understanding that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by going after the life that sets your soul on fire. 

Others may not understand what you are doing or why you are doing it. However, you must remind yourself that it’s your vision, your life and your future. Today, I want to challenge you to stop playing it safe and dare to live a bigger life. 

You owe it to yourself and to your potential to manifest the greatness on the inside of you. The seed of greatness within you is too great to live as a slave to fear. Pursue the life that you were born for! 

Jamelle Sanders is the CEO of Jamelle Sanders International. Jamelle is committed to empowering leaders and entrepreneurs around the world to live up to their true potential and to profit wildly in their businesses. Jamelle is a life coach, business strategist, author, leading empowerment specialist and highly respected thought leader. Jamelle has been featured on CBS, NBC, Huff Post Live and contributed to numerous media outlets such as Thrive, Inspiyr, Young Upstarts, Elite Daily and numerous others.

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