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Success Advice

10 Habits of Successful People: How to Become Successful Yourself



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Every one of us aims for success. Whether we admit it or not, we want it. The people you admire and seem to have all figured out aren’t any smarter than you. So, what really goes on behind the scenes to become a successful person?

The truth is, everything comes down to the daily practices you cultivate that make your success ‘inevitable.’ The habits you develop today can pave your way to the success you dream of. 

Entrepreneurs, executives, and any self-made millionaires, aside from random luck, cultivate certain habits to grow and achieve their goals. Learning the top 10 habits of successful people and how to employ them in your life can be highly rewarding. 

How is Success Defined?

What is success? Is it wealth, happiness, or fame? Merriam-Webster defines success as “the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect or fame.” But, in reality, it’s more than that, and the outcome changes for everyone. 

Success can mean different things to different people. For some, success may mean achieving financial prosperity, while others value accolades or trophies. Even simply achieving a state of health, wellness, or happiness can be the success of their life. 

In his book Born to Win!, the late Zig Ziglar argues that success cannot be defined in a single sentence but consists of many things.

The famous inventor and businessman Thomas Edison define success as “Success is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.” 

For Richard Branson, “true success should be measured by how happy you are” and not how much money you make or the people you associate with. 

Whatever it might mean for you, these ten habits of successful people can dramatically change your lifestyle. They apply to any area, and if persistently applied, you can accomplish any life goals easily. 

Success Strategies for Personal Development

Achieving any life goal starts by developing a rigorous routine, building your skills and qualities to reach your potential. Maximising your personal development is imperative for your success and satisfaction in life. This is similar to professional development. For example, if you work in sales, sales training helps maximise your development which is imperative for your success.

Life is full of challenges, and how you react to these challenges makes all the difference. Whether you’re trying to succeed at college, home, or work, you will find challenging situations where you need to adapt. Though it might not be easy, you need to ensure that you’re equipped to handle and grow from any situation through personal development. 

One would ask, what is personal development? Simply, it’s a continuous process of self-improvement. Personal development is a lifelong process. It is a method for people to assess their skills and qualities, examine their life aims, and set achievable goals. That way, they stay in control of realising their dreams by using their maximum potential. 

Abraham Maslow suggests that personal development occurs through a process of self-actualisation. Every person needs to see themselves as competent and autonomous. He further argues that every person has limitless room for growth. 

Self-actualisation means “to become everything that you’re capable of becoming,” a sense of fulfilment. And that can only be achieved by being in touch with your feelings, experiencing life with full concentration. 

Once you identify your weaknesses and challenges you want to improve, follow the following list of tangible and clear personal development strategies. 

  1. Set goals
  2. Write everything down 
  3. Do what works for you 
  4. Start with sizeable targets 
  5. Go at your own pace
  6. Improve skills every day
  7. Have a winners’ mindset
  8. Learn from failure 
  9. Dedicate time to one thing at a time 
  10. Prioritise and measure your achievements

Some Habits

Tom Corley surveyed 233 self-made millionaires and successful people on their daily habits. And compared the responses with 128 low-earning individuals in his best-selling book “Change Your Habits, Change Your Life.” He explains wealthy people have habits that set them up for success. 

Rise & Shine Early 

One of the best habits of any successful person is that they get out of bed early. It gives a sense of fulfilment and confidence to plan and accomplish their daily tasks easily. According to Corley, almost 50% of successful people got out of bed at least three hours before their workday started. 

Exercise & Diet

Entrepreneurs and self-starters require more than just mental fitness. Their physical fitness is a priority. They mostly have a daily workout regime that involves full-body workouts such as running to clear the mind while challenging themselves physically. A strong body holds up a strong mind. 


It is not just about waking up early. Having enough sleep is an essential part of life. It sharpens and recharges your brain to tackle any task throughout the day. Similarly, sleep is not just about hours. The quality of sleep also matters. So, a proper schedule makes you feel well-rested and prepared for the day ahead. 

Social Environment

Environment influences you, either a force for good helping you achieve your goals or taking away your dreams and ambitions to the grave. Successful people realise the importance of their social environment. From the people around them to the space they work and live in, to what they watch, read, and consume on social media. 

As the famous saying goes, “You are the average of the five people you associate with most.” Therefore, people with ambitions tend to surround themselves with motivated and ambitious people who strive for success. 


In his success book, Corley says that many self-made millionaires tend to think in isolation to process everything that’s going on in their lives at times in the morning. Successful people not only have goals, but they also reflect on their progress, health, and relationships at all times. 

Analysing their thoughts during these quiet times is associated with stress reduction and will help focus on the main goals in this distracted world. 

Work/Life Balance

Having a balance in life is necessary for health and relationships as it improves productivity and performance beyond one’s imaginations. Successful people don’t view work as a chore. They work harder to achieve their goals by loving what they’re doing. 

Overworking puts you at the risk of jeopardising not just your social life but also putting your physical and mental health in danger. Finding the balance between work and home increases engagement levels improves performance, and in turn, achieves goals easily. 

Success isn’t a familial trait or dependent on the good fortune of a person. Everyone, and literally everyone, can achieve and climb the ladder of success by adopting the right behaviours. So, start practising these successful people’s habits and take your first step towards a successful life.

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