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Success Advice

How to Become a Boss That Everybody Wants to Work With



Image Credit: Unsplash

From the first time we entered the market up till now, you must have worked with a number of bosses. Some of them you remember in a good way and some of them not so much. In fact, there might be a few of them or just one that you really dislike and never pass up any opportunity to bad mouth.

We never forget the bosses that we work with and every one of them has had some effect on us, whether in a positive way or negative. The bosses that we remember the most are the ones that stuck with us during our tough times. The ones that understood us and helped us along our way. These are the people that saw something in us even when we weren’t able to see it. They made it their mission to let us know of our strengths and develop them further.

If you ask your family, friends, and colleagues to describe their best and worst bosses, what you will see is that people won’t talk to you about their innate personality traits like their intelligence, attractiveness, or anything else. They will rather talk to you about the characteristics that they could do something about like passion, honesty, empathy and more.

Why We Remember Great Bosses

All of these qualities belong to people who have a highly developed EQ (Emotional Quotient) and they make sure that they use it to your benefit. These are the people who are always remembered. 

You will see that people like this are always outshining their peers and they have a special place in our hearts as well. There are a lot of other things that they do like dreaming big and then convincing us of that dream. They enable us to share their vision. They enable us to see the best versions of ourselves and instill a confidence in us that helps us achieve that potential.

Here are some of the qualities that you must have to become the best boss your employees have ever seen:

1. Passion

To become a great boss, the first thing that you need is passion. Think about it! If you had a boss who didn’t care about anything, who didn’t have any zeal in him and who always looked like he was completely bored with his life and everything in it, would you want to work with him? Absolutely not! Instead, you would be thinking that if your boss doesn’t care about the company, why should you?

So, the first thing that you need is to believe in what you are doing and make others believe in it too. It is their fervor and their intensity that fuels the passion of everyone around them and they can get things done that others can’t even think about. It seems that they run on pure will power. These are the type of bosses that people follow.

“Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.” – John C. Maxwell

2. Transparency

You can try being something that you’re not in front of people and there is only so much you can do. There will come a time when the truth will come out and you will lose your standing. That is why great bosses are the same—anytime, all the time. They are who they are. That is one of the biggest reasons why we have a hard time forgetting them. If they make a mistake, they don’t lie so that they can cover it up or blame someone else for it.

They own their mistakes and rectify them the best way they can. When they make a promise, you know that they are going to come through. Their employees don’t have to constantly second-guess them or their motives. Transparency is one of the leading traits that you have to develop if you want to become an unforgettable boss.

3. Proactiveness

Want to become a great boss? Make sure you don’t ever throw any of your staff under the bus. Be ready for anything that happens and make sure that you protect your people in their times of need. Train them and coach them to handle any situation and when a situation arrives, make sure that you are standing right alongside them. Be your people’s hero and they will never leave you.

4. Perceptiveness

Being a great boss is so much more than just outperforming others and delegating like a boss. You have to be perceptive about all your people. You have to acknowledge their uniqueness and prove to them that they are one of a kind. Let them know that their abilities, their roles, their strengths, and their weaknesses are unique and that you know about it. The more you acknowledge your employees, the more they will trust you and give you their very best.

5. Be Their Rock

To be a great boss, you have to set an example. And one of the things that you need to demonstrate is that you are not the one to become disconcerted when something bad happens. Show them that you keep your calm and use your head instead of falling prey to the pressure and the stress of the situation. 

Don’t be the person who further complicates the problem. Be the problem solver. If you stay cool, everyone else will stay cool. The best bosses are those who do not show uncertainty in times of stress.

“A good manager is a man who isn’t worried about his own career but rather the careers of those who work for him.” – H. S. M. Burns

6. Humanness

One of the most important characteristics of great bosses is that they are not hesitant in showing their humanity. Being a perfect boss doesn’t mean being a robot and great bosses know that. That is why their staff relates to them easily. They know how to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. They not only keep their own emotions in check, but they also allow their people to let out their emotions and understand them.

7.  Modesty

If you want to become someone that your people can relate to and that they can come to with any problem, then you have to show them that you are a down to earth and humble guy. You don’t have to gloat over your success or seek fame and fortune. 

You are in it because of your passion and that will always come first. When you accomplish a task, make sure that you give credit where credit is due. Acknowledge and praise your people and let them know how much you appreciate them.

These are some of the major qualities that can set you apart in a sea of bosses and make sure that you not only shine yourself, but you also help your people shine. Be their coach, be their teacher, be their mentor, and bring out the best in all of them.

What do you think is the greatest trait of an amazing boss? Share your thoughts with us below!

Timothy Johnson is a lover of all things graphic. He provides professional logo design services to startups, small businesses and other organizations and his creativity and innovativeness have made him a go-to guy for many of them. Whatever he knows about logo design services as well as other subjects, he shares it with others through his writing—his other passion.

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