Addicted 2 Success Quotes | Motivation & Success Advice Tue, 11 Jun 2024 19:38:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Addicted 2 Success 32 32 Copyright Tips Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:00:51 +0000 Understand what can be copyrighted, how to use the copyright symbol, and steps to ensure your intellectual property is safeguarded.

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The concept of copyrighting exists to protect the original work that a person or business has created. As a small business owner, understanding copyright law is essential, as you strive to safeguard your material and ensure you don’t incorrectly use material that belongs to someone else.

In this article, small business experts and company formation agent, 1st Formations, look at what small business owners need to know about copyright laws. Let’s get started.

What does it mean if something is copyrighted?

If a piece of work is copyrighted, you can’t do any of the below to that work without approval from the copyright holder (this is often the person who created the work but not always):

  • Copy
  • Distribute
  • Loan
  • Lend
  • Adapt
  • Publish on the internet

An individual who performs any of these could be committing copyright infringement.

This can be a criminal offence if completed deliberately on a commercial scale. If done on a smaller scale, it’s categorised as a ‘private right’, and so the copyright holder can generally decide how the matter is handled.

For example, they may choose to simply contact the individual and request that they stop, or they could make it a legal matter which typically would start by sending a cease and desist notice.

What can be copyrighted?

Different types of work you do are protected through copyright. As set out by GOV.UK, protection is given to:

  • Literature you have written including web content, blog posts, case studies, reports and research
  • Software you have built
  • Databases you maintain
  • Illustrations you have created
  • Photographs you have taken
  • Art you have made including music, pictures, and theatrical drama
  • Film, TV, and sound that you have recorded

How are copyright and intellectual property (IP) connected?

Intellectual property is the term used to describe something that you have created with your imagination. Inventions, product names, designs, logos, written content – these are all considered IPs.

Copyright is a form of IP protection, specific to particular IPs (covered above in ‘What can be copyrighted?’).

Other forms of protection include registering a trade mark, registering a design, and patenting an invention. These, in turn, are suitable for other types of IP.

For example:

  • Registering a trade mark would be appropriate if you want to protect a product’s name
  • Registering a design would be appropriate if you want to protect a product’s packaging
  • Patenting would be appropriate if you want to protect a product

How do I copyright something?

You don’t have to do anything to copyright a piece of work. It is done automatically.

There is no application process involved and no fee that you need to pay. Copyright is obtained as soon as something has been made. In comparison, registering a trade mark, registering a design, and patenting an invention all require an application process and a fee.

Some people choose to use the copyright symbol, ©, on their work, alongside their name and the date that the work was created. Displaying the symbol and accompanying information is not a legal requirement – work has copyright status whether you choose to show it or not and this doesn’t provide it with an extra level of protection.

However, using the symbol demonstrates that you are laying claim to the work and can act as a deterrent if someone were to consider using it wrongfully.

The matter is complicated somewhat by ‘fair dealing’. In the UK, copyright law is set out in the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This states that there are instances where it can be acceptable to replicate someone else’s work for ‘Criticism, review, quotation and news reporting’, provided that the work is publicly available and ‘sufficient acknowledgement’ is given.

However, this is a complex issue. If you are considering working with content that someone else has authored, we strongly recommend seeking legal advice first to ensure that your perceived fair usage isn’t copyright infringement.

Do employers or employees own copyright?

Generally speaking, a person is the ‘first owner of the copyright’ unless the work was completed upon the request of an employer. A person who has commissioned the work is not considered an employer.

  • If an individual independently creates a piece of art they are the owner of the copyright.
  • If the artist was commissioned to create the art they would still be the copyright owner.
  • If the artist was an employee, creating the art upon the request of an employer, the employer is the owner of the copyright.
  • This is all superseded if there is a written agreement in place between all parties involved that states otherwise.

More than one person can own the copyright. If the project results in an undividable whole, where the collaboration is equal and no prior agreement is in place, each party would be considered a joint owner (unless the work was completed by employees under the direction of an employer, in which case the employer would hold the copyright). When this occurs, if someone else wishes to use the copyrighted piece of work, all joint owners would need to agree.

Where a piece of work can be split into clear parts and different people complete work on different things, copyright can be attributed separately to the different parts. For example, a book may have a writer and an illustrator, each owning the copyright to their specific work (when a publisher is involved, they typically will have been licenced to use the copyrights). They can then allow other people to use their separate work how they see fit.

Ramifications of copyright infringement

Failure to effectively enforce your copyright can be damaging to your business. For example, other people – perhaps direct competitors – may be passing your work off as their own and being financially rewarded for it. This dilutes your work and cheats you out of potential earnings.

Furthermore, the integrity of what you have created could be sullied, as it may be being used in a way that you never intended. For example, perhaps some written content that you have produced is being reproduced in a way that removes context and changes the meaning to something that you disagree with.

If the scenario is switched and you break copyright law, the implications can be more immediate. In the case of a civil claim, you may be required to pay damages to the person whose work you have wrongfully used. In more severe situations, when cases reach court, you could end up paying a significant fine and even face a jail term.

What small business owners need to do

Demonstrate that you and your business take copyright seriously by correctly using the © symbol, with the name of the author and the date on all the work you produce that can be copyrighted.

If the other forms of IP protection are pertinent, take advantage of these.

Use watermarks on written and visual content when appropriate, which at the very least, ensures you’re provided with credit if it is used surreptitiously.

Set up Google Alerts on words and phrases commonly associated with your brand, so you can check new written content as and when it’s published, allowing you to act quickly if you do find your work is being used by someone else.

Disable copy functionality on your site, making life that much harder for people who do want to use your content illegitimately.

When you are commissioning a piece of work by a third party, make sure the initial discussion includes the issue of ownership and copyright, and these are cemented through a signed agreement. This will help you avoid disputes further down the line.

And, vitally, you need to act when you find that your copyright is being infringed upon. Exactly what you do will depend on the severity of the infringement. Maybe a short email requesting a credit will suffice, perhaps you feel that payment for usage is necessary, or legal action may be suitable.

When it comes to the steps required to make sure you don’t encroach on someone else’s copyright, advice is more concise.

If you can’t use original imagery, use stock photo services, always being sure to check what you can and can’t do in regard to the image.

If you want to include someone else’s work within a piece of written content (even if it’s just a link to the work), check the terms and conditions of the author, looking at what they do and don’t allow. If in doubt, contact them directly.

Unfortunately, there’s no database in the UK for checking copyrights and ownerships, so if you’re unsure whether you can use something, we urge you to seek legal assistance before publishing anything that could put your business at risk.

Do you want to set up a UK limited company? 1st Formations are a top-rated company formation agent in the UK, and can help you register your company in four simple steps – from just £12.99. Choose a suitable company name, pick a company formation package, make payment, and then complete the quick online application form. Companies are often formed in only 3 – 6 working hours, meaning that you could be ready to trade on the same day.

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How to Navigate Global Workforce Management – PEO vs EOR Tue, 11 Jun 2024 21:00:41 +0000 It's essential to distinguish between EORs and PEOs. They differ in structure, risk management, scalability, scope of services, and cost structure.

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Today, managing distributed teams across borders is essential for an organization’s growth. This necessitates a deep understanding of the differences between Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) and Employer of Record (EOR) partners.

Understanding it helps to make informed decisions tailored to your company’s unique needs.

What is a PEO?

A PEO serves as a co-employer, providing outsourced HR services to small and medium-sized businesses. These comprehensive services encompass payroll processing, benefits administration, regulatory compliance, and tax filings. By partnering with a PEO, companies can offload HR tasks, allowing internal teams to focus on core responsibilities.

It’s crucial to note that while a PEO acts as an outsourced HR department, it is not the legal employer of your workforce. Therefore, your company retains accountability for both legal obligations and day-to-day operations. It includes business registrations in locations where talent is hired. 

Rivermate simplifies the global hiring process for companies by providing comprehensive Employer of Record (EOR) solutions. They also eliminate the need to handle numerous registrations or set up local entities.

Understanding the Role of an EOR

In contrast to a PEO, an Employer of Record (EOR) assumes legal employer responsibilities for your distributed workforce. The EOR is responsible for employment contracts, payroll processing, compliance with local employment laws, and other administrative tasks associated with global hiring.

Choosing Between PEO and EOR

When deciding between a PEO and an EOR, several factors come into play, including:

  • Legal Responsibility: A PEO shares legal responsibility with your company. An EOR takes on full legal liability as the employer of record.
  • Compliance: Both PEOs and EORs assist with compliance. However, EORs offer more extensive support for global hiring as local regulations vary significantly.
  • Administrative Burden: While PEOs alleviate HR burdens, companies must still manage certain administrative tasks. In contrast, EORs handle all employment-related responsibilities, streamlining global workforce management.

Ultimately, the choice between a PEO and an EOR depends on your organization’s priorities. It also considers growth strategy and tolerance for administrative complexities. By evaluating these factors, you can select the ideal solution to support your company’s expansion and success in the global marketplace.

Deciphering the Key Differences for Your Organization

Employer of Record (EOR), serves as a crucial global employment partner for businesses. This partnership is beneficial when expanding into new markets where they lack a physical presence. Acting as the legal employer of a company’s distributed workforce, an EOR assumes all employer-related responsibilities, ensuring compliance with local regulations and streamlining HR processes.

An EOR’s responsibilities encompass various HR tasks. These include locality-specific onboarding, payroll management, tax compliance, benefits administration, and unemployment claim reporting. By partnering with an EOR, businesses gain the flexibility to hire top talent worldwide. They also eliminate the need for business registrations in each country, making entering new markets simple.

Furthermore, collaborating with an employer of record provides peace of mind. Their experts handle all HR and employer-related obligations, allowing internal teams to focus on core responsibilities. This efficiency reduces the time, hassle, and costs associated with building and managing a distributed workforce.

However, it’s essential to distinguish between EORs and PEOs (Professional Employer Organizations). They differ in structure, risk management, scalability, scope of services, and cost structure.

  • Structure:
    • PEO: Functions as a co-employer. It allows outsourcing HR duties while maintaining the client company as the on-site employer, retaining control over HR decisions.
    • EOR: Serves as the legal employer of the distributed workforce in regions where the client company lacks an entity. It relinquishes some control over HR decisions but provides access to premium benefit plans and local expertise.
  • Risk Management:
    • PEO: Exposes the client company to employment liabilities. But, these are mitigated by the PEO’s assistance in risk management.
    • EOR: Assumes full responsibility for employment risks and liabilities. It offers comprehensive protection for the client company.
  • Scalability:
    • PEO: Best suited for companies with a significant number of full-time employees, possibly requiring a minimum employee threshold for certain benefits.
    • EOR: Offers greater flexibility, accommodating companies with temporary employees or those seeking talent in multiple locations, typically without employee minimums.
  • Scope of Services:
    • PEO: Provides HR services in regions where the client company already has an entity. The client remains responsible for location-specific compliance.
    • EOR: Offers comprehensive local expertise and handles all compliance matters, simplifying multistate or multinational expansions for the client.
  • Cost Structure:
    • PEO: Typically charges a flat monthly fee per employee or a percentage of payroll, with potential additional setup charges.
    • EOR: Generally incurs lower long-term costs compared to PEOs. It covers insurance and benefits for the distributed workforce, lowering costs for the client.

Choosing Between a PEO Partner and an EOR Partner: Key Considerations

Now that we’ve clarified the disparities between an EOR and a PEO, let’s delve into three essential factors. These will guide your decision-making process and determine which solution fits your business.

  1. Workforce Size:
    • For small businesses and startups navigating expansion and hiring in new locations, scaling can incur substantial costs. If your business intends to establish a new entity in a different state or country, a PEO partnership may be advantageous. By joining as a co-employer, a PEO manages HR-related tasks in the new locale, facilitating a smoother transition.
    • But, if your business aims to recruit in multiple countries simultaneously or enter a new locale, an EOR streamlines the onboarding process. It also assumes responsibility for labor law compliance, offering a more efficient solution for global expansion initiatives.
  2. Company Footprint:
    • Establishing separate entities in states or countries where you plan to hire entails significant expenses and regulatory hurdles. In such cases, opting for an EOR partner eliminates the need for entity establishment. It provides a compliant employment foundation and facilitates global talent acquisition.
    • But, if your business already owns or intends to establish an entity in a new location, engaging a local PEO partner enables offloading of HR services in that specific locale, enabling you to concentrate on team management.
  3. Choosing the Right Solution:
    • Hiring top talent overseas demands meeting unfamiliar labor laws and regulations. Failure to comply can result in costly fines, penalties, and talent attrition.
    • If your business seeks rapid market entry without entity establishment, an Employer of Record (EOR) is a compelling option.

In summary, the decision between a PEO partner and an EOR partner hinges on your organization’s workforce size, geographic footprint, and strategic objectives. By aligning these considerations with your business needs, you can navigate global expansion endeavors with confidence and efficiency.

As noted above, Rivermate EOR solution can simplify your company’s global hiring process and support your international growth aspirations. But, of course, it’s up to you to choose. Good luck!

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The Unexpected Advantages Of VPNs For Entrepreneurs Tue, 11 Jun 2024 19:30:15 +0000 For entrepreneurs, the advantages of VPNs go much beyond shielding their browsing activity.

The post The Unexpected Advantages Of VPNs For Entrepreneurs appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

We’re living in a highly globalized world where entrepreneurs are continually seeking ways to gain a competitive edge.

While most of them focus on conventional methods like product development and marketing, only some of them show interest in utilizing hidden gems like VPNs or virtual private networks to their advantage. 

VPNs are conventionally associated with online security and privacy, and for good reason. They encrypt the internet traffic and ensure your data is being sent through an encrypted tunnel that cannot be intercepted by snoopers and prying eyes, including the government and your ISP. 

VPNs even mask your IP so you can browse the web anonymously and let you connect to the US VPN server while you are traveling in Europe or Asia. Thanks to these features, VPNs ensure your online privacy and security are intact even if you are connected to public Wifi networks. 

But that’s not all VPNs can help you achieve. For entrepreneurs, the advantages go much beyond shielding their browsing activity. Keep reading if you are intrigued and want to know the unexpected ways VPNs empower entrepreneurs. 

By the end of this guide, you might be tempted to use a VPN in your entrepreneurial journey so you can take your new business to the next level. 

Market Research On A Global Scale 

Imagine being able to research any market in the world, regardless of geographical restrictions. VPN makes this possible! 

Many countries exercise content restrictions, blocking access to certain data or websites. With a VPN, you can instantly bypass these restrictions by virtually placing your device in a different location. Thanks to this, doors to a wealth of information are opened for entrepreneurs. 

You can use this information for market research, especially if you are eyeing a particular market to expand your new business or hoping to get investors from a specific region. 

For example, if you are thinking of expanding your business or product to China, you can utilize a VPN to access Chinese social media platforms and search engines. This will provide you with first-hand insights into competitor analysis and consumer trends and even identify potential partnerships within the Chinese market. 

What’s more? You can accomplish all of this from the comfort of your home office or wherever you are working. 

Geo-Targeted Content 

Usually, conferences, industry reports, and webinars are geo-restricted. Using a VPN, you can virtually attend these events, regardless of your location. 

This is an excellent way to stay ahead of the curve by accessing the latest industry trends, network with potential collaborators, and learn from experts. And you can do all this at a fraction of the cost of physically traveling to these events. 

Imagine attending a marketing summit in London or a tech conference in Silicon Valley while sitting in your coworking space in New York. 

You can use a VPN to access geographically restricted live streams, participate in online discussions, and access presentations. Through this, you can gain valuable connections and knowledge. 

Global Recruitment 

It is a huge challenge for any entrepreneur to find the perfect talent. With the help of a VPN, you can tap into a global pool of skilled and highly qualified candidates. 

VPNs allow you to virtually change your location and access international job boards. You can also post remote job openings to attract a wide range of skilled professionals. 

This is particularly beneficial for entrepreneurs in regions with limited talent pools or if you are eager to tap into the global pool of qualified candidates and work with the best minds in your industry. Don’t let geographical restrictions get in the way of your vision. 

Use a VPN and find people from across the globe with the specific skills you need. 

Brand Credibility With A Global Presence 

For any business to thrive today, it is essential to have a strong online presence. This is where VPNs come in handy. You allow entrepreneurs to create a virtual presence in different countries, making brands appear more established and global. 

So, if you are targeting international markets to sell your products or services, using a VPN will be effective. 

Using a VPN, you can register domain names, create social media profiles, and craft localized content specific to different regions. This is going to give your target audience the impression you have a larger operation and a wider reach. 

Your brand credibility will be boosted in the international market. 

Save Money On Business Expenses 

Cutting costs is the number one priority of entrepreneurs. Surprisingly, a VPN can help you save money on various business expenses

  1. Subscriptions and software – Some online services and software offer tiered pricing based on location. Using a VPN, you can virtually connect to a server in a region with lower pricing. This will help you save expenses on software licenses and subscriptions. 
  2. Cost of traveling – Attending trade shows or conferences abroad can be pretty expensive. With a VPN, you can easily access geographically restricted content from such events virtually. This eliminates the cost of traveling and you can remotely participate in all your important business-related events. 
  3. Market research tools – Most tools are based on the location of the data you are accessing. You can use a VPN to access data from any region across the globe at a lower cost. 

These are only some of the ways entrepreneurs are saving money using a VPN. Once you include a VPN in your entrepreneurial journey, you can explore more ways this tool can help you save money while tapping into the global talent pool, market research, and more. 

One of the most powerful tools that must be in the arsenal of entrepreneurs is a VPN. This tool can empower entrepreneurs in unexpected ways. 

By facilitating access to geographically restricted content, unlocking global market research opportunities, allowing access to the global talent pool, enabling remote working, and ensuring localized competitor analysis, VPNs provide entrepreneurs with a significant edge in today’s competitive landscape. 

Also, the cost-saving benefits are undeniable. 

So, if you are not using a VPN for your business, it is time to explore this valuable tool. Unlock the potential of this tool and take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level. 

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10 Hidden Psychological Barriers That Are Killing Your Success Mon, 10 Jun 2024 16:35:28 +0000 Sure, success often gets credited to hard work, talent, and a sprinkle of luck. But dive into psychology, and you’ll find sneaky mental patterns and behaviors messing with your progress. Here are ten fascinating insights into these hidden barriers, along with some tips to kick them to the curb:   1. Unconscious Mental Processes and […]

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Sure, success often gets credited to hard work, talent, and a sprinkle of luck. But dive into psychology, and you’ll find sneaky mental patterns and behaviors messing with your progress.

Here are ten fascinating insights into these hidden barriers, along with some tips to kick them to the curb:


1. Unconscious Mental Processes and Performance

Our unconscious mind is like a backstage crew, controlling much of the show without us even knowing. It’s tricky because we can’t always tell if it’s one thought or a gang of them messing with our performance.

  • Why It Happens: Our brain is a multitasking machine, processing loads of info behind the scenes to keep us functioning. This can sometimes trip us up without us realizing it.
  • Example: Imagine prepping for a big presentation. Despite being ready, you feel super anxious. Those jitters could be old memories of past screw-ups haunting you.
  • How to Overcome It: Get into mindfulness and self-reflection. Techniques like journaling can help you spot and deal with these sneaky influences.


2. All or Nothing Thinking

Ever see things in black-and-white? That’s a cognitive distortion called all-or-nothing thinking. No gray areas, just extremes.

  • Why It Happens: Our brain loves to simplify stuff, even if it means being unrealistic. It’s like a shortcut that often leads to stress.
  • Example: Thinking you have to be perfect at your job or you’re a total flop. It’s all or nothing, no middle ground.
  • How to Overcome It: Challenge those extreme thoughts. Find the balance and remind yourself that effort and progress matter, even if things aren’t perfect.


3. Self-Limiting Beliefs

These pesky beliefs sneak in from past experiences and hold us back. They’re like invisible chains.

  • Why It Happens: Our brain likes to stick to the familiar to avoid failure. These beliefs get formed early and dig in deep.
  • Example: Bombed a math test once and now think you’re doomed to suck at math forever? That’s a self-limiting belief in action.
  • How to Overcome It: Spot these beliefs and question them. Replace them with positive affirmations and look for evidence that proves them wrong.


4. Habit Formation and Unconscious Behavior

We’re creatures of habit, with a lot of our actions running on autopilot.

  • Why It Happens: Our brain automates routines to save energy. Handy, but not always helpful.
  • Example: Procrastinating? That’s a habit that can tank your productivity and success.
  • How to Overcome It: Build new, positive habits. Set small, doable goals and track your progress with habit trackers.


5. Normative Unconscious Processes

These processes keep us stuck in our comfort zones, resisting necessary changes.

  • Why It Happens: Familiarity feels safe, so our brain resists change even when it’s good for us.
  • Example: Sticking with a job you hate because it’s familiar, even though it’s not what you want.
  • How to Overcome It: Push yourself out of your comfort zone with specific, actionable goals. Get a mentor or coach for support.


6. Violation of Social Norms

Going against the grain can be seen as abnormal, but sometimes it’s just what’s needed.

  • Why It Happens: Society’s unwritten rules can be strict, and breaking them can lead to judgment.
  • Example: An entrepreneur taking wild risks might seem reckless, but those risks can lead to big breakthroughs.
  • How to Overcome It: Own your unique approach and find places that value diverse perspectives. Explain your rationale to others and seek support.


7. Statistical Rarity and Abnormal Behavior

Just because something is rare doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Context is key.

  • Why It Happens: What’s unusual can be misunderstood, especially without considering cultural and situational factors.
  • Example: Preferring solitude might seem antisocial, but in some cultures, it’s a respected trait.
  • How to Overcome It: Respect cultural differences and find communities that appreciate your uniqueness.


8. Personal Distress and Behavior

Behaviors that stress you out can be markers of deeper issues, but not always.

  • Why It Happens: Distress signals can be about deeper problems or just responses to tough situations.
  • Example: Chronic stress from overworking can lead to burnout, tanking your performance and well-being.
  • How to Overcome It: Take care of yourself. Get help if you need it and practice stress management techniques like exercise and meditation.


9. Maladaptive Behaviors

These are survival strategies gone wrong, sticking around when they’re no longer useful.

  • Why It Happens: Behaviors that once helped you cope can become harmful if you keep using them in new situations.
  • Example: Avoiding conflict might have been useful before, but now it hinders effective communication.
  • How to Overcome It: Learn new coping strategies that fit your current situation. Practice being assertive and communicating openly.


10. Impact of Labels on Behavior

Labels can stick like glue, influencing how we see ourselves and how others see us.

  • Why It Happens: Labels simplify things but can reinforce negative patterns and limit potential.
  • Example: Being called “lazy” can crush your self-esteem and motivation, even if it’s not true.
  • How to Overcome It: Reject negative labels and focus on your strengths. Surround yourself with people who see your potential and support your growth.


Understanding these hidden psychological barriers can help you develop better strategies for success.

Recognizing and tackling these unconscious patterns can unlock your full potential and set you on a path to personal and professional growth.

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How To Implement Data Analytics in Your Company for Better Decision-Making Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:51:45 +0000 Properly prepared data is the foundation of effective data analytics and better decision-making.

The post How To Implement Data Analytics in Your Company for Better Decision-Making appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

Did you know companies leveraging data analytics are five times more likely to make faster and three times more likely to execute decisions as intended?

In an era where data is the new oil, implementing data analytics in your company can be a game-changer for better decision-making

This article will guide you through aligning analytics with your business goals, choosing the right tools and preparing your data for insightful analysis. We’ll also explore various analytics strategies and how to measure their impact effectively. 

By the end, you’ll be equipped with actionable insights to transform your data into a strategic asset, driving growth and efficiency in your organization.

Identifying Key Business Objectives for Data Analytics

Experts at say that aligning data analytics with your company’s business goals is crucial for driving meaningful results. Imagine you’re aiming to increase sales or improve customer satisfaction. These objectives should be at the forefront of your data strategy. 

For instance, if your goal is to boost sales, focus on metrics like conversion rates and average transaction value. On the other hand, if customer satisfaction is your priority, track Net Promoter Score (NPS) and customer feedback.

It is essential to prioritize these objectives based on your company’s specific needs. Start by identifying the most pressing issues or opportunities. For example, a retail company might prioritize increasing sales during the holiday season, while a service-based business might focus on reducing customer churn. 

Aligning your data analytics efforts with these priorities ensures your team works towards the most impactful goals.

Consider real-world examples to see how this works in practice. A tech startup might use data analytics to identify the most popular app features, guiding future development. 

Meanwhile, a restaurant chain could analyze customer feedback to improve menu offerings and service quality. 

Focusing on the right objectives and metrics allows you to leverage data analytics to make informed decisions that drive your business forward.

Choosing the Right Data Analytics Tools and Technologies

Selecting the right tools and technologies is crucial when implementing data analytics in your company. 

Several data analytics tools are available, such as Tableau, Power BI, and Google Analytics. Each of these tools offers unique features, benefits, and costs. For instance, Tableau is known for its robust data visualization capabilities, while Power BI integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft products. 

On the other hand, Google Analytics is a go-to for web analytics and offers profound insights into website performance.

To make an informed decision, evaluating these tools based on your company’s specific requirements is essential. 

Here’s a quick checklist to help you out:

  • Ease of Use: How user-friendly is the tool?
  • Integration: Does it integrate well with your existing systems?
  • Scalability: Can it handle your company’s growth?
  • Cost: What is the total cost of ownership?
  • Support: What kind of customer support is available?

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the data analytics tool that best fits your company’s needs, ensuring more informed and effective decision-making.

Collecting and Preparing Data for Analysis

To make informed decisions, you need to start by collecting high-quality data. Various methods exist to gather data, such as surveys, transaction records, and social media. Each method has its advantages and can provide unique insights. 

For instance, surveys can give you direct customer feedback, while transaction records can reveal purchasing patterns.

Once you have collected the data, the next crucial step is cleaning and preprocessing. This involves removing duplicates, handling missing values, and correcting errors. Proper data cleaning ensures your analysis is based on accurate and reliable information. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you prepare your data:

  • Data Collection: Gather data from various sources like surveys, transaction records, and social media.
  • Data Cleaning: Remove duplicates, handle missing values, and correct errors.
  • Data Transformation: Convert data into a suitable format for analysis.
  • Data Integration: Combine data from different sources to create a unified dataset.
  • Data Validation: Ensure the data is accurate and consistent.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your data is well-prepared for analysis, leading to more accurate and actionable insights. 

Properly prepared data is the foundation of effective data analytics and better decision-making.

Implementing Data Analytics Strategies

When diving into data analytics, it’s crucial to understand the different strategies available. These include descriptive analytics, which focuses on summarizing past data to understand what has happened; predictive analytics, which uses historical data to forecast future outcomes; and prescriptive analytics, which suggests actions to affect desired outcomes. These strategies play a vital role in making informed decisions and driving business success.

For instance, a retail company might use descriptive analytics to analyze past sales data and identify trends. They could then apply predictive analytics to forecast future sales and optimize inventory levels. 

Finally, with prescriptive analytics, they could determine the best promotional strategies to maximize revenue. 

A real-world example is Netflix, which uses predictive analytics to recommend shows and movies to its users, significantly enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

To illustrate a successful implementation, consider the case of a healthcare provider that used predictive analytics to identify patients at high risk of readmission. 

By implementing targeted interventions, they reduced readmission rates by 20%, improving patient outcomes and reducing costs. This case study highlights the transformative power of data analytics when applied effectively.

  1. Start with a clear goal and identify the specific business problem you want to solve.
  2. Ensure data quality and consistency to get accurate insights.
  3. Invest in the right tools and technologies that align with your analytics needs.
  4. Build a skilled team with expertise in data science and analytics.
  5. Continuously monitor and refine your analytics strategies to adapt to changing business needs.

By following these best practices, companies can harness the power of data analytics to drive better decision-making and achieve their business objectives.

Measuring and Evaluating the Impact of Data Analytics

So, you’ve jumped on the data analytics bandwagon, but how do you know if it’s working? Measuring the success of your data analytics initiatives is crucial. Start by identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your business goals. 

Think of metrics like ROI (Return on Investment) and customer retention. These are more than just numbers; they tell you if your strategies are hitting or missing the mark.

Let’s break it down with some examples. If you’re looking at ROI, you’re measuring the financial return you’re getting from your data analytics investments. 

On the other hand, customer retention metrics can show how well you’re keeping your customers engaged and loyal.

In conclusion, understanding and utilizing the right KPIs can make or break your data analytics efforts. 

By focusing on metrics that matter, you can make informed decisions that drive your business forward. So, don’t just collect data—measure it, evaluate it, and let it guide your next move.

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7 Resumé Secrets to Fast Track Your Career Change Sun, 09 Jun 2024 12:58:06 +0000 Leaping into a new career is an exciting adventure, but navigating the resume writing process can feel like climbing a mountain without a map

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Dreaming of a career switch? While the change can be thrilling, crafting a resume that bridges your past experiences to your new dream job is a challenge and a half.

Fortunately, with our simple tips, you can craft an effective resume to land that coveted interview. Read on to learn the best resume writing tips to turn your experiences into an engaging story. 

Exploring Career Changers: The Best Resume Writing Tips You Must Learn

Leaping into a new career is an exciting adventure, but navigating the resume writing process can feel like climbing a mountain without a map. Whether you are shifting industries, roles, or countries, the process of translating your diverse experiences into a cohesive narrative, much like translating a document, can be daunting. Here is how to tackle it head-on.

1. Understand Your Unique Story

Before diving into formatting, it is vital to acknowledge the unique challenges you face compared to traditional career paths:

Identify Transferable Skills

Look beyond your job titles and focus on the work skills for the resume you honed in various roles. For example:

  •   Adaptability
  •   Communication
  •   Leadership
  •   Problem-solving
  •   Time management

Actionable tip: Create a skills inventory by listing all your skills from past roles, personal projects, and volunteer work. Use online resources like the O*NET OnLine  to translate your skills to relevant keywords for your target industry.

Address Gaps and Changes

Explain career breaks or changes in your resume summary or cover letter. Frame them by highlighting relevant skills gained during these periods, like:

  •   Freelancing
  •   Entrepreneurial ventures
  •   Volunteer work

You can also showcase the personal development or training you pursued during these periods.

2. Tailor Your Resume for Impact

The next step involves tailoring your resume to speak to your target industry and role, ensuring it reflects a recent resume update:


Before starting your resume, dive deep into what is happening in your target industry. To do it, explore online resources (e.g., industry publications, professional association websites, company career pages) for valuable information like specific skills, keywords, and overall tone employers are looking for.

Highlight Relevant Skills and Accomplishments

Avoid listing your responsibilities. Sprinkle in keywords from job descriptions throughout your resume to showcase how your skills and achievements perfectly match their needs. Quantify your achievements whenever possible.

Actionable tip: Create a table with specific job descriptions and identify the top 3-5 skills they require. Map your transferable skills to these requirements and prioritize them on your resume.

Format Choices

Consider using a functional or combination resume format. It will emphasize your transferable skills over the chronological order of your jobs, making it perfect for career changers who want to highlight their adaptability and diverse skill set.

Actionable tip: Use online resume builders or templates designed for career changers. Many offer various formats and pre-populated sections to help you get started. Some of the best options include:

  •   Zety
  •   LiveCareer
  •   Resume Genius
  •   MyPerfectResume
  •   ResumeLab

3. Showcase Your Value Proposition

Craft a compelling resume that screams “Hire me!” by starting with a good summary for resume that encapsulates your career change aspirations and showcases your value proposition:

Compelling Summary or Objective Statement

Write a strong summary or objective statement that summarizes your value proposition and career aspirations. Briefly mention relevant skills, experience, and your passion for the new field.

Actionable tip: Use online resources like resume writing guides or professional resume reviewers to get feedback and polish your summary statement.

Quantifiable Achievements

Quantify your successes with metrics like increased sales, improved efficiency, or projects completed.

Actionable tip: Use strong action verbs and specific numbers to showcase the impact you made in previous roles. For example, instead of saying “Managed social media accounts,” say “Increased social media engagement by 25% through targeted content marketing campaigns.”

Keywords for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Use relevant keywords throughout your resume, ensuring your application gets past ATS. Try to be natural. Avoid stuffing your resume with keywords that do not fit your experience.

Actionable tip: Use a free ATS keyword scanner tool to analyze your resume and identify areas for improvement.

4. Format and Design

Proper resume presentation also matters. Here are some tips for a professional look:

  •   Clear layout: Choose a clean and easy-to-read layout with consistent fonts and headings. Use white space to avoid a cluttered look.
  •   Readability is key: Use concise bullet points and avoid lengthy paragraphs.
  •   Highlight for impact: Use bolding or italics to draw attention to key skills and achievements. Ensure proper formatting throughout the document.

5. Customize

Avoid sending a generic resume at all costs. Tailor it to each job by highlighting the skills and experiences that matter most to them. Think of it like a conversation: you want to show them why you are the perfect fit based on what they are looking for.

6. Add Certifications and Training

Include relevant certifications and training to showcase your commitment to continuous learning and industry knowledge.

7. Proofread and Seek Feedback

Get someone else to proofread your resume for typos and grammatical errors.

Actionable tip: Utilize online proofreading tools or grammar checkers as a first pass, then have a trusted friend, colleague, or career counselor review your resume for more in-depth feedback.

Beyond the Resume: Building a Comprehensive Application Package

Your resume is one piece of the puzzle. Leverage other tools for a comprehensive application package to showcase your unique value and increase your chances of landing the interview:

1. Cover Letter

Write an engaging cover letter that reveals your career path in a personal and engaging way. It is your chance to connect with the hiring manager and demonstrate how your unique skills and experiences perfectly align with their needs.

Actionable tip: Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your achievements in the cover letter, providing concrete examples of your problem-solving skills and impact.

2. LinkedIn Profile

Optimize your LinkedIn profile to showcase your skills, experience, and career aspirations.

Actionable tip: Take part in relevant LinkedIn groups and discussions, contribute insightful comments, and share valuable content to demonstrate your expertise and connect with potential employers.

3. Portfolio or Website

Create a portfolio or website (if relevant to your field) to showcase your work samples, projects, and achievements.

Actionable tip: Use online portfolio platforms like Behance, Dribbble, or your website to display your work in an appealing and user-friendly format.

The resume writing tips highlighted above will help you produce a CV grabbing the attention of the hiring managers. Leverage your resume and embrace your career change journey by confidently applying for your dream job. The next exciting chapter is just a click away.

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How to Optimize Your Pop Up Form to Maximize Conversions Sat, 08 Jun 2024 17:10:19 +0000 Proper use of the pop-up ad in direct interaction with your audience is an indispensable tool for your company

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Tracking and improving your conversion rates is an excellent way to boost your business strategy, leading to a significant increase in the ROI indexes. With a proper approach and the correct marketing tools, your business can turn each of your visitors into a potential lead that will bring profit to your platform.

But what is this mysterious way of boosting your sales? As you know, everything ingenious is simple, that’s why in today’s article, we will discuss pop-up ads, which represent an efficient marketing tool for any modern digital company.

What Is A Pop-Up Ad?

A pop-up ad is a promotional and advertising technique that can be used to turn platform visitors into leads, test your marketing hypothesis, and boost relations with the audience.

Despite their notorious reputation, pop-up ads are considered rather annoying than useful. We cannot agree with this statement. The choice of the correct pop up ad template and its proper implementation in your business will lead to a significant boost in your conversion rates. So, what exactly will the pop-up ad do for your business? Let’s find out together. 

How Do Pop-Up Ad Templates Help Your Business? 

Proper use of the pop-up ad in direct interaction with your audience is an indispensable tool for your company. Regardless of the niche you work in or the services you provide to customers, pop-up ads are a great way to evolve your marketing approaches and boost sales.

For example, an average pop-up conversion rate is equal to 11.04%. But the truth is that with the necessary modifications and knowledge of your audience, the limit for the increase in conversion rate is boundless. Let’s define the other benefits of adding pop-ups to your brand’s platform today.

Quick Conversions

The first and foremost reason for the pop-up ad implementation is its ability to turn a regular visitor into a constant customer. Companies can underestimate the influence of these advertisement tools, preferring to spend a budget on new features or complex marketing campaigns when the proper pop-up ad template can create a feeling of urgency in their customers, leading to immediate profit.

Testing New Strategies

Adding pop to your company’s marketing agenda is also a great way to test new approaches to customer relations. A simple A/B test using two different pop-up ads will help you understand what works better regarding relationships with your potential leads. With minimal financial investments, such a simple test will bring more benefits than you can imagine.

Great Options for Customization

Pop-ups come in a wide variety of types and modifications, which means that your marketing team can adjust them according to your current needs. With proper implementation, a pop-up ad can become a great addition to any internal process. 

Scaling Opportunities

Let’s not underestimate the good old “out of mouth” marketing because, by encouraging your current customers with special offers and discounts, the word about you will spread quickly. Your service will be able to double your current customer base, and that’s all with the help of a single unique pop-up with an exciting offer. 

How to Successfully Implement A Pop-Up Ad Into Your Business Model

Let’s imagine a situation where you made up your mind and decided to include an appropriate pop-up template in the structure of your website platform. A logical question might occur, “How can you make it pleasant and unobtrusive?”. That said, we have gathered in this part some advice to help you implement those ads on your user interface.

Here they are: 

Include real value. Pop-up ads are a highly efficient way of boosting your company, but only when they provide real value to your potential customers. Therefore, the development of the pop-up ad should be accompanied by actual offers that would benefit your customer base.

Create clear offers. It’s important to avoid irritation or frustration from engaging with complex or unclear advertising materials. Instead, you should create a visibly clear and understandable offer to be presented as your pop-up material.

Use contrast as an ally. Your ad should not be intrusive but catchy. For that matter, it’s necessary to use the proper colors and design techniques; that would be enough to catch your client’s attention without making him feel annoyed with the ad.

Those are only a few of the most effective ways to create a good pop-up ad. But to make the pop-up ad work for you, you must search for unique solutions that would work in your particular case.

Pop-up ads can become your greatest ally in your attempts to boost your platform’s conversion rates. They’re an extremely efficient method for engaging with your audience and finding approaches to turning visitors into leads. Therefore, with a considered strategy and proper use, you will be able to turn your pop-up ads into a revenue pipeline.

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How to Master Leadership for Long Lasting Impact Fri, 07 Jun 2024 12:41:12 +0000 Embracing sustainability is key to business success and society's well-being

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Today, successful leadership must embrace sustainability in both words and actions. It is crucial for the leader himself, the company as well as for society in general.

By including the concept of sustainability in your leadership, you can move forward, knowing that your team will be able to reach the business goals that you expect them to. Still, at the same time, they can fulfill their societal role. In the end, it will become a win-win situation for everyone. 

Let’s take a closer look at how sustainability and leadership connect together.

Why is Sustainability crucial in Leadership?

It’s easy to say that ignoring sustainability leads to future problems, but there’s more to it than that. 

Looking at it only in a negative way will not help you and your team reach the goals you have set. In truth, there are actually numerous benefits associated with prioritizing sustainability, which is why many companies have taken the initiative to provide sustainability resources for leaders inside their team. 

Below, we will take a closer look at some of the reasons that have brought them to make this decision and why you should entertain them as well.


When leaders make decisions, they often focus on boosting revenues. They want actions that increase profits. Sustainability is something that will help in that regard, at least in the mid to long term. In fact, it has been proven that such practices improve financial performance rather rapidly. 

Studying markets by comparing companies with high environmental concerns to others show that those who make an effort tend to also have lower debt and equity costs and outperform the market in time. 

This is a topic you must look into of you want your company to remain competitive in the years to come. 

It’s simple: companies that prioritize sustainability save money over time. Thanks to lower energy costs that come from government incentives or alternative sources, you can help reduce company’s expenses. 

These savings are then translated into improved supply chain efficiency within the company. The decrease in overhead costs also contributes to long-term financial gain, aligning with the primary objective of increasing profitability for businesses. 

These are all financial benefits that can be attributed to your leadership if you make decisions keeping the sustainability factor in mind.


The old saying ‘give the people what they want’ still applies today. But as values change, companies need to keep up to stay relevant. 

Today, sustainability is a key value that is at the forefront of most people’s minds, especially among the younger generation who are starting to make up a large portion of consumers. With the cultural change that is currently happening, that percentage will only keep growing in future years. 

This can have a significant impact on a company’s reputation, particularly in the online world where positive perceptions can elevate a business and negative ones can bring it down. Companies that fail to prioritize sustainability may face major consequences in terms of their reputation. 

It is evident that both individuals and corporations now place importance on supporting businesses that demonstrate a genuine commitment to environmental responsibility.

There is another social reason to aim for sustainability inside your firm. A company’s reputation isn’t just about public opinion; employees’ views matter too. To get the best from them, you should focus on sustainability and ethics. 

Nowadays, potential employees consider these criteria before joining a company. Therefore, businesses that invest in sustainability will have an easier time retaining their employees and managers, ultimately leading to improved efficiency and financial success within the company. 

It will also help attract some of the best talents that may be available on the market. 

The Global Impact of Sustainability in Leadership

Sustainability isn’t just an end goal. Skilled leaders in 2024 know it’s a core value. Those who actively work towards making our world more sustainable not only improve the physical environment, but also contribute to creating a fairer society. It is crucial in the face of climate change and helps combat inequality, ultimately leading to reduced global poverty.

This benefits all businesses as they will have a larger consumer base to sell their products and services to. Ultimately, the goal of sustainability is to create a better planet for all aspects of life.

In short, modern leaders need to see the link between sustainability and their role. 

Embracing sustainability is key to business success and society’s well-being. It is a necessary win-win situation that cannot be ignored, as failing to address it could result in negative consequences for you and the company. 

The financial benefits it will bring, the positive impact on the reputation of the business you work for and the global societal impact of sustainability underscore its vital connection to effective leadership and emphasizes the importance of embracing sustainable practices for long-term success, no matter which industry you work in.  

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How to Turn Property into Profit and Build Wealth Thu, 06 Jun 2024 13:11:09 +0000 The top 10% of households in terms of net worth deriving a significant portion of their wealth from property.

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Real estate investing can be a powerful path to building long-term wealth. It offers the potential for appreciation, rental income, and significant tax benefits.

According to a study by the Federal Reserve, real estate investments are a key driver of wealth accumulation, with the top 10% of households in terms of net worth deriving a significant portion of their wealth from property.

However, it isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. Success requires careful research, strategic planning, and knowledge of the market. This article will provide the essential insights and strategies to begin your investment journey.

How to Invest in Real Estate

Real estate investing demands a strategic approach. You can learn from experts like Jason Aintabi, who founded Vandewater Capital, a well-known platform investing in private equity businesses. They have diversified their holdings across multiple industries, including heavy industry, clean energy, technology, financial services, and real estate.

Note down their investing approaches and start defining your goals—long-term appreciation, rental income, or profit from flipping. Assess your finances, including down payment and creditworthiness. 

Build a team of professionals like realtors and spectators. Research locations and properties carefully, analyzing potential income, expenses, and long-term value. Finally, secure financing can be achieved by exploring mortgage options and comparing lenders. Remember, each step involves detailed research and decision-making.

Why Invest in Real Estate?

It stands apart from many other investments due to its growth and income-generation potential. Here are the key reasons it deserves your consideration:

  • Appreciation: Historically, property values tend to rise over time. While there are fluctuations, strategic purchases can lead to significant long-term gains.
  • Cash Flow:  Rental properties offer a consistent income stream. With careful management, this income can exceed your mortgage and expenses, providing positive cash flow.
  • Leverage: Real estate allows you to utilize loans to acquire properties worth more than your initial investment, maximizing your potential returns.
  • Tax Benefits:  Owning investment properties may offer deductions for mortgage interest, depreciation, and other expenses. Consult a tax professional for specifics relevant to your situation.

Types of Real Estate Investments

  • Hotels and Commercial Properties: These investments offer the potential for higher returns and specialized management opportunities. However, they also come with more significant costs and complexity and are often more sensitive to economic cycles.
  • Other Options: Consider these possibilities for your portfolio:
    • Flipping houses: Purchasing, renovating, and reselling properties for profit.
    • Land Investment: Buying undeveloped land with future development or resale potential.
    • REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts): Gain exposure without direct property ownership through publicly traded companies.

Essential Steps Before Taking the Plunge

Before purchasing any investment property, you must take these strategic steps: Define your goals- determine if you seek short-term profit (like flipping) or long-term gains from appreciation and rental income. Consider how involved you want to be in the management process. 

Assess your finances- analyze your credit score, available funds for a down payment, and your ability to qualify for a mortgage. Have emergency funds for unexpected repairs or vacancies.

Build a team- a strong support network is crucial. Find a knowledgeable realtor, a thorough property inspector, and a lawyer. Depending on your goals, a property manager can be a valuable asset.

Financing Your Investment

Real estate investments often rely on financing. Understanding your options is critical for securing favorable terms. Consider the differences between conventional mortgages (usually requiring strong credit) and FHA or other government-backed loans (which may offer greater flexibility). Choose between fixed-rate mortgages (offering payment stability) and adjustable-rate mortgages (where payments fluctuate).

Your down payment directly impacts interest rates. Aim for at least a 20% down payment to secure better terms and reduce overall investment costs. Explore strategies to accelerate your savings and research down payment assistance programs available in your area.

Property Management Considerations

Once you own an investment property, you must decide how to manage it. Here are the key considerations:

  • Landlord or Hire Management? Directly handling tenant inquiries, maintenance, and rent collection can be time-consuming. Professional property management companies handle these tasks for a fee, typically a percentage of the monthly rent. Evaluate the potential time savings against the added cost to make an informed decision.
  • Understanding Landlord-Tenant Laws: Regardless of your management choice, familiarize yourself with the landlord-tenant laws in the area. These regulations cover tenant screening, security deposits, lease agreements, evictions, and other issues. Ignorance of the law can lead to costly legal complications.

Real estate investment can be a powerful path to building wealth. Success requires knowledge, careful planning, and strategic decision-making. Continue learning by seeking experienced mentors, reliable online resources, and industry publications. Most importantly, start with the end in mind. Define your investment goals clearly to guide your choices throughout the process.

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176 Inspirational Pablo Picasso Quotes on Art, Creativity and Life Tue, 04 Jun 2024 21:17:26 +0000 Hey there, art lovers and curious minds! Are you ready to dive deep into the colorful, chaotic, and brilliant world of Pablo Picasso? I’ve gathered 176 of pablo picasso’s most inspiring quotes that reveal the genius behind the masterpieces. Picasso wasn’t just about Cubism and crazy creativity; his words offer a treasure trove of wisdom […]

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Hey there, art lovers and curious minds! Are you ready to dive deep into the colorful, chaotic, and brilliant world of Pablo Picasso?

I’ve gathered 176 of pablo picasso’s most inspiring quotes that reveal the genius behind the masterpieces.

Picasso wasn’t just about Cubism and crazy creativity; his words offer a treasure trove of wisdom on life, art, and everything in between.

Whether you’re an artist looking for a spark, or just someone who loves a good quote, you’re in the right place.

Get ready to see the world through Picasso’s eyes and let his words inspire your next big idea.


Here are the most inspirational Pablo Picasso quotes

1. “I’m Picasso! You and I are going to do great things together.”

2. “Art is not the application of a canon of beauty but what the instinct and the brain can conceive beyond any canon.”

3. “Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.”

4. “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

5. “Everything you can imagine is real.”

6. “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.”

7. “It takes a long time to become young.”

8. “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”

9. “The chief enemy of creativity is ‘good’ sense.”

10. “I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them.”

11. “Action is the foundational key to all success.”

12. “I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money.”

13. “Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.”

14. “Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.”

15. “He can who thinks he can, and he can’t who thinks he can’t. This is an inexorable, indisputable law.”

16. “It is your work in life that is the ultimate seduction.”

17. “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”

18. “Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”

19. “Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.”

20. “Sculpture is the best comment that a painter can make on painting.”

21. “The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web.”

22. “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”

23. “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

24. “The older you get, the stronger the wind gets – and it’s always in your face.”

25. “Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? No.”

26. “Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.”

27. “Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.”

28. “If I paint a wild horse, you might not see the horse… but surely you will see the wildness!”

29. “The urge to destroy is also a creative urge.”

30. “The first half of life is learning to be an adult—the second half is learning to be a child.”

31. “There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.”

32. “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.”

33. “We don’t grow older, we grow riper.”

34. “The people who make art their business are mostly impostors.”

35. “One must act in painting as in life, directly.”

36. “Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.”

37. “To finish a work? To finish a picture? What nonsense! To finish it means to be through with it, to kill it, to rid it of its soul, to give it its final blow: the most unfortunate and hard blow.”

38. “To copy others is necessary, but to copy oneself is pathetic.”

39. “Every positive value has its price in negative terms… the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.”

40. “Good artists copy, great artists steal.”

41. “I do not seek. I find.”

42. “I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else.”

43. “I don’t believe in accidents. There are only encounters in history. There are no accidents.”

44. “I paint as if some blind man was looking over my shoulder.”

45. “If only we could pull out our brain and use only our eyes.”

46. “In art, there is only one thing that counts: the thing you cannot explain.”

47. “It is not what the artist does that counts, but what he is.”

48. “It took me a lifetime.”

49. “Love is the greatest refreshment in life.”

50. “Museums are just a lot of lies, and the people who make art their business are mostly impostors.”

Pablo Picasso Picture Quote

51. “My mother said to me, ‘If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.’ Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.”

52. “Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time.”

53. “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.”

54. “Painting is a blind man’s profession. He paints not what he sees, but what he feels, what he tells himself about what he has seen.”

55. “Success is dangerous. One begins to copy oneself. And to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others. It leads to sterility.”

56. “The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place.”

57. “The world today doesn’t make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?”

58. “There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward, you can remove all traces of reality.”

59. “To draw, you must close your eyes and sing.”

60. “We have a misfortune that our minds have wings, but our bodies do not.”

61. “What do you think an artist is? An imbecile who has only eyes if he is a painter, or ears if he is a musician?”

62. “What is a face, really? Its own photo? Its make-up? Or is it a face?”

63. “What one does is what counts and not what one had the intention of doing.”

64. “You mustn’t always believe what I say. Questions tempt you to tell lies, particularly when there is no answer.”

65. “You have to have an idea of what you are going to do, but it should be a vague idea.”

66. “What is necessary to paint well? The importance of an artist is to be able to survive as an artist.”

67. “We must be vigilant, even against our own subconscious thoughts.”

68. “Art is the most effective mode of communication that exists.”

69. “Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.”

70. “I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”

71. “Give me a museum, and I’ll fill it.”

72. “Art is the most beautiful of all lies.”

73. “I do not believe I have ever painted a dream.”

74. “In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine.”

75. “I am the child who is born out of the incestuous marriage of art and money.”

76. “Art is never chaste. It ought to be forbidden to ignorant innocents, never allowed into contact with those not sufficiently prepared. Yes, art is dangerous.”

77. “Give me a forum, and I’ll give you a controversy.”

78. “It’s not what you paint but how you paint it.”

79. “The one thing the world will never have enough of is the outrageous.”

80. “Good artists borrow, great artists steal.”

81. “A picture used to be a sum of additions. In my case, a picture is a sum of destructions.”

82. “I don’t paint things. I only paint the difference between things.”

83. “When we discovered Cubism, we did not have the aim of discovering Cubism. We only wanted to express what was in us.”

84. “When art critics get together, they talk about Form and Structure and Meaning. When artists get together, they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine.”

85. “You must not be afraid of making mistakes. Mistakes are never a crime in art.”

86. “You must forget all your theories, all your ideas before the subject. What part of these is really your own will be expressed in your expression.”

87. “It is not up to the painter to define the symbols. Otherwise, it would be better if he wrote them out in so many words! The public who look at the picture must interpret the symbols as they understand them.”

88. “Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? No. Just as one can never learn how to paint.”

89. “Give me some mud and I will paint you a picture of a woman.”

90. “There is no such thing as a mistake in art.”

91. “A work of art is the trace of a magnificent struggle.”

92. “Every positive value has its price in negative terms. The genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.”

93. “The more technique you have, the less you have to worry about it. The more technique there is, the less there is.”

94. “The one thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration.”

95. “One does a whole painting for one peach and people think just the opposite – that particular peach is but a detail.”

96. “The more I paint, the more I like everything.”

97. “Everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that one does not dissolve in one’s bath like a lump of sugar.”

98. “What might be taken for a precocious genius is the genius of childhood. When the child grows up, it disappears without a trace. It may happen that this boy will become a real painter someday, or even a great painter. But then he will have to begin everything again, from zero.”

99. “You must forget all your theories, all your ideas before the subject. What part of these is really your own will be expressed in your expression.”

100. “Sculpture is the art of the intelligence.”

Pablo Picasso Picture Quote Soul

101. “I am only an entertainer who has understood his time.”

102. “Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed.”

103. “Give me a lamp and a place to stand, and I will move the world.”

104. “An idea is a point of departure and no more. As soon as you elaborate, it becomes transformed by thought.”

105. “The hidden harmony is better than the obvious.”

106. “When I die, it will be a shipwreck, and as when a huge ship sinks, many people all around will be sucked down with it.”

107. “Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.”

108. “Sculpture is the best comment that a painter can make on painting.”

109. “I paint just as I breathe.”

110. “When I work I relax; doing nothing or entertaining visitors makes me tired.”

111. “I never do a painting as a work of art. All of them are researches.”

112. “I search incessantly and there is a logical sequence in all this research.”

113. “I attempt to observe nature, always. I am intent on resemblance, and resemblance more real than the real, attaining the surreal.”

114. “For my part I always aim at likeness.… For me surreality is nothing else, never has been anything else, than that deep likeness far beyond the shapes and colors of immediate appearance.”

115. “I have only one thought: work.”

116. “In art, the mass of people no longer seek consolation and exaltation but whatever is new, odd, original, extravagant, or scandalous.”

117. “By amusing myself with all these games, rebuses, and arabesques I became famous, famous very quickly.”

118. “But when I am quite alone I have not the courage to think of myself as an artist in the ancient, splendid sense of the word.”

119. “In the course of my reading I have necessarily waded through thick clouds of interpretative Teutonic metaphysics and a great deal of homespun psychology.”

120. “Where do I get this power of creating and forming? I don’t know.”

121. “The man in the glass cannot make himself out.”

122. “Even if he had been as fluent as Bossuet no amount of words could have said so much, nor so accurately, as a single picture.”

123. “Painting is a blind man’s profession. He paints not what he sees, but what he feels, what he tells himself about what he has seen.”

124. “There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward, you can remove all traces of reality.”

125. “Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.”

126. “Art is the most beautiful of all lies.”

127. “It is not what an artist does that counts, but what he is.”

128. “Give me a museum, and I’ll fill it.”

129. “When art critics get together, they talk about Form and Structure and Meaning. When artists get together, they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine.”

130. “It’s not what you paint but how you paint it.”

131. “You must not be afraid of making mistakes. Mistakes are never a crime in art.”

132. “The one thing the world will never have enough of is the outrageous.”

133. “In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine.”

134. “A picture used to be a sum of additions. In my case, a picture is a sum of destructions.”

135. “An idea is a point of departure and no more. As soon as you elaborate, it becomes transformed by thought.”

136. “The hidden harmony is better than the obvious.”

137. “What might be taken for a precocious genius is the genius of childhood. When the child grows up, it disappears without a trace. It may happen that this boy will become a real painter someday, or even a great painter. But then he will have to begin everything again, from zero.”

138. “When we discovered Cubism, we did not have the aim of discovering Cubism. We only wanted to express what was in us.”

139. “Every positive value has its price in negative terms. The genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.”

140. “The more technique you have, the less you have to worry about it. The more technique there is, the less there is.”

141. “The one thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration.”

142. “One does a whole painting for one peach and people think just the opposite – that particular peach is but a detail.”

143. “The more I paint, the more I like everything.”

144. “Everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that one does not dissolve in one’s bath like a lump of sugar.”

145. “What might be taken for a precocious genius is the genius of childhood. When the child grows up, it disappears without a trace. It may happen that this boy will become a real painter someday, or even a great painter. But then he will have to begin everything again, from zero.”

146. “Art is the most effective mode of communication that exists.”

147. “Art is the lie that makes us see the truth.”

148. “Every act of creation is, first of all, an act of destruction.”

149. “An idea is a point of departure and no more. As soon as you elaborate, it becomes transformed by thought.”

150. “Art is the lie that makes us realize the truth.”

Pablo Picasso Inspiration Picture Quote

151. “It is your work in life that is the ultimate seduction.”

152. “There is no such thing as a mistake in art.”

153. “Success is dangerous. One begins to copy oneself, and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others. It leads to sterility.”

154. “To copy others is necessary, but to copy oneself is pathetic.”

155. “We don’t grow older; we grow riper.”

156. “Art is not the application of a canon of beauty but what the instinct and the brain can conceive beyond any canon.”

157. “You mustn’t always believe what I say. Questions tempt you to tell lies, particularly when there is no answer.”

158. “Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.”

159. “Give me a lamp and a place to stand, and I will move the world.”

160. “An idea is a point of departure and no more. As soon as you elaborate, it becomes transformed by thought.”

161. “The hidden harmony is better than the obvious.”

162. “What might be taken for a precocious genius is the genius of childhood. When the child grows up, it disappears without a trace. It may happen that this boy will become a real painter someday, or even a great painter. But then he will have to begin everything again, from zero.”

163. “Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.”

164. “It’s not what you paint but how you paint it.”

165. “When we discovered Cubism, we did not have the aim of discovering Cubism. We only wanted to express what was in us.”

166. “When art critics get together, they talk about Form and Structure and Meaning. When artists get together, they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine.”

167. “You must not be afraid of making mistakes. Mistakes are never a crime in art.”

168. “You must forget all your theories, all your ideas before the subject. What part of these is really your own will be expressed in your expression.”

169. “It is not up to the painter to define the symbols. Otherwise, it would be better if he wrote them out in so many words! The public who look at the picture must interpret the symbols as they understand them.”

170. “A picture used to be a sum of additions. In my case, a picture is a sum of destructions.”

171. “Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? No. Just as one can never learn how to paint.”

172. “Give me some mud and I will paint you a picture of a woman.”

173. “There is no such thing as a mistake in art.”

174. “A work of art is the trace of a magnificent struggle.”

175. “The one thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration.”

176. “The more technique you have, the less you have to worry about it. The more technique there is, the less there is.”


Which of these Pablo Picasso Quotes did you find to be the most inspirational?

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15 Business Lessons From Napoleon’s Playbook Tue, 04 Jun 2024 18:33:20 +0000 Unleash your business potential by harnessing Napoleon’s strategic genius. From dreaming big and thinking bold to moving fast and staying agile, these time-tested tactics are your blueprint for success. Learn how creative leadership, detailed planning, and relentless execution can transform your business landscape. Boost morale, lead with clarity, and embrace hard work to conquer your […]

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Unleash your business potential by harnessing Napoleon’s strategic genius.

From dreaming big and thinking bold to moving fast and staying agile, these time-tested tactics are your blueprint for success.

Learn how creative leadership, detailed planning, and relentless execution can transform your business landscape. Boost morale, lead with clarity, and embrace hard work to conquer your industry.

Don’t just survive—thrive with the power of Napoleon’s lessons.

Here are 15 Powerful Lessons You Can Learn From Napoleon Bonaparte


1. Dream Big, Think Bold

Napoleon wasn’t just playing small; he believed that “Imagination rules the world.” In the business world, boldness and creativity are game-changers. Don’t just aim to fit in—push boundaries and set ambitious goals that make you stand out.

Think of Steve Jobs, who didn’t just want to make computers; he wanted to revolutionize entire industries. Your vision should be so grand it almost feels unreachable. When you dream big, you inspire those around you to believe in the impossible and work together to achieve extraordinary outcomes.

2. Move Fast, Stay Agile

Napoleon’s quick and secretive moves gave him an edge. In business, you gotta be nimble. Adapt quickly, move fast, and you’ll often find yourself ahead of the game, capturing opportunities your competitors miss.

Companies like Amazon and Tesla thrive because they constantly innovate and pivot when needed. Speed is your friend; it allows you to react to market changes and customer demands faster than the competition, ensuring you remain relevant and ahead of the curve.

3. Creative Leadership

Napoleon thrived on chaos and wasn’t afraid to switch things up. Unlike rigid leaders, he was flexible and adaptive. In business, embrace change and let chaos work for you. Being adaptable can turn unpredictable situations into opportunities.

Think of how Netflix transitioned from DVD rentals to a streaming giant. Flexibility and creativity in leadership allow you to navigate through turmoil and emerge stronger, transforming challenges into stepping stones.


4. Organize Like a Pro

Napoleon’s mind was like a supercomputer, processing vast amounts of info to make smart moves. Businesses should do the same—stay organized, use real-time data, and adapt strategies based on fresh insights to keep that competitive edge.

Utilize modern tools like CRM systems, analytics software, and AI to manage information efficiently. Staying organized and informed means you can make better decisions, foresee potential issues, and react promptly.


5. Keep It Simple

Napoleon knew the power of simplicity. Overcomplicating things can bog you down. In business, streamline processes and focus on what truly matters to hit your goals efficiently.

Apple’s product design philosophy under Jobs was about simplicity and user-friendliness.When you remove unnecessary complexity, you reduce errors, speed up processes, and make it easier for your team to focus on what’s important, driving efficiency and effectiveness.


6. Execute Relentlessly

Once Napoleon decided on a course of action, he went all in. In business, once you pick a direction, pursue it with full commitment. Execution is where success is truly made.

Look at how Elon Musk commits to his vision for SpaceX and Tesla. Relentless execution means overcoming obstacles, staying focused on your goals, and not getting distracted by setbacks. It’s the determination and persistence in execution that ultimately leads to triumph.


7. Play to Your Strengths

Napoleon only fought battles he knew he could win. In business, focus on your strengths and avoid head-to-head fights in areas where you’re weak. Know your advantages and leverage them.

Microsoft leverages its strength in software development and cloud services rather than trying to compete directly in hardware. Understanding and maximizing your strengths ensures you play a game you can win, using your unique capabilities to outshine competitors.


8. Plan in Detail

Napoleon planned for every possible scenario. Businesses should do the same—conduct thorough planning and prepare for various outcomes.

Detailed planning helps you stay ready for anything. Scenario planning and SWOT analysis are tools that can help you foresee different futures and prepare accordingly. When you’re prepared for multiple scenarios, you can adapt smoothly and continue to drive forward, no matter what challenges arise.


9. Seize Opportunities

Napoleon saw luck as the ability to capitalize on accidents. In business, be prepared and ready to grab unexpected opportunities. Agility is key.

Companies like Uber and Airbnb seized gaps in the market by being ready to pounce on opportunities when they arose. Always be on the lookout for opportunities, and when they come, don’t hesitate. Preparation and readiness to act quickly can turn unexpected moments into major breakthroughs.


10. Learn from the Past

Napoleon studied the greats who came before him. Entrepreneurs should always be learning from the successes and failures of others. History is full of lessons waiting to be applied.

Warren Buffett is famous for studying businesses and market histories. By learning from the past, you can avoid repeating mistakes, understand what works, and build on proven strategies. Continuous learning from history helps refine your strategies and improve decision-making.


11. Boost Morale

Napoleon knew how to keep his troops motivated. Business leaders should do the same—keep your team inspired and engaged. High morale leads to high productivity.

Companies like Google and Salesforce invest heavily in employee well-being and motivation. When your team feels valued and motivated, they are more productive, innovative, and loyal. High morale fosters a positive work environment where people are excited to contribute and excel.


12. Lead with Clarity

Napoleon believed in the power of a strong, decisive leader. In business, clear direction and strong leadership are crucial. Ensure everyone knows the plan and follows it.

Leaders like Jeff Bezos provide a clear vision and direction, ensuring their teams know what they’re working towards. Clear, decisive leadership aligns your team, fosters trust, and drives coordinated efforts towards achieving your business goals.


13. Reflect on Failures

Napoleon analyzed both his wins and losses. Businesses should review their successes and failures to keep improving. Learn from mistakes to avoid repeating them.

Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Associates emphasizes the importance of learning from failure in his book Principles. By conducting post-mortems, you can understand what went wrong, make necessary adjustments, and continuously refine your strategies to avoid future pitfalls and drive success.


14. Action-Oriented

Napoleon was all about turning thoughts into actions. In business, decisiveness and execution are vital. Don’t just plan—act on those plans with energy and determination.

Entrepreneurs like Richard Branson embody this principle by constantly moving from ideas to actions. Action orientation ensures that you don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis but instead drive forward, making things happen and turning visions into reality.


15. Embrace Hard Work

Napoleon lived and breathed work, saying, “Work is my element; I am born and built for work.”

In business, a strong work ethic and relentless dedication are key to success. Think of how Howard Schultz rebuilt Starbucks through sheer hard work and determination. Embracing hard work means being willing to put in the necessary effort, staying dedicated to your mission, and continuously pushing towards your goals, no matter the challenges.


By implementing these lessons from Napoleon, businesses can sharpen their strategies, strengthen leadership, and execute with precision, driving sustained success.

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Keep Any Project on Track With These 5 Strategies Mon, 03 Jun 2024 20:43:16 +0000 Planning and executing a project is crucial to its success.

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For every company it is important to keep developing and growing. To do so, there are many ways a business can continuously grow.

One of these methods is by having multiple projects running. Starting a project can be a challenging task, but once a project runs smoothly, it is also a very exciting task. But what is the best way to set up a project as a company? You have to take different aspects into account and anticipate different situations. 

In this article, we will discuss five tips that can help you keep your projects running smoothly.

1. Create clear goals

Just as with every other project, it is important to set clear and reachable goals. These goals should satisfy a number of aspects. First of all, they should be measurable. By making the goals measurable, you and your team will know when a goal has been reached. 

It is important that you do an initial measurement and a final measurement, so you know if and when progress has been made. In addition, formulated goals should be realistic. By setting realistic goals, you can work more efficiently and effectively. When a goal seems unrealistic, it can reduce motivation because the goal seems so far away.

Setting reachable goals is not only important for the project itself but also for the team. The project goals will also make sure that everyone who is working on the project has the same direction for the project in mind. 

Now everyone knows what they want to achieve and can think of how they can achieve it.

2. Make use of software

Besides setting clear and realistic goals, it is also important to use different software. Using project management software allows you, your project members and your company to streamline communication, distribute tasks and track progress. This gives a good understanding of the current state of the project. 

Furthermore you and your team can track the current progress and see how far the goals are from being reached. Monitoring the project progress is essential to ensure that everything is on track. 

There are different online platforms that could help you and your team to streamline communication. The best part about using an online platform is that everyone can always have access to it. 

Maybe some employees work at home for a couple of days in the week, this will be no problem when using online software. 

3. Keep communicating well

Having good communication is important in every company and project. Not having clear communication, team members and stakeholders could feel detached to the project and therefore your company. 

By communicating structured with the team, they can keep each other up to date on the status of different projects, furthermore you can help each other if needed and ensure that everyone stays involved in the project.

It could be a smart move to assign one person to manage the communication within the project. This person will be responsible for streamlining the communication and informing everyone regularly about the progress. 

By doing so, everyone will know who to talk to when they would want some more information about the project or have some specific questions.

4. Risk Management

There are risks associated with every project. The bigger the project, the more risks are involved. It is therefore very important that you recognise and acknowledge potential risks at an early stage. This is where risk management can help you. 

By writing down potential risks, you identify what could possibly go wrong. After this, you can develop a plan on how you want to mitigate each risk. By performing good risk management, you show that you know what you are doing. 

This keeps the motivation of your project members high. So it is very important that you regularly identify potential risks and adjust your course if necessary.

Also for this matter, it can be important to assign one person to be responsible for risk management. This person can develop him or herself to learn about risk management and to follow different courses on how to prevent risks. 

It is important that one person is the responsible person who can be contacted by stakeholders or interested to learn more about the project.

5. Flexibility

Having flexibility in a project can be a very important aspect in a project. Every project involves risks, therefore unexpected changes, potential delays, challenges and extra costs can occur. It is therefore important to be able to adapt the project and the team to changes in the planning. 

It is therefore also important that everyone is resistant to changes and can handle uncertain situations. Try to collaborate with flexible and open minded people that are proactive and want the project to succeed.

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How to Use Reflective Thinking to Transform Your Life Fri, 31 May 2024 21:00:15 +0000 Clarity of mind is the key to success in the contemporary world

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The world has become so fast that people don’t find time to take care of their families. People don’t find time to think through other than their deadlines.  People have become very busy indeed!  Everybody says I’m busy.

What is the solution? Why did God give us life?  Is there any meaning to such life where we constantly struggle for something that most of the time found to be meaningless?

In this regard, let us concentrate on the concept of reflective thinking as it provides solutions for several evils in society and pressures in today’s life. 

What is Reflective Thinking (RT)?

John Dewey coined the concept “reflective thought” in 1910 in his work captioned How We Think, for Teachers.  He defines reflective thinking as “Active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusion to which it tends” (Dewey,1933). 

However, the concept has undergone a lot of modifications over some time.  RT sounds like a thinking chair—a practice by John C. Maxwell that allows thinking through silently in clearing the clutter and making decisions. 

Reflective thinking is reflecting on what you do for your progress.  It polishes your approach to reach your goals faster.  It paves the way for your success.  It is one of the ingredients for your smart work. 

Reflective thinking is beyond introspection.  It involves analyzing the current trends and patterns in the mind. It streamlines your mind by removing irrelevant and outdated ideas and insights thus allowing more space to accept and accommodate new ones.  

It is like deleting the waste files and replacing them with wanted files in any computer system. 

It provides breathing space to your mind.  As people find it hard to breathe properly due to pressures, they find it hard to think as well.  Therefore, reflective thinking is an effective tool for reflecting and thinking through new ideas.  

It enhances your creativity.  There is tremendous potential in this concept to utilize your vast human potential.

Advantages of reflection

If people spend a little time in reflective thinking they can find their personal and professional lives to be more meaningful and productive. At times people pursue routine activities without taking stock of the situation resulting in outdated practices and ending up nowhere. 

Here are some advantages of reflective thinking. 

  • Reflection makes life meaningful.  We get out of outdated practices and habits.  
  • Reflection helps you analyze your areas of strengths and weaknesses. It helps you realize where you stand in terms of your performance. It provides you with the right feedback.  Like solitude, reflection helps you take stock of the situation. 
  • It provides you with growth opportunities. 
  • Whenever you face challenges you can adopt this tool to find appropriate ideas. 
  • It removes confusion and clutter from your mind thus providing you clarity in mind. 
  • It helps in problem-solving.
  • Above all, it manages your time effectively.

Hence, spend some time in solitude to reflect your mind. Your mind goes for self-introspection and reflects your thoughts effectively for behavioral changes. 

Daniel Patrick Forrester rightly refers to the importance of reflective thinking as follows: “It was said that Thomas Edison would often take his fishing rod, sit at the end of the pier, cast away, and then just sit there for hours. However, he would never put any bait on his hook. He didn’t want to catch any fish. What he wanted to do was to sit there uninterrupted, just reflecting on the issues of the day, on his work, or on whatever else came into his mind. He knew that if he looked as if he were fishing, no one would bother him, so he could reflect uninterrupted. All he wanted to do was catch ideas.”

Edison signed many pictures for friends and admirers filled with the visionaries’ advice. To one friend he said, “All things come to him who hustles while he waits. Your friend, Thomas Edison.” Therefore, it becomes clear that great people spend some time reflecting on their thoughts. 

Reflection and Information Overload

The invention of the internet led to information overload.  People think less and reflect less as a lot of information is available to them on a platter.  

They are often confused between what to choose and reject.  By the way, what do you mean by information overload?  Let us find out. 

The term ‘Information Overload‘ was coined by Alvin Toffler much before the internet revolution.  It is about giving excess information that clutters the human mind and confuses people. It prevents people from understanding the real content.  Sometimes it deviates from the main topic and area of interest.  

John C. Maxwell reveals in his book Success, “More new information has been produced in the last thirty years than in the previous five thousand.  A single weekday edition of the New York Times contains more information than most people in seventeenth-century England were likely to encounter in their lifetimes.” 

Reflection and Contribution

Reflection is beyond introspection.  It is an imaginative inquiry.  Everybody must reflect on how much difference is made to society.  It is talking to oneself and inner self.  How far an individual is useful to himself and others?  

What value is an individual adding? What difference does an individual make for others?  If everybody reflects then there will be all-round peace and prosperity universally.

Reflection paves the way for progress.  It paves the way for success. It breaks the traditional barriers and limitations.  It makes people stretch beyond their capabilities and competencies. It develops human potential.  It raises your dreams and aspirations.  It bridges the gap between aspirations and accomplishments. 

Reflection is a powerful tool for promoting human potential.

The human mind is a powerful device.  It has huge potential and man does not use it fully. Man must learn to use it properly.  Reflective thinking comes in handy in using the human mind and potential properly.  

In addition, clarity of mind is the key to success in the contemporary world. By reflective thinking, you remove clutter from your mind and that helps you simplify and overcome many obstacles in your life paving the way for your success.

Viktor Frankl wrote Man’s Search for Meaning long ago.  Now it is time again to search for meaning in one’s life by introspection, removing clutter, managing time, caring for your family and friends, and making a difference in this great human civilization. 

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10 Ways Your Life is Like a Video Game Fri, 31 May 2024 02:37:29 +0000 Watch this amazing TED presentation by Steve Kamb to find out how you can live your life like an awesome video game. Steve Kamb has taken his online business to another level and experienced some mind blowing things all because of the way he sees life. Steve has applied the most addicting and enjoyable aspects of video game culture […]

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Watch this amazing TED presentation by Steve Kamb to find out how you can live your life like an awesome video game.

Steve Kamb has taken his online business to another level and experienced some mind blowing things all because of the way he sees life. Steve has applied the most addicting and enjoyable aspects of video game culture to leveling up in real life, culminating in his worldwide Epic Quest of Awesome.

Here’s how Steve Kamb, founder of Nerd Fitness, often compares life to a video game and his perspective for you:

  1. Leveling Up: Think of your life like a character in an RPG. Each day, you’re grinding experience points. Whether you’re learning a new skill, hitting the gym, or tackling a project, you’re leveling up your stats.
  2. Quests and Side Missions: Your goals are like main quests in a game, but don’t ignore the side missions. These are the hobbies, adventures, and passions that make life richer and more enjoyable.
  3. Health Bar: Just like in games, your health bar matters. You need to take care of your body with proper nutrition, exercise, and rest to avoid burnout and stay in peak condition.
  4. Inventory Management: Your time, energy, and resources are limited. Manage them wisely. Keep your inventory clutter-free by focusing on what truly matters and dropping what doesn’t serve you.
  5. Boss Battles: Challenges and obstacles are like boss battles. They’re tough, but they’re designed to test your skills and push you to grow. Embrace them and learn from each defeat.
  6. Guilds and Parties: You don’t have to go solo. Surround yourself with a supportive crew, your guild or party, who can help you, provide advice, and make the journey more fun.
  7. Unlocking Achievements: Celebrate your victories, big and small. Achievements aren’t just for gamers; acknowledging your progress keeps you motivated and focused.
  8. Character Customization: Personal development is like customizing your character. Invest in yourself, refine your strengths, and work on your weaknesses to become the best version of you.
  9. Exploration: Don’t just stick to the main storyline. Explore new areas, try new things, and step out of your comfort zone. The world is vast and full of opportunities.
  10. Game Over?: There’s no real game over until it’s all over. If you fail, respawn, learn from your mistakes, and try again. Every setback is just another chance to improve and come back stronger.

Life, much like a video game, is an adventure full of opportunities to grow, learn, and have fun. So, grab your controller and start playing to win!


Steve Kamb – Treating Life As A Video Game

Checkout Steve Kamb’s Awesome Blog:

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The Real X-Factor of Leadership Success Thu, 30 May 2024 20:05:52 +0000 In the world of leadership, there’s a common misconception that empathy is a soft skill

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In the world of leadership, there’s a common misconception that empathy is a soft skill — a trait that some leaders possess but isn’t essential for success. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

Far from being a fleeting trend or superficial attribute, empathy is a fundamental aspect of effective leadership — a timeless principle that transcends industry, culture, and organizational context. 

It’s important to recognize that empathy is not synonymous with weakness or vulnerability. On the contrary, empathy is a strength — a source of power and influence for great leaders. 

Leaders who demonstrate empathy are better equipped to inspire, motivate, and mobilize their teams towards shared goals. 

Empathetic leaders are adept at building meaningful connections with others, navigating complex interpersonal dynamics, and driving positive change within their organizations.

Empathy is more than just a buzzword — it’s a guiding principle, a moral compass, and a catalyst for meaningful change within organizations. 

Empathy is synonymous with compassion, understanding, sensitivity, and kindness, and is fundamental to meaningful relationships and effective communication within organizations.

The ability to understand and share the feelings of others is not only a fundamental aspect of effective leadership but also a critical driver of organizational success. 

By embracing empathy as a cornerstone of their leadership philosophy, aspirational leaders are able to not only unlock the full potential of their teams, but drive lasting impact in the world. 

Great leaders understand that their success is intrinsically tied to the well-being and engagement of their teams. 

When leaders demonstrate empathy, they foster trust, respect, and psychological safety among their team members and create an environment where individuals feel valued, heard, and supported. 

Employees feel understood and appreciated, and consequently are more engaged, motivated, and committed to achieving shared goals.

These are among the many ways that empathy serves as the X-factor of leadership success:

1. Drives innovation

Empathy is a powerful tool for driving innovation and problem-solving within organizations. Empathetic leaders appreciate the unique challenges and perspectives of their team members. 

In doing so, these leaders harness the collective wisdom of the group, which leads to more creative solutions and better outcomes. Empathy enables leaders to anticipate potential roadblocks, identify opportunities for improvement, and inspire a culture of continuous learning and growth.

2. Aids in conflict resolution

Empathy is essential for effective conflict resolution and relationship management. In any organization, conflicts and disagreements are inevitable. 

However, empathetic leaders approach these challenges by seeking to understand the underlying causes of conflict and finding mutually beneficial resolutions. They engage in active listening and acknowledge the perspectives of all parties involved. 

By demonstrating empathy and compassion, these leaders are able to de-escalate tensions and build consensus.

3. Enhances employee engagement

Empathy is a key driver of organizational culture and employee engagement. Research consistently shows that employees who perceive their leaders as empathetic and caring are more satisfied with their jobs and more likely to go above and beyond in their roles. 

Conversely, organizations that lack empathetic leadership may experience higher turnover rates, lower morale, and decreased productivity. 

By prioritizing empathy, leaders cultivate a culture of engagement in which employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to thrive.

The notion that great leaders can succeed without empathy is a fallacy. Empathy is a critical competency that distinguishes exceptional leaders from merely good ones. 

From fostering meaningful relationships and driving innovation to resolving conflicts and cultivating a positive organizational culture, empathy is indispensable for effective leadership. 

As Theodore Roosevelt  said, “Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”

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20 Creative Ways To Make Money From Home Thu, 30 May 2024 15:03:51 +0000 The idea of making money from home at your own pace without having to worry about an employer is appealing to many. However, people tend to think that most home-based careers are just a scam, but this is not true. Not all home based careers are a lie, there are actually plenty of reliable and […]

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The idea of making money from home at your own pace without having to worry about an employer is appealing to many. However, people tend to think that most home-based careers are just a scam, but this is not true. Not all home based careers are a lie, there are actually plenty of reliable and authentic ways to make money online or at home.

This article shall answer the questions on how to make money from home by giving you 10 very different and well researched ideas.


How To Make Money From Home


1. Freelance writing

Writing Online Articles - Make Money From HomeIf you have a passion for writing and feel that you can really be creative and do a good job, then freelancing may just be your niche. There are many places that a freelancer can put their skills to action such as Upwork, FreelanceSwitch, ArticleTeller and eLance just to name a few.

You can also go a step further and create your own blog and make money from selling advertising space.



2. Become An Online Personal Trainer

Make Money From Home Personal TrainerIf you’re a fitness fanatic who lives and breathes workouts, why not take your passion online?

With tools like Zoom, Skype, email, and social media, you can coach clients from your home gym. Promote yourself on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and your own website.

Online coaching means no more rushing through traffic or juggling an overloaded schedule.




3. Sell art From home

Make Money From Home Sell ArtThis is for those who have an artistic side. You can make money in sites such as where you can sell your stuff to shoppers all around the world for a percent traction fee.

Another site is CaféPress where you can design and sell you wares at the comfort of your home.



4. Run Your own retail store online

Make Money From Home With shopifyMore and more people nowadays are buying products online, why would you go to the hassles of travelling to the city to buy your favorite products, clothes and trinkets when you can find it all in just a couple clicks online?

Some retail businesses have even stated that when they took their business online that they where making 3x – 5x the profit and where even able to simplify and streamline their business. Wouldn’t you like to run your very own online retail store? Well, that is where Shopify comes in. They have all the tools you need to setup an online retail store with a shopping cart and a great layout.

Start selling your favorite products or your own creations online today so you can start to make money from home.


5. Become a product tester

Product Testers Make Money From HomeIf you are one of those people that always wants to have the newest items in the market this is a great field for you.

Many companies are looking for people who can test and market their products all while making money from home then these are the following sites to look at:, and



6. Rent out the extra room in your home

airbnb make money from homeThis is for those who love meeting new people. You can make quite a good amount of money doing so. There are many overnight travellers who are always looking for a comfortable bed and breakfast.

You can list your space at AirBnB if you want such a career.



7. Telecommute from your own home office

telecommute jobs make money from offers 100’s to 1000’s of jobs for those looking at working from their own home office. Mainly telecommunication jobs with part-time and casual positions throughout the week. They have helped over 200,000 people in their job search and currently have about 15,000 active job seekers using their service.

Flexjobs is a service you pay $14.95 a month to use. That fee gives access to 7,000 pre-screened jobs that offer some flexibility. Again, you’re paying for a service, not a job, but this is well worth it if you have the setup and need the flexibility to work from home.


8. Tutor from home

become tutor online and make money from homeIf you are an expert in any field for example: music, cooking, health, science, math etc. you can make money from home by offering to teach others online.

On a site like you can apply to become a part-time tutor for libraries, schools and institutes of higher education.



9. Become an online juror

Juror Service online make money from homeMany companies will pay you good money to sit on mock juries. The importance of an online jury is to give the attorneys some feedback on the cases they are handling. The cases are real and your verdict gives them an idea of what might happen in a real case.

You can sign up for such a job in places like and



10. Tailor

Tailor From Home Make Money From HomeThe fact is everyone wears clothes and if you can sew then you have a wide range of options. You can fit into a career of alterations and design; invest your skills into making custom-fit clothes, wedding clothes or any special attire.

Other opportunities out there include making totes and bags, curtains, cushions, custom bedding and chair cushions among many others.


+ 10 More Ways to Make Money From Home

  1. Virtual Assistant

Busy professionals and businesses need help with tasks like email management, scheduling, and social media. As a virtual assistant, you can offer these services from home. Check out Upwork, Zirtual, and Virtual Assistant Jobs to find clients.

  1. Create and Sell Online Courses

Got expertise in a particular area? Create online courses and sell them on platforms like Udemy, Teachable, and Skillshare. This can become a steady source of passive income.

  1. Participate in Online Surveys

Share your opinions and get paid for it by participating in online surveys. Websites like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, and Vindale Research offer easy ways to earn from home.

  1. Dropshipping Business

Start a dropshipping business where you sell products without holding inventory. Platforms like Shopify and Oberlo make it easy to set up an online store and manage orders.

  1. Affiliate Marketing

Promote other people’s products and earn commissions through affiliate marketing. Use your blog, YouTube channel, or social media to share referral links from programs like Amazon Associates, ClickBank, and ShareASale.

  1. Stock Photography

If you have a talent for photography, sell your photos online. Platforms like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, and Getty Images allow you to earn royalties every time your photos are downloaded.

  1. Transcription Services

Convert audio and video recordings into text by offering transcription services. Industries like legal, medical, and media need transcriptionists, and websites like Rev, TranscribeMe, and Scribie can help you find work.

  1. Proofreading and Editing

If you have a keen eye for detail and strong grammar skills, offer proofreading and editing services. Authors, students, and businesses need their documents polished. Websites like and Gramlee can connect you with clients.

  1. Pet Sitting and Dog Walking

Love animals? Offer pet sitting or dog walking services to pet owners who need help. Websites like Rover and can help you find clients in your area.

  1. Voiceover Work

If you have a clear and pleasant voice, consider voiceover work for commercials, audiobooks, and more. Websites like and Fiverr offer opportunities to get started in this growing field.



No matter what you decide to do your room to grow is endless. Find something that you are at least passionate about and start selling, working with, creating, or teaching whatever it is you plan to do.

In the end it will be worth the lower stress and having the comfortability of making money from your own home. Plus if you are living in LA right now like I am, then it is a great way of avoiding the chaotic traffic in the morning and afternoon and that in itself is an opportunity worth chasing.


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7 Habits of Highly Effective Mediocre People Tue, 28 May 2024 22:32:06 +0000 The following article is by a highly interesting author by the name of James Altucher, who outlines the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Mediocre People. With a plethora of great points and amazing lessons to learn, read on my friends and you’ll see why it may not be so bad after all to consider yourself […]

The post 7 Habits of Highly Effective Mediocre People appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

The following article is by a highly interesting author by the name of James Altucher, who outlines the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Mediocre People. With a plethora of great points and amazing lessons to learn, read on my friends and you’ll see why it may not be so bad after all to consider yourself as “Mediocre“.

The following is an excerpt from Choose Yourself: Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream by James Altucher,  founder of  StockPickr,  and writer for TechCrunch, HuffPo, and Forbes.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Mediocre People


I’m pretty mediocre. I’m not even being sarcastic or self-deprecating. I’ve never done anything that stands out as, “Woah! This guy made it into outer space! Or…this guy has a bestselling novel! Or…if only Google had thought of this!” I’ve had some successes and some failures but never reached any of the goals I had initially set. Always slipped off along the way, off the yellow brick road, into the wilderness.

I’ve started a bunch of companies. Sold some. Failed at most. I’ve invested in a bunch of startups. Sold some. Failed at some, and the jury is still sequestered on a few others. I’ve written some books, most of which I no longer like. I can tell you overall, though, everything I have done has been distinguished by its mediocrity, its lack of a grand vision, and any success I’ve had can be just as much put in the luck basket as the effort basket.

That said, all people should be so lucky. We can’t all be grand visionaries. We can’t all be Picassos. We want to make our business, make our art, sell it, make some money, raise a family, and try to be happy. My feeling, based on my own experience, is that aiming for grandiosity is the fastest route to failure. For every Mark Zuckerberg there are 1000 Jack Zuckermans. Who is Jack Zuckerman? I have no idea. That’s my point. If you are Jack Zuckerman and are reading this, I apologize. You aimed for the stars and missed. Your re-entry into the atmosphere involved a broken heat shield and you burned to a crisp by the time you hit the ocean. Now we have no idea who you are.

If you want to get rich, sell your company, have time for your hobbies, raise a halfway decent family, and enjoy the sunset with your wife on occasion, here are some of my highly effective recommendations.


1 – Procrastination

Procrastination is your body telling you you need to back off a bit and think more about what you are doing. When you procrastinate as an entrepreneur it could mean that you need a bit more time to think about what you are pitching a client. It could also mean you are doing work that is not your forte and that you are better off delegating. I find that many entrepreneurs are trying to do everything when it would be cheaper and more time-efficient to delegate, even if there are up front monetary costs associated with that. In my first business, it was like a lightbulb went off in my head the first time I delegated a programming job to someone other than me. Why did I decide finally to delegate then at that particular point? I had a hot date. Which was infinitely better than me sweating all night on some stupid programming bug.

Try to figure out why you are procrastinating. Maybe you need to brainstorm more to improve an idea. Maybe the idea is no good as is. Maybe you need to delegate. Maybe you need to learn more. Maybe you don’t enjoy what you are doing. Maybe you don’t like the client whose project you were just working on. Maybe you need to take a break. There’s only so many seconds in a row you can think about something before you need to take time off and rejuvenate the creative muscles. This is not for everyone. Great people can storm right through. Steve Jobs never needed to take a break. But I do.

Procrastination could also be a strong sign that you are a perfectionist. That you are filled with shame issues. This will block you from building and selling your business. Examine your procrastination from every side. It’s your body trying to tell you something. Listen to it.


2 – Zero-tasking

There’s a common myth that great people can multi-task efficiently. This might be true but I can’t do it. I have statistical proof. I have a serious addiction. If you ever talk on the phone with me there’s almost a 100% chance I am simultaneously playing chess online. The phone rings and one hand reaches for the phone and the other hand reaches for the computer to initiate a one minute game. Chess rankings are based on a statistically generated rating system. So I can compare easily how well I do when I’m on the phone compared with when I’m not on the phone. There is a three standard deviation difference. Imagine if I were talking on the phone and driving. It’s the same thing I’m assuming: phone calls cause a three standard deviation subtraction in intelligence. And that’s the basic multi-tasking we all do at some point or other.

So great people can multi-task. But since, by definition, most of us are not great , it’s much better to single-task. Just do one thing at a time.

Often, the successful mediocre entrepreneur should strive for excellence in ZERO-tasking. Do nothing. We always feel like we have to be “doing something” or we feel ashamed. Sometimes it’s better to just be quiet, to not think of anything at all. A very successful, self-made businessman once told me, “Never underestimate the power of a long, protracted silence.”


3 – Failure

As far as I can tell, Larry Page has never failed. He went straight from graduate school to billions. Ditto for Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and a few others. But again, by definition, most of us are pretty mediocre. We can strive for greatness but we will never hit it. That means we will often fail. Not ALWAYS fail. But often.

My last 16 out of 17 business attempts were failures. Ultimately, life is a sentence of failures, punctuated only by the briefest of successes. So the mediocre entrepreneur learns two things from failure: First, he learns directly how to overcome that particular failure. He’s highly motivated to not repeat the same mistakes. Second, he learns how to deal with the psychology of failure. Mediocre entrepreneurs fail A LOT. So they get this incredible skill of getting really good at dealing with failure. This translates to monetary success.

The mediocre entrepreneur understands that persistence is not the self-help cliché “Keep going until you hit the finish line!” It’s, “Keep failing until you accidentally no longer fail.” That’s persistence.


4 – Not Original

I’ve never come up with an original idea in my life. My first successful business was making web software, strategies, and websites for Fortune 500 companies. Not an original idea but at the time, in the 90s, people were paying exorbitant multiples for such businesses. My successful investments all involved situations where I made sure the CEOs and other investors were smarter than me. 100% of my zeros as an angel investor were situations where I thought I was smart. I wasn’t. I’m mediocre.

The best ideas are when you take two older ideas that have nothing to do with each other, make them have sex with each other, and then build a business around the bastard, ugly child that results. Look at Facebook: combine the internet with stalking. Amazing!

And, by the way, it was about the fifth attempt at such a social network. Twitter, combine internet with antiquated SMS protocols. Ugly! But it works. Ebay, combine ecommerce with auctions. If Justin Bieber sang John Lennon’s “Imagine” it would be a huge hit. I might even listen to it.


5 – Poor Networking

I’m that guy. You know the one at the party that doesn’t talk to anyone and stands in the corner. I usually say no to very nice networking dinner invitations. I like to stay home and read. When I was running businesses I was often too shy to talk to my employees. I would call my secretary from downstairs and ask if the hallway was clear, then ask her to unlock my door and I’d hurry upstairs and lock the door behind me. That particular company failed disastrously.

But many people network too much. Entrepreneurship is hard enough. It’s 20 hours a day of managing employees, customers, meetings, and product development. And then what are you going to do? Network all night? Save that for the great entrepreneurs. Or the ones who are about to fail. The mediocre entrepreneur works his 20 hours, then relaxes when he can. It’s tough to make money.


6 – Do Anything To Get A “Yes.”

Here’s a negotiation I did. I was starting and meeting with the CEO of He wanted his company to have a percentage of and in exchange he would fill up all of our ad inventory. I was excited to do the deal. I said, “Ok, I was thinking you would get 10% of the company.” He laughed and said, “No. 50%”. He didn’t even say “We would like 50%”. He just said, “50%”. I then used all my negotiating skills and came up with a reply. “Okay. Deal.”

I’m a salesman. I like people to say yes to me. When I started a company doing websites we were pitching to do “”. I said, “$50,000″. They said, “No more than $1,000 and that’s a stretch.” I used my usual technique: “Deal!”

But the end results: in one case had a significant financial stake so that gave them more psychological stake. And for my first business, Miramax was now on my client list. That’s why Con Edison had to pay a lot more. Often, the secret poor negotiators keep is that we get more deals done. I get the occasional loss leader, and then ultimately the big fish gets reeled in if I get enough people to say “yes”. It’s like asking every girl on the street to have sex with you. One out of 100 will say “yes”. In my case it might be one out of a million but you get the idea.


7 – Poor Judge of People

The mediocre entrepreneur doesn’t “Blink” in the Malcolm Gladwell sense. In Gladwell’s book he often talks about people who can form snap correct judgments in two or three seconds. My initial judgment when I meet or even see people is this: I hate you.

And then I veer from that to too trusting. Finally, after I bounce back and forth, and through much trial and error, I end up somewhere in the middle. I also tend to drop people I can’t trust very quickly. I think the great entrepreneur can make snap judgments and be very successful with it. But that doesn’t work for most people.

At this point, when I meet someone, I make sure I specifically don’t trust my first instincts. I get to know people more. I get to understand what their motivations are. I try to sympathize with whatever their position is. I try not to argue or gossip about them before I know anything. I have to do this because I’m mediocre and I’m a lot more at risk of bringing the wrong people into my circle.

So by the time I’ve decided to be close to someone–a client, an employee, an acquirer, an acquiree, a wife, etc–I’ve already done a lot of the thinking about them. This means I can’t waste time thinking about other things, like how to put a rocket ship on Jupiter. But overall it’s worked.

“I thought being mediocre is supposed to be bad?” one might think. Shouldn’t we strive for greatness? And the answer is: “Of course we should! But let’s not forget that 9 out of 10 motorists think they are ‘above average drivers.’” People overestimate themselves. Don’t let overestimation get in the way of becoming fabulously rich, or at least successful enough that you can have your freedom, feed your family, and enjoy other things in life.


Final Words

Being mediocre doesn’t mean you won’t change the world. It means being honest with yourself and the people around you. And being honest at every level is really the most effective habit of all if you want to have massive success.

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The Many Faces of Benjamin Franklin: A Masterclass in Versatile Leadership Mon, 27 May 2024 19:59:59 +0000 Versatile leadership involves the ability to adapt communication as per the needs of others.

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Versatile leadership involves the ability to adapt communication as per the needs of others.  It is different from situational leadership where the leaders have to adopt the strategies as per the situation.  

In versatile leadership, the leaders have to demonstrate the skills and abilities by suiting to various kinds of people and situations.  It requires lot of flexibility, maturity and emotional intelligence on the part of the leaders to balance various kinds and aspects of people.  

It is also about having expertise and experience in multiple areas. 

Leadership is about managing complexities and diversities.  At times leaders lose some to gain some.  

However versatile leadership helps in eating the cake and having it too.  It balances and manages diversified people with diversified opinions and views thus keeping the flock together.  

In this context, let us look at Benjamin Franklin who displayed his versatile leadership by venturing into various facets of life in his lifetime.

A Versatile Leader

Benjamin Franklin was one of the rarest Americans. 

He will be remembered forever in the history of mankind for his unique and unparalleled incarnations as a printer, publisher, postmaster, philosopher, author, inventor, entrepreneur, intellectual, statesman, and humorist.   

He was also the rarest of the rare American leaders who wrote a lot to enlighten the world and who did a lot to write about him.

Ben was a multifaceted personality with in-depth knowledge in several domains.  He excelled in various areas and aspects and evolved as a versatile leader.  Versatility was his personality.  

He preferred the road less traveled.  He was a rag to riches story that also epitomizes an inspirational leader. He created a group—Junto that emphasized on self-improvement. He was the brainchild for self-improvement books.  

His writings influenced Andrew Carnegie and Dale Carnegie.  He laid the foundation for human development and progress.  He opined that everyone deserved success irrespective of their poor parental lineage.

“If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do things worth writing.” —Benjamin Franklin

Ben’s incarnations

Ben was self-educated and learnt through voracious reading.  He learnt the tricks of the printing trade from his brother, James.  He deserted the press due to the differences with his brother and worked as a typesetter in London.  

After returning to Philadelphia he worked as a shopkeeper and bookkeeper.  He donned the role of publisher of a newspaper called The Pennsylvania Gazette.  He proved as an author with the publication of Poor Richard’s Almanack.  

Let us briefly profile few of his incarnations as an inventor, entrepreneur, intellectual and statesman.

Inventor: He had passion for inventions.  He indirectly championed for the cause of industrial revolution through his scientific inventions.  He invented lightning rod, bifocal glasses and Franklin stove to name a few.  He was liberal to share his inventions with others as he did not patent.

Entrepreneur: He had business acumen and risk taking ability.  He set up his own print shop and first franchisee system.  He competed and collaborated with his competitors as a business strategy.  He converted business threats into opportunities and came out profitably in his business endeavors.

Intellectual: Ben diversified his reading into diversified domains such as politics, history and science that widened his mental horizons.  He is an example to the present day youth that anyone can start the journey towards success anywhere at any age and stage of life.  It is the bad tradesman who blames his tools.  Ben did not blame his poor parental background.  He proved to the world that anything and everything is possible through passion, perseverance and persistence.

Statesman: Ben proved his statesmanship through his diplomatic skills with an emphasis on win-win approach. He was an effective negotiator and net worker.  He was a successful diplomat who promoted better relations between France and America.  He was a statesman par excellence.

Thirteen virtues: Ben was a practical man.  He practiced what he preached.  He practiced thirteen virtues by following one virtue for a week.  The thirteen virtues necessary for true success are: temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity, and humility. One of Ben’s friends advised to add humility as the thirteenth virtue as he was proud in his conversations.  Subsequently he included humility as the thirteenth virtue and practiced rest of his life.

Extraordinary leader: Ben was an extraordinary leader who gave due credit to others.  He empathized with others.  America was blessed with a leader like Ben who was instrumental in drafting the constitution and one of the founding fathers of American constitution.  He was the most accomplished American during his time.

Benjaminism: He strove for innovation and creativity irrespective of the area he explored.  He was the first to include pictures in newspapers.  He influenced every aspect and area of human life.  All human beings use his inventions and follow preaching either directly or indirectly.  There is an element of Benjaminism in every human being in this world.

American legend: It is difficult to replicate his charisma in the current context.   However, the present leaders can learn several lessons from this American legend.  Ben’s ideas and ideals and values and virtues are relevant to the humankind.  He demonstrated to the world that an individual can do anything and everything in a lifetime.

Ben was an extraordinary leader, inspirational leader, innovative leader, visionary leader, strategic leader, servant leader, passionate leader and above all a lasting leader.  He left his footprints in the history of mankind through his versatile leadership. 

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Real Estate Strategies You Should Know About for Long Term Wealth Fri, 24 May 2024 12:54:52 +0000 Real estate offers unique opportunities for growth, stability, and returns that few other investments can match

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Have you ever wondered why real estate continues to be a popular choice for those looking to build wealth?

The answer is simple: real estate offers unique opportunities for growth, stability, and returns that few other investments can match. But how exactly can you leverage real estate to increase your financial portfolio? 

In this article you will find out the strategies that can help you turn properties into profit.

Understanding Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing is about more than just buying properties; it’s about strategic planning and understanding market dynamics to maximize returns. This form of investment allows individuals to buy, own, manage, and sell properties for profit, making it a versatile way to build wealth.

Key to this process is leveraging local expertise, which can greatly enhance investment decisions. For example, let’s search in FastExpert and find top real estate agents in Jersey City, NJ, who can connect investors with skilled agents who have deep knowledge of the local market. 

These agents can provide invaluable insights into which neighborhoods are up and coming, where the best rental yields can be found, and what type of properties are in high demand. 

Utilizing such targeted searches helps investors minimize risks and increase the likelihood of a favorable return on their investments.

The Power of Leverage

Leverage is a powerful tool in real estate investing that allows you to amplify your potential returns by using borrowed capital. Essentially, it means using other people’s money to increase your ability to buy more properties than you could if only using your own funds. 

For example, by taking out a mortgage, you can purchase a property with a relatively small down payment and finance the rest. This strategy can significantly increase your return on investment if the property’s value appreciates because you’re earning gains on the total property value while having invested only a fraction of the cost. 

However, it’s important to remember that while leverage can magnify profits, it also increases exposure to risk. If the market turns or if the property loses value, the debt remains, potentially leading to losses that exceed the initial investment.

Choosing the Right Property

Choosing the right property is a crucial step in real estate investing and can determine the success or failure of your investment. The decision should be based on thorough research and a clear understanding of the local market trends. 

Factors such as location, neighborhood development, and the economic stability of the area play significant roles. Properties in areas with good schools, reliable public transport, and amenities like shops and parks typically have higher demands for both rental and resale. 

It’s also wise to consider the future potential of the area—any planned infrastructure or commercial development can boost property values over time. Additionally, understanding the property’s condition, potential repair costs, and the realistic rental income it can generate are essential to ensuring a profitable investment. 

By carefully evaluating these aspects, investors can minimize their risks and increase their chances of a successful and lucrative investment.

The Fix and Flip

The fix and flip strategy in real estate involves purchasing properties at a lower price, often because they require repairs or renovations, and then selling them at a higher price after improving them. 

This approach can be highly profitable if executed correctly, focusing on enhancing the property’s appeal to maximize resale value. Successful flippers often have a good eye for properties that have the potential for a high return on investment and understand how much renovation is needed without overcapitalizing. 

Key to this strategy is the speed of the renovation process; the quicker the turnaround, the less money is lost to ongoing costs like mortgage payments and property taxes. 

Moreover, it requires a thorough understanding of the real estate market to purchase the right property at the right price and to sell it in a timely manner. 

Flippers also need to have a reliable network of contractors, inspectors, and real estate agents to ensure that the project moves smoothly from purchase to sale.

Real Estate Investment Groups (REIGs)

Real Estate Investment Groups (REIGs) offer a way for investors to enter the real estate market without the hassles of direct property management. 

These groups typically invest in properties like apartments or condominiums, and then sell units to investors while taking care of the maintenance and management. This structure allows investors to own real estate passively, making it an attractive option for those who want exposure to real estate without dealing with the day-to-day operations of being a landlord. 

The group manages all aspects of the property, including tenant issues, repairs, and legal compliance, in exchange for a portion of the rental income from each unit. This setup provides a unique blend of hands-off investment while still offering the benefits of real estate ownership, such as income generation and property value appreciation. 

However, investors should carefully evaluate the reputation and track record of the REIG, as their expertise and management efficiency can significantly impact the returns on investment.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are companies that own, operate, or finance income-producing real estate across a range of property sectors. 

They offer investors a unique opportunity to invest in portfolios of real estate assets, which typically include large-scale properties like shopping malls, office buildings, apartments, and hotels. 

One of the main advantages of investing in REITs is the liquidity they offer; unlike direct real estate investments, REITs are traded on major stock exchanges, allowing investors to buy and sell shares easily. 

Additionally, REITs are required by law to distribute at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders annually in the form of dividends, providing a regular income stream. This makes REITs particularly attractive for income-seeking investors. 

Furthermore, investing in REITs allows individuals to gain exposure to real estate markets without the need for a large amount of capital or real estate management expertise, democratizing access to real estate profits.

How to Start with Minimal Capital

Starting a real estate investment journey with minimal capital is more feasible than many might think. One effective strategy is to leverage partnerships or real estate investment groups that allow you to contribute a smaller amount of money while benefiting from collective investments. 

Additionally, exploring owner-financing options where the seller agrees to finance the purchase can also lower the initial capital requirement. 

Engaging with realtors in New Jersey or any other area can provide access to local knowledge and potential deals that might not require substantial upfront capital, such as distressed properties or foreclosures. 

Another route is to look into government programs or grants available for first-time investors or buyers. 

By utilizing these strategies, even those with limited funds can start building a portfolio and gain a foothold in the lucrative world of real estate investing.

When to Buy and When to Sell

Knowing when to buy and when to sell is crucial in maximizing profits in real estate investing. The ideal time to buy is typically during a buyer’s market, when property prices are lower and more options are available. 

This period often occurs when the economy is slow or there’s an oversupply of properties. Investors should keep an eye on economic indicators, local market trends, and future area developments that might increase property values. 

Conversely, the best time to sell is during a seller’s market, characterized by high demand and low supply, leading to higher prices and quicker sales. Timing your sale to coincide with these conditions can significantly boost your financial gains. 

Additionally, understanding the specific cycle of your local real estate market can provide strategic advantages for both buying low and selling high.

Keeping Up with the Market Trends

One of the most important things for making informed investment decisions is keeping up with real estate market trends. 

This involves regularly monitoring economic indicators, housing market statistics, and changes in consumer behavior that can affect property values. 

Investors should utilize a variety of sources such as real estate reports, market analysis platforms, and news outlets to stay updated. Engaging with local real estate professionals, such as agents and brokers, can also provide firsthand insights into what is currently happening in specific areas. 

Additionally, attending real estate seminars and subscribing to industry newsletters can help investors anticipate shifts in the market and adjust their strategies accordingly. 

By staying informed, investors can better time their purchases and sales, and identify emerging opportunities for growth and investment.

Investing in real estate offers a robust pathway to building wealth, but it requires knowledge, strategy, and timely action. 

By understanding the various investment methods, such as leveraging, fix and flips, and REIGs, and recognizing the right times to buy and sell, investors can optimize their returns. Staying informed about market trends and maintaining a network of experienced real estate professionals are crucial steps for success. 

Ultimately, whether you’re starting with minimal capital or looking to expand an existing portfolio, real estate provides diverse opportunities to enhance your financial future. 

Always approach each investment with thorough research and a clear understanding of your financial goals.

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Why You’re Failing to Achieve Your Goals and How to Fix It Now Wed, 22 May 2024 16:32:44 +0000 Understanding motivation is crucial because it's the cornerstone of success

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Feeling stuck? Lost in a sea of goals, but lacking the drive to pursue them? It’s time to shift gears and reignite your motivation! Picture this: From stalled to soaring, your journey awaits. 

Let’s face it, we all hit roadblocks, but it’s how we overcome them that defines us. With this blog, you’ll rediscover that spark within you – that passion, that drive, waiting to be unleashed.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery as you delve into practical strategies to reignite your motivation. Whether it’s conquering your career ambitions, reigniting your fitness journey, or reviving your creative passions, this blog has you covered.

Unlock the secrets to setting meaningful goals and staying committed to your aspirations. Embrace a mindset of growth and resilience as you navigate life’s twists and turns. 

So, are you ready to leap? Don’t let another day go by feeling stuck and uninspired. It’s time to soar to new heights and achieve the success you deserve. Let’s reignite your motivation and make your dreams a reality!

Understanding Motivation

Understanding motivation is crucial because it’s the cornerstone of success. It’s what gets us out of bed in the morning, ready to tackle the day ahead. Whether it’s pursuing a career goal, embarking on a fitness journey, or striving for personal growth, motivation is the catalyst that propels us forward.

However, even the most motivated individuals can hit roadblocks. Common causes of stalled motivation include fear of failure, lack of clear goals, and overwhelming feelings of doubt. These barriers can weigh heavily on our minds, making it difficult to stay focused and driven.

But here’s the good news: understanding the root causes of stalled motivation is the first step toward overcoming them. By acknowledging our fears and uncertainties, we can begin to address them head-on.

With perseverance and a positive mindset, we can reignite our motivation and continue our journey toward success. So, let’s harness the power of motivation and unlock your true potential.

Reflecting on Your Goals

Starting a journey towards your aspirations begins with a simple yet powerful act: reflecting on your goals. This step involves diving deep into your desires, identifying and clarifying what truly matters to you. By clearly defining your objectives, you pave the way for focused action and meaningful progress.

Moreover, assessing your current level of motivation is essential. Reflect on what drives you, what ignites your passion, and what keeps you moving forward. 

Understanding your sources of motivation empowers you to leverage them effectively, fueling your journey towards success.

So, take a moment to reflect, to introspect, and to reignite your motivation. Your goals await your inspired pursuit.

Overcoming Obstacles

Exploring your full potential begins with understanding the hurdles that hinder motivation. Identifying barriers to motivation is the first step towards conquering them. 

Whether it’s fear, procrastination, or self-doubt, acknowledging these obstacles is crucial. Once recognized, you can employ effective strategies to overcome them and reignite your motivation. 

Embrace positive affirmations, set achievable goals, and surround yourself with supportive individuals. 

Divide tasks into smaller, more manageable steps to reduce overwhelm. Encourage resilience when encountering setbacks, seeing them as chances for personal growth. 

With determination and perseverance, you can transform obstacles into stepping stones on your journey to lasting motivation.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Explore your boundless potential by cultivating a growth mindset. Motivation is the key that ignites this transformation.  

Shift your perspective from fixed limitations to the expansive realm of possibilities. With each obstacle overcome, you reinforce your belief in your ability to learn and adapt. 

Every experience becomes a chance to expand your horizons and refine your skills. By nurturing a growth mindset fueled by unwavering motivation, you pave the way for continuous progress and achievement, shaping a future loaded with endless possibilities.

“Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.” – Les Brown

Finding Inspiration

In your quest for motivation, look no further than the inspiring journeys of role models and their tales of triumph. 

By immersing yourself in their stories, you’ll find a wellspring of motivation to fuel your aspirations. 

Moreover, delve deep into your innermost values and passions. Unearth what truly ignites your soul and align your goals with these guiding principles. 

By connecting with your authentic self, you’ll unlock a reservoir of boundless energy and determination. 

Let the stories of others and the fire within you converge, propelling you towards your dreams with unwavering motivation.

Creating an Action Plan

Unlock your potential and ignite your motivation with the power of creating an action plan. Start by setting SMART goals — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 

These goals act as guiding stars, keeping you focused and driven. Break them down into manageable steps, making the journey less daunting and more achievable. 

Each step becomes a victory, fueling your motivation further. With a clear plan in place, you’ll find the path to success smoother and more rewarding. 

So, let’s harness the energy of motivation and craft an action plan that propels you toward your dreams.

Implementing Strategies for Motivation

Unlocking your inner drive and achieving your goals is within reach with effective strategies for motivation. By integrating rewards and accountability systems, you empower yourself to stay on track and celebrate progress along the journey. 

Picture yourself succeeding through visualization and affirmations, harnessing the power of your mind to fuel your ambitions. With each small step forward, you reinforce your commitment and ignite a fire within you to keep pushing forward. 

Take charge of your destiny by embracing these tools and techniques, and watch as your motivation transforms into unwavering determination to conquer any obstacle in your path.

Building Momentum

In the journey of self-improvement, “Building Momentum” serves as the cornerstone. It’s about embracing every small victory and celebrating each step forward, no matter how tiny it may seem. 

Motivation thrives on acknowledgement, on recognizing the progress we make, however incremental it may be. By cherishing these small wins, we fuel our motivation, igniting a powerful force that propels us forward.

Picture a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering momentum with each turn. That’s how momentum works in our lives. By leveraging the energy from our achievements, no matter how modest, we propel ourselves toward our goals. 

It’s this constant forward motion that keeps us motivated, driving us to reach greater heights. So, let’s harness the power of momentum, celebrating each step and letting it carry us toward our dreams.

Maintaining Motivation Long-Term

Unlocking enduring motivation is akin to nurturing a flame; it requires consistent care and attention. To sustain motivation over the long haul, imbue your journey with adaptable strategies. 

Celebrate small victories along the way, for they fuel the fire within. Embrace flexibility, recognizing when it’s time to recalibrate your goals and adjust your course. 

Remember, the path to success is not always linear; it’s the willingness to adapt that propels us forward. Stay attuned to your inner compass, guiding you through the twists and turns. With resilience and determination, you can forge a path illuminated by unwavering motivation.

The journey from feeling stalled to soaring with motivation is not only possible but also transformative. By understanding the root causes of stalled motivation, reflecting on our goals, and implementing proven strategies, we can reignite our drive and achieve our aspirations.

Remember, motivation is not a fixed state but a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured over time. With perseverance, dedication, and the right mindset, we have the power to overcome obstacles and soar towards our dreams. 

So, embrace the journey, stay resilient, and let your renewed motivation propel you to new heights of success and fulfilment.

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25 Lessons from Walt Disney’s Billion Dollar Business Playbook Mon, 20 May 2024 23:13:57 +0000 Disney’s journey offers a blueprint for overcoming doubt, pushing boundaries, and creating something that will resonate for generations

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Imagine this: you’re at the threshold of an empire—a world where creativity reigns, innovation sweeps across every corner, and resilience holds it all together. This is Walt Disney’s creation, an entertainment colossus that didn’t just transform an industry but set new standards for what’s possible.

Entrepreneurs, high achievers, trailblazers: if you’re chasing a legacy that outlives you, step inside and uncover how Disney leveraged purpose, risk-taking, and relentless dedication to bring ideas to life.

This isn’t just about cartoons or castles. It’s a story of resilience through adversity, unwavering belief in a grand vision, and innovation born out of setbacks. It’s about betting big on your dreams and making the world believe in them too.

Disney’s journey offers a blueprint for overcoming doubt, pushing boundaries, and creating something that will resonate for generations. Ready to embrace these lessons and transform your journey?

Dive into 25 invaluable insights that will challenge your thinking, refine your strategy, and amplify your impact.


1. Pioneering the Multimedia Corporation:

Walt Disney innovatively bundled various forms of entertainment under one corporate umbrella, creating the first modern multimedia corporation. He harnessed the collective power of animation, live-action films, television, theme parks, music, books, comics, merchandise, and educational content to build an unprecedented entertainment empire.

Takeaway: Look for ways to integrate different aspects of your work or passions. A combination of unique skills and ideas can create something entirely new.


2. Commitment to Innovation and Vision:

Disney expanded the boundaries of art and entertainment, developing new artistic forms, such as feature-length animated films, and exploring new frontiers like amusement parks, color TV, conservation, and space exploration. His vision drove advances in color film and color television, and his creative reimagining of amusement parks shaped the industry for generations.

Takeaway: Keep exploring new frontiers, even when others think it’s impossible. Never let the fear of failure limit your ambition.


3. Resilience and Determination:

Disney’s childhood experiences, particularly his father’s controlling and unsuccessful nature, instilled in him a “sadistic determination” that fueled his ambition. Despite early setbacks and limited support, Disney overcame adversity through sheer willpower, striving to break free from the failures of his past.

Takeaway: Learn to turn adversity into fuel. Obstacles and difficult circumstances can either break you or push you to new heights. Embrace the challenges as opportunities to grow.


4. Building a Legacy Through Personal Transformation:

Walt Disney created himself and a new world from his challenging upbringing. He remained focused on personal transformation, escaping the shadow of his father’s failures and embodying the opposite qualities. He refused to perpetuate the cycle of abuse, treating his children with care and nurturing, unlike his father.

Takeaway: Your past doesn’t define your future. Break free from limiting beliefs and patterns to create a life you envision, not one shaped by past traumas.


5. Faith in Self and Purpose:

From a young age, Disney brimmed with confidence and faith in his ability, even before he had a fully developed plan. This unshakable belief helped him navigate uncertainty and setbacks, keeping him focused on achieving significant and meaningful goals.

Takeaway: Believe in your potential even when the road ahead isn’t clear. Confidence in yourself and your goals will help you navigate challenges.


6. Mastery and Total Immersion:

Walt Disney embraced animation as an art form, immersing himself completely to master it. He read every available book, took courses, and practiced intensely. This total commitment allowed him to gradually evolve from producing short, simple, black-and-white cartoons to creating full-length, colorful, and sound-enhanced feature animations.

Takeaway: Commit fully to mastering your craft. Dive in headfirst, learn, and practice intensely to continuously evolve and reach new levels.


7. Unwavering Self-Confidence:

Despite external skepticism and lack of market demand for animated cartoons, Disney maintained extraordinary self-belief and relentless determination. He was willing to live in his office and work tirelessly, often relying on credit for food and showering once a week to stay focused on his goals.

Takeaway: Keep your eye on your goals, even when others doubt you. Consistent belief in yourself will fuel your journey through difficult moments.


8. Overcoming Betrayal with Innovation:

After losing his original characters and staff to Charles Mintz, Disney rebounded by innovating and creating Mickey Mouse. He recognized that setbacks often bring new opportunities and used this adversity to fuel his creativity, ultimately developing the first sound cartoon, “Steamboat Willie.”

Takeaway: Setbacks are opportunities in disguise. When things go wrong, think outside the box, adapt, and innovate to find a new way forward.


9. Control and Quality:

Disney realized the importance of controlling his characters and creative output to prevent another betrayal like the one he faced with Mintz. He insisted on unparalleled quality, considering it the key to capturing and retaining public interest in Disney films. His meticulous standards ensured that Disney’s productions were unmatched.

Takeaway: Maintain control over your output and hold yourself to high standards. Quality is what sets you apart and builds your reputation.


10. Training the Elite:

Disney built a culture of excellence by training and educating his own team, believing in enthusiasm over experience. He created a sense of belonging and pride among his staff, making them feel like an elite unit with a shared commitment to deliver top-quality animation.

Takeaway: Surround yourself with people who are enthusiastic about your vision. When you build a strong team aligned with your mission, excellence follows.


11. Uncompromising Dedication to Excellence:

Walt Disney insisted that his animations be better than anyone else’s, believing this unwavering commitment to excellence was his business strategy. He never sought profits directly but focused on creating work he could be proud of, tirelessly working late into the night to ensure the best possible quality.

Takeaway: Strive to be proud of your work. Focus on creating something remarkable instead of chasing profits, and the rewards will follow.


12. Divine Discontent and Relentless Improvement:

Disney had a habit of divine discontent, constantly striving for improvement and never being satisfied with the finished product. He often critiqued past work, identifying mistakes and finding ways he could have made it better, a mindset that sometimes led to nervous breakdowns due to immense pressure.

Takeaway: Never settle. Continuously evaluate your work and find ways to improve. This mindset will keep you growing and evolving.


13. Micromanagement and Storytelling:

Disney was a micromanager, overseeing every aspect of production to ensure consistency and quality. He compared his role to that of a symphony conductor and believed storytelling was the key to his success, inspiring his team with a “voice of the prophet” and creating a unified vision.

Takeaway: Oversee the critical details that shape your vision while inspiring others through powerful storytelling. Unify your team with a shared purpose.


14. Building a Culture of Excellence:

Disney fostered a culture of dedication among his team, who were inspired by his messianic leadership style and shared a deep commitment to their craft. They believed in their collective mission and often worked tirelessly to meet the high standards he set.

Takeaway: Create a mission that everyone believes in. When people are committed to a shared goal, they’ll be willing to go the extra mile.


15. Business Model Innovation in Merchandising:

Disney realized the immense potential in film-related toys, games, and merchandise. He partnered with Herman Kamen to build a quality-controlled, revenue-generating merchandising arm that complemented and reinforced the success of his animation studios, eventually bringing in millions in sales.

Takeaway: Think beyond your primary product or service. Find complementary streams that can reinforce your brand and provide additional value.


16. Visionary Risk-Taking:

Walt Disney was undeterred by the daunting challenges of creating the first feature-length animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Despite industry skepticism and cost overruns, he pursued his vision with unwavering confidence, mortgaging everything he owned, including the rights to his beloved characters, to fund it. This bold risk resulted in unprecedented commercial success.

Takeaway: Don’t be afraid to bet on yourself and your vision. Sometimes, taking bold risks is the only way to reach new heights.


17. Unyielding Enthusiasm and Storytelling:

Disney was a masterful storyteller who could captivate and rally his entire studio with the vision of Snow White, bringing employees to tears with his recounting of the story. His enthusiasm was infectious, and he bound his team together with a compelling narrative that made them believe in the project.

Takeaway: Share your excitement for your goals with others. Enthusiasm is infectious and will bring people on board with your vision.


18. Unique Talent Cultivation:

To meet the massive demand for animators, Disney strategically recruited young artists directly from art schools and trained them in-house. He preferred young talent over experienced animators to instill in them the “Disney system” and brainwash them with a love for excellence.

Takeaway: Find and nurture young talent who are open to new ways of thinking. Teach them to align with your values and foster their growth.


19. Continuous Improvement:

His mantra, “You can’t top pigs with pigs,” emphasized Disney’s refusal to rest on past successes. He sought new challenges and improvements, always striving to blaze new trails. Even at the peak of his career, he sought further innovation to avoid stagnation.

Takeaway: Seek out new challenges and don’t rest on your past wins. Constantly challenge yourself to grow beyond your current limits.


20. Creating Disneyland for Control and Legacy:

Disney conceived Disneyland as the ultimate realization of his lifelong pursuit of control and imagination. He crafted an entire external world where visitors could immerse themselves in his stories, offering an escape from reality and setting the stage for his enduring legacy beyond animation.

Takeaway: Create a space where your vision can flourish. Whether it’s physical or digital, build an environment that reflects your creativity.


21. Return to Small-Scale Creativity:

After setting up the new company, WED, Walt Disney rekindled the spirit of his early days by working in a small, close-knit team in a bungalow. He thrived on the creative excitement of this new environment, which helped him rediscover the joy of developing something innovative.

Takeaway: Reconnect with the creative joy of small, focused teams. Often, intimacy fosters collaboration and sparks the best ideas.


22. Bold Financial Risk for Disneyland:

Undeterred by financial challenges, Disney mortgaged his house and borrowed against his life insurance policy to fund the initial development of Disneyland. His boldness attracted investors and secured funding through a strategic partnership with ABC.

Takeaway: If you genuinely believe in your project, find a way to make it happen. Rally those who share your belief to build momentum.


23. Leveraging Television to Fund Disneyland:

Disney’s partnership with ABC helped fund Disneyland in exchange for a prime-time TV show, Disneyland. This show built public anticipation, introduced the park’s different themed lands, and played a pivotal role in shaping the park’s early financial success.

Takeaway: Don’t dismiss emerging platforms or tools. They can be powerful allies if you’re willing to think creatively and use them strategically.


24. Attention to Detail as a Competitive Edge:

At Disneyland, Disney meticulously controlled every detail of the experience, enforcing high standards even in the seemingly mundane aspects of park operations. This focus on details was crucial in creating a seamless, high-quality environment that left competitors far behind.

Takeaway: Treat every aspect of your work with meticulous care. It’s the little things that often set you apart from your competition.


25. Creating a Unique Culture at Disneyland:

Disney crafted a unique culture at Disneyland, shaping a shared language, values, and protocols. This distinctiveness made employees feel they were part of something special, fostering dedication and teamwork that made Disneyland one of the most beloved brands globally.

Takeaway: Shape a culture that matches your vision. A unique language and approach can create a strong identity and help everyone feel connected to a greater mission.

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The Self Determination Secret That’ll Propel You Forward in Life Sat, 18 May 2024 13:42:20 +0000 Self-determination helps you build your hidden potential

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Self-determination is a cluster of several skills, abilities, knowledge, beliefs, traits, and talents that enable people to engage themselves with tons of self-confidence.

It comes from your inner strength and courage. It helps to take on the challenges and changes in life with head-on. It strengthens your inner belief to take the battle to its logical end.

Self-determination is something hidden which can be demonstrated through actions, not by external appearance.

The Importance of Self-Determination

Self-determination is necessary to succeed in life.  Self-determination helps in equipping you with the necessary strength and courage to meet the day-to-day challenges in your life. Hannibal rightly said, “We will either find a way or make one.” 

Self-determination is required to break your conditioned thinking.  People, by continuous reading and experience, tend to develop a particular mindset which is hard to break.  

As the world is changing rapidly with changing technology, people have to develop adaptability to survive in the cutthroat competitive world. Self-determination plays a crucial role in breaking the traditional barriers and boundaries.

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” —Vincent T. Lombardi

How to Build Self-Determination?

  • Take an ideal and successful person as a role model and draw inspiration.
  • Don’t let past failures haunt you.  Learn lessons from failures and try again with optimism and confidence.
  • Always look for positive elements in every adversity, defeat, or sorrow.
  • Be clear about your goals and vision.  Find out what you want clearly and create a blueprint to achieve it.
  • Be sympathetic and empathetic with others.
  • Concentrate only on your efforts and energies, not on results.
  • Monitor your progress and take continuous feedback. 
  • Always take care of your mental and physical health.
  • Never entertain cynicism and pessimism to creep into your mind.
  • Always look for solutions and don’t brood too much on problems.
  • Always associate with positive people as it generates positive vibes.
  • And finally, trust in God.

Self-determination helps you build your hidden potential and you can unleash the same to achieve all-round success as and when required.  It is a magical key to success.  It turns your adversities into opportunities.  

To put it in the words of Edward Gibbon, “The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.”  

To sum up, self-determination helps you become an influential personality thus making a difference in the lives of others. 

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The Self Awareness Secret: How Knowing Yourself Can Make You Wildly Successful Tue, 14 May 2024 21:00:33 +0000 Self-awareness is nothing but being conscious about yourself and how you act and react in certain situations

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There are several ingredients essential for achieving success.  Self-awareness is one of them. People are more comfortable in knowing about others than about themselves. A few people have the habit of complaining, condemning, and criticizing others’ behavior and nature.

They cannot digest when others think and behave with them as they think that they are better than others.  

In fact, nobody is perfect in this world.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses and being aware of the same will help us to become successful persons.

What is Self-Awareness?

Self-awareness is all about knowing oneself thoroughly such as attitudes, aptitude, needs, desires, goals, habits, emotions, strengths and weaknesses, etc., In brief, it means knowing your personality.  

Self-awareness is nothing but being conscious about yourself and how you act and react in certain situations. 

We all have a low level of awareness but think that we know about ourselves better.  It is, in fact, wrong.  

When you know yourself properly, you judge yourself properly and you take your judgments seriously. It requires a lot of self-knowledge to be aware of yourself.

“He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.” —Lao Tzu

Merits of Self-Awareness

  • People with self-awareness stand a better chance of winning the game because they know about themselves.   If any mistake is made, they immediately take remedial action as they know about themselves. 
  • Self-awareness improves your judgment and decision-making skills. It helps in professional and personality development as you overcome your weaknesses.
  • It bridges the gap between skills you have and those you don’t have and exploits your existing skills up to the hilt.  
  • It helps in choosing the right career and ensures fast career growth.  
  • When you know more about yourself, most of the problems in your life are resolved automatically.
  • You can become a successful mentor, facilitator, teacher, leader, and role model with better self-awareness.

How to Know About Yourself 

Understanding yourself is a crucial step towards personal growth and effective relationships. Many people go through life unaware that their feelings towards others are often a reflection of their feelings towards themselves. To foster a comfortable relationship with others, it’s essential to first be comfortable with who you are.

Below are some practical steps to help you embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness.

  • Take time to think things through.  Spend some time analyzing yourself.  Self-introspection is essential to be aware of yourself.
  • Go for the MBTI (Meyers and Briggs Type Instrument) test as it helps you find out what type of personality you are. 
  • There are several psychometric instruments to know your personality.  When such instruments are executed by professional trainers then it becomes easier to know more about yourself.
  • Take feedback from your colleagues, friends, and relatives.  Take their feedback separately so that the common qualities running across the thread can be taken as the correct characteristics.  
  • Go for meditation as it reveals about your mind. Or go to a serene place and think about yourself to take stock of your qualities. 
  • Take a notebook and write down your thoughts, ideas, and insights.  Record the same for analysis and evaluation. 
  • Take intrapersonal feedback regularly.  For this, it is essential to engage in regular inner dialogue. 
  • Constantly monitor your actions and their fallout. 
  • Take the help of professional counselors, clinical psychologists, and executive coaches who can provide you with correct feedback.  Find out the inventory of your interests and personality that help in developing your self-awareness.

“Self awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad.” – Debbie Ford

Ron’s Honest Feedback about Susan

People tend to judge others.  But they don’t accept when others judge them.  Rather they would be shocked by others’ feedback about themselves.  

Let us look at an example where two colleagues named, Susan and Ron worked in an office.  They had good relations and gelled with each other well.  One day, Susan asked Ron to give feedback as she wanted to know about herself from the perspective of Ron.  

Ron was straightforward by nature and he analyzed Susan from several dimensions both personally and professionally and prepared a report containing her strengths and weaknesses.  

It took around a week for Ron to generate the personality report of Susan.  He went to the extent of guessing the MBTI personality type of Susan based on her behavior, nature, and intellectual temperament. 

When Susan saw the report she could not digest and she did not agree with Ron in several areas.  Ron clearly said that he was not perfect in assessment but offered feedback the way he provided to several students when he worked as a faculty member in a Business School.  

Since then, Susan distanced from Ron as she never expected her nature to be like that.  It led to the severance of their amicable relations finally costing their friendship.  

The lesson to be learned from it is people don’t accept themselves when others offer their feedback because they think about themselves differently. There is always a gap between an individual’s imagination about himself/herself with that of others.


Self-awareness is all about being aware of your intentions, actions, emotions, feelings, attitude, and aptitude so that you can channel them successfully for achieving all-round success—be it personally, professionally, or socially.

When you know yourself you grow as an individual. You develop self-acceptance which in turn helps others to accept you as an individual. You become self-motivated and it leads to achieving success.  

Self-awareness enables you to grow in your chosen area of interest.  

To sum up, success comes to those who have better self-awareness themselves as it helps in improving themselves by overcoming their weaknesses and reinforcing their strengths.  

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10 Lucrative Buy and Sell Businesses to Start in 2024 Sat, 11 May 2024 21:00:48 +0000 The buy-and-sell business model provides opportunities across many niches

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In the dynamic landscape of 2024, starting a business that capitalizes on buy-and-sell models can be incredibly lucrative. This article explores ten different models that entrepreneurs can consider. These ventures range from real estate flipping to trading in domains and luxury items, providing a broad spectrum of opportunities regardless of your initial capital or interest area.

1. Car Flipping

Flipping cars can be a very lucrative business venture for an individual with business acumen, an eye for value, and mechanically adept at cars. It involves buying under-priced cars, restoring, and selling them for a profit. For deeper insights and opportunities in this market, refer to

2. Real Estate Flipping

Flipping real estate—be it houses, condos, or even commercial properties—remains pretty solid business, especially in markets where real estate values are on the way up. Investors buy properties relatively low, do rehab or renovation, then sell at a profit.

The success of the area is endowed with a huge potential spotlight, the ability to juggle various elements such as local real estate market knowledge, and efficient management of renovations.

3. Vintage E-commerce

With the advent of technology, it became easy to sell vintage or retro items over the online selling platform. Be it clothes, furniture, or even collectibles, consumers these days prefer something unique that is eco-friendly and which may have a nostalgia quotient in it. Hence, it brings the opportunity to open an e-commerce shop effectively.

4. Domain Flipping

If you have the skill to predict catchy phrases or business names that would be popular in the future, then buying and selling domain names would be a very profitable business. Register prices are available to purchase domains, which later can be sold at high prices to interested parties or businesses that wish to get an early online identity.

5. Luxury Items

One of the most promising buy-and-sell businesses is the luxury market, and what makes it very attractive is its less sensitivity towards economic downturns. Some of the common items in the luxury market include high-end watches, jewelry, and art, rare cars, all with high yields. Most times, items do appreciate, especially when they are limited editions.

6. Sports Memorabilia

While the sports memorabilia trading business can at times seem lucrative, especially when one focuses on big personae or big events, authenticity and rarity can definitely help items fetch top dollar. Provenance and limited supply both go towards inflating their values.

7. Sneaker Reselling

In recent years, the sneaker resale market has exploded, fueled by a commodity of scarce releases and athletic brand collaborations with a list of celebrities. Today, with operations such as StockX and GOAT, it’s really that easy to break into the worldwide market. It’s pretty easy to find your buyers and make a very good profit if you’re targeting the right trend and releases.

8. Book Flipping

Flipping rare and first editions can become a really meaningful, and yes, one more profitable, business for a book lover. Sometimes the signed ones, rare manuscripts, or those early editions of famous novels could sell for thousands of dollars, usually done by collectors or academic institutions.

9. Furniture Upcycling

Upcycling furniture consists of restoring and using second-hand furniture to sell it at a higher price. For the environmentally aware consumer, this business model has great appeal. It could be pretty profitable if done with good taste and talent in design and restoration.

10. Electronics Flipping

Smartphones, tablets, and laptops resell at values significantly high; hence, business ensues. Buy, refurbish, and sell in better condition to appeal to budget-minded consumers looking for technology at more affordable price points. 

Overall, The buy-and-sell business model provides opportunities across many niches. Be it real estate flipping or vintage item upcycling, you can succeed in both models with market understanding and trend application. That, with careful planning and strategic investment, will throw huge financial returns for these business models in 2024.

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How Your Business Can Outmaneuver Your Competitors by 85% Fri, 10 May 2024 21:48:33 +0000 Did you know that companies that master big data can outmaneuver competitors by 85% in sales

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Did you know that companies that master big data can outmaneuver competitors by 85% in sales and more than 25% in gross margins? Sounds inspiring, right? But the thing is that data alone isn’t enough. Rather, it’s the strategy behind it that unlocks these enviable boosts. So, this article explores how to make the most out of your big data and build a strategy that’s functional and competitive.

What’s a Big Data Strategy and Why Do You Need It?

As the name implies, a big data strategy is a plan for handling enormous sets of input. To build it, you craft a blueprint that aligns the intelligence with your business objectives. The key purpose here is to make the former work for you and drive meaningful change with its help. This strategy usually involves

  • deciding on the exact type of input you need,
  • determining the insights you aim to extract from it,
  • and formulating how these insights will be transformed into actions.

As you may see, the process isn’t an easy one. This is why many businesses choose to work together with a big data strategy consulting agency. The key reason for this is that the scope and depth of big data can be overwhelming. A seasoned consultant, in turn, brings expertise in intelligence plus experience in industry-specific strategies. They help to comply with complex regulations, integrate advanced technologies, and establish a data-centric culture within your organization.

How to Build a Big Data Strategy

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Clarify what you intend to achieve with your strategy. Objectives should be as specific as possible. Just as an example, you could target

  • reducing customer churn by 10%,
  • increasing market penetration in a particular segment by 15%,
  • or enhancing operational efficiency by reducing process time by 20%.

These precise goals will guide the technological and methodological aspects of your strategy.

Tip: Use SMART criteria to refine your objectives. That is, check whether each objective is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This method helps ensure that each initiative is clearly defined and outcomes can be quantified.

Step 2: Establish Governance

Strong governance is your strategy’s backbone. It’s about who accesses what and when, in the first place. Other concerns it covers are the data’s

  • accuracy,
  • privacy,
  • and alignment with business values and compliance standards.

The goal of this setup is to prevent data misuse and ensure its reliability as a decision-making tool.

Tip: Implement a tiered data access model. This means categorizing information based on its sensitivity and assigning access levels accordingly.

Step 3: Integrate Data Sources

Information lives everywhere today — from social media to IoT devices. Integrate these sources into a unified system to get a richer view of your operational landscape.

Tip: Middleware solutions can act as a bridge between different systems. Middleware can help normalize data from various sources, which is crucial for comprehensive analytics.

Step 4: Invest in the Right Technology

Select technologies that can grow and adapt with your ambitions. Some solutions worth considering include

  • cloud services,
  • advanced analytics software,
  • AI.

The right tools will help you to query large sets of input, discover patterns, and predict trends. If you work with a big data consulting service, they’ll bring the tech expertise with them. If not, you’ll need to invest both in the tech as such and in training.

Tip: When selecting technology, conduct a pilot test with a small, controlled pool of information. This minimizes risk and provides a practical glimpse into how the solution will work within your infrastructure.

Step 5: Analyze and Act on Your Insights

Remember that analysis alone isn’t the goal in and of itself. The action is what counts. Use machine learning to predict customer behavior or deploy analytics to identify inefficiencies within your operations. Then, use these insights to drive measurable business outcomes. 

Revise your strategies from time to time and adjust them based on real-time feedback.

Tip: Develop a feedback loop where insights from data analytics are routinely checked against real-world outcomes. This is a good way to ensure that your strategies remain robust and relevant.

Step 6: Cultivate a Data-Driven Culture

Ideally, you should strive to create an environment where data-driven decisions are the norm. Train your team to think critically about information and encourage them to experiment with new ideas based on insights.

Tip: Introduce regular data literacy workshops and training sessions. Don’t just say that information is valuable. Show your team how it can benefit them and their work (facilitate their work? reduce errors?). Employees will only share this culture if they acknowledge its value for them personally.

All in all, the beauty of a strong big data strategy is that it can transform huge amounts of raw input into a strategic asset. And with the help of the latter, you can elevate your company’s market position and operational effectiveness. 

If you want it to work, integrate detailed planning, rigorous governance, and the right technology. Plus, don’t underestimate professional consulting because mistakes in this field are often costlier than paying for expert services.

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How to Synchronize Your Conscious Mind With Subconscious Mind for Success Thu, 09 May 2024 04:11:09 +0000 The subconscious mind is like a magnet that immediately and instantly attracts ideas that have emotional content

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The human mind has two parts—the conscious and subconscious mind. Both play a crucial role in the functioning of the human mind. The conscious mind is voluntary that you are aware and it goes by logic, analysis, and reasoning.

In contrast, the subconscious mind is involuntary.  It is not known to you and you are unaware.  It contains emotions, heart, and breathing rate. When you look at your loved ones your emotions rise, heartbeat increases.  

It happens due to your subconscious mind. 

People with high emotions go by heart rather than the reasoning of mind.  Especially when someone loves deeply, he does not go by any reasoning or logic.  He just follows as he is emotionally attached to the opposite sex. 

You can heal your disease through the power of your mind.  It is your mind responsible for most of the illness.  When you can conquer your mind then you can conquer your disease almost one-third. 

Although the subconscious mind is programmed from the conscious mind, it is superior as it is the place for emotions and imagination. The motivational levels of people start from here only. 

The subconscious mind is like a magnet that immediately and instantly attracts ideas that have emotional content.   If you want to break your old habits you have to touch your subconscious mind first, then only it is easier to unlearn and learn.  

Unfortunately, most people fail to program their minds properly. 

“You are the most powerful magnet in the universe! You contain a magnetic power within you that is more powerful than anything in this world, and this unfathomable magnetic power is emitted through your thoughts.” —Rhonda Byrne

Research from neuroscience reveals that the subconscious mind controls 95 percent of our daily activities.

People make decisions based on intuition and gut feeling which is nothing but making decisions based on their subconscious mind. 

The conscious mind works with logic, analysis, and perceptions.  The subconscious mind is well framed and programmed from the inputs received from the conscious mind.  For instance, when someone hits a person, the latter immediately either defends or offends.  It is basically because he reciprocates from his subconscious mind spontaneously.  

Simultaneously the conscious mind thinks of what to do next in a given situation. 

During waking hours, the conscious mind works.  While in sleeping hours, the subconscious mind comes to the fore.  

For instance, Susan was a housewife. She could instruct her subconscious mind when to wake up early in the morning.  She never set a clock but told herself firmly the time to get up.  Her husband was so surprised by her programming the subconscious mind.  She could influence her subconscious mind strongly. Susan was an alarm clock by herself. It indicates the power of the subconscious mind. 

When you learn new things your conscious mind will be fully alert.  As the time passes, you get used to these things.  That means your subconscious mind takes over charge from your conscious mind.  Your subconscious mind is like an autopilot. 

The thoughts and the beliefs that you have in the conscious mind will be transferred to the subconscious mind automatically

For instance, if you sow the right seeds in your conscious mind, you reap the right plants in your subconscious mind. If you feed your mind with good thoughts that you can achieve anything and everything in your life, the same will go to your subconscious mind.

 In a nutshell, the conscious mind is the creator while the subconscious mind is the executor. 

The Susan and Ron Example

Ron and Susan worked in the same place.  Susan was the senior most as she had been working in the company for the last 6 years.  Ron was older than Susan with a higher amount of experience in other companies.  

But he was a junior in the organization. As per the organizational requirements, Ron had to work with Susan until he got grooved and groomed within the system.  

Ron initially hesitated with Susan who was younger but respected her intellectual and educational background and started working together.  Susan was polite and well-mannered.  She was bold and beautiful.  She was a woman of principles and values.  

Ron began liking her behavior and worked together for six months.  Ron began thinking deeply about Susan.  He always took the positive aspects of Susan although a few commented that Susan was stubborn and a troublemaker for getting the things done.  

Since Ron was an independent thinker he began thinking of his own and started feeding positive information and inputs about Susan to his subconscious mind.  Over some time, Ron began thinking deeply about her all the time and even in his dreams. 

Later on, Ron realized that he began loving Susan. 

From the above story, it becomes very clear about the importance of feeding the subconscious mind with the right inputs.  If Ron fed wrong inputs about Susan in his subconscious mind, he would have developed hatred against her.  

Therefore, everything depends on how you think and how you program your subconscious mind.  Never ignore the power of your subconscious mind. 

Synchronize your Conscious and Subconscious Mind for Success

Common people do not know the power of both conscious and subconscious mind.  Only successful people know the significance of both and leverage them. When there is harmony between the both, there can be peace and success. 

When people feed themselves with negative thoughts, they end up with negative results.  Rights inputs will lead to right outputs.  When you program your mind with healthy and progressive thoughts regularly, over some time, you can achieve the desired changes in your life as your subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is like an obedient soldier who obeys the instructions from the conscious mind. It does not know the difference between good and bad.  Whatever the orders passed by the conscious mind will be obeyed and executed.  

Therefore, make sure that your conscious mind gives the right orders to your subconscious mind. 

The subconscious mind can be compared with a vehicle which runs as per the directions of the driver.  If your subconscious mind is a puppet then your conscious mind is the puppeteer. 

Therefore, learn to pull the strings effectively and efficiently to achieve all-around success.

When the teacher explains the subject repeatedly it goes deep within the subconscious mind of the students.  Since the subconscious mind does not go by logic and analysis, it goes purely by repetitive instructions.  

If students have to understand effectively then the teacher has to focus on key things repetitively. It is for these reasons; that great speakers repeat the key ideas, points, and thoughts in different ways and means to get across the message. 


You can be what you are if you can shape your subconscious mind through the right commands from your conscious mind. Only with limited usage of our mind power, we achieve many things.  

Imagine the amazing results when you can reap by using your mind fully. How many people put in their efforts to explore their mind power?  It is only a few.  

Those who succeed in life are the people who know how to utilize their minds powerfully. 

Always dream big.  When you dream big then imagination comes from your subconscious mind.  When your dream is strong you will achieve.  

Focus more on the strength of your dreams.  When your strength of dreams is stronger then the reality of success will be sure. 

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8 Inspiring Ways Steve Jobs Changed the World Sun, 05 May 2024 21:00:31 +0000 Apple's success can be ascribed to two things: visionary leadership and innovative leadership

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With Steve Jobs’s resignation as the CEO of Apple, the world went into a tizzy. Scrip fell and recovered gradually. He is one of the most iconic CEOs in the world and is a leadership icon who always sets high standards for innovation. He changed the way people use technology through constant innovation.

Apple’s success can be ascribed to two things: visionary leadership and innovative leadership. Steve was a rare leader who possessed these two leadership traits and integrated them effectively to put Apple on the international map. He became synonymous with Apple and here are the hallmarks of his leadership.

Steve = Passion

Follow your passion as your passion ultimately delivers the goods and determines your destiny.  It is a fact that the people who pursued their passions rather than money earned both name and fame and carved a niche for themselves.  

The success of the iPod is possible because Steve passionately spent four hours a week, 50 weeks a year for 12 years, discussing with software, hardware, and design experts to come up with the most brilliant ideas. 

Research reveals that given the choice between passion and money, it is the passion that counts, not money.  When you work in your passionate areas you enjoy your life and provide meaning to your life.  

Over some time you will be contributing your best thus delivering amazing outcomes. When people work in their passionate domains they don’t feel that they are working anymore as they don’t get stressed out due to their deep involvement, commitment, and passion.

Such people create their own identities and build their own brands.  In the long run, they are recognized and rewarded. Then money starts flowing gradually. In contrast, when people opt for money and work they ruin their health as they don’t enjoy their lives and ultimately spending for doctors whatever they have earned.

Steve = Vision

Steve is such a visionary that where the imagination of others stops there starts his imagination and that made him stay ahead of his competitors. 

Steve has clarity of mind. He knows where he would like to go and how he would take his people there. He created imagery pictures for his people and connected with them effectively.

He is a great speaker who communicated well and articulated his vision effectively with his people. Only when vision is strong and well-articulated leaders can easily achieve their goals.

Steve = Focus

Steve is focused on his goals and objectives. He knows where his heart is and worked throughout his life with dedication thus hitting the bull’s eye.  

He says, “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully.”

Steve = Example

No leader can influence others easily except through example. Steve stands for example. He dedicated his life to technology and lived up to it. He walks his talk delivers his best and expects the best from others.

It will have a tremendous impact on others thus contributing their best for organizational effectiveness and excellence.

Steve = Tenacity

Steve is noted for his tenacity and resilience. He has been fighting since the early days. He was an adopted child and survived by selling Coke bottles and having free meals at the Hare Krishna temple in Oregon.  He did not lose his heart when he was fired. 

On his ouster from Apple Steve said, “It was awful-tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it.  Sometimes life’s gonna hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.”  He focused on his work rather than blaming his circumstances. 

He pursued his passion for technology. When he was recalled to Apple many doubted his capabilities in the then-prevailing business environment.  He proved his critics wrong and put Apple on top of the world through his passion and perseverance.

He displayed tremendous tenacity since childhood by fighting against several odds stacked against him including cancer. 

Steve = Persistence

When we look at Edison he failed several times to invent the bulb.  When asked about the same he said that he did not fail but he had learned several ways that did not work to invent bulk.  Hence, it is persistence that makes people achieve big.  

Steve stands for persistence.  He failed a number of times in his professional life.  But every time he learnt lessons and moved on without any regrets. 

He once remarked, “I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”

Steve = Excellence

Aristotle said, “Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way.” Steve acquired the quality of excellence by constantly working in technology.  He emphasized on value addition to the existing products and services through his constant innovation and creativity. 

He believed in excellence rather than perfection.  He raised the bar for himself and others. It ultimately led to excellence thus staying ahead of others in the race. 

Steve asserts, “Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” 

Steve = Apple

Currently, Steve is synonymous with Apple and he created such an impact in the minds of people globally. His successor Timothy Cook has a tough challenge ahead.

Whenever charismatic leaders left their successors felt the heat.  Leaders always find it tough to meet the aspirations and expectations of customers and consumers.  In the case of Timothy, it is very tough as his predecessor left a strong legacy who was charismatic and whose impact is deeply felt all over the world. However, Timothy would sail smoothly as Steve’s departure was well anticipated in advance due to his poor health, and succession was laid much earlier. 

When the legendary Jack Welch left GE, the scrip fell and his successor Jeff Immelt found it tough to match the charisma of Jack Welch.  However, through his soft leadership, Jeff could gradually fill the slot by molding as per the prevailing business environment. 

Similarly, Timothy would evolve gradually as a leader with his own identity.  However, it is still difficult to match Steve’s charisma.

Steve falls into the category of hard leaders and transactional leaders like Jack Welch who means business with a task-orientation mindset. 

Although it is not appreciated currently it is still prevalent and we cannot altogether get out of hard leadership as people are different and leaders are different in their attitudes, aptitudes styles, and temperaments.  

Steve becomes an amazing case study for many; be it for students or executives who proved that everything is possible in this world through passion, vision, mission, execution, and above all, innovation.

Most charismatic leaders hit their horns and create a leadership vacuum.  They make their absence felt more. 

Although Steve is a charismatic leader he paved the succession smooth but his absence will be felt more with his resignation. By leaving as CEO of Apple Steve handed over a big job for his successor Timothy Cook.

Steve = Legend

When the entire technological world got into rate race and so-called PC wars, Steve trod the path less traveled thus becoming a trailblazer and legend.  He started as a small fish in a big pond and ultimately became a big pond of innovation and excellence. 

He rewrote the rules of business and changed the way technology works. He made a qualitative difference in the lives of people through his technological contributions. 

He is remembered not only for his outstanding contributions but also for his visionary and innovative leadership in the world.

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Here’s How Self Motivation Can Be the Bridge Between Your Dreams and Realities Fri, 03 May 2024 21:00:03 +0000 Self-motivation is the ability to motivate yourself without the influence of others

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Self-motivation is the ability to motivate yourself without the influence of others.  It is the ability to move forward with your convictions and beliefs despite facing several stumbling blocks on your way.

It is also the ability to move forward with energy and enthusiasm without any letup. It radiates firm faith in yourself. It is the courage to follow your convictions.  It is all about not letting others opinions drown out your inner beliefs.  It is one of the important aspects of achieving success. 

People are motivated through different ways and means such as reading books, money, love, comfort, career, success, etc.; Therefore, it is essential to find out how you are motivated so that the process of self-motivation becomes easier. 

Merits of Self-Motivation

  • It keeps your energy levels always higher.  It develops optimism and confidence which are keys to your success.
  • Self-motivation makes you think ‘what next’ whenever faced with failures. It reminds you that failure is only a comma, not a full stop. 
  • It reduces absenteeism and labor turnover in organizations thus increasing performance and productivity.
  • It creates a conducive work environment. 
  • It saves time, money, and energy.
  • It brings all-around progress and prosperity to individuals and institutions.

Secrets of Self-Motivation

“People become quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success.” —Norman Vincent Peale

Dream big

You need to think big always which is possible only when you dream big.  Dreams will drive you to go to any extent.  Your efforts and energies towards your goals depend on your level of dreams.  Sigmund Freud rightly said, “Man dreams only that which he can achieve.”

Set a roadmap

Mere having dreams will not pay off unless you have a blueprint for achieving them.  The blueprint should be so planned that it should be realistic and practical to achieve.  Find out what are your inborn talents and combine them with the skills and abilities that you acquired through training, practice, and experience.  

Be a firm optimist

When you develop a positive attitude around the clock you tend to have positive results.  This positive thought process leads to positive actions by blocking negative aspects.  It drives you towards achieving your goals by looking at the brighter side of life. 

You are unique

Begin every day with new expectations and aspirations.  Stay away from negative thoughts and negative people.  Accept the fact that you are unique and cannot be compared with others. Have a firm faith that you were born to achieve big in this world. 

Involve in internal dialogue

This is a powerful tool where you talk to yourself and reinforce yourself. Internal dialogue helps in strengthening your subconscious mind by feeding with the right inputs. 

Pursue your passions

Passion is a burning desire coming from the core of your heart.  It is like your heart prevailing over your mind. It is all about doing what you love to do.  Find out what interests you and work on it.  It propels you to move forward despite several odds stacked against you. 

Set your goals

When you set your goals based on your desires, you develop a positive attitude towards life and your mind is engaged in the right way. You will have a clearer vision about what you want to do for planning your mission.  

Break the goals into short-term and long-term and link both in such a way that they should be correlated and interconnected without any contradiction. As you achieve your goals you get self-motivated.  

Even if there is a failure in accomplishing your short-term goals due to external disturbances, the long-term goals will hold you firmly with faith thus motivating you forever.

Break down your goals

When you feel that your goal is too big, make it small and keep achieving it one by one.  Once you achieve a small goal you get motivated by your achievement and will be driven to work further and forward.  When you complete all sub-goals confidently then you will be excited to know that you have achieved your big goal successfully. 

Consistency is the key

Chuck Norris says, “If you want to accomplish anything in life, you can’t just sit back and hope it will happen. You’ve got to make it happen.”  Put your efforts and energies in a systematic and focused manner without looking for results frequently.  Your objective is to put in effort regularly.  Consistency with a firm commitment is the key to self-motivation and success.

Manage your time

Learn to manage your time effectively and efficiently by allocating specific time for each activity.  Invest your time daily for each activity without encroaching on other activities.  Avoid procrastination.  Delaying the activities will result in lethargy and piling up the activities resulting in stress. 

High energy levels

Always maintain high energy levels.  Take good and nutritious food.  Avoid junk food.  Take food at regular intervals every day.  Hit the gym or go for fast walking to lift your energy levels.  High energy levels will keep you highly motivated. 

Focus on solutions, not problems

Never focus too much on problems.    Generally, people brood over the problems and waste their precious time.  Look for solutions to the problems. It is rightly said that below-average people talk about individuals, average people talk about events, issues, and problems, and above-average people always talk about ideas and solutions. 

Spend time with loved ones

When you spend your time weekends with your family and friends you rejuvenate your energies. You create and strengthen your emotional bonding. When you spend your time one day a week with your spouse, you develop a better understanding by sharing your feelings and emotions. 

Similarly, when you spend a day in a week with your children you share your love with them thereby building bridges.  Besides, you can educate them as well as develop them as individuals with strong character with values.  You can also play with kids as they are innocent and lovely.  It removes your stress and fills you with self-motivation.

Never give up

Walter Sparrow, now and then, says, “Things will happen in your life that you can’t stop, but that’s no reason to shut out the world. There’s a purpose for the good and for the bad.”  Hold on to your cherished goals and objectives.  There will be several challenges while executing your tasks throwing you out of the gear.  Be firm and ensure that things are put on the right and fast track. It is rightly said, that winners don’t quit and quitters never win. 

Self-motivation helps you in achieving anything you desire. Channel your burning desire to achieve whatever you want. 

When you are enthusiastic and excited about what you are doing and when you are motivated, committed, and dedicated you are sure to achieve success.  Resolve to motivate one individual every day.

Make a difference in the lives of people.

To conclude, self-motivation gears you to accomplish your desires for achieving all-round success. It is a bridge between your dreams and realities.  

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Why Tesla, Apple and Amazon Prioritize Performance Over Everything Else Wed, 01 May 2024 21:00:51 +0000 What influences winning, making money, or achieving goals? It’s your performance.

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Everyone wants to win at the things they’re pursuing. In fact, I don’t know a single person who likes to lose. But what influences winning, making money, or achieving goals? It’s your performance. It’s what you do, not what you want, that determines whether you succeed or fail.

This means that rather than focusing on results—whether that’s landing a new client or taking home a sports championship—your goals must always center on your performance. 

Let me share three reasons why:

1. Performance goals are about the process of achieving success. People who set performance goals are more likely to laser-focus on the actions and behaviors they need to succeed. This provides clarity: they define specific targets rather than vaguely pining for “the big win.”

2. Performance goals are entirely under your control. Unlike results, which can be influenced by external factors such as luck, timing, and the actions of others, performance is controlled by one person: you.

Performance goals are solely related to your own efforts and actions. This means you’ll be more likely to feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for your successes, which will increase your motivation and commitment.

3. Performance goals are flexible. Results are often very specific and rigid, which can lead to disappointment and frustration if you or your team falls short of achieving them.

In contrast, performance goals focus on the process of achieving success, which allows for greater adaptability and the ability to adjust course as necessary. This will lead to greater resilience and the ability to bounce back from setbacks and obstacles.

Real-World Examples: The Power of Performance in Action

These three individual principles translate directly to the business world. Let’s look at how three popular companies focus on performance to achieve incredible results.


Amazon, the e-commerce and technology giant, has demonstrated consistent performance through its relentless focus on customer satisfaction and continuous innovation.

One example is its implementation of efficient supply chain management. The company invested heavily in building a vast distribution network, utilizing advanced logistics technologies, and optimizing warehouse operations. 

This allowed Amazon to offer fast and reliable delivery, even for large product catalogs, which greatly enhanced the customer experience and cemented the company’s dominance in online retail.

What’s more, Amazon’s introduction of Amazon Prime showcased its commitment to customer-centric services. By offering unlimited fast shipping, exclusive deals, and access to a vast library of digital content, Amazon Prime has created a loyal customer base and contributed to substantial revenue growth.


Apple is known for its innovation and exceptional performance. One example is the launch of the iPhone. When the first iPhone was introduced in 2007, it revolutionized the smartphone industry. 

Apple’s careful integration of hardware, software, and design resulted in a groundbreaking product that quickly gained widespread popularity. The iPhone’s success propelled Apple to new heights, establishing the company as a leader in the mobile market and significantly increasing its revenue and market value.

Another example of Apple’s superior performance is its retail strategy. Apple stores are known for their sleek design, exceptional customer service, and seamless integration of products and services. 

By creating a unique and immersive retail experience, Apple has consistently achieved success. 

This success can be attributed to Apple’s focus on providing a premium customer experience and showcasing its products in a way that highlights their value and functionality.


Tesla, the electric vehicle and clean energy company, has achieved consistent performance by disrupting the automotive industry and pioneering sustainable transportation.

One notable example is the launch of the Model S. With its long range, high performance, and cutting-edge design, the Model S showcased the viability of electric vehicles as a practical and desirable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars. 

The Model S received critical acclaim, won numerous awards, and significantly contributed to Tesla’s brand recognition and market value.

Additionally, Tesla’s focus on building a comprehensive charging infrastructure played a crucial role in the company’s success. Tesla Supercharger stations provide fast and convenient charging for Tesla owners, reducing range anxiety and addressing one of the major barriers to electric vehicle adoption.

By investing in charging infrastructure development, Tesla has demonstrated its commitment to supporting the entire electric vehicle ecosystem, further bolstering its position as a leader in the industry.

Performance brings results

Amazon, Apple, and Tesla focused on their performance, which directly led to achieving monumental results. Their consistency in performance and execution only raises the performance bar of their competitors—and our expectations.

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32 Powerful Quotes About Overcoming Procrastination by Joel Brown Mon, 29 Apr 2024 15:56:06 +0000 I’ve put together something special for you: my Top 32 Procrastination Quotes. Did you know that Procrastination is not about you being Lazy? There’s something much deeper going on in your subconscious. I create. a quick 3 min quiz you can take to discover which of the 6 procrastination types you are, you can take […]

The post 32 Powerful Quotes About Overcoming Procrastination by Joel Brown appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

I’ve put together something special for you: my Top 32 Procrastination Quotes.

Did you know that Procrastination is not about you being Lazy? There’s something much deeper going on in your subconscious. I create. a quick 3 min quiz you can take to discover which of the 6 procrastination types you are, you can take the quiz here:

These procrastination quotes aren’t just your everyday quotes; they’re power-packed nuggets of wisdom to kick procrastination to the curb and get you moving.

Drawing from my years of coaching and diving deep into what makes us tick (or what stops us in our tracks), I’ve crafted these quotes to light a fire under you. They’re a mix of tough love, inspiration, and just that little nudge we all need sometimes.

Whether you’ve been with me on this journey for a while or you’re just getting to know me, these quotes are for you.

They’re your wake-up call to stop waiting for “the right time” and start making your own right time, right now.

So, let’s dive in and shake things up. These quotes are more than just words; they’re your toolkit for beating procrastination and stepping into your power.

Let’s get to it!


The Top 32 Procrastination Quotes To Get You Into Action

Procrastination is not a problem with managing time; it is a problem with managing emotions. Manage your emotions, not your time. – Joel Brown

Embrace the discomfort of starting. It’s the secret passage to overcoming procrastination and rediscovering your momentum. – Joel Brown

Procrastination often disguises itself as planning. It tricks you into feeling productive, but in reality, you’re just stalling. Without action, there’s no progress, leaving you stranded in a sea of unfulfilled plans. The solution is simple: Stop overthinking and just start! – Joel Brown

Procrastination feeds on fear, but action starves it. Take the first step, even if it’s small, and watch the fear fade away. – Joel Brown

God handed you time on a golden platter, and you’re letting it rot with procrastination? Show some respect. – Joel Brown

In the brain’s battle between instant gratification and long-term success, procrastination is the enemy you’ve welcomed in. – Joel Brown

Procrastination isn’t just the thief of time; it’s the silencer of potential and the postponer of purpose. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is a glitch, and with a mind like yours, glitches are easily overridden. Command your focus and rewrite your neural code. – Joel Brown

Neurologically speaking, procrastination might be the brain’s way of asking us for a deeper dialogue with our purpose. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is like the fog over the lands of potential; once cleared, the path becomes visible and the journey, achievable. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is more than just a delay—it’s a barrier between you and your highest potential, between you and the life you deserve. The inability to act due to lack of structure, indecision, unclear life goals, and uncertainty about the future is silently eroding your wealth and well-being. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is the mind’s protective mechanism against perceived threats and discomforts. – Joel Brown

Procrastination may be a symptom of our brain’s resistance to discomfort, but overcoming it is a testament to human resilience. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is the mind’s pendulum, swinging between the desire for change and the fear of it. – Joel Brown

Avoidance patterns, like procrastination, are the brain’s way of seeking momentary relief, often at the cost of long-term fulfillment. – Joel Brown

To overcome procrastination is to master the dance between the mind’s desire for comfort and the soul’s need for growth. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is the mind’s way of avoiding the discomfort of growth and the fear of the unknown. – Joel Brown

The lies you tell yourself will eventually become your limit. Break the cycle of procrastination, get up, and you’ll discover your true power. – Joel Brown

Procrastination and staying in your comfort zone is like sitting in a parked car with the engine running – you’re wasting precious fuel and going nowhere fast. Don’t let fear of the unknown or discomfort hold you back from reaching your destination. – Joel Brown

Procrastination and distraction are like two thieves in the night, stealing your time and robbing you of your potential. Don’t let them sneak in and take what’s yours. – Joel Brown


Joel Brown Speaker & Coach on Procrastination


Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is self-denial of your potential. You put your future at risk to avoid judgement. Real coaches know that in order for their client to remove this “perceived pain of the future” they must support their clients to accept and heal the pain experienced in the past. – Joel Brown

A purpose-driven individual knows how to conquer these seven flaws successfully: Oversleeping, blame, fear, jealousy, resentment, sloth, and procrastination. – Joel Brown

Your real issues:

– Your procrastination
– The junk food you eat
– Your lack of discipline
– Your self-doubt
– Your self-criticism
– Your lack of focus
– Your pride

Go to war with that. – Joel Brown

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Break the chain of procrastination. Every day, take a small step. Example: If you want to stop eating sugar, pick one day a week when you won’t eat any kind of sugar. Take it step by step from there. – Joel Brown

The bridge between ‘someday’ and ‘today’ is built with the bricks of discipline and the mortar of commitment. Start laying your bricks now. – Joel Brown

The cost of procrastination is the life you could’ve lived, the goals you could’ve achieved, and the person you could’ve become. Let’s invest in your future, starting now. – Joel Brown

Overcoming procrastination isn’t about finding more time; it’s about creating more purpose. Let’s ignite your purpose and watch time find you. – Joel Brown

Procrastination’s greatest lie is that there will always be a tomorrow. Let’s live and act with the urgency of today, for it’s the only guarantee we have. – Joel Brown

Your dreams don’t have a snooze button. Stop hitting ‘later’ and start living now. – Joel Brown

Waiting for the perfect moment is like fishing in a dry pond. Cast your net now, where the water is plentiful. – Joel Brown

“Procrastination is a silent assassin. Speak life into your goals with action.” – Joel Brown


Which one was your favorite procrastination quote? I’d love to know.

Share it in the comments below.

The post 32 Powerful Quotes About Overcoming Procrastination by Joel Brown appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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