Write For Us
Would you like to share your advice or the lessons you have learned in life or business with over 3 million monthly readers of Addicted2Success.com?
If you have great advice to share with our readers that will motivate them to succeed, then we are looking to feature you.
Be sure to check out the resources below to understand what type of work we accept and how to take advantage of our article submission packages.
This will ensure you have the best chance of having your article reviewed and published.
What We Are Looking For
Motivation, success and personal development is our focus. We like articles that fit within the self-development genre: Motivation, Success, Inspiration, Spirituality, and Life. We also like articles about Startups/Business and Entrepreneurship.
We like our articles to be informative, interesting, a little personal but not too personal, and positive. We want to help our readers grow and feel inspired. Using long quotes and speeches for the bulk of your point or information is not something we are looking for.
Article Guidelines
Please make sure your article is between 800-1200 words. We’re looking for clear and concise articles that deliver a huge impact. So anything over 1500 words will not be reviewed.
Please limit the formatting of your article when submitting it. Plain text is preferred. Underline text, bold text, and italicized text aren’t needed. Our editors take care of the formatting of any article. We simply require you to submit the article with as little formatting as possible to make it easier in the editing and formatting process.
Make your article interesting and easier to follow by including subheadings to break up your content. Single-sentence lines are not what we are looking for. Make sure to submit your article in paragraph format. Short paragraphs make the article easier to read. If you need an example, have a look at any of our latest articles on our website and you will see how we like to format our content.
Providing images with your content is not required. Our formatting team chooses what image we will use as the featured image of an article. So no need to spend time looking for an image for your article!
What We Are Not Looking For
Our readers want originality and so do we. We will not accept already published content. Whether it has been published on your own personal blog, social media platforms including LinkedIn or Facebook, or with another publication, we will not consider it or review it. The article you submit to us has to be something new that has never been published online before.
We do not accept articles submitted in PDF or HTML format. Please submit articles in a Google doc and make sure that the document is in edit mode when you share it with us! Google Docs is the easiest and quickest way to have your article reviewed.
Link Policy
We do not allow guest contributors to place links from outside websites within the body of the article, nor do we allow promotion or mention of a company, entrepreneur, product or service, including apps/tools, unless otherwise agreed upon.
You are allowed two links of your choice to be placed in your Author Bio. Make sure you link to them in the bio upon submission. Please understand, that linking to a social media page is considered one link. So use your link choice wisely and strategically.
If you have read our guidelines and are ready to submit your article to Addicted2Success then please read below:
First and foremost, please make sure you have read and understood our guidelines before submitting.
If you don’t submit your article in the way that we have requested from the information above and below, we will ask you to resubmit it or we will simply turn the article down.
Following our guidelines and submitting your article in the way we have requested, saves our editors and our contributors valuable time.
Ready to submit your article? Here’s how to go about it:
- Review our Info PDF to explore the benefits of contributing to Addicted2Success and select the article package you’d like to proceed with.
- Then submit a completed final draft, with your author bio and email address you used to create a gravatar account in a Google Doc to write@addicted2success.com. Please make sure that Google Docs is shared with us in edit mode.
- Our editorial team will review your article and send you the invoice for your article package selection. Once your payment is received, you can expect your article to go live within 3-5 business days.
Your author bio should be a short (and to the point) paragraph that is no more than 150 words. Make sure you provide your first and last name in the bio. We allow you to provide two links of your choice in your bio. It can be a link to your website and your eBook. It can be a link to your website and one social media page. It’s up to you. You get to choose what two links you think are most important to you. But make sure you include them in your bio upon submission.
We ask that you set up a gravatar account using your email address so we have access to a current profile picture for your author bio – http://en.gravatar.com (Please provide us with the email address you used for your Gravatar account, not the profile link.)
Make sure your article comes with a unique working title. Remember, the title is the first thing that catches the reader’s eye. Be creative but also keep in mind that you want your title to be inviting. All titles are reviewed in the publishing process. So if we think there is a better or more captivating title, we will change it.
*Please be aware the article topic needs to be discussed and agreed upon before submitting the final draft or investing in an article package*
Thank you for taking the time to read our guidelines. We are grateful for your interest in wanting to have your content published on our website. We look forward to reviewing your content soon!
Addicted2Success Team