Get Motived & Inspired To Achieve Your Goals - Addicted2Success Quotes | Motivation & Success Advice Wed, 22 May 2024 16:32:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Get Motived & Inspired To Achieve Your Goals - Addicted2Success 32 32 Why You’re Failing to Achieve Your Goals and How to Fix It Now Wed, 22 May 2024 16:32:44 +0000 Understanding motivation is crucial because it's the cornerstone of success

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Feeling stuck? Lost in a sea of goals, but lacking the drive to pursue them? It’s time to shift gears and reignite your motivation! Picture this: From stalled to soaring, your journey awaits. 

Let’s face it, we all hit roadblocks, but it’s how we overcome them that defines us. With this blog, you’ll rediscover that spark within you – that passion, that drive, waiting to be unleashed.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery as you delve into practical strategies to reignite your motivation. Whether it’s conquering your career ambitions, reigniting your fitness journey, or reviving your creative passions, this blog has you covered.

Unlock the secrets to setting meaningful goals and staying committed to your aspirations. Embrace a mindset of growth and resilience as you navigate life’s twists and turns. 

So, are you ready to leap? Don’t let another day go by feeling stuck and uninspired. It’s time to soar to new heights and achieve the success you deserve. Let’s reignite your motivation and make your dreams a reality!

Understanding Motivation

Understanding motivation is crucial because it’s the cornerstone of success. It’s what gets us out of bed in the morning, ready to tackle the day ahead. Whether it’s pursuing a career goal, embarking on a fitness journey, or striving for personal growth, motivation is the catalyst that propels us forward.

However, even the most motivated individuals can hit roadblocks. Common causes of stalled motivation include fear of failure, lack of clear goals, and overwhelming feelings of doubt. These barriers can weigh heavily on our minds, making it difficult to stay focused and driven.

But here’s the good news: understanding the root causes of stalled motivation is the first step toward overcoming them. By acknowledging our fears and uncertainties, we can begin to address them head-on.

With perseverance and a positive mindset, we can reignite our motivation and continue our journey toward success. So, let’s harness the power of motivation and unlock your true potential.

Reflecting on Your Goals

Starting a journey towards your aspirations begins with a simple yet powerful act: reflecting on your goals. This step involves diving deep into your desires, identifying and clarifying what truly matters to you. By clearly defining your objectives, you pave the way for focused action and meaningful progress.

Moreover, assessing your current level of motivation is essential. Reflect on what drives you, what ignites your passion, and what keeps you moving forward. 

Understanding your sources of motivation empowers you to leverage them effectively, fueling your journey towards success.

So, take a moment to reflect, to introspect, and to reignite your motivation. Your goals await your inspired pursuit.

Overcoming Obstacles

Exploring your full potential begins with understanding the hurdles that hinder motivation. Identifying barriers to motivation is the first step towards conquering them. 

Whether it’s fear, procrastination, or self-doubt, acknowledging these obstacles is crucial. Once recognized, you can employ effective strategies to overcome them and reignite your motivation. 

Embrace positive affirmations, set achievable goals, and surround yourself with supportive individuals. 

Divide tasks into smaller, more manageable steps to reduce overwhelm. Encourage resilience when encountering setbacks, seeing them as chances for personal growth. 

With determination and perseverance, you can transform obstacles into stepping stones on your journey to lasting motivation.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Explore your boundless potential by cultivating a growth mindset. Motivation is the key that ignites this transformation.  

Shift your perspective from fixed limitations to the expansive realm of possibilities. With each obstacle overcome, you reinforce your belief in your ability to learn and adapt. 

Every experience becomes a chance to expand your horizons and refine your skills. By nurturing a growth mindset fueled by unwavering motivation, you pave the way for continuous progress and achievement, shaping a future loaded with endless possibilities.

“Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.” – Les Brown

Finding Inspiration

In your quest for motivation, look no further than the inspiring journeys of role models and their tales of triumph. 

By immersing yourself in their stories, you’ll find a wellspring of motivation to fuel your aspirations. 

Moreover, delve deep into your innermost values and passions. Unearth what truly ignites your soul and align your goals with these guiding principles. 

By connecting with your authentic self, you’ll unlock a reservoir of boundless energy and determination. 

Let the stories of others and the fire within you converge, propelling you towards your dreams with unwavering motivation.

Creating an Action Plan

Unlock your potential and ignite your motivation with the power of creating an action plan. Start by setting SMART goals — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 

These goals act as guiding stars, keeping you focused and driven. Break them down into manageable steps, making the journey less daunting and more achievable. 

Each step becomes a victory, fueling your motivation further. With a clear plan in place, you’ll find the path to success smoother and more rewarding. 

So, let’s harness the energy of motivation and craft an action plan that propels you toward your dreams.

Implementing Strategies for Motivation

Unlocking your inner drive and achieving your goals is within reach with effective strategies for motivation. By integrating rewards and accountability systems, you empower yourself to stay on track and celebrate progress along the journey. 

Picture yourself succeeding through visualization and affirmations, harnessing the power of your mind to fuel your ambitions. With each small step forward, you reinforce your commitment and ignite a fire within you to keep pushing forward. 

Take charge of your destiny by embracing these tools and techniques, and watch as your motivation transforms into unwavering determination to conquer any obstacle in your path.

Building Momentum

In the journey of self-improvement, “Building Momentum” serves as the cornerstone. It’s about embracing every small victory and celebrating each step forward, no matter how tiny it may seem. 

Motivation thrives on acknowledgement, on recognizing the progress we make, however incremental it may be. By cherishing these small wins, we fuel our motivation, igniting a powerful force that propels us forward.

Picture a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering momentum with each turn. That’s how momentum works in our lives. By leveraging the energy from our achievements, no matter how modest, we propel ourselves toward our goals. 

It’s this constant forward motion that keeps us motivated, driving us to reach greater heights. So, let’s harness the power of momentum, celebrating each step and letting it carry us toward our dreams.

Maintaining Motivation Long-Term

Unlocking enduring motivation is akin to nurturing a flame; it requires consistent care and attention. To sustain motivation over the long haul, imbue your journey with adaptable strategies. 

Celebrate small victories along the way, for they fuel the fire within. Embrace flexibility, recognizing when it’s time to recalibrate your goals and adjust your course. 

Remember, the path to success is not always linear; it’s the willingness to adapt that propels us forward. Stay attuned to your inner compass, guiding you through the twists and turns. With resilience and determination, you can forge a path illuminated by unwavering motivation.

The journey from feeling stalled to soaring with motivation is not only possible but also transformative. By understanding the root causes of stalled motivation, reflecting on our goals, and implementing proven strategies, we can reignite our drive and achieve our aspirations.

Remember, motivation is not a fixed state but a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured over time. With perseverance, dedication, and the right mindset, we have the power to overcome obstacles and soar towards our dreams. 

So, embrace the journey, stay resilient, and let your renewed motivation propel you to new heights of success and fulfilment.

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Here’s How Self Motivation Can Be the Bridge Between Your Dreams and Realities Fri, 03 May 2024 21:00:03 +0000 Self-motivation is the ability to motivate yourself without the influence of others

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Self-motivation is the ability to motivate yourself without the influence of others.  It is the ability to move forward with your convictions and beliefs despite facing several stumbling blocks on your way.

It is also the ability to move forward with energy and enthusiasm without any letup. It radiates firm faith in yourself. It is the courage to follow your convictions.  It is all about not letting others opinions drown out your inner beliefs.  It is one of the important aspects of achieving success. 

People are motivated through different ways and means such as reading books, money, love, comfort, career, success, etc.; Therefore, it is essential to find out how you are motivated so that the process of self-motivation becomes easier. 

Merits of Self-Motivation

  • It keeps your energy levels always higher.  It develops optimism and confidence which are keys to your success.
  • Self-motivation makes you think ‘what next’ whenever faced with failures. It reminds you that failure is only a comma, not a full stop. 
  • It reduces absenteeism and labor turnover in organizations thus increasing performance and productivity.
  • It creates a conducive work environment. 
  • It saves time, money, and energy.
  • It brings all-around progress and prosperity to individuals and institutions.

Secrets of Self-Motivation

“People become quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success.” —Norman Vincent Peale

Dream big

You need to think big always which is possible only when you dream big.  Dreams will drive you to go to any extent.  Your efforts and energies towards your goals depend on your level of dreams.  Sigmund Freud rightly said, “Man dreams only that which he can achieve.”

Set a roadmap

Mere having dreams will not pay off unless you have a blueprint for achieving them.  The blueprint should be so planned that it should be realistic and practical to achieve.  Find out what are your inborn talents and combine them with the skills and abilities that you acquired through training, practice, and experience.  

Be a firm optimist

When you develop a positive attitude around the clock you tend to have positive results.  This positive thought process leads to positive actions by blocking negative aspects.  It drives you towards achieving your goals by looking at the brighter side of life. 

You are unique

Begin every day with new expectations and aspirations.  Stay away from negative thoughts and negative people.  Accept the fact that you are unique and cannot be compared with others. Have a firm faith that you were born to achieve big in this world. 

Involve in internal dialogue

This is a powerful tool where you talk to yourself and reinforce yourself. Internal dialogue helps in strengthening your subconscious mind by feeding with the right inputs. 

Pursue your passions

Passion is a burning desire coming from the core of your heart.  It is like your heart prevailing over your mind. It is all about doing what you love to do.  Find out what interests you and work on it.  It propels you to move forward despite several odds stacked against you. 

Set your goals

When you set your goals based on your desires, you develop a positive attitude towards life and your mind is engaged in the right way. You will have a clearer vision about what you want to do for planning your mission.  

Break the goals into short-term and long-term and link both in such a way that they should be correlated and interconnected without any contradiction. As you achieve your goals you get self-motivated.  

Even if there is a failure in accomplishing your short-term goals due to external disturbances, the long-term goals will hold you firmly with faith thus motivating you forever.

Break down your goals

When you feel that your goal is too big, make it small and keep achieving it one by one.  Once you achieve a small goal you get motivated by your achievement and will be driven to work further and forward.  When you complete all sub-goals confidently then you will be excited to know that you have achieved your big goal successfully. 

Consistency is the key

Chuck Norris says, “If you want to accomplish anything in life, you can’t just sit back and hope it will happen. You’ve got to make it happen.”  Put your efforts and energies in a systematic and focused manner without looking for results frequently.  Your objective is to put in effort regularly.  Consistency with a firm commitment is the key to self-motivation and success.

Manage your time

Learn to manage your time effectively and efficiently by allocating specific time for each activity.  Invest your time daily for each activity without encroaching on other activities.  Avoid procrastination.  Delaying the activities will result in lethargy and piling up the activities resulting in stress. 

High energy levels

Always maintain high energy levels.  Take good and nutritious food.  Avoid junk food.  Take food at regular intervals every day.  Hit the gym or go for fast walking to lift your energy levels.  High energy levels will keep you highly motivated. 

Focus on solutions, not problems

Never focus too much on problems.    Generally, people brood over the problems and waste their precious time.  Look for solutions to the problems. It is rightly said that below-average people talk about individuals, average people talk about events, issues, and problems, and above-average people always talk about ideas and solutions. 

Spend time with loved ones

When you spend your time weekends with your family and friends you rejuvenate your energies. You create and strengthen your emotional bonding. When you spend your time one day a week with your spouse, you develop a better understanding by sharing your feelings and emotions. 

Similarly, when you spend a day in a week with your children you share your love with them thereby building bridges.  Besides, you can educate them as well as develop them as individuals with strong character with values.  You can also play with kids as they are innocent and lovely.  It removes your stress and fills you with self-motivation.

Never give up

Walter Sparrow, now and then, says, “Things will happen in your life that you can’t stop, but that’s no reason to shut out the world. There’s a purpose for the good and for the bad.”  Hold on to your cherished goals and objectives.  There will be several challenges while executing your tasks throwing you out of the gear.  Be firm and ensure that things are put on the right and fast track. It is rightly said, that winners don’t quit and quitters never win. 

Self-motivation helps you in achieving anything you desire. Channel your burning desire to achieve whatever you want. 

When you are enthusiastic and excited about what you are doing and when you are motivated, committed, and dedicated you are sure to achieve success.  Resolve to motivate one individual every day.

Make a difference in the lives of people.

To conclude, self-motivation gears you to accomplish your desires for achieving all-round success. It is a bridge between your dreams and realities.  

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8 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Be More Decisive Sun, 28 Jan 2024 21:37:02 +0000 Tackling Procrastination and Indecisiveness Hi, Joel Brown here. As the person behind Addicted to Success and Mind Strong, I’m often asked about tackling procrastination and making swift, effective decisions. It’s a common struggle in today’s world, where distractions are endless. Procrastination often creeps in when we’re bombarded with social media notifications, breaking news, and the […]

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Tackling Procrastination and Indecisiveness

Hi, Joel Brown here. As the person behind Addicted to Success and Mind Strong, I’m often asked about tackling procrastination and making swift, effective decisions. It’s a common struggle in today’s world, where distractions are endless.

Procrastination often creeps in when we’re bombarded with social media notifications, breaking news, and the hustle of daily life. This leads to a fear-driven indecision, where we’re paralyzed by the thought of failure or judgment.


Here’s a video breakdown of how to stop procrastinating and be more decisive if you are more of a visual person:


Embracing Speed and Momentum to Stop Procrastination

One of the most impactful lessons in my journey is understanding the role of speed in overcoming procrastination. A mentor of mine, a highly successful individual, always emphasized:

“Success loves speed, and money loves momentum.”

This principle is crucial in combating procrastination. It’s about seizing opportunities quickly, not just for financial gain, but for the invaluable experiences and connections they bring.


Understanding Analysis Paralysis: A Key to Overcoming Procrastination

A major hurdle in decision-making is what’s commonly known as analysis paralysis, a significant form of procrastination. It happens when our decision-making process, governed by the prefrontal cortex, gets overwhelmed. To break free from this form of procrastination, try calming techniques like deep breathing. It’s surprising how such simple steps can clear a cluttered mind and help you move past procrastination.


The Long-Term Effects of Procrastination and Indecision

Procrastination isn’t just about putting off decisions; it can lead to a reduced sense of life satisfaction over time.

In a conversation I had with Tony Robbins, we discussed how the quality of our lives hinges on the quality of our decisions.

Therefore, overcoming procrastination and indecision is vital for a fulfilling life.


My Top Strategies for Beating Procrastination

  1. Seek Guidance from the Experienced: To combat procrastination, connect with people who’ve achieved the goals you’re aiming for. Their experience can be a guiding light when you’re stuck in indecision.
  2. Use Deadlines as Anti-Procrastination Tools: Setting deadlines is a powerful way to break the cycle of procrastination. They create a sense of urgency that pushes you into action.
  3. Accept Imperfection to Move Past Procrastination: Understand that no one is perfect, and that includes you. Accepting this can alleviate the pressure that often leads to procrastination.


Identify Your Procrastination Type to Find Solutions

Procrastination manifests in various forms. I’ve developed a quiz (find it at to help you identify your specific type of procrastination. Understanding your personal procrastination style is a crucial step in addressing it effectively.


Additional Tips on Making Quality Decisions and Beating Procrastination

When it comes to decision-making, it’s important to not get too bogged down in analyzing pros and cons. While analysis is important, excessive scrutiny can lead to procrastination. Trusting your intuition often plays a crucial role in breaking free from procrastination.


Handling Major Life Choices Without Procrastination

For significant decisions in life, whether in your career or personal relationships, procrastination can be particularly challenging.

To address this, break down these big decisions into smaller steps. Assess the potential outcomes realistically to understand that often, the fear of a negative outcome is more intimidating than the actual consequences.


Conclusion: Your Journey Away from Procrastination Begins Now

To wrap up, remember that overcoming procrastination and indecision is about understanding your own patterns, seeking wise counsel, setting deadlines, and embracing your imperfections. It’s time to start making those impactful decisions and enjoying the journey of life.

Whether it’s through the Mind Strong Academy or my procrastination quiz, I’m here to guide you on your path to decisive action.

I believe in your ability to conquer procrastination and live a life of purposeful decisions.

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Unlocking Success: Subconscious Reprogramming, Mindset, and Transformative Strategies for Improved Wellbeing and Business Performance Tue, 09 Jan 2024 13:00:46 +0000 What if I told you that the negative thoughts or self-limiting beliefs that you may have, are not actually yours? In this article, I will discuss subconscious programming and how it can be reprogrammed in a way that allows you to reach your greatest potential. I will also provide tips on how you can integrate […]

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What if I told you that the negative thoughts or self-limiting beliefs that you may have, are not actually yours?

In this article, I will discuss subconscious programming and how it can be reprogrammed in a way that allows you to reach your greatest potential. I will also provide tips on how you can integrate this information as a leader within the workplace.

The subconscious mind is shaped before we begin forming our own conscious thoughts, and these conscious thoughts are influenced by the subconscious mind. This means that even the thoughts that you’re consciously having, are merely an extension of that pre-existing conditioning. 

When something becomes deeply ingrained within your mind through repetition, and there are other supporting thoughts that reinforce it, you will identify this information as your truth. These repeated thoughts become beliefs, and your actions will align to support and validate these beliefs.

The Importance of Observing Your Thoughts

If you continuously tell yourself that you aren’t capable or good enough, how likely are you to put in the effort to challenge this narrative? If you’ve always been a procrastinator and tell yourself that you always will be, you’re going to continue procrastinating. If you run into an obstacle and don’t believe you can overcome it, you’re not going to look for solutions or try your best to resolve it.

It’s extremely important for you to become an observer of your thoughts and understand the impacts of how those thoughts can impact your life, relationships, and overall outlook on life.

Here are some questions to help guide you:

– What are your recurring negative thoughts, and how are they impacting your performance and relationships? 

– How have these thoughts held you back from achieving your goals and living the life that you’ve always dreamed of? 

– What have these thoughts already cost you and what else will they cost you if they don’t change?

Societal conditioning, influenced by a lower level of collective consciousness, has made the experience of debilitating thoughts highly prevalent. It’s not your fault that you have them, but it is your responsibility to change them and choose better ones.

The Subconscious Must Be Reprogrammed 

Reprogramming the subconscious involves positive affirmations, visualization, and consistent repetition to replace negative beliefs with positive ones. You have to become aware of the thoughts that make you feel bad and do not serve your best interest.

What are the growth-oriented thoughts that would you rather have instead? Any time that a debilitating thought crosses your mind, always correct it with new thought that uplifts, encourages and empowers you. Be consistent, be patient and understand that your logical mind will not make this process easy for you at first.

Being Delusional vs. Consciously Creating a Better Reality for Yourself 

By definition, the term delusional means “holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary”. When you have held onto debilitating beliefs for so long and your previous actions have served as evidence to confirm their truth, it is inevitable that your logical mind will deem your new thoughts as delusional. This is where embracing change tends to become most challenging, as it involves confronting this resistance with unwavering commitment. 


What you have to understand is that your former beliefs and former actions do not dictate your future, unless they remain the same. As the old beliefs become obsolete and new beliefs take their place, there will also be new aligned actions that produce different results, and this will serve as evidence to support your new truth. That being said, the most delusional thing that anyone can do is elect to keep an unfavorable mindset that was programmed for them by external factors and willingly relinquish their own personal power as a result of it.

Success is Fundamentally Rooted in the Mindset

How we show up for ourselves and others, communicate with employees, and perform in business are deeply connected to our mindset and everything that has shaped it. Let’s delve into these interconnected aspects and explore five transformative tips that will catalyze positive change in the workplace. 


A growth-oriented mindset encourages resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace challenges. On the other hand, a fixed mindset hinders progress and limits potential.

Tip 1: Embrace a Growth Mindset

  • Establish the belief that abilities can be developed.
  • View challenges as opportunities for learning and improvement.
  • Cultivate a positive attitude toward continuous growth and development.

Unpacking Trauma and Navigating the Impact

Unresolved trauma can cast a long shadow over our personal and professional lives. It shapes our reactions, influences decision-making, and impacts our interactions with others. Acknowledging and addressing trauma is essential for creating a healthier, more productive work environment.


Tip 2: Prioritize Trauma-Informed Leadership

  • Cultivate empathy and understanding for individual experiences.
  • Provide a safe space for open communication about trauma.
  • Implement support systems and resources for employees dealing with trauma.


Elevate Relationships and Sales Performance

To enhance relationships, communication, and sales performance, a holistic approach that intertwines mindset and trauma-informed practices is key.


Tip 3: Implement Empathy-Driven Communication

  • Train teams in active listening and empathetic communication.
  • Create an environment where open dialogue is encouraged.
  • Recognize and validate diverse perspectives, creating a culture of inclusivity.

Tip 4: Invest in Professional Development

  • Offer continuous learning opportunities for employees.
  • Develop leadership skills to enhance communication and relationship-building.
  • Prioritize sales training programs that align with evolving market dynamics.

Tip 5: Maintain a Positive Work Culture

  • Create a workplace where employees feel valued and appreciated.
  • Implement recognition programs to celebrate achievements.
  • Encourage a balance between professional and personal well-being.

By embracing a growth mindset, acknowledging and addressing trauma, and implementing empathetic, integrated strategies, individuals and organizations can create a transformative ripple effect. In this interconnected web of personal and professional growth, how we show up truly matters, influencing the outcomes we achieve and the impact we leave on those around us.


Enjoy the Journey 

As you embark on the empowering journey of subconscious reprogramming, remember that change takes time, and self-compassion is your greatest ally. Surround yourself with positive influences, whether it be supportive friends, inspirational books, or mindfulness practices. Seek guidance from mentors who have walked a similar path and found success in reshaping their mindset. Embrace the discomfort that may arise during this process, for it signifies the shedding of old layers to make way for the new. Reflect on your progress regularly, celebrating even the smallest victories, and be patient with yourself as you navigate the intricacies of transformation. 

In the spirit of rewriting your narrative, I encourage you to take the first step today. Commit to a daily practice of positive affirmations, visualize your desired reality, and consistently challenge self-limiting beliefs. If you would like support along the way, consider joining like-minded communities, Facebook groups, and curate your social media to reflect these new changes you want to embody.

Remember, thoughts become actions, and actions reinforce beliefs. It’s never too late to embark on an empowering journey to reprogram your mind, and achieve the life you have always dreamed of!

For more tips and strategies on how to improve your mindset, follow me at @bigdivineenergy.

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5 Ways To Achieve Your Goals (With Examples) Wed, 29 Mar 2023 03:49:35 +0000 Setting goals is a crucial first step, whether you’re striving to reach personal or professional milestones. However, achieving those goals requires planning, determination, and focus. In this post, we’ll discuss five actionable strategies that can help you achieve your goals in 2023, and we’ll provide real-life examples to inspire and motivate you. By implementing these […]

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Setting goals is a crucial first step, whether you’re striving to reach personal or professional milestones. However, achieving those goals requires planning, determination, and focus. In this post, we’ll discuss five actionable strategies that can help you achieve your goals in 2023, and we’ll provide real-life examples to inspire and motivate you. By implementing these tips, you can train your brain to achieve your goals and make meaningful progress toward your aspirations.

1. Write Down Your Goals

The first thing needed to achieve a goal is to have one. A goal becomes very clear and precise once you have written it down most simply and easily to remember.

Here are some examples:

  • I am the world’s best dancer!
  • I am the greatest athlete!
  • I have created the world’s most innovative tech company!

They are all written with the belief that these things have already happened. Once you start believing it has already happened, other people too can sense your confidence and things start happening.

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” — Andrew Carnegie

2. The One Page Plan

A simple one-page plan to accompany your goal is much more powerful than a detailed 30-page plan. After you have written your clear goal – write down all the things you will have to do to achieve it. Make it as simple and direct as possible so that you can refer to it every day and take action. A simple plan is easier to follow and keep up with.

3. Get The Right Skills

Once you have a clear goal that has been inked into your mind, and a clear plan in place, it is very important to invest in the skills you need to achieve your goal.

So for example, if you want to become a movie star, you should immediately start developing your acting skills. Observe how other actors perform, join an acting class, read about acting, and most importantly, start honing your craft by joining a local theatre group and going for as many auditions as you can. Practice is very important for mastering any skill.

Struggling To Achieve Your Goals? Here Are 9 Possible Reasons Why! 

4. Surround Yourself With The Best People

The best way to achieve our goals is to make sure we have the best people supporting us. People who succeed are always those who understand the power of people.

So let’s say your goal is to be an entrepreneur and you have developed your entrepreneurial skills, the next step would be to get the best people to join your team to help you achieve your goal. These would be people who you consider to be the best marketers capable of getting you the best customers and investors.

Once you have the best people supporting you, it becomes much easier and faster to achieve your goals.

“It takes tremendous discipline to control the influence, the power you have over other people’s lives.” – Clint Eastwood

5. Power of Faith

Nothing beats the power of faith and belief. Sometimes you might face challenges, sometimes things might not be going your way, and you might feel like giving up – these are the times when faith and belief will keep you going.

So many people give up, just a few inches away from victory. I am sure you are not one of them since you are investing time into self-development which gives the highest returns! Now go out there and start achieving your goals!

Need more motivation? Read our blogs on motivation and become your best self now!

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5 Easy Ways to Find Motivation When You’re Feeling Stuck Mon, 06 Mar 2023 05:27:47 +0000 One of the easiest and most beneficial ways to get motivated is to get up and get active

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We’ve all had those days when we feel like we just can’t get motivated to do anything. Whether it’s an important task that needs to be done or something we just don’t feel like doing, it can be hard to get going.

But don’t worry – there are some simple steps you can take to get motivated and make the most of your day.

1. Get Moving

One of the easiest and most beneficial ways to get motivated is to get up and get active. Even something as simple as taking a walk around the block or doing a few jumping jacks can help give you a much-needed boost of energy.

This is particularly helpful on days when you feel like you might not be able to muster any enthusiasm or energy.

Additionally, by exercising on a regular basis, you can improve your energy levels over the long term, allowing you to remain motivated for longer.

So, if you’re in need of a quick pick-me-up, don’t delay – go outside and get your body moving. The endorphins you release will give you the extra energy and morale boost that you need!

Benefits of exercise include:

  • Improved mood and mental wellbeing
  • Improved energy levels
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Improved concentration and focus

2. Stay Positive

It’s absolutely essential to maintain a positive attitude and keep your eyes on the prize, no matter how hard it may seem at times. Reminding yourself of the ultimate outcome of your efforts can be a great way to stay motivated and focused on the task at hand.

When you think about how great you will feel once the task is complete, it can often be the boost you need to stay determined and driven to reach the end goal. Visualizing the end result can be a powerful tool to help you stay on track and keep pushing forward, even when it feels like the task is too much to handle.

“Your ultimate success will be worth all the hard work, so don’t give up and you’ll be sure to achieve your desired outcome.Often people talk about how they feel ‘stuck’ in a situation. You’re never stuck! You may be a little frustrated, you may not have clear answers, but you’re not stuck. The minute you represent the situation to yourself as being stuck, though, that’s exactly how you’ll feel. We must be very careful about the metaphors we allow ourselves to use.” – Tony Robbins

3. Break Down Your Tasks

Breaking up large tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks is an effective way to stay motivated, as it provides a clear plan, breaks down the task into achievable goals, and makes the task seem less daunting.

Additionally, taking things one step at a time and focusing on each step as it comes can help you to stay on track and work more efficiently.

This strategy can also help to keep you from feeling overwhelmed by the scope of the task. You can use it to break down the task into smaller, achievable goals that you can focus on one at a time.

This way, you can stay motivated and organized and work in a more efficient and productive manner, achieving your goals in less time.

Remember that you can break down every big task. Even the ones that feel impossible, so just do it and then execute on the smaller ones until you reach your goal.

By taking these simple steps, you can get back on track and stay motivated, no matter how difficult the task may seem. With a positive attitude and a clear plan, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish!

4. Change Your Environment

Sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated and productive when you’re stuck in the same routine day after day. To inject some much-needed variety into your life, why not try changing up your scenery?

If you’re feeling stagnant and uninspired, try relocating your workspace, or take a few minutes to go outside and enjoy the natural beauty that’s all around us.

The mental stimulation of a change of environment, combined with the amazing benefits of being outdoors, can help to rekindle your motivation and get you back on track.

Taking a few moments to appreciate your surroundings can also help to clear your mind, relax your body, and get your creativity flowing – all of which are essential components of a productive workday.

Whether it’s a whole new landscape or just your own backyard, getting outdoors can be a beneficial and rewarding experience that can help to bring some much-needed inspiration into your life.

5. Take a Break

If all else fails, sometimes the most beneficial course of action is to take a break. Even a few minutes of respite can be enough to help you recharge, allowing for a fresh start and a clean slate.

Taking a break can also provide much-needed downtime to give yourself the opportunity to let your mind wander and come up with new and creative solutions to any problems you might be facing, as well as reduce stress levels.

This can be as simple as taking a few minutes to sit in a quiet space, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths, or it can be something more structured such as a yoga class or a long walk.

Whatever it is, it’s important to take the time to step away from the situation, and give yourself the opportunity to reset and refocus. Not only will it help restore your energy and clarity, but it can also help you gain a new perspective on the situation, allowing you to approach it in a more creative and effective way.

If you’re feeling really overwhelmed, it might even be beneficial to take a few days off from work to give yourself the space and time you need to regroup and restart.


It can be difficult to get motivated, and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed, but there are some simple steps you can take to get yourself going.

  • Exercising, among lots of other benefits, will increase your overall mood, well-being, and motivation.
  • Setting achievable goals for yourself and breaking them down into smaller, manageable tasks can help to keep you motivated and focused on your path.
  • Changing your environment by moving somewhere new or different can be a great way to gain a new perspective.
  • Taking a break and doing something that relaxes you, such as listening to music, will get you in the right frame of mind.
  • Additionally, starting a journaling practice will help you achieve any kind of dreams you have, along with providing you with mental clarity.

With a little effort, you can make a big difference in your motivation and who you are as a person.

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7 of The Best Motivational Speeches of All Time Sat, 10 Dec 2022 10:39:31 +0000 What could we possibly achieve by listening to motivational speeches? Isn’t that a waste of time? It’s not. A great motivational speech can be a trigger to action. It inspires you to do something. Powerful speeches make you realize you’re not just a useless individual in this world. Everyone matters. You matter, too. Have you […]

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What could we possibly achieve by listening to motivational speeches? Isn’t that a waste of time? It’s not. A great motivational speech can be a trigger to action. It inspires you to do something. Powerful speeches make you realize you’re not just a useless individual in this world. Everyone matters. You matter, too.

Have you been feeling that inner drive to seek a higher purpose for a long time? If so, you need to take action. First, you need a trigger that will get you to that action. Try to think of an influential person. Let’s take an example: Jim Morrison. He was one of the most charismatic individuals of his time.

“Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.” That’s only one of the many pieces of wisdom he gave to humanity. These are not only words. They shrink deep inside you. They make you think. They make you act.

Jim Morrison said that during an interview. Back then, motivational speeches were not a big thing. Now, great individuals are trying to make a difference through that specific method. Are you ready to start exploring the best motivational speeches that will make you act?

Here’s a list of 7 of the best motivational speeches of all time:

1. Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

This is one of the most emotional and inspiring speeches you’ll ever listen to. Although Jobs presented it way before TED talks became popular, you’ll notice it has a similar flow to an inspiring TED talk. It is relatively short, it has a theme, and it proves a point through a story.

Through this speech, Jobs tells us how we can find triumph through struggle. Jobs gave this speech one year after he was diagnosed with cancer. He had surgery and he was fine at that point. That’s the most important part of this speech: understanding our time here is limited. What are we going to do with it? That’s what matters.

2. Al Pacino’s Inch by Inch

Have you seen the movie Any Given Sunday? It’s a great one. The moment when Al Pacino gives one of the greatest speeches seen on the big screen is priceless. It’s not just a speech about football. It’s about winning. It’s about overcoming obstacles. It’s about becoming stronger. It’s about life in general!

“… In either game life or football the margin for error is so small. I mean one-half step too late or too early you don’t quite make it. One-half second too slow or too fast and you don’t quite catch it. The inches we need are everywhere around us. They are in every break of the game, every minute, every second.” That’s only a part of this great speech. Funny enough, it starts with “I don’t know what to say, really.”

3. J.K. Rowling’s Harvard Commencement Speech

This one will make you laugh at first. J.K Rowling has a rare talent to make the listeners laugh and think at the same time. At one point, the writer gets serious and gives out the main point of this speech: sharing things she wishes she had known at her own graduation, and the important lessons she has learned between that day and the day of the speech.

There’s one aspect of this speech that makes it different from most others on our list: the talk about poverty. The writer tells the truth about it. There’s no romanticizing of poverty. As she says, only fools do that. This situation entails fear, stress, and depression… “it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships.” However, what she feared most for herself when she was young wasn’t poverty. It was a failure.

Essentially, this is a speech about the benefits of failure. Yes, there is such thing as a benefit from failure. J.K. Rowling is a living proof for that.

4. Bill Gates’ Harvard Commencement Address 2007

“I’ve been waiting more than 30 years to say this: ‘Dad, I always told you I’d come back and get my degree.’” That’s one of the funniest parts of this speech. Gates didn’t graduate. He is Harvard’s most successful dropout. He makes a big point, though: the fact that he dropped out doesn’t make academic life less of an important experience. Gates used to sit in on classes he hadn’t even signed up for.

As he says in his speech, one of his most precious memories of Harvard is being in the midst of so much energy and intelligence. Education is important, and it is a privilege. However, getting to know the wider world is also important, even though it’s shocking for the most part.

5. Jim Carrey’s Commencement Address at the 2014 MUM Graduation

You would expect a funny speech from one of the funniest men on Earth, wouldn’t you? Well, here is a surprise: Jim Carrey is deep. This speech is enlightening, to say the least. The main message is to choose love over fear.

And yes, the speech is funny. It’s Jim Carrey, after all. However, it’s also very, very serious. “I am here to plant a seed that will inspire you to move forward in life with enthusiastic hearts and a clear sense of wholeness.”

Even if you take the safe route through, life, you might fail. If you follow your dreams, you might fail, too. But, you might achieve them – and that’s what makes the difference. In the speech, Jim shares an example: his father. He could have been a great comedian, but he made a safe choice: accounting. When Kim was 12 years old, his father lost that job that was supposed to be safe. That was the point when the actor learned the most important lesson in life: “… You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.”

If you’re in the middle of a crossroad and you’re wondering what road to choose, listen to this speech. It inspires you to choose the right thing. It inspires you to choose love over fear.

6Will Smith’s Pursuit of Happiness Speech

If you haven’t seen The Pursuit of Happiness, go watch it right now. It’s amazing! Will Smith plays a homeless salesman doing everything he can to support his son. Will Smith gives a short but impactful speech to his son in the movie about going out and getting what you want out of life. 

He says: “Don’t ever let somebody tell you, you can’t do something. You got a dream? You gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you, you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.”

7Sheryl Sandberg’s Commencement Address at the 2012 Harvard Business School Graduation

Sandberg offered the 2012 graduates some practical wisdom prior to them entering the business world. She urged them to remember to always communicate and practice honesty with others, which is not the norm in most workplaces. In fact, it’s likely not to norm for most people even with their friends or family.

She also talked about thinking of your career as a ‘jungle gym’ and encourages people to jump around instead of following the traditional path that most people have done. 

Hopefully this inspires you to push your own boundaries and not be afraid to restart your path, pivot your career, and find different ways of doing things.


Which of the six speeches above is your favorite? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Motivational Advice You Never Hear From Elon Musk Fri, 02 Dec 2022 21:00:30 +0000 Elon Musk is the hottest entrepreneur on the planet right now. From launching an electric car into space, buying Twitter, and tunneling holes throughout the country, his unconventional ventures are inspiring millions. It should come as no surprise that his motivational advice is unconventional, as well. Motivational content can become cliche and overused. Every now […]

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Elon Musk is the hottest entrepreneur on the planet right now. From launching an electric car into space, buying Twitter, and tunneling holes throughout the country, his unconventional ventures are inspiring millions.

It should come as no surprise that his motivational advice is unconventional, as well. Motivational content can become cliche and overused. Every now and then, you need to hear an opposing idea to challenge your way of thinking.

Here are 3 things from Elon Musk you never hear from motivational blogs that will shake you up and make you reconsider your approach:

Quote #1: “If you need inspiring words, don’t do it.”

Entrepreneurs don’t read motivational blog posts all day. They have real life problems that they need to find real life solutions to. If they have a hiring need, they contact recruitment agencies, compare costs for different vendors, implement solutions, test results, and learn from their experiences. Inspiring words are a shot of espresso to boost their performance, not the food pyramid that nourishes their body to keep going throughout the day.

A motivational quote or video might inspire them for a moment, but they certainly are not spending hours pouring through the self-help section at Barnes and Nobles. If that is you, reconsider whether you are addicted to being motivated or you are addicted to whatever it is you want to do. If you’re an aspiring writer, are you spending more time reading how to write, or are you spending more time actually writing? Audit your behavior and be honest with yourself.

If you are relying on external motivation to keep you going on a project, then once that external motivation is gone, you slow down. You must find something deeper within yourself to keep pushing through the hard times. Doubt is inevitable but failure is necessary.

Quote #2: “If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it.”

People tell you to play it safe, find a mentor, research your market, make sure there is demand. All of this is conventional wisdom. It’s not bad advice, but it’s what everyone is told and it’s what everyone is doing. If Elon Musk listened to this advice he would not be Elon Musk.

Elon Musk revolutionized two industries that people never would have thought to enter. Tesla became the first American car company to go public since Ford Motor Company in 1956. When starting SpaceX, one of his friends collected several clips of rockets blowing up and made him watch a video. Elon proves if you want to make it big, you have to take a big risk.

Most importantly, if you want to succeed, you have to do something you are passionate about. Elon Musk could have made it rich in any other industry doing something far less complicated. Instead, he chose to pursue his passion for making the world a better place by providing alternative energy transportation and creating a new movement of space travel to save humanity.

He gave himself a 10% chance of success rate with both companies when he started. He chose to start them anyway. If you have nothing to risk, you have nothing to gain. The reward is proportional to the risk. If something is important to you, you will pursue it in spite of any amount of risk you might face.

Quote #3: “You should take the approach that you’re wrong. Your goal is to be less wrong.”

Most people avoid criticism. Criticism shows us we might be something wrong. We were raised to avoid being wrong but Elon Musk actively seeks it. Criticism shows you how you can improve and learn.

You learn nothing when someone tells you what you’re doing right. It might feel good, but like it is said in the movie Whiplash, “There are no two words in the English language more harmful than ‘good job’.” Feeling good breeds contentment and leads you to a place of complacency.

Of course, most of us are not Elon Musk and do not operate at his level of intensity. You might decide relentless improvement is not something you value or want in your life. Nothing is wrong with being content and happy with where you are in life. A continual desire for improvement does not mean you need to be discontent with everything. You can choose how far you want to go on your journey of self-improvement and success.

In a world where companies try to pretend like everything is going right, Elon Musk takes the opposite approach. He pretends like everything is going wrong, and he wants to make things less wrong. His approach opens the door for failure and welcomes the opportunity for improvement. Are you allowing yourself to fail? Are you acknowledging your flaws?

We all want to be like Elon Musk. Not all of us want to work 100+ hours a week. There is a middle ground somewhere where we can all learn from. Find your ‘why’ and let that inspire you. Don’t rely on motivational words to keep you going, use it as a supplement, not a meal. Lastly, when everyone is asking themself what is going well, ask yourself what is going wrong.

What do you think of Elon Musk? Comment below!

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You Don’t Have to Get Your Mind Right to Take Action Fri, 30 Sep 2022 21:00:30 +0000 While many people say that you have to get your mindset “right” in order to create a truly amazing life, they couldn’t be more wrong

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Does this sound familiar?

You’ve spent hours journaling, sorting through limiting belief systems that don’t serve you, you’ve gone all-in on chanting mantras that are meant to change that belief, and yet you still find yourself stuck in the same place? 

Journaling and working on your mind is great. But it’s not the only approach to getting what you want out of your life and business. 

If personal development is something you value in life, especially if you’re a business owner, you’ve likely heard that mindset is key—hence all of the journaling. That’s why when things go awry in your life, mindset is the first place you look, examining the limiting beliefs you have and questioning if you believe you’re truly worthy. 

While many people say that you have to get your mindset “right” in order to create a truly amazing life, they couldn’t be more wrong. Movement is far more important than mindset, and here’s why. 

Changing your state changes your mind

Studies show that changing your mindset isn’t always something you do cerebrally—following your thought patterns and trying to rewire them. Sometimes changing the way your mind thinks, feels, or believes about a certain thing happens as a result of getting into action and allowing your body to influence your thoughts. That’s why only relying on mindset practices that keep you in your head (or trying to force you into feeling positive emotions when you don’t), won’t help you.  

No matter how hard you try to think positively, to not feel fear, or to not feel anxious—you can’t escape it. We all have times when those feelings creep up. You can try to outrun those feelings, or bury them, but those things are simply bandaids that won’t actually help you in the long run. And sometimes, mindset practices that keep you in your head or try to force you out of your feelings are simply the brain gymnastics equivalent of running away or burying your feelings. 

It’s better to know that no matter how you are feeling, you can still take action, and that in taking action, your emotions can naturally shift because you’ve changed your state. That means your feelings are reacting to the chemical changes in your body, shifting your emotions naturally while you make progress on your goals. That’s a win-win.

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. Go out and get busy.” – Dale Carnegie

PAD it

However, getting into action doesn’t always look like crossing the next step off of your to-do list. Sometimes, you need to do something that brings you back to center so that you can move forward. If you are finding yourself paralyzed or overly anxious around something, follow the PAD method so that you can ground yourself and then get back in the game.

P – Pause and get present  

Get grounded in your body and in the present moment. Our bodies can only ever be in the present moment, but our thoughts can be in any time or any place. It’s critical to be sure you are responding in the present moment and it’s difficult to do that when anxieties about the future or past are running amok in your mind.

There are a few ways to bring your focus back to the present moment and get your awareness completely back in your body. One thing you can do is use breathing exercises with visualizations to calm your sympathetic nervous system (fancy speak for getting your system out of fight or flight mode). This will help take some of the anxiety out of your body so that you can be present.

Singing has also been shown to help ground people in the present moment and calm the sympathetic nervous system. 

You can also do something as simple as rubbing your hands together or along your legs to get back in touch with your physical body.

Whatever you choose to do, the idea is to do something that brings your focus to the here and now so that your mind can reorient to what’s actually happening in the moment. This will help you to make more sound decisions and know what next steps to take.

A – Acknowledge 

Don’t try to fix your feelings or thoughts. Don’t judge them. All you want to do is acknowledge how you are feeling. Notice it, and name it. There is great power in naming your emotions. When you allow your feelings to be what they are, they will naturally flow in and out of your system. 

Acknowledging your emotions without trying to force them away removes any shame or stigma from trapping them in your body. This also keeps your mind from making your emotions mean anything other than that’s what you’re feeling in this moment—which can help you to stay grounded and present.

D – Do

Get into action towards your goal. Do something. And if you can’t do something towards your goal, then get up and move your body. Go for a walk, have a dance party, take a shower—whatever you do, change your physical state so you can get out of your thoughts.

If you do something physical, choose something that you enjoy and requires enough attention to break the focus on what you were worrying about. Kickboxing, running, or even jumping rope are some great examples of activities that will keep you focused on the task at hand, while allowing your body to shed the feelings that kept you from being grounded. 

It takes practice…

Now that you know what to do, you’ll be better equipped to move forward even when you’re not feeling the most highvibe (without forcing yourself to pretend that you’re happy). Getting your mind right isn’t necessary for taking massive action. The key is getting your body present so that you’re making powerful and positive decisions based on the here and now, instead of fears of the future. Whatever you do, remember that a grounded body creates a grounded mind—and sometimes that comes from taking action.

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Here’s Why You Need to Make Motivation Personal Sat, 13 Aug 2022 21:00:26 +0000 You put down your self-help book and you feel ready. You are ready to conquer any Herculean task that is standing in your way to success. You are transformed, and you cannot wait to show the world what you are capable of. The next day, you wake up early in the morning. You turn off […]

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You put down your self-help book and you feel ready. You are ready to conquer any Herculean task that is standing in your way to success. You are transformed, and you cannot wait to show the world what you are capable of. The next day, you wake up early in the morning. You turn off your phone’s alarm clock with such energy you know you are going to smash the day. 

A week passes by, and you are still smashing it. People around you start to notice. You are a changed man! Another week passes by, you feel a bit drained, but you soldier on. In the third week, you feel kind of sick of anything motivation related — what happened here?

I asked myself the same question countless times, and I came to the realisation that mass-produced motivation can only last so long. What happened is that you got a boost in motivation from the self-help book, but you did not achieve sustainable motivation; the one that lasts forever.

The only way you can stay motivated is to personalise your motivation. Make it as personal as possible. You must look at motivation from a bottom-up, not top-down, perspective.

In this article, I am going to show you how to do just that. You are going to learn a few tips on how you can personalise motivation, building it from the inside out.  

1. Diagnose your strengths

The first step to personalise your motivation is to pinpoint and capitalise on your strengths.

What is your strong suit?

There are two ways to find the answer:

  • Analyse the history of your achievements
  • Ask people who know you well

For example, when I was a university student, I got the highest grade in public speaking. People also often told me that I had a good way with words (I am saying that humbly!). What does all this mean?

It means I have charisma. I am able to inspire others with my words. So, how can I use this to personalise my motivation?

Well, if I can inspire people with my words, I can inspire myself with them, too. I talk to myself every day. Whenever I run low on motivation, I use metaphors, similes and personification created from my own imagination to shake off whatever parasite that is sucking strength out of my soul. My words never failed me.

Pinpoint your strengths and capitalise on them.

2. Tap the power of personal symbolism

Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas. For example, the cross is a symbol of redemption and sacrifice.

Motivation and success are the driving forces behind everything you do, and your strengths help you smash through challenges to reach your destination. So, why do you not give all this a concrete shape?

When you give what you believe in a concrete shape, it does not just become part of who you are. It becomes who you are. This gives motivation a whole new meaning.

For example, a few of my strengths are intensity, passion, physical energy, yearn for self-expression and somewhat deeply buried anger at the idea of anyone being better than me at what I do. I decided that the sun symbol perfectly represents who I am and how I overcome my moments of weakness.

I wear my sun necklace all the time. It is part of my motivation. It shows the world my motivation, and I love it when people ask me about it.

Here are a few other ways to draw on the power of motivational symbolism:

  • Choose a symbol that best represents your motivational philosophy
  • Create your own ID card. Your picture, name, symbol of your choosing and other information that matters to you should all be there.
  • Rings, necklaces and bracelets with the symbol of your choosing are great ways to materialise your motivation
  • Tattoos are also an option, but I do not recommend them. They are not easily disposable and as you progress in your motivation journey, what motivates and what does not motivate you may change drastically. You do not want to be rigid.

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” – Elon Musk

3. Ritualise your motivation

Another way to make motivation who you are, not just part of who you are, is to ritualise it. Make motivation a habit, not just something that you do ‘’from time to time’’. 

Motivate yourself every day. Wake up in the morning and remind yourself of what matters to you. What you are doing is going to pay off one day. Visualise how you will feel when you achieve your goal and the things it will bring you: money, power, sex and fame. All what is between you and these things is hard and smart work.

I have my own personally-written motivation speech read every morning. The speech reflects my deepest desires. Nobody can unlock its massive power but me. I read it aloud and I feel the words reverberate in my soul.

Make motivation a habit.

4. Adapt, not adopt

While good motivation articles may provide guidance, they do not provide answers because only you can find them. People who write about motivation do not know you as well as you know yourself. Tailor mass-produced motivation articles to your own individual needs, experiences, tastes and intelligence.

For example, if a motivation article suggests that you do the task you dread the most in the morning while you are an afternoon person, you are not going to do it in the morning. You can see how a motivation article can provide you with an idea; do what you are scared of the most when you are at your best. However, ‘’when you are at your best’’ varies from individual to individual.

Adapt what you read to your uniqueness to concoct personalised motivation.

5. Take breaks and make them count

Ignoring breaks — I have been there. You would like to think that you are strong and resilient, and you probably are, but ignoring breaks is not going to get you anywhere. Just like muscles need rest to reduce lactic acid build-up after a hard workout, so does your motivation. However, you do not want to wait until you are burnt out. This mistake cost me a lot.

Make time for your break every week or every couple of weeks at max. A full day of rest is also part of your motivation because you will be looking forward to it when you are working hard.

Make your breaks count, too. No mobile phones or anything of the sort. You have been straining your eyes all this time looking at screens and documents. You need to give all of you a break on your free day. Light exercising is okay, but it should not exceed 20 minutes. Avoid anything and anyone that may deplete your will power reserves – including difficult friends.  

Take breaks and make them count. You will come back stronger.


Personalised motivation is the most powerful motivation. It is motivation that is deeply attached to your idiosyncratic needs, tastes, experiences and logic. Mass-produced motivation articles provide nothing more than guidance. They are a starting point, not an answer to a deeply personal question; how can I be and stay motivated?

The secret is in the ingredients, not the recipe. The most powerful ingredients grow in one and one place only; you.

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This Isn’t a Disney Movie: No One Is Going to Save You Sat, 18 Jun 2022 21:00:17 +0000 I think we’ve all been hypnotized. Hypnotized by movies, books, and stories that we’ve heard growing up as children. All of these stories can provide a great source of inspiration, but as you grow up, you start to realize reality isn’t necessarily the same. When life doesn’t go right, goals don’t get accomplished, you can’t […]

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I think we’ve all been hypnotized. Hypnotized by movies, books, and stories that we’ve heard growing up as children.

All of these stories can provide a great source of inspiration, but as you grow up, you start to realize reality isn’t necessarily the same. When life doesn’t go right, goals don’t get accomplished, you can’t overcome a bad habit, or when you feel stuck in life – no genie magically comes out of a lamp to save you.

Nothing in life changes unless you do.

The stories we’ve been told as children have hypnotized us into thinking that someone or something external to us will save us. Save us from experiencing pain. Save us from our bad habits. Save us from failure. Protect us from our own mistakes. Or save us from lack of motivation.

When in reality, nothing comes until we acknowledge that change must occur within ourselves if we desire different results in our life.

Now, this doesn’t mean I’m a pessimist or believe the stories we’ve been told have done more harm to us than good. In fact, I’m an optimist, and I believe every story we’ve been told as a child lies a substantial amount of wisdom that can be applied if properly understood.

However, if you unconsciously look at these stories superficially and compare them to your personal life, you’ve made a grave mistake. By doing this, you unconsciously walk-through life believing that something will save you from your current state of discontent.

As many have said, we are the stories that we tell ourselves. If the script doesn’t change, it becomes a self-perpetual cycle of the same habits, emotions, and results, whether it be in our personal or professional lives.

On top of that, one of the most pervasive myths that seem to be interwoven into every story we’ve been told as a child is that we are somehow entitled to a great life. And that someone or something is responsible for filling our lives with happiness, wealth, fulfilling relationships, and radiating health.

Responsibility is required for a better life.

There comes a time in everyone’s life when an act of 100% personal reasonability needs to be accepted for true change to occur.

As Jim Rohn has said, “you must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.”

That means we can’t blame our parents, circumstances, where and how we grew up, or that pesky zodiac sign for where we are in our lives. If you want to truly step into greener pastures and increase your life in all areas – we have to point the finger at ourselves.

Taking 100% personal reasonability of your life takes some vulnerability, but vulnerability is the first step to change because when you can admit that your current behaviors are not conducive to your future self – that’s an expression of psychological strength.

We often try to justify our victim stories, excuses, and why things aren’t working out, which further contributes to the terrible results we don’t want in our lives. It takes someone strong to shine a light onto themselves and apply some introspection.

Ask yourself questions like: What can I change? What habit do I need to let go of? What small steps can I take to help me get rid of this bad habit? What did I say or did not say? What do I need to do differently to get better results? Do my beliefs about myself support my future self?

“Taking responsibility is a commitment to own your life, to self-leadership, growth, and freedom.” – Christopher Avery

I remember feeling this urge to pursue something new in my life. I wanted to advance but didn’t know where. I tried to break my old habits but didn’t feel like I had the motivation. I wanted someone to invest in my ideas or business, but I wasn’t doing the work required to substantiate such a request.

It wasn’t until after a few weeks of introspection within myself that I realized no one was going to come and rescue me and lay out the red carpet for the better life I desperately craved for. I had to change the script I was telling myself and take 100% responsibility.

I realized that if I wanted to change, I had to relinquish old habits and excuses and get 1% better every day. This wasn’t easy at first – but over time, it seemed like momentum began to fall on my side. When I started to take personal reasonability for the decisions in my life, that’s when life started clicking, and I felt like life was working for me rather than against me.

As the saying goes, “if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got.”

Nothing changes unless you do first. You have to take full reasonability, then that’s when life starts working for you.

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The Myth of Motivation: How to Get Unstuck Thu, 16 Jun 2022 21:00:30 +0000 Many of us get stuck in the trap that motivation is something we need to have first to start or finish a task. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. I am sure you’ve been in situations where your mind wanted to accomplish something, but your body said, “Nope, not today.” It’s almost like you are […]

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Many of us get stuck in the trap that motivation is something we need to have first to start or finish a task. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.

I am sure you’ve been in situations where your mind wanted to accomplish something, but your body said, “Nope, not today.” It’s almost like you are fighting yourself for the very thing you said you wanted to get done.

Many of us procrastinate until we don’t want to think about the task anymore or unconsciously find something else to do to keep our minds preoccupied.

American essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson is famously quoted as saying, “Do the thing, and you will get the energy to do the thing.” In translation, even if you don’t feel like writing or working out now, once you open your laptop and start typing or tie up your running shoes and walk out the door, the energy you are seeking to get it done will come after you start.

Even though this quote was said in the 1800s, science is proving what Emerson noted so many years ago.

Here’s the thing about motivation

For so long scientific research associated the dopamine neurotransmitter with pleasure; however, new research confirms that it is also responsible for motivation.

Many of us wait until we feel inspired or motivated to start a new task or habit. We patiently wait for the dopamine to be released into our brain, hoping it gives us the motivation to work out or start writing that new book. And we all know it rarely comes.

Here’s why: motivation comes after starting a task, not before. So, if you desire to start writing a book or hitting the gym after work – try focusing on what David Allen calls the “2-minute rule.”

The rule states, “When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do.”

So how does this work? When you want to develop a new habit, just focus on the first 2 minutes of the task, and once you do, the motivation surge comes!

If you want to read more, just focus on opening the book and reading one page. If you desire to run after work, just focus on lacing up your shoes and walking out the door. In both of these examples, you will find that once you get started, the rest of the task will flow quite easily.

The idea behind this strategy is just to start; then, your brain will start working for you, giving you the motivation you yearned for prior to starting the task.

As James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, stated, the greatest amount of friction for any type of new task is in the beginning. But when you set a goal just to lace up your shoes and walk out the door or just open your laptop and start writing – you make it so easy it’s difficult for you to say no.

“Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.” ― Roy T. Bennett

Get clear on what you need to accomplish

Another way to instill motivation for a task you want to complete is getting clear on when you are going to complete it. Schedule the task in your day!

This has been the most significant life hack for my consistent writing and reading every day. In fact, my wife and I have this saying that “if it’s not on the calendar, then it’s not getting done.” So even when we hold family meetings, we pop calendar invites on each other’s calendars because we know how busy life can be.

We have way too many distractions and demands to “hope” you’ll find the time to complete a task. Remember this: It’s not getting done if you don’t tell your brain when.

Instead of waiting around, hoping you will find time to complete a particular task, put the task on your calendar. This tells your brain that you won’t do anything else but this task.

The truth you need to understand about motivation

You’ll find that many people never start a task or pursue a goal because they “never got around to doing it.” But if you schedule your tasks daily – it almost puts your willpower and motivation on auto-pilot regardless if you “feel like doing it or not.”

For example, if you desire to hit the gym every other day after work between 5-6 pm – overtime through each gym session, you will begin to create a routine that creates less friction. And since we are creatures of habit – you will continue to deepen the corresponding neural pathway in your brain, making it easier for this new behavior to stick.

It’s almost like your body will pull you toward the newly established habit because you are consciously ingraining a learned behavior.

Many of us allow circumstances and emotions to unconsciously influence the tasks we hope to accomplish, but if you have a consistent routine – your body will naturally fall into line, making it easier on yourself. 

So in the context of human change, motivation is less about having the sufficient energy to carry out a task. Instead, it’s more about understanding how your body develops its behaviors and actions. Once you gain knowledge of how your body works now, you can adequately guide yourself toward the desires you seek.

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A Step by Step Process That Will Help You Make the Impossible, Possible Sun, 20 Mar 2022 21:00:42 +0000 We have all been there, looking at something and wishing we had it. The girl, the car, the money, the family, the lifestyle…but then we tell ourselves “Yeah, but that’s not me”. The people who get that are cut from a different cloth and we keep telling ourselves that until it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. […]

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We have all been there, looking at something and wishing we had it. The girl, the car, the money, the family, the lifestyle…but then we tell ourselves “Yeah, but that’s not me”. The people who get that are cut from a different cloth and we keep telling ourselves that until it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. We waste the wings we got believing the entire time that we can’t fly and that it’s impossible for us. We don’t even see our wings most of the time.

1. The Invisible

This is the area we know nothing about since it’s is not even on our radar. We don’t know that it exists, only when we discover (by accident) or someone else tells us that, do we move the needle from the Invisible to Impossible.

Let me give you some examples of The Invisible.

  1. Ibrahim Hamato – A table tennis player with no hands. He plays using his mouth and neck, but the biggest surprise is how he serves.
  2. Building a 15 story hotel in 6 days in China is an every day activity.
  3. Charlie Munger reads 500 pages per day. Considering that the average book is around 250 pages, that means he reads 2 books a day or 650-700 books a year. An average American reads less than 4 a year.

The Invisible now becomes visible. You know that it’s happening somewhere out there but not here, not where you are, not in your life. So that’s why the Invisible becomes the Impossible. “Oh wow, that’s amazing. But it’s impossible for me.” So welcome to the second stage.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela

2. The Impossible

This is the area of get-rich-quick schemes. This is where the hagglers mostly operate, promising to give you something that would move you from the Impossible area to the Actual area, but it doesn’t work like that in real life. You are not accustomed to that kind of lifestyle and you can’t handle the jump.

If you need a proof of that, just look at what happens to the lottery winners who go from rags to riches. The suicide and depression rate within that group is one of the largest in the country, and the paradox is that they were happier with their lives before they won the lottery.

All of the steps need to be taken in order and you can’t jump through them. You need to feel each and every single one of them and figure out how to get from one to another. From the area of the Impossible, you start questioning how. How do I get there? How do I move ahead? This asking leads you to the mindset shift (from fixed to growth mindset) needed to make something impossible, possible.

3. The Possible

When you shift your mindset from a fixed to a growth mindset, that’s when you reach the Possible area. You start believing that it is possible FOR YOU to achieve that. It is no longer something which exists out there for someone else and it’s no longer for the people you think are made from a different cloth.

You start believing (and proving to yourself) that there is no “made from a different cloth.” You realize that there is just hard work, perseverance, and belief. Now, the biggest hurdle has been jumped and it’s time to give your mindset shift complementaries. The complementaries are based in knowledge and skills. When you start working in the area of the Possible, that’s when you step into the next area of the Probable.

4. The Probable

This is where you mix your mindset shift and the belief that you can do it, with the necessary knowledge and skills to do it. This is where your Why and How gets its What.

In the area of the Probable, you learn the What of the craft. You learn how to make your dream and your vision a reality. This is the part where habits and every day (compound) actions take place. This is one of the longest periods because most skills take so much time to become second nature.

If you want to achieve your vision and dream, you need to attain mastery in the field which would bring you there. Mastery simply takes time, but don’t be discouraged, you are now on the right path and success is inevitable. Just keep on pushing, keep on working, keep on grinding and believe it will happen. When it happens, you will begin to enter the last phase.

“No one gets very far unless he accomplishes the impossible at least once a day.” – Elbert Hubbard

5. The Actual

This is where your vision and your dream becomes a reality. This is the end goal you will feel, touch, smell, and live through. But only if you believe, work for it and achieve mastery. This is the place where dreams come true but it isn’t a magical place that fell from nothing. It is a product of your beliefs and hard work you put in for years until you saw the desired results.

At that moment, the hard work and perseverance finally pay off in the best feeling in the world, the feeling of accomplishment. The moment when you conquered not the people around you or the environment, but the moment when you conquered yourself.

And because of that, you are now living your dream in the reality.

What’s next?

On to the next goal you have. The circle never stops, the only thing that changes is our position on it. I have obtained the Actual in one area of my life, but in the other one, I am still at the Probable phase so there is still a lot of work to do.

How about you? Which area of your life’s dream are you in and how would you continue your pursuit towards the Actual? Share with us below!

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How to Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Goals Sun, 12 Sep 2021 21:00:40 +0000 Time is the raw material of our lives. How we choose to spend it, shapes our life accordingly. So having the motivation to spend it on achieving goals is crucial to creating a life we want. What is Motivation? The Oxford dictionary defines motivation as the desire or willingness to do something – our drive […]

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Time is the raw material of our lives. How we choose to spend it, shapes our life accordingly. So having the motivation to spend it on achieving goals is crucial to creating a life we want.

What is Motivation?

The Oxford dictionary defines motivation as the desire or willingness to do something – our drive to take action.

Scientifically, motivation has its roots in the dopamine pathways of our brains. When we do something that feels good, that’s dopamine kicking in. Our actions are driven by the desire for that reward (the good feeling).

Author Steven Pressfield describes motivation more practically. He says we hit a point where the pain of not doing something becomes greater than the pain of doing it. He sees motivation as crossing the threshold where it’s easier to take action than it is to be idle. Like choosing to feel awkward while making sales calls over feeling disappointed about a diminishing bank account.

However you choose to think about it, we all want to harness motivation to achieve our goals. 

How to Get Motivated

James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, says that most people misunderstand motivation. They think that motivation is what gets us to take action. In reality, motivation is often the result of action, not the cause of it. Once we start a task, it’s easier to continue making progress. Like Isaac Newton’s first law: objects in motion stay in motion.

This means most of the resistance when working on your goals comes right before we start. Since motivation naturally occurs after we start, we need to focus on making starting easier.

4 Ways to Make Starting Easier

1. Schedule it

One reason people can’t get started on things is that they haven’t planned when to do it. 

When things aren’t scheduled it’s easier for them to fall by the wayside. You’ll end up hoping motivation falls in your lap or hoping that you’ll muster enough willpower to get it done.

An article in the Guardian said, “If you waste resources trying to decide when or where to work, you’ll impede your capacity to do the work.”

2. Measure something

It’s easy to feel uninspired when you don’t know if you’re making progress or what you’re even working towards. That’s why you need to make your success measurable in some way. Starting is easy when you know exactly how much closer your current actions will bring you to achieving your goal.

3. Extrinsic motivation

This type of motivation is from external factors. It can be either positive or negative. Positive motivation consists of incentives like money, prizes, and grades. Negative motivation consists of deterrents like being fired, having a fight, or being fined. Extrinsic motivation doesn’t work effectively long-term, but it can work well in the short term to get you started on something.

4. Make it public

Keep yourself accountable by telling friends and family your goals, or even sharing them on social media. This makes it easier to start something because you’re pressured to not let others down.

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar

How to Stay Motivated Long Term

When we say we want to feel motivated to do something, we don’t want to be pushed or guilted into doing a task. We want to be so attracted and drawn to the idea that we can’t resist not taking action. That’s why it’s important to build a foundation that will set you up for consistency.

These are 5 techniques that will help you do just that:

1. Stay in your goldilocks zone

The goldilocks zone is when a task is the perfect level of difficulty—not too hard and not too easy. In this zone, we reach peak motivation and focus.

For example, let’s say you’re playing a serious tennis match against a 4-year-old. On this level of difficulty, you’ll quickly become bored and not want to play. Now let’s say you’re playing a serious tennis match against Serena Williams. On this level of difficulty, you’ll quickly become demotivated because the match is too challenging. 

The Goldilocks zone is in the middle of that spectrum. You want to face someone with equal skill as you. That way you have a chance to win, but you have to focus and try for it. Adjusting your workload and goals over time to stay within your Goldilocks zone keeps you engaged and motivated long-term.

2. Pursue intrinsically motivated goals

Being intrinsically motivated to achieve a goal is when you want to achieve it for what it is. There are no external factors like a reward or the risk of being fired. The drive behind your actions is coming from within. 

For most intrinsic goals we pursue them because they will enrich our lives or bring us closer to fulfillment. That makes these goals extremely sustainable long-term because they directly affect our quality of life and the things we care about.

3. Use “chunking”

Chunking is the technique of breaking down a goal into smaller short-term targets. By doing this you achieve multiple successes in your pursuit of the main goal. This triggers the brain’s reward system and drives you to keep going.

Traditionally, you may set a goal that you expect to achieve in one year. That’s a long time to commit without seeing any results along the way. By chunking your goals into monthly or quarterly targets, you get the consistent positive reinforcement you need to stay motivated long-term.

For example, instead of trying to lose 50 pounds in one year, try to lose 4 pounds every month for 12 months.

4. Be flexible

We’re all victims of circumstance. Things happen along our journey that we can either adjust to or quit because of. That’s why it’s important to have leeway and flexibility when you’re pursuing a goal. If you expect everything to go perfectly, the inevitable failure can make you disengaged and desireless. When you plan for things to go wrong, you make sure you can keep up for the long haul.

5. Pursue your goals in a sustainable fashion

Don’t lose hope when you’re not an overnight success. Overnight successes are the 1%—for the most part, they don’t exist. What we see as an “overnight success” is actually countless hours of work behind the scenes finally hitting a tipping point. Pursuing goals is a story of patience, persistence, and unseen effort.

Don’t compare yourself to others. Comparison is a recipe for a drop in self-confidence and satisfaction. It also cultivates a mindset where you think you haven’t done enough. As a result, you may raise your expectations and put more pressure on yourself.

This is pointless because things worth achieving take time. So we obviously won’t compare to the things around us when starting.

Mastering motivation is a superpower. With that ability at your fingertips, you can accomplish your goals and shape a life you want to live in.

Ready To Write Down Your Goals & Reach Them? Read more blogs about reaching your goals and success on Addicted 2 Success

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What Is Dark Motivation and How Can I Use It to My Advantage? Wed, 01 Sep 2021 21:00:15 +0000 It’s Thursday, 8 PM. I’m relaxing at home, doing normal things, and scrolling social media. Tomorrow is a big day. There are lots of things to do with moving pieces of furniture because I’m moving to another city. On top of that, a repairman is coming to my house at 8AM, so I’ll have to […]

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It’s Thursday, 8 PM. I’m relaxing at home, doing normal things, and scrolling social media. Tomorrow is a big day. There are lots of things to do with moving pieces of furniture because I’m moving to another city. On top of that, a repairman is coming to my house at 8AM, so I’ll have to get up early.

I plan to relax, buy some chips, and watch Netflix. After all, there’s lots to be done tomorrow. When scrolling social media, I notice a post from a girl I used to date back in time. The post contained her having a great time with a boy, who seemed to be her new boyfriend.

Suddenly, I didn’t feel like buying snacks and watching Netflix. I felt an exciting feeling of both motivation and melancholy. This caused me to set an alarm at 5:40 on the next morning, and storm through different tasks. This phenomenon is something I call “dark motivation”. Today, I’d like to explain what it is, and how you can use it to your advantage.

What is dark motivation?

Dark motivation is a form of motivation that is based on a certain urge to complete tasks and improve yourself in any way possible. It’s caused by different feelings that are negative, but very powerful. It’s natural for a human being to feel jealousy, insecurity, and the urge to compare. Although it’s good to let go of those feelings, they can sometimes be a great resource.

When I saw that post, I felt like I wanted to make progress. My subconscious wanted me to feel good because seeing that girl with another boy caused some negative emotions. And one of the best ways for me to feel good is to improve myself somehow. 

Dark motivation is a very powerful way to motivate you to step out of your comfort zone and push yourself towards your goals. The pain of sitting at home and doing nothing urged me to exit that situation by taking action. Even when I ended up getting too little sleep.

“We Generate Fears While We Sit. We Overcome Them By Action.” – Dr. Henry Link

Examples of dark motivation

Dark motivation can be caused by pretty much any negative emotion. These emotions include jealousy, insecurity, anxiety, discomfort, and anything like that.

When you see someone you dislike being in incredible shape, you’ll probably feel motivated to work out. When you get fired from a job, you’ll feel motivated to seek a high-paying job and advance in your career. Or you may be motivated to improve your social skills after a break-up.

Dark motivation relies entirely on negative emotions. Some people could even say they’re immature and childish. However, they’re natural for us and you can definitely use them to your advantage.

See, when you improve your career after getting fired, some part of your mind wants to get revenge on your boss and make them regret their decision. When you date people after a break-up, some part of your mind wants to make your ex jealous and prove that you’re better without them.

These forms of motivation are usually more powerful than motivation in normal situations. An urge to move away from pain is way stronger than a desire to move towards pleasure.

How to use dark motivation to your advantage

Spicing up your motivation with these feelings is like adding a strong supplement to your workout routine. It will be very effective, but it can be harmful if you use it too much. See, if you constantly compare yourself and let jealousy and insecurity take over, you’ll probably face problems with your mental health.

My advice is this. Remember that you don’t need to compare yourself to other people, and achievements don’t make anyone a better human being. True confidence comes from inside, and you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone.

However, dark motivation is very beneficial if you use it every now and then. When you know there’s something you should do but you don’t feel like doing it, try to add some dark motivation and see how you feel.

Next time you know you should work out or complete a task, dig deep into your mind. See if there’s a certain feeling of insecurity or jealousness that can motivate you. And once you’ve completed the task, let it go. It may feel uncomfortable for a while, but nothing great in life comes without effort.

We all have some insecurities and underlying emotions that can be used as dark motivation, so why not use them to your advantage? Learn to control them in a way that they don’t bother you in your everyday life, but you can expose them when you need to. This is the best way to use dark motivation to your advantage.

This was my guide about dark motivation. It’s possible that you know this phenomenon by a different name, but the principles are the same. With a little bit of practice, you can channel your negative emotions into bursts of motivation and eventually be grateful for having them!

Use dark motivation with caution though. I guess you want to be a happy person in general. Apply it in a way that doesn’t harm the overall quality of your life, but is just enough to keep you improving yourself constantly!

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The Killer Morning Routine to Boost Motivation Fri, 30 Jul 2021 21:00:55 +0000 If you’re anything like me, waking up in the morning is a hard task. Over the course of a number of years I’ve built a routine that helps wake me up and keeps me motivated. Before Bed For me one of the hardest parts of the day is actually waking up and staying awake. There […]

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If you’re anything like me, waking up in the morning is a hard task. Over the course of a number of years I’ve built a routine that helps wake me up and keeps me motivated.

Before Bed

For me one of the hardest parts of the day is actually waking up and staying awake. There are a few tricks to this.
Before you go to sleep, eat a spoon of nut butter (or sunflower butter if you’re allergic), this helps with blood sugar levels and can help you feel more rested the next day. Getting into bed from 9pm-11pm does have its benefits, as the body can have more non-REM sleep earlier in the evening, which is believed to be more restorative. 

Waking up

One of the major things I’ve learnt is going back to sleep after your alarm will only make you more tired, and research suggests even if you feel groggy when waking up, going back to sleep will do just that. The best way to shed that feeling of grogginess is to eat an apple and drink a glass of water. The apple has fructose, minerals and water which help kickstart you after 8 hours of no food and the water helps rehydrate you.

One hack I’ve also used is having a bottle of hot sauce on the nightstand. When I wake up I take a small amount of hot sauce and that hit of hot sauce gets my heart going enough that I can’t fall asleep again. Straight after this you want to get exercising. The reason is because you’re less likely to procrastinate and you’ll be feeling the endorphins that are a great motivation booster.


Any exercise that gets your heart rate up will help. Ideally either a 15 minute high intensity interval training or a short run, as this will get your breath and heart rate up. However, Yoga is great too as a form of body meditation and a good way to shake off slumber.

How you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life.” – Hal Elrod

The Wim Hof Method

Post 15 minute workout, the 5 minute Wim Hof breathing exercise and a cold shower really helps. The cold water is a challenge but leaves you energised and has been shown to counter colds and flus and even anxiety. After this you can sit down to work and feel ready to take on any challenge (as a cold shower is a pretty tough one.)

Meditation and journaling

A quick 5 or 10 minute meditation before work can get your mind ready for any task. Post meditation, your brain emits alpha waves which can reduce stress and anxiety. You can use the time after to set your daily goals and remind yourself of your monthly goals. It’s also a good time to do a quick journaling, which is usually 2-3minutes of writing, which leaves you focused.

I have used a three part journal.

Part one is gratitude, being grateful for things in your life is proven to make people happier and less stressed. Even small things like your breakfast, the weather or a comfy bed are a good start. It rewires your brain to not focus on what you lack but what you have. It’s important to write these down and the action of writing helps cement these in your brain.

Part two is red/blue. This helps with discipline. I write the things I did well (meditated, exercised) in blue and if I did something I’m not happy with (went to bed late) in red. It helps hold yourself accountable and fix those behaviors.

Part three is remembering your successes and visualizing future ones. It’s a quick ‘what do I want’. Writing down your goals again and again reinforces them and makes it easier to work and focus if you know why you are working. It’s also a way to check in with yourself if you still even want those things. Remembering success is just a way to remind yourself of the hard work you’ve done and what you’ve achieved. It helps remind you you’re capable of more of these kinds of success.


For me a smoothie with some berries, protein, oats, nuts and spinach helps set me up for the day. Tonnes of fibre, protein and vitamins and it’s fast to make and consume. 

Removing distractions and not to do list

A lot of successful people rely on “what not to do” lists as well as to do lists. For me the main things not to do is: multitasking, futurecasting, focusing on what I don’t want or dwelling on the past. Having these “not to dos” in front of you helps to remind you to reject those thoughts or behaviours when they creep in. One of the most important ways I can stay focused is to check my phone only after meditating and then put it in my bag or somewhere out of reach. This way it doesn’t distract me and I get out of the habit of checking notifications as they arise.

The whole process is about 45 minutes to an hour and sets you up for a day where your productivity and motivation will be noticeably improved from days you don’t.

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Why “No Pain, No Gain” Is More Powerful Than You Realize Tue, 20 Jul 2021 21:00:34 +0000 Chances are you’ve heard the quote “No pain, no gain” before. Especially if you enjoy hitting the gym and getting a nice pump going on. What this means is that in order to make your muscles grow, you’ll have to shred the fibers so they can grow back bigger and stronger. This progress causes physical […]

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Chances are you’ve heard the quote “No pain, no gain” before. Especially if you enjoy hitting the gym and getting a nice pump going on. What this means is that in order to make your muscles grow, you’ll have to shred the fibers so they can grow back bigger and stronger. This progress causes physical pain because you’re tearing apart your muscles, but the reward for the pain is always worth it.

Many people don’t realize that this golden quote applies everywhere. Even outside your local gym. In all the different areas of your life. Fitness, dating, finances, mental health. You’ve probably faced different challenges and setbacks in these areas, but have you ever wondered what kind of lesson you’ve gained? Have you ever thought about your progress and the impact that your failures have had on it?

Pain and gain in your everyday life

You probably know that if you want to achieve something, you’ll have to put in the effort. Nothing good in life comes without it. Just like you have to put the effort into your training to become fitter, you have to put effort into learning new skills when building a business. 

You’ll probably encounter pain when losing money, but those mistakes will teach you important lessons. When you’re looking for love, you’ll have to face rejection when approaching people. The list goes on. When you pursue your goals, there’s some pain you’ll have to go through to reach them. It may be physical pain at the gym or mental pain and stress in business.

So, whatever your dreams are, start seeing them from this perspective. Just like at the gym, every moment of pain and discomfort will be rewarded later. Don’t be afraid to encounter pain because it’s a sign that you’re making progress. The burn in your muscles will make them stronger, the pain of getting rejected will teach you how to approach better, and the pain of losing $1000 will teach you many valuable lessons in business. 

All this is something that will help you to succeed later. Mastering any area of life will require those painful repetitions and effort. No book or any information can replace the skill you gain from your own experience. So remember, it’s OK to fail, it’s OK to be stressed, and it’s OK to feel confused. It means you’re improving!

Using pain to your advantage

“What do you mean use pain to your advantage, are you insane?” No, I’m not. What I mean by this is that you should start seeing failure, rejection, and pain from a new perspective. One of the greatest differences between the top 1% of successful people and mediocrity is the way they treat failure.

Rather than seeing a painful failure as a sign of lower worth, consider it a great lesson. Just like a rep in the gym. The more it hurts, the more it will reward you later.

A rep in business could be investing in training that doesn’t work but will teach you how to find one that works. A rep in dating could be a brutal heartbreak that teaches you to not put another person on a pedestal. A rep with your mental health could be a negative experience that forces you to learn to control anxiety.

Do you see the point here? One of the fundamental, unwritten laws in this world is that if you want to achieve something great, you’ll have to put in the effort and exit your comfort zone.

Many people don’t do this because they aren’t patient enough to be consistent, or their ego and fear of failure are stopping them. Don’t let that toxic mentality hold you back. Rather than shrinking away and avoiding the risk of pain, put yourself out there and do that rep! And when you do those reps over and over again, you’ll reach success. Rather than seeing failures as heavy bricks in your mental backpack, you’re using them to build stairs that will reach the clouds one day.

Pain, the greatest motivator

Have you ever seen the following phenomenon in your life? Someone faces a horrible setback in their life such as failing in business or a brutal heartbreak. For a while, they’re feeling terrible but along with time, they change and end up becoming a new, better version of themselves. They may even claim that the setback was the best thing that ever happened for them.

I certainly have seen this and experienced it myself. The reason why this happens is very simple. When life hits you hard, you end up in a situation so painful, that it nearly forces you to take action and improve your life. Once you take that action, you become a better version of yourself.

There are two types of motivation. The first is a desire to move towards pleasure. This is the most common one. People see something they want and they go for it. Then there is the more powerful one, an urge to move away from pain. Obviously, the second one gives you better results because you start from a situation that’s painful and something you want to get rid of. Yes, it’s uncomfortable but extremely effective. This is how you can turn a major setback into your greatest advantage.

Start seeing different forms of pain and discomfort as reps that will reward you later. Just like at the gym. No pain, no gain. Once you apply this principle properly, you can achieve pretty much anything you want!

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You Can’t Create Success Without Tapping Into Your Sources of Motivation Wed, 03 Feb 2021 21:00:47 +0000 Sometimes life doesn’t work out as planned no matter what you do. You start each day with the best of intentions and expect to achieve success. However, this isn’t a Hallmark movie. There are lots of situations in your life that happen outside of your control. These unexpected moments derail your positive intentions. As leaders, […]

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Sometimes life doesn’t work out as planned no matter what you do. You start each day with the best of intentions and expect to achieve success. However, this isn’t a Hallmark movie. There are lots of situations in your life that happen outside of your control. These unexpected moments derail your positive intentions. As leaders, we want to grow a business, advance in a career, have better relationships, and create freedom and margin to spend our time doing whatever we want.

You have emotion, hope, and aspirations of accomplishing more than any previous year at the start of any new year. You may have even started your year with resolutions, goals, and a plan to dominate. Even with the best strategies, something will knock you off course. You will undoubtedly experience a test of your resolve. 

Choosing Success

When you experience overwhelming frustration, you have a choice to make. You can decide that whatever you’re dealing with is too hard to face and throw in the towel. Or, you can take a different path and decide to get through the difficult experiences and learn the life lessons you’re being offered. Every experience in life creates learning moments if you’re willing to listen. 

After you cater to your wounds and regroup, you’ll have to stand up and get back to work. If you have gone through hard times, you know that getting refocused and committed to your goals is easier said than done. During any recovery period after experiencing what feels like a defeat, you’ll need to tap into your sources of motivation. You will need to be inspired and remember why you started this journey to create success. 

Without having motivation, your feelings, emotions, and irrational fears will feed into self-limiting beliefs that will derail your progress. A little voice will convince you that there’s no way to recover. Life will often bring situations that feel too hard to handle. These situations can potentially hurt your motivation and determination to accomplish your goals. It’s important to understand that motivation is always there if you know how to tap into it. 

“Change equals self-improvement. Push yourself to places you haven’t been before.” – Pat Summitt

Consistent Motivation

If you’re going to create success and accomplish your goals, you’ll need to know how to get motivated. What I’m talking about isn’t the raw-raw kind of motivation that makes you feel good, and then you crash. I’m talking tapping into the coal that pushes your success train. This kind of motivation is more than feelings — it’s inspiration and a determination to make it through circumstances that are trying to hold you back. 

You need motivation sources so that you can find motivation whenever you need it. We live in an age where sources of motivation are all around us in various platforms and mediums. Leaders can get motivated through inspirational and informative podcasts, blogs, videos, books, and other people. The internet and social media create a bubble that helps success-seekers instantly receive motivation through content that’s free, available, and practical. 

You can find your favorite biography, inspirational quote, series of books, speaker videos, and more so that you leverage these sources of motivation to get focused and re-inspired. Self-awareness is essential in this circumstance because it helps you know what motivates you. Your sources of motivation are going to be different than the next person. It may be music or watching a Joel Brown video. It may be books or listening to a podcast.

To create continuous motivation, you’ll need to know what motivation sources are practical for you and how to access them. When you experience a setback or moments of frustration, instantly access motivation. 

Motivation can also manifest through people. Friends, family members, or other inspiring success-seekers can help you move forward. You can join mastermind groups or other social clubs. 

Your best source of motivation is your main WHY and where you’re going. It can be growing a business, starting a dream career, or building extraordinary relationships. You should know that success isn’t a finish line. The journey to becoming the best version of yourself never ends. 

Reaching success and creating a wonderful life should be your best source of motivation. Let it fuel you to keep moving forward despite setbacks. 

“Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.” – Benjamin Disraeli

Stay Motivated

Once you’ve created your primary sources of motivation and know where to find them, commit to keeping consistent motivation as a part of your success routine. Create space and room in your schedule every day to get re-inspired. You can think of this as personal development time with an emphasis on personal — you taking care of yourself. This is a time to get your mind, body, and spirit right. 

Building the habit of staying motivated creates high performance that helps you get more done in a focused way. It’s how you become elite at what you do because you use a strategy others won’t.  It takes a lot to become the best version of yourself. It takes tremendous strength to grow and put in the work. You will need support. You can’t do this without the proper motivation. 

External circumstances and your feelings will overwhelm you without motivation. This can be a year full of accomplished goals and dreams fulfilled. Use your sources of motivation to get there. 

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Why You Shouldn’t Ignore This Dark Method of Motivation Sun, 31 Jan 2021 21:00:03 +0000 When you get home from work, what’s the first thing you want to do? Is it to start exercising? Is it work on a new side-hustle? Or is it mastering a brand new musical instrument? I’d actually bet cash that you do NOT want to do a single one of those things. In fact, it’s […]

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When you get home from work, what’s the first thing you want to do? Is it to start exercising? Is it work on a new side-hustle? Or is it mastering a brand new musical instrument? I’d actually bet cash that you do NOT want to do a single one of those things. In fact, it’s very likely you want to do the opposite instead – and that’s to slip into your house clothes, hop into a comfy chair, and dive into an exciting show on Netflix or browse social media.

That’s what a normal person wants to do after a hard day’s work, after all. Unfortunately, it’s obvious that neither of those things will improve your life in any regard. Luckily, it’s possible to drop this lazy habit so you don’t get stuck in a swamp of mediocrity for the rest of your life. And all it takes is a bit of an “attitude adjustment” to make it happen.

Your motivation needs some “chutzpa” to get you going

Once a person finishes a task, the natural inclination is to relax. But the problem is that just because the body wants to take it easy doesn’t mean the job is done – and that’s a feeling we can all relate to. 

Unfortunately, this is a never-ending problem that requires the right strategy to counter it. Otherwise, each day you’ll do the same old thing. And that’s to give in to the lazy and child-like response system the human body has. And if you just let your body dictate all your actions, well, it’s just going to seek out junk food all day long and encourage Netflix binges. It’s clear that this is a quick way to a sad and depressed life. So let’s nip this issue in the bud.

“There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking.” – Brian Tracy

Motivation nowadays lacks any “edge” to it

Humans are wired to sink into routine and comfort. It’s a way for us to conserve energy so we can put it towards useful things (like escaping tigers). But we don’t live like our ancestors anymore, and it’s obvious we don’t need traits like this in modern settings. Yet despite our lack of need for this characteristic… it’s not going anywhere. We are forever stuck with the tendency to seek the path of least resistance, of instant gratification, and of maximum comfort. Even if it means we have to sacrifice ALL our future success, happiness, and fulfillment because of it.

How to add sharpness to your favorite motivation tactics

The only way out of our lazy haze is by infusing some electricity into our motivation methods. It’s got to be something that actually makes us stop and think about what we want to do at any given moment. That way we don’t just default to laziness – instead, our brain actually does some cost/benefit analysis about whether it’s actually a good idea to binge Netflix for a few hours after work.

I’ve taken some of the most popular motivation tactics out there and gave them some edge so they work FAR more effectively at getting you to take action on your goals. I suggest you give them a shot if your first habit when you get home from work is to kick back and relax the instant you enter the door.

1. Exchange SMART goals for SMARTS goals

While SMART goals are good for clarity and direction, they lack when it comes to motivation. But if you add an extra “S” at the end, you’ve got “stakes” added to the mix. All of a sudden, your new SMARTS goal will drive you to take action as quickly as possible.

Here’s a few ideas to get you going with this, you can use these as springboards to create your own variations pretty easily:

  1. If you succeed at your goal, you get to eat at a nice restaurant. If you fail, then you’ve got to eat a whole raw grapefruit (I hate grapefruits so replace this with whatever works for you).
  2. If you succeed at your goal, you get to take a weekend trip somewhere nice. If you fail, you’ve got to volunteer as a roadside litter picker-upper.
  3. If you succeed at your goal, you get to watch a movie you’ve been excited for. If you fail, you’ve got to watch a boring documentary on a topic you have no interest in.

You get the idea. Just pick something on both sides of the motivation spectrum and you’ll be good to go with your SMARTS goals.

2. Remember your “big why” and your “dark why” as well

People like to talk about the major reason that’s motivating them to take action:

“For my family.”

“To leave a legacy.”

“To do something amazing.”

And that’s all well and good. But people have a “dark” side to them as well, and pretending this side doesn’t exist is basically denying we are people with negative emotions as well.

And that’s a big mistake. There’s a lot of power in negative emotions because they can create action. This action can sometimes be undesirable, but it can also be directed towards goals you want to accomplish. 

Jealousy can drive you to improve your physique. Anger can push you to increase income from a side-hustle. And even gluttony can drive you to exercise more (sometimes when I know I’m about to eat bad, I’ll exercise beforehand to “even it out”). 

It’s all about finding productive outlets for negative emotions. So instead of denying a normal, human part of us instead, find a way to use it to create good in your life and make it even better.

“Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul, even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” – Swami Sivananda

3. Associate with those who are successful but don’t ignore those you do NOT want to be like

Think of a person in your life who you do NOT want to be like. It could be an incompetent parent. An unreasonable or lazy boss. Or an unethical leader of some kind. So long as this person brings out a sense of shame and disgust, you’ve found a good mark.

Got your person? Perfect. Next time you find your parenting to be lacking… or your after work habits to be lazy… or your managerial style to be shameful… think of this person. Think of how upsetting their actions are and how you are “toeing the line” of being just like them. Once you do this, you’ll instantly find your actions changing so you don’t become like them.

This is actually a pretty powerful motivational technique because it creates both emotion AND action in you. And a combination like this is sure to get you moving so you achieve your goals much more effectively.

Remember that when it comes to motivation, the goal is NOT to feel good or inspired – it’s to take action on your goals. That’s the ONLY goal. And whether the source of that motivation makes you feel positive or gives you anxiety…does it really matter? Results are the name of the game in life. And with these “dark” tactics, I’d expect your own life to have more motivation and success because of it.

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How to Use the 3 Sins of Motivation to Achieve Your Goals Tue, 05 Jan 2021 21:00:58 +0000 Has your hard work ever been overlooked?  Maybe you’ve been working overtime for weeks, and when promotion time came along, a less experienced co-worker (who rarely, if ever, stays past clock out time) is applauded for his great work and is rewarded with a higher, better paying position. Or maybe a new website you’ve been […]

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Has your hard work ever been overlooked?  Maybe you’ve been working overtime for weeks, and when promotion time came along, a less experienced co-worker (who rarely, if ever, stays past clock out time) is applauded for his great work and is rewarded with a higher, better paying position.

Or maybe a new website you’ve been working for weeks isn’t getting the traffic you think it deserves. And other, lower-quality websites seem to be as popular as ever (despite being “uglier” or having worse content on it).

Whatever it is, it’s a terrible feeling knowing you’ve worked hard on something only to see others “take” all the credit. And if you’re like most normal people, you’ll probably feel angry… jealous… or even prideful… in response to these unjust situations.

Well, while you can’t always stop this from happening, there IS a way to use this situation to create powerful motivation to bounce back from it. And possibly even let you get what you deserve after all. Life is unfair but it’s more unfair when you don’t handle it well

It’s normal to feel upset or envious whenever you see people succeed when you’ve been struggling (with little to show for it). Most of the time, people end up throwing their hands up in frustration and giving up in response. “What’s the point if it’s just gonna end up like this?” they might think.

Unfortunately, that’s the wrong way to go about things. Transform anger, jealousy, and pride into motivational fuel Rather than letting negativity tear you down, what if you instead used it to drive positive change in your life?

That might sound a bit strange. But at the end of the day, certain negative emotions drive action. Of course, these are usually unhelpful actions. But there’s no reason you can’t channel this energy into something that improves your life instead of hurts it.

Here’s how to use 3 supposedly “bad” emotions in a way to propel you forward into motivational and productive success.

1. Unleash Your Anger

Anger is the antidote to fear and anxiety. Whereas unease will cause you to shrink away from challenges and opportunities, anger will make you metaphorically raise your fists and blast your enemy to pieces. For those of you who suffer through apprehension when you know doing something will improve your life, find something to get angry at… and let em’ have it!

If you want a promotion but are afraid of rejection, imagine a lazy co-worker getting it (and gloating about it), and use that as fuel to go take it for yourself.

If you’re afraid to promote your website, but see other “lesser” websites gaining traction, think to yourself “Hey, that’s MY traffic!” and then “fight” for your website to take the spotlight. In the right doses, anger is your friend. Learn to control it and it can become a powerful weapon.

“A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive.” – Walt Disney

2. Get Green With Envy

When you see a person with a better paying job than you, how does that make you feel? Or what about seeing someone with a nicer body than you, what about then? No need to think about it much – you (and I) will both feel jealousy. We want what they have. And WE want it NOW.

Problem is, this feeling usually just gets compartmentalized because we don’t like this feeling. It makes us feel inadequate and uncomfortable. And most people are experts at running away from these feelings.

But that’d be a waste of your envy! A much better reaction would be to look at the person you’re jealous of, study their methods of success, and adapt it to your own life – but better. Nobody is successful overnight. So see if there’s a way to improve on that person’s method so you can do even better than they have.

3. Be a Stubborn and Prideful Person

If you lack a certain “stick-to-it” capability that hurts your self-discipline, then pride may be what you need. I’m sure you’ve seen those people who refuse to give up on something because they’re just too darn stubborn. Most people view this as a bad thing, but is it, really?

What if you could convert that stubbornness to a more productive outcome? Well, here’s what drives that stubbornness… pride.

A person is stubborn because it would hurt their pride to give up otherwise. It’s like admitting they aren’t who they say they are if they call it quits. And I think that’s nearly a superpower if applied to important goals.

To make this work, you need to find something you’re prideful or stubborn about. For example, maybe your family is known for its stubborn ways. Well, that’d be perfect! Next time you’re working on a goal, and feel that urge to give up settling in, just say, “I’m a Johnson, and we don’t give up!” and then push through till that feeling dissipates.

Or maybe you’re prideful about doing great in college or taking care of your family or being a great worker… all of these things can be used to drive you through tough times. 

Just remind yourself that the thing you’re prideful about means you ARE capable of doing great things. And that you won’t give in to feelings of laziness just because they happen to you.

“If you’re not stubborn, you’ll give up on experiments too soon. And if you’re not flexible, you’ll pound your head against the wall and you won’t see a different solution to a problem you’re trying to solve.” – Jeff Bezos

I like to believe in the idea that everything is to your advantage. Good things are helpful. But if you’re creative and open-minded enough… so are the bad things. When you start to think like this, you begin to see that everything can help you. And when that happens, you might even start hoping you have a bad day… just to use it as motivation fuel.

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3 Unusual Methods For Instant Motivation Wed, 16 Dec 2020 21:00:17 +0000 How many times have you looked at endless task lists, dozens of unread emails, and mountains of paperwork… and felt utter dread at the thought of working on them? And even looked at the clock and hoped it was near the end of the day, just so you could call it quits? I’ve been there, […]

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How many times have you looked at endless task lists, dozens of unread emails, and mountains of paperwork… and felt utter dread at the thought of working on them? And even looked at the clock and hoped it was near the end of the day, just so you could call it quits?

I’ve been there, so I know exactly what it’s like to want to disappear and pretend like work doesn’t exist. Of course, just because you don’t feel like doing the work, doesn’t mean it’s going away. Unfortunately, most of the typical motivational tactics out there never worked out for me, so I had to come up with some counterintuitive methods to rev up my motivation and actually get some work done.

So if you’re in the same boat as me and struggle to get motivated sometimes, know that it doesn’t have to be this way.

Your Brain Is Attuned To The Wrong Thing

The big problem here is that you’re too focused on the incorrect thing – and that’s the fact that you’ve got a lot of work to do. So naturally, when all your attention is focused on something you “don’t” feel like doing, your mental resistance is going to rise and take over.

And what does that lead to? A severe case of procrastination. And no matter what type of work you need to do (even if it’s related to a big goal you’ve always had), this problem can rear its ugly head and take you out of your game.

When it comes to motivation, people are generally told to use methods like SMART goals or visualizing yourself succeeding. Well, those things might work for some people. But in my experience, they fail HARD when it comes to creating the instant motivation you need – especially when your mood and energy are in low supply.

And why is that? Because they don’t redirect our focus and emotions onto productively compelling things.

“The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” – Jimmy Johnson

Rather than using the popular motivation tactics seen online, I suggest trying something that most people haven’t really done before. Basically, we’re going to change your focus onto tactics that (while a bit odd or scary) will urge you to act on your goals in the NOW – so let’s take a look.

1. Have a punishment system

Even if people don’t like it, a person is twice as likely to work in order to avoid a punishment, rather than working towards a reward instead. This is something Daniel Kanheman (a well-established expert on motivation and author of “Thinking, Fast and Slow ) discovered in his many psychology experiments. So rather than focusing solely on getting a treat for good behavior, it’d make sense to find a way to create consequences for not doing your work instead.

Here’s a few ideas to work with:

  • If you don’t go to the gym after work, then you have to eat something nasty (e.g. something bitter, like grapefruit)
  • If you don’t start or work on your new business, then you have to donate to charity (bonus points for charities you “don’t” support)
  • If you don’t get out of bed on time, then you have to take a cold shower

Anyway, the point is to make the “good” option seem like a walk in the park compared to the cost of not doing it. You can even combine this with rewards for extra motivational punch.

2. Use Peer Pressure

We never really grow out of peer pressure. So if everybody around you is pressuring you to do something (whether good OR bad), you are FAR more likely to do it.

Try getting your friends and family to “peer pressure” you into working on your goals. For example, once you get home from work, the first thing you’ll want to do is kick back and relax. But if your family starts to “gang up” on you, and eggs you on to get some exercise in, then it’d probably be hard to refuse them.

In fact, you’d probably find it hard to “not” go to the gym if that were the case. So see if you can foster a productive culture around your close ones. That way, you’ll never let your laziness or mood dominate your actions, and you’ll be able to stay on point with your goals.

“Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to.” – Leah LaBelle

3. Turn Your Fears Into Trash-Talking Rivals

This is kind of an interesting one. It’s similar to the previous tip, but with an even sharper edge to it. If you’ve ever been on a sports team, and were the receiver of trash talk before, you know how infuriating it can be to have somebody do this to you.

But the important thing is that whenever it happens, that rage instantly transforms into a desire to obliterate your opponent. And trust me when I say this is a power you should not ignore.

A trick I came up to use this is whenever I’d be nervous to send an email proposal to a client (or  if I needed to open their email and read their possibly negative response) is I’d imagine a person saying things to me like, “I bet you won’t send it,” or “You’re too scared to open it, aren’t you, scaredy cat?” Then I’d get annoyed and eventually get it done. And it always worked.

It’s odd, I know. But when wielded well, it works amazingly. And it does especially well when you’re avoiding a task due to anxiety. It’s probably because it doesn’t mask your anxiousness, it redirects it and focuses instead.

I know these motivation methods are a bit strange. But when you’ve tried everything else, and you’re still struggling to overcome procrastination, it’s time you look outside of the box if you want to become successful in life. So give these methods a shot and see if your motivation soars because of it.

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How to Overcome Failure and Use It as Motivation Tue, 08 Dec 2020 21:00:55 +0000 Pulling yourself together after a failed project, job, or experience of any kind can prove daunting. It may compel you to stay in bed all day re-watching The Office for the 200th time. But as great a day as that sounds, it is not the best way to handle failure. It’s daft to believe you […]

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Pulling yourself together after a failed project, job, or experience of any kind can prove daunting. It may compel you to stay in bed all day re-watching The Office for the 200th time. But as great a day as that sounds, it is not the best way to handle failure. It’s daft to believe you will get through life without making mistakes. Failure doesn’t define someone; it’s how they manage that failure and pull themselves out of the dirt that truly reflects someone’s character.

Understanding What Went Wrong

Before you’re ready to move on and learn from your mistakes, you need to comprehend exactly what caused the errors. An essential part of this process is checking your ego at the door, and wholesomely analyzing the situation from an outside perspective. Be honest with yourself and leave no wiggle room for excuses.

Did you legitimately try your hardest? Did you utilize all resources at your disposal? Can you confidently tell yourself the results reflect your work ethic? These are questions that must be focused on. If you can’t comprehend the faults of your work, you’ll never be able to improve your flow.

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” – J.K. Rowling

Get by with a little help from your friends

Despite popular belief (or personal experience), friends aren’t just around to laugh at your poor decisions. Friends can give you that perfect concoction of comedic relief and real-world advice. Most importantly, they’ll tell you what you need to hear rather than what you want to hear.

I know a lot of folks who like to try and handle setbacks on their own. For some this might work, but it’s never a bad idea to gain outside perspectives from the people you trust. Even when you’re driving, you depend on those mirrors to check your blind spots. Let your friends be your mirrors checking the blind spots of your ambitions. A righteous filter for your coffee.

Just as you have done for them a million times; your friends will be more than happy to help when you find yourself stuck in a foul groove. Your friends will help you…if you let them.

Positively Receive Constructive Feedback

Hearing harsh criticism about your work can be unmotivating, and even frustrating. But what good is it to have a strong support network if you just get offended by the advice? Rebounding from failure isn’t just about friends cheering you up, it’s also about taking responsibility and owning up to why it failed in the first place.

Even if your project hasn’t failed, you should always be open to constructive criticism. You should constantly strive to continuously improve yourself, and sometimes that means rolling with the punches. It’s not easy and does take a bit of mental practice but trust me friend, it’s well worth it in the end.

Don’t ever be afraid to ask for honest feedback. It’s too easy to get our heads wrapped around a personal endeavor that we tend to view through rose colored glasses. People will be willing to help you, but you must be willing to be helped.

Keep Dribbling the Ball

What happens when you drop a basketball? Well it bounces back up. But every time it bounces, it becomes lower and lower until it settles on the ground. But if you keep dribbling the ball, it will keep coming back. Hell, depending on how hard you bounce it, it can go even higher.

My point is you need to keep dribbling. You must keep bouncing that ball to keep it coming back, because if you don’t it’s just going to stop, and sit there doing nothing. Even if you don’t yet know how you will resolve the failed task, keep moving! Go for a run, clean your apartment, organize your workspace. Do something, anything that will be productive in any manner. The only thing worse than failure is deliberately destroying your momentum.

Keep the gears turning and continue pumping those juices into your noggin. Remember that movie with the fish? “just keep swimming just keep swimming”, yeah it’s like that.

“When we give ourselves permission to fail, we, at the same time, give ourselves permission to excel.” – Eloise Ristad

Failure…Yeah, it’s Going to Happen

I know every motivational speaker and their mother has said this before, but you can’t be afraid to fail. It’s overstated but holds merit. If you ask me, failure doesn’t mean you failed (just stay with me for a sec), It means you were brave enough to try something new and take a leap.

Failure is unfortunately part of the process. It’s how you get better at things. You want to know what REAL failure is? Being afraid of it so much that you refuse to step out of your comfort zone. You need to accept that it WILL happen, and not even just once. Be persistent in your mindset and keep trudging through until you achieve results.

Do you think Tony Hawk came out of the womb doing kickflips and pop shuvits? Of course not. But after hundreds of knee scrapes and jammed joints, he became a master. I’m going to leave you with a quote that really speaks to me: “The master has failed more times than the apprentice has even attempted.” Stay persistent, work hard, and trust yourself.

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The Counterintuitive Motivation Hack That You Are Missing Mon, 30 Nov 2020 21:00:49 +0000 Humans are always looking for that spark to get us moving when we’re stuck. We know what we need to do but we are fighting ourselves to actually do it. Plus, it’s an easy out not to follow through on our commitments to ourselves, “I’m just not motivated.” We may check Instagram for some workout […]

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Humans are always looking for that spark to get us moving when we’re stuck. We know what we need to do but we are fighting ourselves to actually do it. Plus, it’s an easy out not to follow through on our commitments to ourselves, “I’m just not motivated.”

We may check Instagram for some workout videos, Youtube for motivational speeches, or read an article much like this to get us going. It may work occasionally, but most of the time, you’ll just be staring at your screen instead and pushing it off for another day.

The problem with relying on motivation to get moving is this feeling is fleeting and inconsistent. It’s great when we feel aligned with our goals, and we can harness it, but if we don’t have it, it’s not very useful to wait until that feeling returns as it can be quite a while.

There are two parts to solving this motivation problem:

1. Addressing what is getting in the way

When we’re feeling apathetic or unmotivated, there’s usually something else happening in our lives that influences the way we think about achieving our goals. It may be that we’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious, and we’re spending a lot of time trying to put out fires and allowing other tasks to take priority. 

The practice of meditation, mindfulness, and breathwork is essential to be in a better mindset to deal with these challenges more effectively. This mindset allows us to save our energy and be in a calculated, calm state of mind. 

A lack of motivation can be disguised as a deeper-rooted emotional pain such as shame, guilt, anger, or resentment. When we are feeling emotionally heavy and burdened, it makes every area of our life more difficult. 

Let’s examine these feelings that we have about ourselves and the world and their stories. We can identify what’s true or merely a fabrication. The more truth and clarity we have, the lighter and clearer we feel, and this is the energy of motivation and drive.

Being too focused on the outcome takes away from our intention to give to the process. We tend to get too far ahead of ourselves and attach ourselves to the result, and when we don’t see the feedback we want, our motivation drops. 

A more useful approach is to follow the day-by-day strategies required to obtain the end goal. This approach allows us to give more presence and awareness to what we can influence daily, making it more manageable and more straightforward. Success is not a linear journey; there are ups and downs, but we will get there faster and easier if we stick to the process.

“I hate every minute of training. But I said, don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” – Muhammad Ali

To recap, here is what impacts our motivation:

  • Problems and challenges show up in our lives that are taking away our time, energy, and drive. 
  • A heavy emotional state and the story we tell ourselves about it, which keeps us stuck.
  • Focused too much on the outcome instead of the process required to achieve it. 

The second part to solving this motivational problem is not needing motivation at all but harnessing a much more powerful strategy instead.

2. Creating momentum

The more action we take, the more momentum we have, the more momentum we have, the more motivated we are. It does require us to overcome the initial resistance of extending ourselves and breaking out of our comfort zone. Still, the more often we do it, the easier this process becomes.

The positive feedback loops power is that positive action leads to positive results, which leads to positive feelings (motivation). The snowball effect builds and picks up speed, and once it starts, it’s hard to slow down.

What can break the momentum and set us back is looking at the wrong things. The human brain is wired for negativity, so we tend to focus, and energy on something that we perceive isn’t going well. We can lose sight of the small wins and victories along the way. 

Momentum manifests itself by journaling and self-reflective based work. This process creates stronger associations with the changes and steps we are taking, even if it hasn’t manifested itself in a tangible result yet. Consistently creating momentum takes us back to detaching ourselves from the outcome, and instead focusing on the process.

“Motivated people always find a way. Unmotivated people will always find a way not to.” – Ed Latimore

Striving for perfection or the “all or nothing” mentality is one of the most ineffective ways to create momentum. What typically happens is that once we “mess up,” we tell ourselves we will start over next week or another arbitrary date. This cycle of being consistently inconsistent continues again and again.

We need to understand that we will screw up from time to time, things will happen beyond our control, and we have to pick up where we left off. This perspective will ultimately make achieving our goals faster, easier, and more enjoyable.

We can create more motivation and momentum in our lives through these practical strategies. Still, it’s also important to understand that the continued practice of commitment to our goals and desires needs to take precedent over how we may currently feel at the moment. 

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What Top Performers Really Do For Motivation Thu, 12 Nov 2020 21:00:37 +0000 “Ugh, I gotta get up,” I said to myself as another episode started within three seconds of the last one ending…without my permission. “Alright, I’m gonna go get some work done after this episode.” Of course, the episode ends on a cliffhanger that leaves me more motivated to find out what happens rather than go […]

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“Ugh, I gotta get up,” I said to myself as another episode started within three seconds of the last one ending…without my permission. “Alright, I’m gonna go get some work done after this episode.” Of course, the episode ends on a cliffhanger that leaves me more motivated to find out what happens rather than go send emails. “Alright, when I figure out what happens, I’m gonna turn the TV off.” Geez, why am I still on the couch three hours later?

The Decision Train

There are going to be days when you really don’t feel motivated to do anything. Motivation sucks because we rely on it too much to get things done, which means when we don’t feel motivated, we don’t get anything done. Or, we need help to do it. On days when you feel like doing nothing, you can actually bypass your brain’s “need” for motivation so you can get things done regardless of how you feel. 

It all starts with a concept referenced as The Decision Train. The Decision Train goes like this:

Feelings → Decision → Action

People who have trouble getting things done because they lack the motivation, follow this train the way that you see it above. They wait until they feel like getting the task done, which leads them to (eventually) decide to do it and, finally, take action. 

Top performers instead, skip the feeling part of the train and go straight to deciding to get the task done. By doing so, they take action faster and, as a result, get things done faster. Now, this is more than a roundabout way of saying “just do it”. 

“Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid people already have all the answers.” – Socrates

Another way of looking at this process is by using another variation of The Decision Train:

Inspiration → Motivation → Decision → Action

Inspiration is described as, “The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something.” Motivation is described as, “The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.” So, in this decision train, the “Feelings” part is inspiration and motivation. People will wait until they feel mentally stimulated to get something done, which leads to motivation. The motivation serves as a reminder of why they wanted to get the task done in the first place or, in other words, the incentive(s) they would gain from completing the task. This leads them to, by the end of this long train, decide to take action and eventually take it.

By cutting out the feeling—the “need” for inspiration and motivation—you can decide to take action first. After having completed the task, the sense of pride you feel from having followed through on the decision—the mental commitment—that you made to yourself builds motivation to complete another task. To say this another way, taking action builds momentum that leads to the motivation to take more action.

Start Getting (Really) Motivated Today

That being said, no one is born a top performer, which means that you may need inspiration and motivation (the Feelings part of the train) to serve as a nudge every now and then until you can fully adopt this approach to productivity. So, for starters, inspiration is your WHY. It’s your purpose—your mission. By discovering and getting clarity on the mission that you’re on, you can more easily inspire yourself (as well as others on the same mission) to action.

As far as motivation, these are referenced as the Four Areas That Drive People: Advancement, Individual, Madness, and Purpose. People motivated by Advancement are motivated by reaching new heights (getting that next promotion, reaching goals as a team, and so on). People motivated by Individual, view and utilize their personal goals as their most effective source of motivation (achieving a certain lifestyle, gaining recognition, reaching full life security). People driven by Madness are driven by factors like opposition, competition, proving others wrong, and other unconventional elements. Lastly, people driven by Purpose are motivated by making an impact, helping others, being apart of creating change, and other drivers of that nature. 

You can leverage both of the elements of inspiration and motivation to become more productive, more focused, and a step closer to becoming a top performer. When I was struggling to stay motivated, I started by recognizing my WHY and all of the incentives I would gain from the achievement of my goals. 

“If something is important enough, even if the odds are stacked against you, you should still do it.” – Elon Musk

When I would come across any task that I didn’t really feel like doing, I would ask myself if they would help me achieve my mission—my purpose—or not. I would ask myself if getting that task done would help me get the motivating incentives I was working toward. If the answer was no, I would cut it out of my to-do list. If the answer was yes, I would make the decision to go do it and start working before I could talk myself out of it. Make that same decision to go and achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself and you’ll be scratching off your goals in no time.

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The Importance of Motivation in the Concept of Sociology Tue, 13 Oct 2020 21:00:08 +0000 All my childhood, I studied hard and got good grades because I was motivated to escape my mother’s disappointment and wrath on failure. Others in my class were motivated by their desire to excel and get into a good college. Still, others were doing it to maintain their social status and to be recognized as […]

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All my childhood, I studied hard and got good grades because I was motivated to escape my mother’s disappointment and wrath on failure. Others in my class were motivated by their desire to excel and get into a good college. Still, others were doing it to maintain their social status and to be recognized as excellent students. The word “motivation” holds a different meaning for different people, as what motivates you may not be sufficient for me and vice versa. 

Let’s dig deeper into what the term means. 

What is Motivation?

The word motivation has been derived from the word “motive,” which means the human need that needs to be fulfilled to achieve satisfaction. This need can be acquired over time through the elements that surround people, such as the kind of culture, lifestyle, or the kind of environment that is around them. 

Motivation is a diverse and varied concept because human beings are diverse and varied themselves. Generally, motivation is a repetitive behavior, something that helps keep us going. It is the driving force that builds within us to take on challenges. 

Unsurprisingly, the concept of motivation has been of interest to sociologists and psychologists alike. Research in multiple fields, including business, psychology, and sociology, has tried to explain the concept of motivation in terms of human behavior. 

“People Who Are Crazy Enough To Think They Can Change The World, Are The Ones Who Do.” – Rob Siltanen

What is Social Motivation?

Social motivation refers to the human need to connect with each other and their desire to be able to be accepted by each other. Humans are not meant to live on their own, because they are supposed to coexist with others, and the need to interact with each other is what sets the basis of social motivation.  

In this article, we will explain the concept of motivation in sociology. We will explain it with the help of different theories presented by psychologists and sociologists to understand human motivation and its sources. 

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

According to Abraham Maslow, a person’s motivation depends on his need level. His hierarchy of needs took a pyramidic shape where the lowest rung makes up the most basic level needs, and they keep moving upwards. Given below is the hierarchy of needs presented by Maslow. 

  1. Physiological needs: These are the basic survival needs of humans, such as food, water, and a place to live. Once these needs are fulfilled, humans move on to the second phase, which brings us to the second stage of the hierarchy.
  2. Safety: The second most important human need is that of safety. It is human nature to protect themselves from any danger or anything that is a threat to them. Therefore, when humans are at this need level, they can be motivated by providing safety for themselves and their families. 
  3. Social needs: When the first two needs are fulfilled, humans look for relationships in which they feel as if they belong somewhere, and they are loved. 
  4. Self-esteem: All humans have self-esteem and dignity — they need to be respected and recognized as an important element that plays a role in human motivation.
  5. Self-Actualization: The last level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is self-actualization. This is an opportunity for humans to develop and learn. It is the greatest level that humans can achieve. Once humans reach this level, they can only be motivated by their yearning for learning.

“Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.” – Abraham Maslow

McClelland’s Theory of Needs

The second theory we will be discussing is McClelland’s theory of needs. This theory is based on three motivating drivers.


According to McClelland, a sense of achievement helps motivate people to achieve greater things in life. Achievement is basically the feeling that humans feel when they accomplish tasks. People who aim for achievement are looking for tasks that would help them grow personally, and they receive their due recognition as soon as possible. 


As humans, we all seek the need to feel like we belong somewhere and be socially accepted. Those people who seek affiliation are motivated when they are accepted in society. It drives them to work harder and achieve more. Such people are also happier when they are in social gatherings, and they want to avoid any conflicts with others.


The third driving factor is authority; some of us are motivated by the desire to be in a position of power. Those people who desire power are constantly looking for situations in which they would be able to exercise their authority. They seek situations or jobs in which they would be in a position of authority, which motivates them.

Let’s take the simple example of house cleanliness; some people are motivated to keep their houses clean because they feel a sense of achievement in maintaining a clean house. On the other hand, some may maintain cleanliness because it allows them to connect with their friends and peers. While others maintain a spick and span home so they can maintain control and power among their peers.

Herzberg’s Motivation Theory

This theory of motivation is based on two factors: motivators and hygiene factors. These two factors are motivators that motivate people to work harder.

Hygiene factors

These factors ensure people don’t get dissatisfied. They are not a part of the job, but they make the job preferrable. Examples include the working conditions and cleanliness of an office. Does the company follow safety protocols? Is there enough lighting on the premise? Is there enough space in the office for the worker to be productive? 


These are factors that keep employees motivated. These can be different for different people, such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, or growth.

Implications of Social Motivation in our Daily Life

Applying the science of motivation in our daily lives can help improve performance at workplaces and even at our homes. Yes, many factors help people achieve happiness, but motivation is one of the biggest factors. Motivated human beings are more result-oriented and have clearer goals in life. A happy and balanced lifestyle may be maintained through the right amount of extrinsic and intrinsic motivating factors, as discussed in the theories above.  

There are indeed different motivation factors for different people. No matter how many explanations there are, there will always be certain areas that are not yet covered since every human is different. There is still a vast amount of research being carried out on the subject to figure out human psychology in an in-depth manner. 

As a leader, it is important to ensure that all the people working in the team are motivated. The motivation theories above give an insight into human psychology; managers and leaders can use these theories and motivating factors to motivate their employees according to their personality. 

What motivates you in life? Share your thoughts with us below!

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20 Science-Backed Ways to Stay Motivated (Infographic) Fri, 11 Sep 2020 21:00:06 +0000 Motivation is something we all strive to have, but can also be one of those feelings that’s hard to keep. Whether we’re attempting to reach a new fitness goal or trying to stay motivated in our role at work, sometimes that motivation just isn’t there. You feel motivated for a while – you’ll listen to […]

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Motivation is something we all strive to have, but can also be one of those feelings that’s hard to keep. Whether we’re attempting to reach a new fitness goal or trying to stay motivated in our role at work, sometimes that motivation just isn’t there. You feel motivated for a while – you’ll listen to podcasts, read books, keep yourself accountable – but then it’s lost. You feel so much energy at the start, then feel yourself slowly losing that inspiration. Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

The key to success is having that continuous motivation to keep going and reach your goals. It’s finding what works for you to keep that momentum for the long term, not just the short term. Part of the reason why people set goals and fail is because they’re too hard on themselves. They set unrealistic and unattainable goals, making it difficult to achieve.

The thing about motivation is that it doesn’t have to be hard. The good news is, you can always get it back. The goal is to develop the right outlook and mindset that can help you long-term. If you want to stay motivated, you need to discover your why. You need to find out what it is that is going to drive you closer to reaching your goals. Don’t focus too much on what it is you want to achieve, but more so how you want it to make you feel. 

“Do it, and then you will feel motivated to do it.” – Zig Ziglar

Maybe you feel like you lack purpose in your life, or maybe you’re bored with your lifestyle and routines and need something to shake it up and get that motivation back. Whatever it is, making the effort to make a change is the first step towards achieving what you want in life.

Check out this visual created by Naked Nutrition that highlights 20 science-backed motivation tips that can help reach the success you’ve always wanted:

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How To Create Everlasting Motivation To Achieve Your Goals Wed, 02 Sep 2020 21:00:47 +0000 If you’d like to learn how to consistently motivate yourself so you can achieve any goal you want, sign up for the free 90-Day Master Class hosted by the founder of, Joel Brown. People are always waiting for motivation to strike them before they start working on their goals. However, waiting for motivation to […]

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If you’d like to learn how to consistently motivate yourself so you can achieve any goal you want, sign up for the free 90-Day Master Class hosted by the founder of, Joel Brown.

People are always waiting for motivation to strike them before they start working on their goals. However, waiting for motivation to come to you before you start working is an unreliable method if you want to consistently work on achieving your goals.

What most people don’t know is that motivation comes to you when you’re doing the work. The more time you spend working on your goals and achieving progress, the more motivation you get which helps bring momentum to progress even faster.

In this small guide, I am going to show you how to create a reliable stream of motivation to achieve any goals that you want:

1. Create Small Mini-Goals For Your Larger Goals

People argue whether you should create small goals or big goals for your motivation but the real secret is to have both of them.

Here’s why:

  • You want goals and dreams big enough so that it makes you get excited to work for the bigger picture
  • You want small goals for your big goals to show proof that you are making progress

In other words, you need to have goals that get you excited and goals that show you’re making progress. When you have goals that show you are making progress, it shows that whatever actions you are doing is not in vain and that you are one step closer to that exciting big dream.

There’s a problem if you’re missing on just one of these because, if you only have big goals, you are going to lose motivation when you see no progress in 3 months. Same for the opposite, if you only have small goals, you aren’t going to be excited enough to keep working on them.

Define your biggest goal that you want and create mini-goals for that big goal to show you are slowly but surely making progress.

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” – Pablo Picasso

2. Track Your Progress

Motivation comes from seeing progress and results from working through a period of time. This means that when you are working on your goals, you want to journal and measure how far you have gone: Daily, Weekly, Monthly and yearly.

The funny part is that you won’t feel a difference whether it’s been 3 months or 1 year. You are just going to feel normal. It’s when you see physical proof that you have evolved based on your past ideas and progress that you can see you transformed into another person.

That’s why I want you to keep a journal and record the most important metrics of the goal you are working on.

For example, if you are trying to lose weight you want to record:

  • How much you weigh each week
  • How many calories you are eating
  • What types of food you are eating
  • How many times you exercise per week

Having data allows you to see what works and what doesn’t work and gives you the opportunity to make changes to see the results you want. When you start to see the results you want happening slowly over time, this will make you much more excited to be consistent to reach your goals. 

3. Celebrate Your Small Successes

A lot of us who are tracking our progress in achieving our goals don’t take the time to celebrate our little wins. It’s the small building blocks that build the foundation to achieve our goals.

When you take the time to reflect on how far you have come and start celebrating your little wins, you are putting yourself in a positive framework where you reward yourself for doing something that you want.

This is a powerful tool in making sure you continue to stay persistent in your goals as you celebrate your small wins which eventually lead to your big win.

Here are some ways to celebrate your small wins:

  • Eat out with the family
  • Take time to watch Netflix
  • Do a hobby you enjoy

The key point is to do the above in moderation. You want to reward yourself in such a way that it doesn’t become a habit. That’s when rewards become even more powerful as a tool for increasing your motivation.

“Small successes are still successes; great failures are still failures.” – Mason Cooley

4. Find Your Inner “Why”

There’s a reason why a lot of people who have New Year’s resolutions suddenly quit on their goals. People are excited to have their own business making a lot of money, their ideal body, and the relationship of their dreams. But when it comes down to trying to change themselves, most of them quit within a couple of weeks.

This is because they realize that the pain of trying to change is greater than the pleasure of staying in their comfort zone. You need to delve deep in yourself and find your inner “why.” Why do you want to change so badly?

You need to start asking this question whenever you are trying to change one of your habits. Things will get tough as it’s hard staying consistent in doing the right thing every day.

Here are some more questions you need to find and answer when things get hard:

  • Are you unsatisfied with where you are now?
  • Are you willing to make some sacrifices for the goals you want?
  • Are you willing to change your habits and understand it takes time?

You want to answer these questions honestly and figure out how to make it a reality.


Waiting for your “inspirational motivation” is an unreliable way to get started on your work. Rather, true motivation comes from seeing the progress and results when you start working on your goals.

The way to create this true everlasting motivation is to create small and big goals and track your progress in achieving them. You also want to have small celebrations along the way to maintain your motivation and reward yourself. Finally, when things get hard you need to fall back into your inner “why” on the real reason why you want to change.

Which motivational tip did you find most surprising? Let us know in the comments below!

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8 Things You Can Do Right Now to Get Your Motivation Back Tue, 11 Aug 2020 21:00:45 +0000 Welcome to our new normal. A time in our lives that a year ago we certainly didn’t see coming that most of us probably wouldn’t have chosen for ourselves; but here we are. As the days away from each other carry on and more and more bad news comes our way, it’s easy to lose […]

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Welcome to our new normal. A time in our lives that a year ago we certainly didn’t see coming that most of us probably wouldn’t have chosen for ourselves; but here we are. As the days away from each other carry on and more and more bad news comes our way, it’s easy to lose your motivation and waste energy doing things that aren’t helpful like worrying and fighting with people on the internet instead.

Nearly half of Americans report the coronavirus crisis is harming their mental health, according to the Washington Post. While many of us had routines set up to deal with stress in the past, the stress we are facing during this time is unlike anything we’ve experienced before. It’s easy to find yourself in a downward spiral, and that’s the most challenging time to stop the momentum and turn things around. If that’s the case, keep it simple and start to reach for little things to help you feel better and climb your way out.

Here’s a reminder of a few simple things you can do right now to start getting positive momentum going your way:

1. Find someone who was in a similar place and made it to the other side

Whether you’ve been unmotivated to workout, eat healthy, make sales calls or simply do anything, you can find someone who has been there and made it to the other side. Look up some great TED talks, go on YouTube and look up people that motivate you, google them to find their websites. There are short speeches and much longer talks all over the internet, you just need to find someone who you relate to that speaks to you.

2. Do something that you love

When we’re unmotivated, it’s easy to get out of the habit of doing what we love. Sometimes just getting out of bed or away from the tv feels like a chore. Think back to a time in your life when you felt great – what were you doing? What do you absolutely love to do that if you had the time, you would do all day and not realize any time had passed at all? 

Figure out a way to do whatever that is, or a modified version of it if it is something that you aren’t able to do at the present time. Spending time doing what you love will get your mind off of anything that is wrong and allow you to find inspiration.

“If something is important enough, even if the odds are stacked against you, you should still do it.” – Elon Musk

3. Don’t overcomplicate it

Keep it simple. When we’re stuck in a rut, we’ll give ourselves every excuse to not do something. Say you’ve gained some weight; you might tell yourself you need to find the perfect trainer and wait until you have time to cook your meals from scratch each night before you do anything else. Stop trying to overcomplicate it and keep it simple by finding one thing you can do right now, however small that may be. You don’t have to wait until the timing is perfect and the stars align for you to start moving in the direction you want to go.  

4. Get up and get moving

This is probably the last thing you want to do right now, but once you are up and moving, your blood will start flowing. The hardest part is getting started. Day one, get up and do anything to get moving. This is the hardest day if you haven’t in a while because getting up is really the hardest part. Day two, do a little more. Once you start, you’ll build momentum and get back in the habit.

5. Reset your focus

It’s so easy for worry to set in and for our minds to wander to places of what we can’t control. This is not motivating or helpful and we always have a choice to redirect our attention. There is always something we can do right where we are, so bring your focus to the solution instead of the problem and figure out the next step of what you can do. 

One step at a time. Step one, take your attention away from what you can’t control and what you can’t do. Step two, ask yourself questions like “What can I do?” and see what comes to mind. Follow through with the answers you find.

6. Listen to your favorite music

Not much can lift our spirits and put us into a positive vibration more than our favorite music. Feel free to sing along. Find a song that pumps you up and make that your theme song. Put it on anytime you feel down or unmotivated.

7. Expand your knowledge

“In times of change, the learners will inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” Quote by Eric Hoffer. In times of change, there is great loss but also great opportunity. Continually learning opens you to new opportunities and leads you to paths you may not have otherwise found.  

“Work like there is someone working twenty four hours a day to take it away from you.” – Mark Cuban

8. Meditate

If you’re already a meditator and got away from it, take some time to come back to it. If you’ve never tried, it can be as easy as setting a timer for five minutes (or less, feel free to start with one or two minutes) and focusing on your breath. Listen to the inhalations and exhalations. Silently say to yourself “in” as you inhale and “out” as you exhale. Even taking a few minutes to do this can help you to calm down and allow your mind to refocus.

When we’re unmotivated, our momentum starts moving in the other direction. Slow down that momentum by trying one of the ideas above. Once you’ve slowed down the momentum, get it moving in the right direction and you’ll be well on your way.

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Why Isn’t Anyone Talking About These 4 Motivation-Boosting Techniques? Tue, 14 Jul 2020 21:00:26 +0000 If you’d like to learn how to increase your motivation so you can get more done during the day, sign up for the free 90-Day Master Class hosted by the founder of, Joel Brown. How many times have you heard the questions: “What drives you” or “What excites you?” These questions may come from […]

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If you’d like to learn how to increase your motivation so you can get more done during the day, sign up for the free 90-Day Master Class hosted by the founder of, Joel Brown.

How many times have you heard the questions: “What drives you” or “What excites you?” These questions may come from well-meaning people but they make one problematic assumption – Our motivation depends on something external. As a result, instead of actively building structures that motivate, we find ourselves aimlessly looking for some outside factors that will motivate us. Instead of asking: “What motivates me?” We should be asking, what am I doing to remain motivated? The answer to this question lies in the doing, not motivation itself.

In the lines that follow I will share three simple techniques to increase motivation. Knowing that one cannot always be motivated, I will share a technique with you that I know you already know to help you get things even when you don’t feel like lifting a feather. However, before I start, two misconceptions need to be kicked out of the way right upfront.

First, we see motivation as a finite goal to be achieved. A lot of us falsely believe our life will be worry-free once we have achieved that goal. Motivation is a dynamic process, not an end-goal. The process of motivation is analogous to eating, sleeping, or drinking water. We don’t become healthy or strong by reaching a state where we needn’t eat, sleep, or drink water. 

Second, amotivation is seen as something negative that needs to be avoided at all costs. Trying to resist those moments when we feel like doing nothing will drag us further down the abyss we’re trying to avoid in the first place. We need to remind ourselves that those moments of amotivation are a part of the human experience. As much as there would be no light without darkness, there would be no period of activity without downtime.

Here are the four actions you can take starting from today to increase your motivation:

1. Know thyself

The first step in helping you build motivation is to know yourself. It’s for a reason that the Temple of Apollo at Delphi carries the inscription “know thyself.” We are all different, the truth of the matter is that motivation varies within and across individuals. For example, to get myself worked up for my writing activities by being alone with music.

Knowing what motivates and distracts me makes it easy for me to get my juices flowing. Study your pattern, learn the time of the day, the day of the week, where, and how long you are likely to be the most productive. It’s highly impractical to lay out all the different scenarios here, but a deep self-reflection, trial-and-error, and constant journaling will help you understand your pattern.

“Where there is a will, there is a way. If there is a chance in a million that you can do something, anything, to keep what you want from ending, do it. Pry the door open or, if need be, wedge your foot in that door and keep it open.” – Pauline Kael

2. Take Responsibility

The second best way I’ve found to help increase motivation is to take personal responsibility for the outcomes of one’s actions. When you know you will be held responsible for the success or failure of a particular project, you are more likely to get motivated, do your best, and get things done. Working with children, I am always amazed at how much they comply to order when they are treated as responsible individuals. 

For example, you will realize that when you know it is your responsibility to pick your kids up from school, you will do everything in your power to reach them on time. This concept is very relevant to the workplace. Managers, employees, and the organization at large may benefit from employees who are taught to take responsibility for their actions. 

By creating structures where people are responsible for the outcome of their actions, they will require less control thereby giving managers more time to do what really matters.

3. Spend time with energy givers

They say birds of a feather flock together. If you’re serious about getting things done, spend more time with like-minded people. Research shows we are likely to consciously or unconsciously pick up the habits of people we spend time with. Spending time with people who procrastinate or complain constantly will take a toll on your personal productivity. 

Psychologist Emma Seppälä, PhD noted, “we are wired for empathy.” Equipped with that knowledge, your next action is to make a list of at least five friends you will spend time with.

“Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.” – Theodore Roosevelt

4. Just do it!

Going back from the second misconception, even with the above principles, I don’t rule out moments of amotivation. Remember, I said these are part of a healthy human cycle. You may still manage to get things done even when you don’t feel like it.

The best way I found to help me get things done whenever I don’t feel motivated is to do a task completely different than the one I am aiming for. Say, for example, you are trying to finish a report that is due tomorrow. You have tried for 2 hours with no avail. The best thing to do is to get up behind the desk and try something entirely different. It could be walking, running, or watching a video on social media. 

Try to stay away from the main task for at least 30 minutes. You’ll be amazed to realize that all you needed to find your spark was time away from your main task. Remember the best way to motivate yourself is through action. Instead of giving in or resisting procrastination, you walk around it so you get things done.

Remember the old adage: “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.” Well, this is exactly the same with motivation, a speech can get your adrenaline pumping but they can’t make you take action unless you decide so. So, stop aiming for outside factors to motivate you, get up right now, and do what you have to do! No-one will do it for you!

How do you motivate yourself? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

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5 Reasons Why Self-Motivation Can Prove to Be Your Strongest Armor to Stress Fri, 03 Jul 2020 21:00:43 +0000 Stress is a detrimental force that impacts our health at all levels. It exposes us to physical pains, emotional troubles, and mental chaos. All these impacts of stress eat away our enthusiasm for living. We feel drained of all our energy, we don’t feel interested to do anything in life and everything appears meaningless. This […]

The post 5 Reasons Why Self-Motivation Can Prove to Be Your Strongest Armor to Stress appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

Stress is a detrimental force that impacts our health at all levels. It exposes us to physical pains, emotional troubles, and mental chaos. All these impacts of stress eat away our enthusiasm for living. We feel drained of all our energy, we don’t feel interested to do anything in life and everything appears meaningless. This vicious circle of stress keeps going on and on. It seems nearly impossible to find a way out of it. But it isn’t impossible in actuality. There is an infinite source of power within all of us by utilizing which we can end this vicious circle. But, rather than accessing that power from inside, we keep looking for it from outside sources.

The power we are talking about is ‘Motivation’. The motivation we derive from external sources is transient and short lived. Whereas, motivation when derived from internal sources, is eternal and everlasting. It is far more powerful than the kind of motivation we derive from external sources. This ever powerful motivation is known as ‘Self-Motivation’.

Given below are 5 reasons why self-motivation can prove to be your strongest armour to stress:

1. You can access it anywhere and at any time

Stress isn’t confined to a particular place. It can happen anywhere and at any time. It can come stealthily like hovering clouds, block the sunshine of optimism and wrap you in a mist of negativity. So, it is important for you to have an elixir against it, which we can access at all times and Self-Motivation it is. This is because self-motivation is ever present right within you.

Whenever you get engulfed by stress, you just have to access your inner armor to prevent us from dwindling. Although, you can also carry many external sources of motivation along at all times in your smartphone such as motivational videos and podcasts. It isn’t possible to access them at all times.

For instance, if you are in the middle of a conversation with someone and it turns out to be stressful, you cannot just stop and start looking for a motivational video. You’ll have to hold yourself against stress and all its physical and emotional symptoms, right there in the middle of the conversation. It is only with the armor of ‘Self-Motivation’ that you can do so. You can use it to remind yourself that you have had encounters with stressful situations before and they have never been able to destroy you. This way, you can use self-motivation to guard yourself against the physical, emotional, and mental blows of stress, which together try to buckle you down.

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson

2. Self-motivation is imperishable

External sources of motivation may temporarily cease from being there for you, but self-motivation will never. For example, you are so stressed about your performance in an important presentation that you feel like giving up beforehand. In order to counter your feelings, you choose to watch a motivational video on your smartphone. But, alas! You find your mobile phone out of battery. Under such circumstances, when you have no access to external sources of motivation, self-motivation will still be there for you. It never runs out of battery. Thus, self-motivation is imperishable and you can access its power forever.

3. You can hit the hammer of self-motivation exactly where needed

Stress can have multiple causes ranging from personal to professional. This implies that there is not always the same type of stress you experience. So, the same kind of motivational videos cannot always help you withstand your degrading stressful spans. Along with this, external sources of motivation cannot identify and work exactly on your stressors. As a result, they may not offer the desired support for withstanding stressful moments. Whereas, self-motivation can help you hit the hammer of support exactly where needed. This is because most of the time you are aware of the exact causes of your stress. It is in this light of awareness that you can direct self-motivation in the right direction and guard yourself against the damaging impacts of stress.

4. It empowers your resilience against stress

Self-Motivation is an inside force. As you learn to utilize it for busting stress and its impacts, you become empowered from the inside. This overtime, builds your strong resilience against stress. As a result, you become eminent in the art of withstanding the biggest moments of stress, without dwindling. You no longer experience those stress-induced pains such as chest pain, headache, and muscle pain. Rather, you stand strong amidst the waves of stress. So, we can say that self-motivation builds your defense mechanism against the deteriorating effects of stress. Further, no external sources of motivation can do that for you. This is because external motivation mostly works on the surface level. It doesn’t reach out to strengthen your inner core.

“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” – Marie Curie

5. Self-motivation keeps you from breaking in times of adversity

Difficult situations in life are always stressful. They may relate to your personal or professional life, but they expose you to breaking amounts of stress. Under such circumstances, motivation derived from external sources doesn’t work well in saving you from succumbing to stress. This is because it works only at a superficial level. Whereas, in order to stand strong amidst adversity, you need inner strength, which you can only derive from self-motivation.

Self-Motivation acts from your core and works perfectly in strengthening you from inside out. Thus, self-motivation keeps you from breaking in times of adversity. To conclude, the 5 reasons given above prove that self-motivation is your strongest armor to stress.

The post 5 Reasons Why Self-Motivation Can Prove to Be Your Strongest Armor to Stress appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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