Personal Growth & Motivational Blogs - Achieve Your Goals Quotes | Motivation & Success Advice Mon, 10 Jun 2024 16:36:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Personal Growth & Motivational Blogs - Achieve Your Goals 32 32 10 Hidden Psychological Barriers That Are Killing Your Success Mon, 10 Jun 2024 16:35:28 +0000 Sure, success often gets credited to hard work, talent, and a sprinkle of luck. But dive into psychology, and you’ll find sneaky mental patterns and behaviors messing with your progress. Here are ten fascinating insights into these hidden barriers, along with some tips to kick them to the curb:   1. Unconscious Mental Processes and […]

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Sure, success often gets credited to hard work, talent, and a sprinkle of luck. But dive into psychology, and you’ll find sneaky mental patterns and behaviors messing with your progress.

Here are ten fascinating insights into these hidden barriers, along with some tips to kick them to the curb:


1. Unconscious Mental Processes and Performance

Our unconscious mind is like a backstage crew, controlling much of the show without us even knowing. It’s tricky because we can’t always tell if it’s one thought or a gang of them messing with our performance.

  • Why It Happens: Our brain is a multitasking machine, processing loads of info behind the scenes to keep us functioning. This can sometimes trip us up without us realizing it.
  • Example: Imagine prepping for a big presentation. Despite being ready, you feel super anxious. Those jitters could be old memories of past screw-ups haunting you.
  • How to Overcome It: Get into mindfulness and self-reflection. Techniques like journaling can help you spot and deal with these sneaky influences.


2. All or Nothing Thinking

Ever see things in black-and-white? That’s a cognitive distortion called all-or-nothing thinking. No gray areas, just extremes.

  • Why It Happens: Our brain loves to simplify stuff, even if it means being unrealistic. It’s like a shortcut that often leads to stress.
  • Example: Thinking you have to be perfect at your job or you’re a total flop. It’s all or nothing, no middle ground.
  • How to Overcome It: Challenge those extreme thoughts. Find the balance and remind yourself that effort and progress matter, even if things aren’t perfect.


3. Self-Limiting Beliefs

These pesky beliefs sneak in from past experiences and hold us back. They’re like invisible chains.

  • Why It Happens: Our brain likes to stick to the familiar to avoid failure. These beliefs get formed early and dig in deep.
  • Example: Bombed a math test once and now think you’re doomed to suck at math forever? That’s a self-limiting belief in action.
  • How to Overcome It: Spot these beliefs and question them. Replace them with positive affirmations and look for evidence that proves them wrong.


4. Habit Formation and Unconscious Behavior

We’re creatures of habit, with a lot of our actions running on autopilot.

  • Why It Happens: Our brain automates routines to save energy. Handy, but not always helpful.
  • Example: Procrastinating? That’s a habit that can tank your productivity and success.
  • How to Overcome It: Build new, positive habits. Set small, doable goals and track your progress with habit trackers.


5. Normative Unconscious Processes

These processes keep us stuck in our comfort zones, resisting necessary changes.

  • Why It Happens: Familiarity feels safe, so our brain resists change even when it’s good for us.
  • Example: Sticking with a job you hate because it’s familiar, even though it’s not what you want.
  • How to Overcome It: Push yourself out of your comfort zone with specific, actionable goals. Get a mentor or coach for support.


6. Violation of Social Norms

Going against the grain can be seen as abnormal, but sometimes it’s just what’s needed.

  • Why It Happens: Society’s unwritten rules can be strict, and breaking them can lead to judgment.
  • Example: An entrepreneur taking wild risks might seem reckless, but those risks can lead to big breakthroughs.
  • How to Overcome It: Own your unique approach and find places that value diverse perspectives. Explain your rationale to others and seek support.


7. Statistical Rarity and Abnormal Behavior

Just because something is rare doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Context is key.

  • Why It Happens: What’s unusual can be misunderstood, especially without considering cultural and situational factors.
  • Example: Preferring solitude might seem antisocial, but in some cultures, it’s a respected trait.
  • How to Overcome It: Respect cultural differences and find communities that appreciate your uniqueness.


8. Personal Distress and Behavior

Behaviors that stress you out can be markers of deeper issues, but not always.

  • Why It Happens: Distress signals can be about deeper problems or just responses to tough situations.
  • Example: Chronic stress from overworking can lead to burnout, tanking your performance and well-being.
  • How to Overcome It: Take care of yourself. Get help if you need it and practice stress management techniques like exercise and meditation.


9. Maladaptive Behaviors

These are survival strategies gone wrong, sticking around when they’re no longer useful.

  • Why It Happens: Behaviors that once helped you cope can become harmful if you keep using them in new situations.
  • Example: Avoiding conflict might have been useful before, but now it hinders effective communication.
  • How to Overcome It: Learn new coping strategies that fit your current situation. Practice being assertive and communicating openly.


10. Impact of Labels on Behavior

Labels can stick like glue, influencing how we see ourselves and how others see us.

  • Why It Happens: Labels simplify things but can reinforce negative patterns and limit potential.
  • Example: Being called “lazy” can crush your self-esteem and motivation, even if it’s not true.
  • How to Overcome It: Reject negative labels and focus on your strengths. Surround yourself with people who see your potential and support your growth.


Understanding these hidden psychological barriers can help you develop better strategies for success.

Recognizing and tackling these unconscious patterns can unlock your full potential and set you on a path to personal and professional growth.

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Navigating The Depths Of Self-Love And Relationships With Stefanos Sifandos Tue, 16 Apr 2024 17:27:53 +0000 In the vast expanse of personal development and relational expertise, Stefanos Sifandos emerges as a beacon of transformative wisdom. With a journey spanning over two decades, Stefanos has delved into the intricacies of human psychology, relationship dynamics, and self-evolution, crafting a narrative that resonates with the collective longing for deeper connection and self-awareness.  Self-Love Journey […]

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In the vast expanse of personal development and relational expertise, Stefanos Sifandos emerges as a beacon of transformative wisdom. With a journey spanning over two decades, Stefanos has delved into the intricacies of human psychology, relationship dynamics, and self-evolution, crafting a narrative that resonates with the collective longing for deeper connection and self-awareness. 

Self-Love Journey

From a turbulent childhood marked by violence and uncertainty, Stefanos embarked on a quest to understand human nature, pain, and potential. His empathic nature, fueled by a desire to make sense of his surroundings, led him to a career in personal development and relationship coaching. With over two decades of experience, he has helped countless individuals, from Olympic gold medalists to corporate leaders, navigate the complexities of human relationships and personal growth.

Stefanos’ journey took a pivotal turn when confronted with his own shadow — his infidelity revealed the depth of his unresolved trauma. This moment of reckoning propelled him into a transformative process of self-examination, leading to profound personal and professional growth. His ability to face his darkest fears and embrace vulnerability allowed him to develop a deeper, more authentic connection with himself and others.

Now, as a father and husband, Stefanos continues to evolve, learning from every relationship and experience. His story is a testament to the power of introspection, resilience, and unconditional love. Through his work, he inspires others to embark on their own hero’s journey, encouraging them to confront their fears, embrace their true selves, and build meaningful, lasting connections.

“Healing begins when we traverse the dark corners of our psyche, face our fears, and step into a life of radical transparency and self-acceptance.” Stefanos

Relationship Philosophy

Stefanos, a seasoned expert with over two decades in personal development, harnesses a rich tapestry of experiences to guide individuals through the complexities of relationships and self-love. Drawing from his own transformative journey, marred by childhood trauma and self-discovery, he advocates for a profound connection with one’s own pain and joy as a pathway to deeper understanding and love.

Stefanos’ work, enriched by engagements with diverse high achievers, from Olympic medalists to CEOs, underscores the universal quest for authentic connection and personal evolution. He emphasises the necessity of facing one’s shadow, fostering play and willingness in relationships, and embracing continuous growth. Stefanos’ approach is a blend of empathetic insight and practical wisdom, offering a roadmap to navigating the nuanced dance of masculine and feminine energetics and cultivating relationships that are both deeply fulfilling and spiritually enlightening.

Stefanos illuminates the path to self-love and intimacy through practices rooted in self-awareness and continual growth. With over two decades in personal development, he emphasises the power of stillness and silence, finding these moments essential for introspection and connection with oneself.

Stefanos integrates physical self-care, like cold immersion and sauna use, to maintain a balanced state of mind and body. He champions the importance of play and novelty in relationships, advocating for a playful spirit to sustain and deepen bonds with partners. His journey reveals a commitment to self-exploration and the courage to face personal shadows, fostering a safe space for intimacy to flourish. Stefanos’ narrative is a testament to the transformative power of embracing vulnerability and the continuous pursuit of self-growth, underscoring the belief that true intimacy begins with a profound connection to oneself.

“The sacred dance of giving and receiving in love is a delicate balance, where the truest form of intimacy is found not in the grand gestures, but in the quiet moments of shared vulnerability and presence.” Stefanos

Sex & Intimacy

Discover the life-altering power of non-ejaculatory orgasm, a mystical journey revealed by relationship expert Stefanos. Dive into an ancient realm where men harness their sexual vitality, transcending the fleeting pleasure of climax.

Stefanos unravels the sacred tapestry of sexual energy, guiding us to preserve our life force for profound intimacy and spiritual awakening. Embrace this transformative practice, merging the physical with the divine, and unlock a wellspring of passion, vitality, and connection. This isn’t just sex; it’s an odyssey into the heart of your erotic essence, where every moment pulses with potential and every breath is an invitation to ecstasy.

Stefanos invites you to reclaim your sexual power, not through the relentless pursuit of orgasm, but by cherishing the journey itself, crafting a legacy of love, vitality, and transcendent pleasure.

A Message To The World

If Stefanos had a global platform, his message would be succinct yet profound:

“Do the thing that you’re unwilling to do but that you know you need to do.”

This call to action embodies the essence of his teachings, urging individuals to confront their fears, embrace their truths, and embark on the journey of transformation with courage and openness.

Stefanos’ journey from a tumultuous childhood to a relationship expert underscores the profound transformation possible in the realm of human connections. His 24-year odyssey through personal and professional development, working with an array of high achievers, has equipped him with unique insights into the dynamics of relationships, especially the interplay of masculine and feminine energies.

His work is vital in today’s society, where distractions and external dissonances challenge the essence of human connection. By integrating deep psychological insights with practical experience, Stefanos guides individuals and couples toward cultivating divine unions and authentic relationships. His approach, focusing on inner work, play, and willingness, offers a blueprint for evolving relationships in the modern era. Stefanos’ narrative is not just a story of personal triumph but a beacon for those navigating the complexities of love, intimacy, and self-discovery in our rapidly changing world.

Key Takeaways For Your Self-Love And Relationship Journey

  1. Embrace Your Inner Journey: Recognize that the path to fulfilling relationships and self-love begins with confronting and healing your own traumas and shadows.
  2. Cultivate Presence and Play: Regular engagement in playful activities and mindful presence enhances intimacy and connection in relationships.
  3. Practice Non-Attachment in Love: Explore the depths of intimacy with a balanced approach to sexual expression, understanding that love and desire can exist in expansive, yet grounded ways.
  4. Be Willing and Open: Approach life and relationships with a willingness to engage in difficult conversations, embodying honesty and integrity in your interactions.
  5. Believe in Your Potential: Surround yourself with people who believe in you and support your growth, as relationships are pivotal in navigating the journey towards personal and financial fulfillment.

Connect With Stefanos Sifandos



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The Art of Convincing: 10 Persuasion Techniques That Really Work Mon, 12 Feb 2024 14:09:38 +0000 The knack for persuading others can act as a catalyst for change, open doors, forge alliances, and effect positive change

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Persuasion is not as complicated as it may sound. In fact, it is something that we have been practicing since childhood. Do you remember convincing your parents to let you skip school, asking your teacher not to assign homework, or persuading your boss to give you a day off? Well, these are just small examples of what persuasion looks like.

However, in the vast landscape of human communication, the knack for persuading others can act as a catalyst for change, open doors, forge alliances, and effect positive change. Whether you are a professional, a student, or someone engaging in everyday conversations, mastering the art of convincing can be a powerful asset

This article explores the critical components of building convincing arguments. So, let’s get going.

1. Understand Your Audience

The foundation of influential communication lies in understanding your audience. Before constructing your argument, take the time to analyze your audience’s values, beliefs, and motivations. Altering your message to align with their perspectives increases the likelihood of them being receptive to your argument.

2. Focus on Clarity and Conciseness

A persuasive argument should be clear and concise. Avoid ambiguity and unnecessary complexity. Straightforwardly present your ideas using easily digestible language, as a well-articulated message enhances comprehension and makes it easier for your audience to fathom your reasoning.

3. Establish Credibility

If you want to convince someone, it is essential to establish your credibility from the get-go. One way to do this is by sharing your relevant expertise, experiences, or credentials, which can strengthen your argument. 

When your audience perceives you as a credible and trustworthy source, they are more likely to be swayed by your perspective. Therefore, making a solid first impression and proving to your listeners that you have the necessary knowledge and experience to back up your assertions is crucial.

4. Knit Threads of Emotions

While logic and evidence may be necessary, emotions are crucial too. Appeal to your audience’s emotions by incorporating relatable stories, anecdotes, or vivid imagery. Connecting with them emotionally leaves an indelible mark on them.

Craft compelling narratives to convey your message, as stories uniquely anchor attention, evoke feelings, and make information more memorable. Weave relevant anecdotes into your argument to provide context and make your points relatable and engaging.

For instance, if you want to convince a prospect to buy your product, consider narrating a stunning story of how the product helped numerous people and made their lives easier. By knitting threads of emotions, you can hit the right chords and close the deal.

5. Be Concrete and Follow a Logical Structure

To win over your audience, you must logically organize your views. Start with a catchy introduction that captivates attention, and then dive into a well-structured body that lays out your main points, supported by solid evidence and relevant details. And remember to finish strong with a powerful summary that drives home your message and leaves a lasting impression. 

Support your arguments with compelling evidence and real-world examples. This could include statistics, studies, expert opinions, or specific instances illustrating your points. Concrete evidence strengthens your case and builds credibility and trust with your audience.

“Real persuasion comes from putting more of you into everything you say. Words have an effect. Words loaded with emotion have a powerful effect.” — Jim Rohn

6. Anticipate and Address Counterarguments

Any objections or counter arguments can be frustrating and derail the entire conversation. That is why it is important to anticipate potential counterarguments and address them proactively. 

As a presenter, it helps you demonstrate that you have thoroughly considered the issue at hand and are all set to engage in a thoughtful, well-rounded discussion.

For example, suppose you are debating whether or not education should be free. Your opponent might argue that making academics free would pressure taxpayers. Instead of ignoring this objection, you could acknowledge it and address it calmly. 

You could say that although making college accessible would require a significant investment, studies have shown that the long-term benefits to society far outweigh the costs. 

7. Use Persuasive Language

The words you choose to convey your message can make a big difference – they can either make or break your talk. So, choose positive language and remember not to be aggressive or confrontational. By selecting your words thoughtfully, you can evoke the emotions you want and keep the conversation respectful and persuasive.

For example, if you want to seek the support of the audience in a particular campaign, you can say like this-

“We stand together in this crisis. By doing your part, you can contribute to a great cause.”

8. Harness the Power of Visual Aids

Complement your verbal arguments with visual aids such as infographics, graphs, images, or charts. You can use pre-designed templates to enhance comprehension, provide different contexts, and make complex information more accessible. 

For example, if you are trying to build a persuasive argument towards the positive effects of a new policy, highlight its statistical data in a well-crafted infographic. Use numbers to convince the degree of change and show comparison with the help of bar graphs and charts.

9. Adjust Tone and Style

You can increase the receptivity of your message by adapting your tone and communication style to match the preferences of your audience.

Demonstrate confidence and conviction in your arguments. Also, project assurance in your words and body language to strengthen your message. It will instill confidence and trust in your audience and reassure them that they can rely on the validity and importance of your perspective.

10. Foster Two-Way Communication

A collaborative exchange of information promotes a sense of shared understanding and can uncover new perspectives that enhance the overall persuasiveness of your message. So, encourage open dialogue and two-way communication. 

Ask your audience to raise questions, provide feedback, and involve themselves in discussions to explore your arguments.

The skill of using the power of words for convincing is an asset for all professionals. It helps you make the audience believe in your ideas and agree with your viewpoints. By creating persuasive arguments, you can inspire your target customers/clients to take the desired action.

However, you can’t master this skill in a day. You can develop and improve this skill through thoughtful communication strategies. Tell a compelling story, include a strong call-to-action (CTA) in your statements, and use effective words to influence the audience’s emotions. By simplifying the complex information and conveying it in the way that best resonates with the audience, you can ensure your presentation’s success.

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5 Key Reasons Why Perfectionist’s Procrastinate Fri, 26 Jan 2024 02:54:05 +0000 Hey there! I’m Joel Brown, a procrastination mindset specialist. In my world, it’s all about guiding my students through repatterning exercises to break free from the shackles that prevent them from scaling new heights in life. Now, you might hear ‘perfectionist’ and think, “Ah, they’re destined for success!” But here’s the real deal: perfectionism is […]

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Hey there! I’m Joel Brown, a procrastination mindset specialist. In my world, it’s all about guiding my students through repatterning exercises to break free from the shackles that prevent them from scaling new heights in life.

Now, you might hear ‘perfectionist’ and think, “Ah, they’re destined for success!” But here’s the real deal: perfectionism is far from a superpower. It’s a sneaky villain in disguise, sapping emotional and physical strength, disrupting sleep, and fueling an endless cycle of rumination—all in the pursuit of getting everything ‘just right.’ This relentless chase is what we call the ‘Obsessive Idealist‘ procrastination type.

If you don’t know which out of. the 6 procrastination types you are then you can take this quick 3 minute procrastination type quiz on my Mindstrong Academy website.

Through my fourteen years of coaching, I’ve identified six procrastination types, but my journey started with a personal revelation—I am an Obsessive Idealist. I’ve been there, constantly toggling between creation and procrastination.

And today, I invite you to explore this path with me. If you’re nodding along, thinking, “That sounds like me; I’m a perfectionist too,” then stick around.

I’m about to shed some light on why you might be stuck in this cycle.


Here’s a perfectionist procrastination type video here of what I’m breaking down in this article for you:

The Obsessive Idealist: Unpacking the Perfectionist’s Paradox

First things first, make sure to take the procrastination quiz: to see where you stand. Now, let’s dive into the world of the Obsessive Idealist. Often labeled as high achievers or perfectionists, the core of their procrastination lies in the mind’s protective pause. It’s a shield against perceived threats, pitfalls of perfectionism, and the constant battle between the now and the future in our minds.

Here’s the paradox: what seems like a strength for high achievers can become a crippling hindrance. Obsessive Idealists are in a constant struggle to avoid failure, aiming for 100% perfection. But let’s face the truth—no one is perfect. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, athlete, or any individual striving for excellence, embracing imperfections and learning from failures are crucial steps.


The Traps of Being an Obsessive Idealist Procrastination Type

Analysis Paralysis: Overthinking every detail to the point of inaction is a common pitfall. It’s like trying to get everything perfect, but in reality, it backfires, stalling your progress.

The Unrealistic Standards Syndrome: Setting impossibly high goals is like chasing a mirage. It’s not just about being competitive; it can lead to unfair self-criticism and unrealistic expectations of others.

The Time Trap: Believing there’s never enough time to complete a task perfectly leads to constant postponement. This selective focus on strengths, while avoiding areas of improvement, limits your true potential.

Avoidance of Criticism: Dodging feedback hinders growth. It’s essential to learn to accept constructive criticism without internalizing it as a reinforcement of the “I’m not good enough” narrative.

The All-or-Nothing Lie: Believing that you must operate at full throttle or not at all is a dangerous misconception. Embracing the middle ground, like delegating tasks and seeking mentorship, is key to balanced success.

Embracing Imperfection: The Path to True Progress


In the MindStrong Academy, where I teach conquering procrastination, we focus on managing these patterns effectively. Currently, we’re offering a 7-day free trial, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your mindset: The Academy is more than just a course; it’s a community where you’ll find support, accountability, and tailored resources like a 31-day planner and visualization audios to realign your focus.


In conclusion, recognizing and managing your tendencies as an Obsessive Idealist is crucial. By addressing the deep-rooted “I’m not good enough” narrative and embracing imperfection, you can shift from a state of constant stress to one of harmonized power.

Remember, movement doesn’t always equate to progress. It’s about finding balance, embracing downtime, and allowing yourself the space to grow and learn.

I encourage you to take the quiz, join the MindStrong Academy, and start your journey towards a more balanced, successful life.

Let’s break free from the chains of perfectionism together!


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Unlocking Success: Subconscious Reprogramming, Mindset, and Transformative Strategies for Improved Wellbeing and Business Performance Tue, 09 Jan 2024 13:00:46 +0000 What if I told you that the negative thoughts or self-limiting beliefs that you may have, are not actually yours? In this article, I will discuss subconscious programming and how it can be reprogrammed in a way that allows you to reach your greatest potential. I will also provide tips on how you can integrate […]

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What if I told you that the negative thoughts or self-limiting beliefs that you may have, are not actually yours?

In this article, I will discuss subconscious programming and how it can be reprogrammed in a way that allows you to reach your greatest potential. I will also provide tips on how you can integrate this information as a leader within the workplace.

The subconscious mind is shaped before we begin forming our own conscious thoughts, and these conscious thoughts are influenced by the subconscious mind. This means that even the thoughts that you’re consciously having, are merely an extension of that pre-existing conditioning. 

When something becomes deeply ingrained within your mind through repetition, and there are other supporting thoughts that reinforce it, you will identify this information as your truth. These repeated thoughts become beliefs, and your actions will align to support and validate these beliefs.

The Importance of Observing Your Thoughts

If you continuously tell yourself that you aren’t capable or good enough, how likely are you to put in the effort to challenge this narrative? If you’ve always been a procrastinator and tell yourself that you always will be, you’re going to continue procrastinating. If you run into an obstacle and don’t believe you can overcome it, you’re not going to look for solutions or try your best to resolve it.

It’s extremely important for you to become an observer of your thoughts and understand the impacts of how those thoughts can impact your life, relationships, and overall outlook on life.

Here are some questions to help guide you:

– What are your recurring negative thoughts, and how are they impacting your performance and relationships? 

– How have these thoughts held you back from achieving your goals and living the life that you’ve always dreamed of? 

– What have these thoughts already cost you and what else will they cost you if they don’t change?

Societal conditioning, influenced by a lower level of collective consciousness, has made the experience of debilitating thoughts highly prevalent. It’s not your fault that you have them, but it is your responsibility to change them and choose better ones.

The Subconscious Must Be Reprogrammed 

Reprogramming the subconscious involves positive affirmations, visualization, and consistent repetition to replace negative beliefs with positive ones. You have to become aware of the thoughts that make you feel bad and do not serve your best interest.

What are the growth-oriented thoughts that would you rather have instead? Any time that a debilitating thought crosses your mind, always correct it with new thought that uplifts, encourages and empowers you. Be consistent, be patient and understand that your logical mind will not make this process easy for you at first.

Being Delusional vs. Consciously Creating a Better Reality for Yourself 

By definition, the term delusional means “holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary”. When you have held onto debilitating beliefs for so long and your previous actions have served as evidence to confirm their truth, it is inevitable that your logical mind will deem your new thoughts as delusional. This is where embracing change tends to become most challenging, as it involves confronting this resistance with unwavering commitment. 


What you have to understand is that your former beliefs and former actions do not dictate your future, unless they remain the same. As the old beliefs become obsolete and new beliefs take their place, there will also be new aligned actions that produce different results, and this will serve as evidence to support your new truth. That being said, the most delusional thing that anyone can do is elect to keep an unfavorable mindset that was programmed for them by external factors and willingly relinquish their own personal power as a result of it.

Success is Fundamentally Rooted in the Mindset

How we show up for ourselves and others, communicate with employees, and perform in business are deeply connected to our mindset and everything that has shaped it. Let’s delve into these interconnected aspects and explore five transformative tips that will catalyze positive change in the workplace. 


A growth-oriented mindset encourages resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace challenges. On the other hand, a fixed mindset hinders progress and limits potential.

Tip 1: Embrace a Growth Mindset

  • Establish the belief that abilities can be developed.
  • View challenges as opportunities for learning and improvement.
  • Cultivate a positive attitude toward continuous growth and development.

Unpacking Trauma and Navigating the Impact

Unresolved trauma can cast a long shadow over our personal and professional lives. It shapes our reactions, influences decision-making, and impacts our interactions with others. Acknowledging and addressing trauma is essential for creating a healthier, more productive work environment.


Tip 2: Prioritize Trauma-Informed Leadership

  • Cultivate empathy and understanding for individual experiences.
  • Provide a safe space for open communication about trauma.
  • Implement support systems and resources for employees dealing with trauma.


Elevate Relationships and Sales Performance

To enhance relationships, communication, and sales performance, a holistic approach that intertwines mindset and trauma-informed practices is key.


Tip 3: Implement Empathy-Driven Communication

  • Train teams in active listening and empathetic communication.
  • Create an environment where open dialogue is encouraged.
  • Recognize and validate diverse perspectives, creating a culture of inclusivity.

Tip 4: Invest in Professional Development

  • Offer continuous learning opportunities for employees.
  • Develop leadership skills to enhance communication and relationship-building.
  • Prioritize sales training programs that align with evolving market dynamics.

Tip 5: Maintain a Positive Work Culture

  • Create a workplace where employees feel valued and appreciated.
  • Implement recognition programs to celebrate achievements.
  • Encourage a balance between professional and personal well-being.

By embracing a growth mindset, acknowledging and addressing trauma, and implementing empathetic, integrated strategies, individuals and organizations can create a transformative ripple effect. In this interconnected web of personal and professional growth, how we show up truly matters, influencing the outcomes we achieve and the impact we leave on those around us.


Enjoy the Journey 

As you embark on the empowering journey of subconscious reprogramming, remember that change takes time, and self-compassion is your greatest ally. Surround yourself with positive influences, whether it be supportive friends, inspirational books, or mindfulness practices. Seek guidance from mentors who have walked a similar path and found success in reshaping their mindset. Embrace the discomfort that may arise during this process, for it signifies the shedding of old layers to make way for the new. Reflect on your progress regularly, celebrating even the smallest victories, and be patient with yourself as you navigate the intricacies of transformation. 

In the spirit of rewriting your narrative, I encourage you to take the first step today. Commit to a daily practice of positive affirmations, visualize your desired reality, and consistently challenge self-limiting beliefs. If you would like support along the way, consider joining like-minded communities, Facebook groups, and curate your social media to reflect these new changes you want to embody.

Remember, thoughts become actions, and actions reinforce beliefs. It’s never too late to embark on an empowering journey to reprogram your mind, and achieve the life you have always dreamed of!

For more tips and strategies on how to improve your mindset, follow me at @bigdivineenergy.

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How to Let Go of Unconscious Patterns That No Longer Serve You Tue, 29 Aug 2023 21:00:13 +0000 Spending more and more time going inward will free you to move forward.

The post How to Let Go of Unconscious Patterns That No Longer Serve You appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

I was chatting with a friend of mine who was recently laid off. The experience has been overwhelming for him in a myriad of ways, including feeling inadequate and not good enough to get another job.

He scrolls through job postings on LinkedIn and sees jobs in his industry that might be a good fit but chooses not to apply to them. Why? It’s safer to reject himself before others have a chance to reject him.

In contrast, I have another friend who was recently laid off and she is enjoying this journey and using it as an opportunity to explore what might be next. She feels excited and ready to take on a new adventure. And, she’s having a ton of conversations with various people about what they do so she can compile a list of opportunities that would feel expansive to her.

What is the difference here? The exact same event occurred, but how these two friends are dealing with it, the thoughts, and emotions they are experiencing, and actions they are taking are so very different. 

I believe the answer can be found in the book, The myth of normal: trauma, illness & healing in a toxic culture, where author Gabor Maté MD explores two essential needs: attachment and authenticity.

The purpose of attachment, he states, “is to facilitate either caretaking or being taken care of.”

Authenticity is “the quality of being true to oneself.”

Attachment wins when we are young

When we are young, attachment wins because we need help to physically survive. Because we don’t have many tools when we’re young to help keep ourselves safe, we’ll often hide how we feel, even from ourselves. 

An example of this might be a parent who repeatedly yells at, talks down to and reprimands a child for not meeting their expectations. The parent, in so many ways, let’s the child know that they aren’t enough.

While the child may feel anger toward the parent, that’s not a safe feeling to feel because they need their help (attachment). So, they turn the anger inward – they may start being harsh with themselves each time they feel they didn’t meet an expectation. This helps protect them in a couple of ways. 

First, they don’t make the parent even angrier by showing their anger. And second, because they are taking the place of the parent, so the parent can see they are being harsh with themselves, and they can back off.

“The conscious mind determines the actions, the unconscious mind determines the reactions; and the reactions are just as important as the actions.” – E. Stanley Jones

Authenticity wins when we are older

But, as we get older, being authentic is a higher priority to us. Unfortunately, if we had to hide how we felt all those years, over time that chips away at our ability to be authentic. 

Dr. Maté states, “As these patterns get wired into our nervous system, the perceived need to be what the world demands becomes entangled with our sense of who we are and how to seek love. Inauthenticity is thereafter misidentified with survival because the two were synonymous during the formative years.”

In this example, we’ve got an adult who feels it isn’t safe to feel anger and is very hard on themselves when they feel they haven’t met an expectation. In fact, they may even decide it’s too scary to even try (like my friend who was laid off). 

And, they aren’t consciously doing it, so it’s difficult to consciously address it. All they know is they feel “stuck.”

An exercise to try if you’re feeling stuck

If you’re feeling stuck in some way, it’s likely a part of you that is working to keep you safe, day and night. So, what can be done? Go inward. Acknowledge and befriend this part. Find out what it needs. This will help you to integrate it and move forward. 

Here’s an exercise to try:

  1. Find a quiet time and calm your mind.
  2. Reflect on a recent event, conversation, etc. that felt uncomfortable to you. This might be a feeling of inadequacy, anxiousness, resentment, etc.
  3. Identify the emotion (anger, sadness, fear, disappointment, etc.) that comes up as you reflect on the situation.
  4. Identify where you feel this emotion in your body (chest, neck, stomach, throat, etc.).
  5. Identify what the sensation in your body feels like (shallow breathing, heaviness, burning throat, neck pain, etc.). Simply sit with this sensation. Feel into it.
  6. Thank the part for trying to protect you for so long. It only has good intentions.
  7. Ask this part, “What is it that you need?” Don’t try to force thoughts – the answer won’t come from your mind. Just sit with this question and see what comes up for you.

Continuing the integration

Spending more and more time going inward will help integrate these parts, which will free you to move forward. For example, at a time in my life when I was in the middle of a career pivot, I felt exhausted and foggy – unable to get any traction. 

During this exercise, I was able to identify a part of me that didn’t want a career change because it was too scary and unstable. Instead, it wanted to stay with what was known, dependable, and safe. So, I was able to use that information to decide what to do next. 

In my case, I decided to work a few hours with former clients as well as new ones. With this mix of work (both old and new), the exhaustion and fog dissipated.

Is there an area of your life where you feel stuck or don’t know what to do? Try this exercise and see what comes up for you.

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A Neuropsychologists 4 Habits for a Successful and Happy Life Sun, 23 Jul 2023 22:01:42 +0000 A habit is a behavior that becomes automatic over time.

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Today, the world we live in provides us with endless opportunities.

Consequently, these countless paths can take us down roads that can all too easily, make or break our lives. This, along with the increasing prevalence of AI, leaves many of us faced with the looming question of purpose…what makes humans successful and happy despite different circumstances?

I’m Dr. Kendal Maxwell and I’m a practicing neuropsychologist, which means I study the connection between the human brain and its associated behaviors (in a wide variety of people with an even wider range of medical problems). When the COVID-19 pandemic began I became even more intrigued by human behavior as people’s everyday structure was torn away from them, and realized a revolutionary social experiment was occurring right in front of my eyes.

Not only was I watching how people’s habits were affecting them (both positively and negatively), I was also experiencing first hand my own, as I also began to struggle to keep myself together during a time of collective trauma. 

With that being said, the first thing I did was take a deep dive into researching habits to help myself as well as my patients. How could I develop a physical, tangible tool to help others not only cope, but come out on the other side a better version of themselves? A self-guided habit journal was the answer. That is when I created 12 Months to Happier Habits, then called upon a brilliant and artistic friend of mine, Victoria Nicole Varela, to bring creative life to our project.

This journal helps get you back on track by eliminating negative habits and by helping you introduce new positive habits which allows you to show up as the best version of yourself. But what exactly are habits? Why do they have such a powerful and profound effect on our daily lives and even more so, our total existence?

A habit is a behavior that becomes automatic over time. Once a behavior becomes a habit, it involves less work for the brain and body to do it over any new task. From a brain perspective, our body is motivated by the release of neurotransmitters that make us feel good. These include dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins, and serotonin.

While there are many habits that can lead to increased success and happiness, I am going to focus on the top four that I feel impact these neurotransmitters the most and lead to a life where one would feel successful and happy despite what specifically they are doing otherwise. 

1. Engage in Purposeful Living

Each and every day you should focus on 1 activity that makes you feel a sense of purpose. When we accomplish things, regardless of if they big or small, our serotonin (a chemical linked to feelings of confidence), increases. Additionally, after we accomplish a task we also have an increase in dopamine as we feel a sense internal or external reward. And purpose changes throughout our lives, which is an important thing to remember.

In our 20’s purpose may look like completing a homework assignment for a college course to further our career goals. In our 30’s it may look like feeding a child to help them survive, or building or fixing something for a home we just bought. Our 40’s and onward may look like volunteering or planning a trip with people we love, etc. Ask yourself each morning what is one thing you want to accomplish? Make it happen. Be present with the feeling of having accomplished this before you go to bed at night. 

“If we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” – Tony Robbins

2. Be Willing to Move

There is countless research available proving that the brain and heart are incredibly connected. Taking care of the heart is vital for longevity of life as it inevitably impacts the brain and can reduce the likelihood of developing some form of future dementia. It could be walking 7 days a week for 40 minutes, engaging in high intensity interval training for 20 minutes 3 days a week, and/or incorporating yoga into your weekly routine (my personal favorite).

There are many options that have demonstrated themselves to be effective at leading to improvements in physical and mental health as we age. I also want to note that there are many ways to adapt exercise if you are physically limited, such as chair yoga or chair tai chi. (Victoria is a fan of bathtub stretching!) Additionally, exercise releases all 4 of those feel-good neurotransmitters mentioned above, making it the natural drug of choice for literally anyone. 

3. Make Time for Mindfulness Meditation

To feel successful and happy as we go about our daily lives, we must be okay with being with ourselves, in our own body. Mindfulness meditation assists with this process. By sitting, laying down, or even engaging in walking meditation on a daily basis for 20-40 minutes, we naturally regulate our nervous system. Doing so reduces inflammation in both our body and brain, and releases dopamine, serotonin and endorphins.

Meditation increases our ability to attend to and focus on activities outside of meditation itself, leading us to be more successful at any task we take on. It also has been shown to improve overall mood. In individuals who have cognitive changes later in life, it has been shown to reduce the size of the amygdala so we react better to stress and fear.

4. Stay Connected to Others

Loneliness has been shown to be a risk factor for mortality in older adults. Additionally, when we think about successful ideas and the ability to make an idea become alive, it always involves multiple people working together. The human species thrives on feeling connected and doing so in healthy ways increases all four neurotransmitters! It should be a daily habit to push yourself to find a way to connect with someone. This may mean engaging in a group hobby, group goal, group volunteer opportunity, calling someone you love, etc.

There is even research that shows going to a place where other people are at even if you do not engage with them socially, such as a coffee shop, can be helpful for us on an emotional level. 

Now that you have these four habits you can begin to implement them into your life. Sometimes it’s easier to start with 1 habit at a time for a month, so you don’t feel overwhelmed by this process. This is where 12 Months to Happier Habits can help you. Writing down the habit you want to increase, preparing your life to make room for it, and checking in with yourself on a weekly basis will lead you to be more successful with creating change.

I can’t wait to see the person you are truly meant to be when you make time for these habits in your life, as your best self is already within you and is just waiting for you to start the journey. 

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5 Ways Personal Development Boosts Your Well-Being Fri, 07 Jul 2023 14:57:28 +0000 By focusing on personal development, we unlock our utmost potential

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Personal development has become increasingly important in our quest for well-being and happiness in today’s fast-paced world. It involves investing time and effort in improving ourselves, whether developing new skills, cultivating positive habits, or enhancing our mindset. Personal growth can be compared to tending a garden, where we continuously invest in ourselves to thrive and prosper.

By focusing on personal development, we unlock our utmost potential and experience a profound influence on our overall happiness. It enables us to assume control of our lives, make constructive adjustments, and embrace new prospects. Personal growth is pivotal in enhancing our relationships, finding purpose, or bolstering our mental well-being.

Join us on this transformative journey to explore how personal development can enhance well-being.

Below, we’ll share practical strategies, valuable insights, and helpful resources to unlock your capabilities.

1. Enhanced Self-Awareness 

A fundamental aspect of personal development is the cultivation of self-awareness. Self-awareness involves consciously observing and comprehending our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It entails stepping back to reflect on our values, motivations, and ourselves. By nurturing self-awareness, we gain profound insights into our true selves, leading to a greater understanding of our needs, aspirations, and purpose.

Practices like mindfulness, journaling, and self-reflection are potent tools to foster self-awareness. Mindfulness entails being fully present at the moment and observing our thought patterns and feelings without judgment. Journaling provides a safe outlet to express ourselves, gain clarity, and track our growth journey.

Lastly, self-reflection prompts us to evaluate our actions, beliefs, and patterns, empowering us to make conscious choices that align with our authentic selves.

A deeper understanding of ourselves enables us to navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and cultivate a profound sense of fulfillment and well-being.

In recent times, there’s been a surge of interest in personal development and the behavioral sciences, making the field of applied behavior quite the buzz. It’s all about using psychological know-how in a practical way to bring about changes in behavior and lifestyle. Now, if this field tickles your fancy and you’re thinking of diving into a career here, it’s smart to arm yourself with some solid education and hands-on experience.

A master’s degree is a great starting point, but getting your feet wet through real-world experience is just as essential. The good news? You can juggle both learning and earning by hopping onto an online master’s in applied behavior analysis. This nifty online program is packed with insights on human behavior and hands you the toolkit you need to make waves in diverse environments.

2. Improved Mental Health 

Personal development plays a vital role in promoting mental well-being. By investing in self-growth, individuals can experience positive changes in their mental well-being. One way personal development improves mental health is through stress management techniques. Learning effective stress management strategies helps individuals cope with and reduce stress levels, leading to better overall mental well-being.

Positive affirmations and gratitude practices are other powerful tools within personal development that enhance mental health. Individuals can shift their mindset towards optimism and build resilience by cultivating positive self-talk and focusing on gratitude. These practices result in improved mood, increased self-esteem and foster a positive outlook on life.

Research and expert insights consistently demonstrate the positive impact of personal development on mental well-being. For example, engaging in activities such as growth workshops, therapy, or self-help books can lead to reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression, increased self-awareness, and improved emotional well-being.

According to Forbes, studies have shown that personal development practices like gratitude journaling and positive affirmations can improve mental health by shifting our focus toward the positive aspects of life. 

“What holds most people back isn’t the quality of their ideas, but their lack of faith in themselves. You have to live your life as if you are already where you want to be.” – Russell Simmons

3. Increased Self-Confidence 

Personal development has a profound effect on self-confidence. Individuals actively engaging in self-improvement can hone new skills, overcome self-limiting beliefs, and set and achieve goals, all contributing to increased self-confidence. In addition, by focusing on personal growth, individuals learn to embrace their strengths, build resilience, and step outside their comfort zones.

Skill-building is an essential aspect of personal development that boosts self-confidence. As individuals acquire new skills and knowledge, they gain a sense of accomplishment and capability. This newfound expertise empowers them to take on challenges confidently.

4. Better Relationships 

Personal development not only benefits us individually but also significantly impacts our relationships. Through personal growth, we cultivate essential relationship skills such as effective communication, empathy, and emotional intelligence. These skills enable us to build healthy and meaningful connections with others. 

Forbes highlights the importance of active listening, understanding different perspectives, and expressing empathy as critical components of personal development that positively impact relationships. We become better partners, friends, and family members by continuously improving ourselves. We learn to navigate conflicts, establish boundaries, and cultivate deeper connections. 

The positive effects of personal development on relationships are evident in increased trust, mutual respect, and overall relationship satisfaction. When we prioritize our personal growth, we create a ripple effect that extends to the quality of our relationships and enhances our well-being.

5. Lifelong Learning and Growth 

Personal development is a lifelong journey of learning and growth. In a rapidly changing world, embracing unique growth opportunities and continuously acquiring new skills and knowledge is crucial. Forbes emphasizes that personal development encourages us to let go of our comfort zones and explore new challenges. We enhance our adaptability and resilience by seeking learning experiences and acquiring new skills. 

Continuous learning allows us to stay relevant in our personal and professional lives, adapt to changing circumstances, and embrace innovation. It fosters a growth mindset, which empowers us to view failures as potential opportunities for growth and challenges as stepping stones toward success. Embracing personal development opportunities nurtures our intellectual curiosity and expands our horizons. It enables us to unlock our full potential, pursue our passions, and create a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Final Words 

Personal development is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance our well-being and overall quality of life. By investing in ourselves and embracing personal growth, we can experience profound positive changes. We have explored various aspects of personal development, including enhanced self-awareness, improved mental health, increased self-confidence, better relationships, lifelong learning, and growth.

Remember, personal development is a lifelong journey. Embrace it with a willingness to explore new possibilities. Invest in yourself and commit to ongoing growth and self-improvement. Doing so can unlock your full potential and offer a life filled with purpose, joy, and well-being.

Read more personal development blogs from Addicted 2 Success! 

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A List of Affirmations to Use Right Now to Create a More Positive Life Mon, 26 Jun 2023 21:00:41 +0000 You can achieve anything and everything in the world if you equip with affirmations. 

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Positive affirmations are statements that change your thought process positively. You can achieve anything and everything in the world if you equip with affirmations. 

Affirmations help you bring mental images, motivate and keep you focused on accomplishing your goals. They create positive vibes and help manage your time. They reinforce your inner voice. 

They help you take a step closer to your ideal mindset with a positive, right, and strong attitude. They enhance your longevity as you enjoy living for a longer time with optimism.

They keep you happy and help you lead your personal, professional, and social life successfully. They purify your thoughts and inspire you to dream and achieve big. You begin to think that everything is possible in this world. 

Research shows that we get around 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts in a day and most of them are negative. 

Hence, it is essential to convert negative thoughts into positive thoughts through affirmations. Life becomes truly great when we can think positively and contribute constructively to make a difference in the lives of others.

Tips to Acquire Positive Affirmations

“You will be a failure until you impress the subconscious with the conviction you are a success. This is done by making an affirmation which ‘clicks.'” ―Florence Scovel Shinn 

Everything depends on your mind. Your thinking will create magical words that inspire and mesmerize the people around you. Here are some tips to affirm yourself positively: 

  • Appreciate yourself. Look at the positive things within yourself. In the morning, think of the good things you will do throughout the day. In the night, think of the good things you have done through the day before you sleep.
  • Use sentences such as “I can do it” or. Use the letter ‘I’ to affirm yourself. Tell yourself, “I am full of energy and that gives me joy”. Or “I forgive those who have hurt me”. These sentences bring a lot of change in your thought process and help you to calm down.
  • Use present tense in your statements to become optimistic and achieve maximum outcome. That tells you, what you said is your state of mind now. It is not a future goal or a quality of the past.
  • Surround yourself with motivational slogans. Take out five minutes to find a motivational quote of your choice every day. 
  • To apply affirmations, remove negative thoughts from your mind and replace them with positive thoughts. For example, instead of thinking “This is going to be difficult”, think rather, “There are some challenges here and it will be fun to overcome them.”
  • Prepare a few positive affirmations that suit your age, expectations, and passion. Repeat them. They will creep into your subconscious mind and convert your thought process positively. Once the messages are ingrained in your subconscious mind, your behavior will improve automatically.

Wayne Dyer remarked, “My favorite affirmation when I feel stuck or out of sorts is: Whatever I need is already here, and it is all for my highest good. Jot this down and post it conspicuously throughout your home, on the dashboard of your car, at your office, on your microwave oven, and even in front of your toilets!” Above all, look at the door that is open, not the one that is closed. 

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” ―Buddha

Change Your Mental Vocabulary

James Allen said, “All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish with your life is the direct result of your thoughts.” Whether you want to succeed or fail, it is in your hands as your thoughts will lead to actions. When your thoughts are positive, your actions will be positive. Here are some techniques to convert your thoughts into positive action: Replace “if” with “when,” “should” with “could you,” “hopefully” with “certainly” and “I hope” with “I expect.”  Do not think about what you do not have. Think about what you have. Do not say, “Have a great day!”  but say, “Make it a great day!” Never say, “Do not worry”. Always say, “Have faith”.  Swapping a few words while speaking can convert you into an exceptional achiever.  For instance, swap “but” for “and”; and “have to” for “want to,” and you will find an amazing difference in your thinking process.

Write down your affirmations in a journal and read them before you go to bed and when you wake up. Do it regularly because it helps the affirmations enter into your subconscious mind easily giving you amazing results. 

Here are some examples of affirmations you can customize and adopt: 

  1. I exercise every day and I am healthy. 
  2. I always learn and grow. 
  3. I always see the good in others and appreciate it. 
  4. I forgive people and forget unpleasant events. I am compassionate and kind at heart. 
  5. I am surrounded by healthy and positive people. 
  6. I always get what I want. 
  7. I become more and more prosperous every day. 
  8. I attract incredible opportunities to increase my earnings and better my life. 
  9. I have a continuous abundance of prosperity flowing to me. 
  10. I allow all good things to come into my life and I enjoy them.
  11. I am an abundant person. 
  12. I have a loving family. 
  13. I read great books and enjoy sharing my knowledge with the world free of charge.  
  14. I am blessed with loyal fans and followers all over the world. 
  15. I have an attitude of gratitude. 
  16. I am blessed with affectionate and reliable friends.
  17. I am happy and successful. 
  18. I have a heart to serve others. 
  19. I always add value to others and make a difference in the world.
  20. I inspire the world.  
  21. Life is great!

When you want to grow as a leader, you must create a positive and healthy thought process to build your confidence. It is essential to be equipped with positive affirmations. 

Equipping with positive affirmations would be easy when you adopt the outlined techniques. Follow the tips, tools, and techniques to acquire, equip and apply positive affirmations that would help you reach your goal. 


Read more personal development blogs from Addicted 2 Success! 

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The 6 L.E.G.A.C.Y. Insights: Building A Holistic Approach To Business Tue, 13 Jun 2023 19:06:37 +0000 In the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of modern business, innovative models are the need of the hour to navigate challenges and maintain sustainable growth. Inspired by the metaphor of the ‘Earth as a Cosmic Playground’, the LEGACY Impact System has emerged as a beacon of guidance, interconnecting six crucial business elements to create a […]

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In the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of modern business, innovative models are the need of the hour to navigate challenges and maintain sustainable growth. Inspired by the metaphor of the ‘Earth as a Cosmic Playground’, the LEGACY Impact System has emerged as a beacon of guidance, interconnecting six crucial business elements to create a comprehensive roadmap towards sustainable success.

LEADERSHIP – Conscious Leadership

Simon Sinek, a world-renowned optimist and visionary, once stated, “Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.” Conscious leadership embodies this principle, prioritising awareness of the broader implications and ripple effects of decisions on the organisation, its stakeholders, and the environment.

Action Steps:

  1. Leadership Training: One of the foundational steps towards conscious leadership is investing in leadership development programs that highlight ethical decision-making, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility. These training programs should encompass elements such as emotional intelligence, transparency, empathy, and long-term thinking, equipping leaders to guide their teams towards sustainable growth.
  2. Stakeholder Engagement: Conscious leaders also emphasise consistent and open dialogue with stakeholders. By incorporating stakeholders’ insights into decision-making processes, leaders can ensure they’re addressing the needs and concerns of those impacted by the organisation’s operations.

EVOLUTION – Adaptability

Like the ever-evolving cosmos, businesses must be capable of change and evolution. Albert Einstein’s wisdom encapsulates this requirement: “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” In the fast-paced business world, adaptability becomes an essential survival trait, fostering resilience and agility.

Action Steps:

  1. Innovation Encouragement: Businesses can nurture adaptability by creating an environment that celebrates innovation, rewards creative problem-solving, and supports calculated risk-taking. This could involve implementing an open-door policy for ideas, organising brainstorming sessions, or establishing an innovation hub within the organisation.
  2. Technology Integration: Keeping abreast of technological advancements and incorporating them into business processes is another critical step. This proactive approach not only optimises operations but also positions the organisation as a forward-thinking player in the industry.

GROWTH – Continuous Learning and Development

Motivational speaker and writer Leo Buscaglia said, “Change is the end result of all true learning.” In the realm of business, this translates into the equation ‘continuous learning equals continuous growth’. Organisations that champion a culture of ongoing learning and development are well-positioned to thrive.

Action Steps:

  1. Employee Training: Regular training and development opportunities should be provided to employees to update their skills and stay abreast of industry trends. This can range from skills-based workshops and webinars to providing resources for self-learning and personal development.
  2. Learning Culture: Promoting a culture that values learning and improvement at all levels of the organisation is crucial. This can be achieved by recognising and rewarding learning initiatives, encouraging feedback, and fostering an atmosphere of open communication.

ALIGNMENT – Holistic Approach to Business and Value-Based Marketing

Renowned systems scientist Peter Senge stated, “Alignment is the prerequisite for effectiveness.” Taking inspiration from the cosmos, where every element is harmoniously aligned, businesses should ensure all aspects of their operations align with their core mission and values.

Action Steps:

  1. Internal Alignment: To ensure coherence between what a business says and does, internal processes, practices, and culture should reflect the organisation’s mission and values. This includes aligning recruitment and management practices, employee benefits, and internal communication with the organisation’s core ethos.
  2. External Alignment: Similarly, marketing, customer service, and branding strategies should resonate with the organisation’s values. Authentic alignment in these areas fosters trust among stakeholders and differentiates the business in a competitive marketplace.

Ready to Learn to Unlock The Power of Emotional Intelligence and Win More Clients? 

COMMUNITY – Community Building

Civil rights activist Coretta Scott King once stated, “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” This statement holds significant relevance for modern businesses, underlining the importance of community-building among stakeholders.

Action Steps:

  1. Stakeholder Inclusion: Businesses can foster community by including stakeholders in decision-making processes, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement. This can be facilitated through town-hall meetings, feedback sessions, and collaborative projects.
  2. Engagement Initiatives: Launching initiatives that promote interaction and collaboration among stakeholders can further strengthen community bonds. These initiatives can range from team-building activities and social events to forums for sharing ideas and challenges.

YIELD – Sustainability and Technology Integration

Danish architect Bjarke Ingels pointed out that sustainability should not be viewed as a sacrifice but as a design challenge. Businesses, similarly, should see sustainability as an essential aspect of their design and operational strategies, not as an afterthought.

Action Steps:

  1. Sustainable Practices: By incorporating sustainability into every facet of business operations, from product design and manufacturing to supply chain management and waste disposal, businesses can make a positive impact on the environment and society.
  2. Tech-driven Sustainability: Technology offers a myriad of ways to enhance sustainability. By harnessing technology to optimise resource use, reduce energy consumption, or streamline processes, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices.

In conclusion, the 6 L.E.G.A.C.Y. Insights offer a holistic and actionable guide for businesses looking to navigate the complexities of today’s dynamic business landscape. By integrating conscious leadership, adaptability, continuous learning and development, alignment, community building, and sustainability into their day-to-day operations, organisations can achieve sustainable growth and contribute positively to the larger cosmic playground.

Ray Pang SH has generated over USD$1.216mil for his business using the Transformational Sales Methods he discussed above and in his other articles on A2S.

Want to work with him and become one of the 125+ business owners he has helped generate over USD$12.164mil in sales for? Go to his Instagram here and DM him the word “LEGACY” to learn how he can revolutionise your business now.

Want to Master Sales? Find out what it takes for you to become a master salesman

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The Global Freedom Initiative: Revolutionising freedom, legacy, and impact Mon, 05 Jun 2023 00:13:17 +0000 In our hyper-connected era, the interpretation of concepts like freedom, truth, and self-expression bear profound implications. Amidst a symphony of diverse viewpoints, a revolutionary philosophy has crystallised, offering a distinctive compass to traverse the intricate labyrinth of human existence — The Global Freedom Initiative. This initiative isn’t merely a collage of thoughts; it’s a rallying […]

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In our hyper-connected era, the interpretation of concepts like freedom, truth, and self-expression bear profound implications. Amidst a symphony of diverse viewpoints, a revolutionary philosophy has crystallised, offering a distinctive compass to traverse the intricate labyrinth of human existence — The Global Freedom Initiative. This initiative isn’t merely a collage of thoughts; it’s a rallying cry for a paradigm shift, recognising the deep interconnection of life and promoting a world filled with limitless freedom, infinite love, and genuine self-expression.

In a world marred by conflict, ecological decay, and societal disparity, the mission of the Global Freedom Initiative rings louder than ever. By nurturing a global tribe dedicated to human evolution, the initiative envisions a world where Unconditional Love serves as the default emotional state.

Cultivating World-Changers

The heart of the Global Freedom Initiative beats in transcending conventional notions of business, wealth, and personal development. It strives to foster a dynamic Freedom Impact Ecosystem, merging individuals and businesses in a unified quest for a world that celebrates authenticity, where love is unbounded, and freedom is an innate right. These philosophy anchors on the ‘Creator Being’ concept, recognising our capacity to shape reality and influence our surroundings.

As the esteemed physicist Albert Einstein once stated, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” This potent quote encapsulates the essence of a ‘Creator Being’ – an individual whose thoughts, intentions, and actions have the power to shape their reality and impact their environment. This acknowledgment of our inherent creative potential is the bedrock of the Global Freedom Initiative.

The Quest for True Freedom

A 2020 Pew Research Center survey revealed that nearly 60% of adults worldwide expressed dissatisfaction with their country’s current state, hinting at a global thirst for transformation. The Global Freedom Initiative quenches this thirst by presenting an evolutionary journey starting with self-awareness cultivation and climaxing in ‘True Freedom’ – a state of existence that embraces the human experience unencumbered by repression, resistance, and rejection.

Negative emotions like shame, guilt, fear, and anger often inhibit personal and societal evolution. Brene Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston, wisely noted, “Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change.” The Global Freedom Initiative proposes a transformative response to these emotions, advocating for their acknowledgment, processing, and release to foster personal liberation and nurture a more empathetic and inclusive society.

Reimagining Business as a Catalyst for True Freedom

The Global Freedom Initiative underscores the reframing of business as a conduit for social impact and personal legacy. It proposes a radical shift in our perception of business, presenting it not merely as a profit-oriented entity but as a potent platform for societal evolution and personal self-expression. This perspective dovetails with the rising trend of impact investing. According to the Global Impact Investing Network, impact investing assets amounted to $715 billion in 2020, signalling an increasing recognition of the role businesses can play in steering societal transformation.

To support The Global Freedom Initiative, we must appreciate the significance of individual, owner, and investor contributions to the business sphere. Business is an outward reflection of our inner quest, our mission of Truth, mirroring our fullest expression of Self in driving change and impacting the world.

For a business to be sustainable and impactful, it must satisfy two primary pillars:

  1. A business should drive social impact and contribute to societal evolution, for the Greater Good Of All
  2. A business should have the necessary structure for one’s LEGACY and Truth to flow within, as this impact will voice your inner Truth mission to change the world

This defines a Freedom Impact Business.

Three tiers contribute to a Freedom Impact Ecosystem:

  1. $0 – $100k/mo (Freedom Impact Venture)
  2. $100k/mo – $1mil/mo (Freedom Impact Organisation)
  3. $1mil/mo – $10mil+/mo (Freedom Impact Enterprise)

Moreover, the Global Freedom Initiative rethinks the definition of business success. It posits that a truly prosperous business drives economic growth, contributes positively to society, and facilitates personal growth. This perspective aligns with a McKinsey & Company study, suggesting that long-term performance-focused companies demonstrate superior financial outcomes while contributing to societal well-being.

Charting the Future: What Does This Mean For You?

At the core of the Global Freedom Initiative is the conviction that personal growth and societal evolution are inherently linked. As we progress towards personal freedom, we indirectly contribute to societal transformation. This philosophy resonates with the wisdom of celebrated philosopher and writer, Aldous Huxley, who stated, “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.”

The Coaching / Consulting Industry plays an instrumental role in the Global Freedom Initiative, bridging the gap between traditional education and a more holistic approach encompassing body, mind, and spirit. This aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4, advocating for “inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

Ultimately, the Global Freedom Initiative underscores the power of community and collective action. It believes that each one of us can contribute to a world where freedom, love, and authenticity are paramount. This community-oriented approach resonates with Margaret Mead’s wisdom, a renowned anthropologist, who famously stated, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

In conclusion, the Global Freedom Initiative offers a transformative philosophy responding to the profound call for societal transformation and personal growth. It champions the creation of a world where every individual is empowered to live in alignment with their truths and contribute to humanity’s collective evolution. As we steer through the complexities of the 21st century, such philosophies serve as beacons of hope, offering a roadmap for constructing a more inclusive, compassionate, and authentic world.

Ray Pang SH has generated over USD$1.215mil for his business using the Transformational Sales Methods he discussed above and in his other articles on A2S.

Want to work with him and become one of the 125+ business owners he has helped generate over USD$12.154mil in sales for? Go to his Instagram here and DM him the word “LEGACY” to learn how he can revolutionise your business now.

Ready to become a master salesperson? Learn how to master the art of active listening

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4 Tips On How To Write Down Your Goals To Actually Reach Them Mon, 10 Apr 2023 10:41:43 +0000 Everyone has goals. Whether small (“I’d like to lose 5 pounds before the summer”) or big (“I’d like to make a million dollars next year”).  There’s a huge gap between having goals and accomplishing them. The act of writing down your goals plays an important part in closing this gap and reaching your goals.  According […]

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Everyone has goals. Whether small (“I’d like to lose 5 pounds before the summer”) or big (“I’d like to make a million dollars next year”). 

There’s a huge gap between having goals and accomplishing them. The act of writing down your goals plays an important part in closing this gap and reaching your goals.  According to a study done on Harvard MBA students, within ten years’ time, the students who had written down their goals were making ten times as much as their classmates who hadn’t written down their goals.

What to write out in your goals 

1. Clearly define your goals

This may be harder than you think. That’s because oftentimes, we get caught up in our daily routines and lose track of our true desires in life. Most people are guided by their circumstances. But there are a few people who shape their lives according to their goals. Who do you think is happier: the person who is defined by their circumstances or the person who creates their circumstances? Which category are you in now? Which category do you want to be in?

Chances are, you’re in the first group. But, the good news is that if you’re reading this article, you’re probably trying to make it to the second category. In order to do this, you have to take stock of your situation. That means taking some time to sit down and reflect. Find some quiet, alone time. Sit down and consider your current situation from all angles and write down your observations.

If you need some help doing this, consider answering the following questions:

  • Where are you now?
  • Where do you want to be?
  • What do you have to do to get there?

“It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

2. Look at the big picture

Envision where you want to be next year, the year after or five years from now. Think about long-term goals. Don’t think about details or how you will accomplish them. Simply allow yourself to dream and to think about what it is you truly want. Whether it’s a personal or professional goal, just let your heart speak. Maybe you want to be married with children in five years’ time. Maybe you want to run a marathon. Or you want a job that you both love and that pays you well. Or you want to take time off to travel. Whatever it is, no matter how far from your current circumstances it may be, write it down.


3. Look at the small picture

Now, is when you start to fill in the gap between where you are now and your dreams. What is the first step? If you want to be married and have children, fill out a profile on an online dating site or let your friends know that you’re interested in meeting someone. If you want to run a marathon, get yourself a personal trainer at a gym or join a running club. Maybe visit a sports nutritionist to make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need in order to stay healthy and competitive.

If you want to land your dream job, think about your qualifications. Do you need to take some courses in order to be a candidate for the job you want? If you already qualify, start sending out your resume. If you want to travel, how could you convince your boss to let you take the time off? What about arrangements for a house-sitter or sub-letter? Who could take care of your pets? What other steps are there between you and your goal? Map them out, step by step.


4. Use positive Self Talk

When writing down your goals, try to put things in a positive way. Negative goal setting implies that you’re doing something wrong. It’s like scolding yourself for not doing better.

Below, I will provide 4 examples:

  • Don’t say: Stop dating losersInstead say: Find a successful, loving, supportive partner.
  • Don’t say: Stop being lazyInstead say: Improve my fitness to have the body I want and increase my health, energy and self-esteem.
  • Don’t say: Quit your dead-end jobInstead say: Find a job that matches my skills, passions and financial goals.
  • Don’t say: Stop putting off traveling. Instead say: Prepare the way for an incredible traveling adventure.

Putting a positive spin on the language you use can make you feel excited about tackling your goals. Such an attitude will help you overcome hurdles and make you determined to reach your future accomplishments.

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” – Napoleon Hill

Whatever your goals are, studies show that the act of writing them down can have a significant impact on their outcome. Defining exactly what it is that you want, setting up the steps to get there, and saying it all in a positive way are powerful steps to realizing your dreams. So, grab a pen and get started.

Ready To Write Down Your Goals & Reach Them? Read more blogs about reaching your goals and success on Addicted 2 Success

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Need Help Reaching Your Goals? This 6 Step Process Is For You Sun, 02 Apr 2023 04:00:49 +0000 Nobody wants to fail and everyone wants to succeed. Every day, people are struggling to reach their goals and achieve success. A failure is a painful event and one that almost all of us work tirelessly to avoid. However, no matter who you are, failure is unavoidable. Not only that, but as much as you […]

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Nobody wants to fail and everyone wants to succeed. Every day, people are struggling to reach their goals and achieve success. A failure is a painful event and one that almost all of us work tirelessly to avoid. However, no matter who you are, failure is unavoidable. Not only that, but as much as you hate to fail, failure is still necessary for your success. There can be no success without failure.

This is because when we fail, we tend to ponder, we search for deeper meanings, and we grow in the process. Hence, do not shun failure. The key is not to avoid failure, but to learn how to manage it when it comes. 

So when you fail to reach your goals, here is the 6-step process you can use to bounce back higher:

1. Failure is just your perception

The first thing you need to understand when you fail to achieve your goals is that failure is just your perception. Like Henry Ford famously said, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right.” You have to understand that there is no good news or bad news, it is just news.

Hence, when you fail, don’t treat it as a failure, instead, choose to look at it as an opportunity to learn and a lesson for growth. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people look at things from a positive perspective while unsuccessful people look at things from a negative point of view.

When you fail, it doesn’t mean that you are a failure. You are only a failure when you choose to quit and give up. Remember, failure is just an event, not a person. Change your perception of failure and things will start to change.

2. Focus on what you can learn

The next step you need to do is to find out what you can learn from your failure. It is not easy, but once you switch your perception and look at failure as something good, things can change. A lot of people look at failure as the opposite of success, which is not true at all. Failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of it.

Tony Robbins said it wisely, “Success in life is the result of good judgment. Good judgment is usually the result of experience. Experience is usually the result of bad judgment.” Hence, when you fail to achieve your goals, ask yourself, “What does this mean and what can I learn from it?”

Focus on what you can learn and not the problem. When you treat failure as a lesson and you gained a new perspective from it, you become someone better and more worthy of the goal.

3. Remember your dream

The third step you can do is to remind yourself of your dream. When you see yourself achieving your goals and are living your ideal lifestyle, you feel motivated. This is important because one of the main reasons people fail to hit their goals is that they lose interest in what they want.

They started strong in the beginning, but as the days went by, their motivation started to fade and they were distracted by everything that is happening in their daily lives. As a result, they lose connection with their goals and eventually, they stop taking action and they give up.

Never let this happen to you. Make sure you think about your dreams and put your goals in your mind every moment.

4. Recall your purpose and rediscover your passion

The next step you should take is to recall your purpose and reignite your passion. Remember, what gets you started is your purpose and what gets you going is your purpose. And you can’t go on without both. Your purpose is the lighthouse that guides you through thick and thin. And your passion is the fuel that drives you to take action each day.

So rediscover your purpose. Why do you want to achieve the goals? Why do you want to reach your dreams? The stronger and the more emotional your purpose, the stronger the motivation.


5. Plan and recalibrate

Once you’ve reignited your passion, it is time to plan ahead once again and recalibrate your action steps. At this point, you should understand better why you fail in the first place. Maybe you are not taking enough action. Maybe your approach did not work. Or maybe you should just try again one more time.

Whatever you do, create a new plan and start over again. Never underestimate the power of planning. Like Larry Winget said: “Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don’t have a plan.” Your plan tells you what you need to do to reach your goals. And of course, the final step is about taking action.

6. Take action and bounce back

The final step is to bounce back by taking massive action. By now, you have only two options. One, you choose to sit and do nothing. This will never get you anywhere. If you are stuck in a rut, doing nothing is not going to help at all. You need to make progress, which leads you to option two: Take massive action.

Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. Do understand that people don’t drown by falling into the water. They drown because they stay there. This is why you need to keep moving. Therefore, take massive and consistent action according to the plan that you have created.

Use These Tools To Reach Your Goals

Failing to achieve your goals is something common. Even Thomas Edison was said to have failed over 10,000 times. However, the difference was that Edison did not give up. He knew how to manage his failures and he did not see his failures as failures. Sometimes all you need is to follow simple steps to achieve your goals and create your dream life! 

Like all successful people, Edison chose to look at failures as an opportunity to learn and grow. If you want to turn the situation around and bounce back to reach your goals, incorporate these 6 steps into your life.


Don’t let fear of failure stop you! Learn how to change your mindset to be more success-focused with Addicted 2 Success! 

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Don’t Forget the Hard Times Embrace Them to Grow Thu, 30 Mar 2023 21:00:11 +0000 A dream may never become a reality if you fail to learn from what made it impossible in your past

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A dream may never become a reality if you fail to learn from what made it impossible in your past. Each trial I have faced strengthened me, increased my confidence, and instilled in me the discipline to seek accountability for my life. 

That’s why I don’t try to forget the hardships of my past. Instead, I prefer to cling to every moment as a powerful reminder of who I once was and who I am becoming. Hard times contain invaluable lessons if you reframe your approach.

Here’s how:

Acknowledge that hardship takes many forms 

Hardship often implies severe suffering, though it comes in different forms for different people — or for different phases of your life. While there’s no winning or meaning to life if you don’t rise above trials and tribulations, it’s important to respect that whatever form hardship takes matters. 

During my high school years in rural Lagos, Nigeria, we struggled for clean water, electricity, and access to medical treatment. As a grown man in the U.S., my hardships have taken another form. I’m concerned about providing for my family and ensuring they have a secure future. I worry about my career and daily work. 

But one set of challenges is no more or less important than the other; it simply depends on who is experiencing it in what environment.

See hardships for the meaning they provide

Think of hardship as an obstacle to overcome in order to get from point A to point B. Without the obstacle, there’s no meaning to the journey or sense of reward. Every form of hardship inherently drives us to build something of value: to cover long distances, we built cars for land, boats for the sea, and planes for the air. 

Hardships force us to be smarter and better. They add accountability and bring out the best in us. Diamonds are formed under a tremendous amount of pressure. Be the diamond.

“It’s your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life’s story will develop.” — Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Look for the lesson in each trial 

In Lagos, I grew up in a community where few understood the magnitude of our poverty. When we couldn’t afford electricity, I studied by lantern if we had kerosene or moonlight when we didn’t. I was often afraid that I’d return home after school to empty pots and no food. 

I often prayed to God that there might be food in the kitchen this time — or at least some bread to dip in sugar and water. In my heart, I knew that to someday provide for my own family, I had to stay disciplined with my academics. 

All of these moments form my compass and my invisible toolbox. I’d be lost without them. When you remember how far you’ve come, you bring humility to your success and find more confidence, power, and strength in yourself and your abilities.

Focus on how you recovered from setbacks.

There’s a Yoruba proverb:” If you want to drink the honey from the rock, you can’t look at the edge of your axe.” When I was in high school in Lagos, my family’s financial situation hit rock bottom. It was the national college examinations season: All high school students had to take General Certificate Examination (GCE) to be eligible for college. 

But in my family, we often went without food for days. The four weeks of the 1996 GCE, when I had fourteen exams to write, were the most grueling weeks of my life. The exam center was thirteen miles away, and I had no transportation fare. 

Constantly hungry, I walked those thirteen miles in every kind of weather, often in bare feet since my sandals were too far gone to be mended. Sometimes I hitched a ride on the back of a pick-up truck or hung on the back of the petrol tanker truck. 

This was the period I had to make a life-changing decision: to keep pursuing my dreams for the future by performing exceptionally well in exams, or give up because I was too weak even to lift a book? 

This period culminated in an unprecedented level of respect for me from my father. At the end of my exams, I knew that no one but myself could stop me from achieving anything I set my heart to, not unless God had other plans. 

Consider your faith and how it prevailed.

By the time I understood the concept of faith, I was in my third year in college. But I realized I had exercised this belief since I was a child without knowing what it was. Experiencing poverty allowed me to build something new to bring my family and myself out of it. 

Every adversity I faced taught me to always have alternatives — not only a Plan B but also a Plan C. It would take some time before I would understand the impact of betrayal by those I love. But I learned quickly how to sense and gauge negativities and falsenesses from a distance and keep them at bay. 

I take those lessons seriously — and they become part of how I remember those loved ones when they’re gone. If there’s anything they taught me, it’s to know when my faith has prevailed, accomplish what I wanted, and celebrate in humility and gratitude.

Like pieces of a puzzle, the experiences we face, hard times and good times, successes and failures, complete us. If you choose to cast out the pieces you don’t like, you will never be able to create the whole. 

Aligning a piece correctly lets you know which piece you need to find next. It’s the same with our experiences. They’re meant to shape and guide us so we can thrive, touch the lives of those around us, and contribute to this world. 

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5 Ways To Achieve Your Goals (With Examples) Wed, 29 Mar 2023 03:49:35 +0000 Setting goals is a crucial first step, whether you’re striving to reach personal or professional milestones. However, achieving those goals requires planning, determination, and focus. In this post, we’ll discuss five actionable strategies that can help you achieve your goals in 2023, and we’ll provide real-life examples to inspire and motivate you. By implementing these […]

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Setting goals is a crucial first step, whether you’re striving to reach personal or professional milestones. However, achieving those goals requires planning, determination, and focus. In this post, we’ll discuss five actionable strategies that can help you achieve your goals in 2023, and we’ll provide real-life examples to inspire and motivate you. By implementing these tips, you can train your brain to achieve your goals and make meaningful progress toward your aspirations.

1. Write Down Your Goals

The first thing needed to achieve a goal is to have one. A goal becomes very clear and precise once you have written it down most simply and easily to remember.

Here are some examples:

  • I am the world’s best dancer!
  • I am the greatest athlete!
  • I have created the world’s most innovative tech company!

They are all written with the belief that these things have already happened. Once you start believing it has already happened, other people too can sense your confidence and things start happening.

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” — Andrew Carnegie

2. The One Page Plan

A simple one-page plan to accompany your goal is much more powerful than a detailed 30-page plan. After you have written your clear goal – write down all the things you will have to do to achieve it. Make it as simple and direct as possible so that you can refer to it every day and take action. A simple plan is easier to follow and keep up with.

3. Get The Right Skills

Once you have a clear goal that has been inked into your mind, and a clear plan in place, it is very important to invest in the skills you need to achieve your goal.

So for example, if you want to become a movie star, you should immediately start developing your acting skills. Observe how other actors perform, join an acting class, read about acting, and most importantly, start honing your craft by joining a local theatre group and going for as many auditions as you can. Practice is very important for mastering any skill.

Struggling To Achieve Your Goals? Here Are 9 Possible Reasons Why! 

4. Surround Yourself With The Best People

The best way to achieve our goals is to make sure we have the best people supporting us. People who succeed are always those who understand the power of people.

So let’s say your goal is to be an entrepreneur and you have developed your entrepreneurial skills, the next step would be to get the best people to join your team to help you achieve your goal. These would be people who you consider to be the best marketers capable of getting you the best customers and investors.

Once you have the best people supporting you, it becomes much easier and faster to achieve your goals.

“It takes tremendous discipline to control the influence, the power you have over other people’s lives.” – Clint Eastwood

5. Power of Faith

Nothing beats the power of faith and belief. Sometimes you might face challenges, sometimes things might not be going your way, and you might feel like giving up – these are the times when faith and belief will keep you going.

So many people give up, just a few inches away from victory. I am sure you are not one of them since you are investing time into self-development which gives the highest returns! Now go out there and start achieving your goals!

Need more motivation? Read our blogs on motivation and become your best self now!

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This Concept Will Make You Happier and More Productive Tue, 28 Mar 2023 21:00:50 +0000 While humans can’t expect to describe themselves as “always” happy, we sure as heck shouldn’t settle for “never” happy or even “seldom” happy

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It’s always tempting to answer one more email before bed or to reply to one more text from a friend during work. Nonetheless, numerous studies have shown that multitasking, which is actually just constant task-switching, is exhausting. As the American Psychological Association states in an article about multitasking: “Psychologists who study what happens to cognition (mental processes) when people try to perform more than one task at a time have found that the mind and brain were not designed for heavy-duty multitasking.”

Some versions of “never fully on, never fully off” have been around longer than we think. Fortunately, this problem has been considered at length by the Jewish wisdom tradition, offering this simple solution: divide time between striving (work) and restful delight (Shabbat). The traditional day of rest practice may need a few tweaks to fit your life, however, the basic goal remains beneficial: time that is fully “off” and time that is fully “on.” 

You don’t need to be Jewish or spiritual (or anything other than practical) in order to experience the benefits of these 3 tips, inspired by the past, but suited for today:

Tip 1: Limit Distractions to Improve Focus at Work

The constant barrage of notifications and alerts—including good news or invitations from friends—can make it difficult to stay concentrated on what is at hand. To improve your focus and productivity, turn off notifications for non-essential apps during work hours.

Schedule specific times throughout the day to check messages and emails. This will allow you to pay attention to one task at a time and get more done in less time. In other words, work smarter.

Tip 2: Protect Your Rest Time

Just as it’s important to set boundaries around work time, it’s equally important to protect our rest time. When we’re constantly connected to work-related activities, we’re not allowing ourselves to fully recharge. If we are not fully recharged, our work will also suffer when we return to it. 

Rest and play are essential for our physical and mental well-being, so carve out time for them in your schedule. When we don’t get enough joy and refreshment, our cognitive functions and mood suffer. 

So, while having fun, treating yourself, or spending quality time with loved ones, put up an internal and external ‘do not disturb’ sign. Your mental wellbeing is essential.

Tip 3: Communicate Your Boundaries 

Let your colleagues, friends, and family members know that you’re making a conscious effort to limit distractions both at work and during down time. This will help them understand why you may not be responding to messages or emails as quickly as they’re used to.

Talking about your new way of being will also help promote a healthier, more sustainable culture. It may take some time for others to adjust, but in the long run, it is one step towards benefiting everyone’s productivity and well-being.

While humans can’t expect to describe themselves as “always” happy, we sure as heck shouldn’t settle for “never” happy or even “seldom” happy. I propose we do an experiment on ourselves: let’s limit distractions, protect our rest time, communicate our boundaries, and then find out how much happier (and productive) we can get!  

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3 Harsh Life Lessons That’ll Make You a Better Person Sun, 26 Mar 2023 21:00:26 +0000 Despite the many adversities you’ll experience, remember that with such challenges comes opportunity

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Life is incredible; it’s brimming with unique experiences and opportunities for those willing to take risks. However, every coin has its opposing side. And the world we live in is no different. As much as the world offers growth and possibilities, it equally distributes difficulties and challenges—not to think so is naive.

But, with the proper perspective, even these “negatives” can be converted into positives and, as a result, make you better instead of bitter. Here are three harsh life lessons that will make you a better person. 

1. Suffering is Part of the Human Condition

In everything we do, we’re either trying to gain pleasure or avoid pain; the irony is that pain is an inescapable part of the human experience. It’s as fixed in the human condition as the stars are in the sky. For this reason, accepting (and even embracing) it as inevitable helps you manage it better. 

Here are a few tips for embracing suffering:

  • Do something hard every day: This could be as harsh as daily cold showers or as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Whatever you choose, try to incorporate hardship into your daily life; it will make you tougher and more resilient.
  • Don’t self-meditate: Negative emotions are not pleasurable. But the worst thing you can do when you feel sad, anxious, depressed, etc., is self-medicate via drugs, food, alcohol, or other mind-altering substances.
  • Be present: Feel your negative emotions; be present with them. Granted, this is easier said than done. However, if you become comfortable with uncomfortable emotions, you will develop mental strength when real challenges or setbacks occur. 

Why Suffering Makes You Better 

Life can be harsh; it’s filled with challenges and difficulties. You’ll be washed away under the current of adversity if you aren’t strong enough to handle the tide. Suffering develops strength within you. Ultramarathon runner, triathlete, author and retired Navy SEAL David Goggins refers to this as ‘callusing your mind.’

Suffering makes you stronger, so you can better manage life’s challenges. From this perspective, you’ll recognize that suffering is a necessary part of becoming all you can be.

“The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he cannot learn, feel change, grow or live…” — William Arthur Ward

2. Everything is Temporary

Everyone alive is going to die someday. 

Everything you and I build will eventually crumble and become dust; nothing is permanent. Don’t take this as a negative aspect of life. On the contrary, it’s the perfect reason not to take yourself or life too seriously. We’re all dust in the wind! So you might as well live as fully as possible and enjoy your brief time here!

Try these tips to enjoy your life more:

  1. Set lofty goals and make progress toward them
  2. Don’t take things too personally
  3. Maintain connections with those who love and care about you (and vice versa)
  4. Don’t compromise your values
  5. Take chances in your life
  6. Try not to judge yourself too harshly when you make mistakes
  7. Try not to judge others too harshly when they make mistakes (we’re all doing the best we can)

How Will Knowing This Make You a Better Person?

Understanding that everything (and everyone) you know is only here for a short time may seem depressing or nihilistic. But this knowledge can actually help you enjoy what you have while you have it. It can free you from taking things and people for granted. As a result, you can enjoy your life much more deeply than you ever could otherwise. 

3. We All Have a Dark Side

In his international bestseller, The Laws of Human Nature, author Robert Greene dives deep into this concept. His book explains that every human (regardless of how “saintly” they appear) has a dark side. And underneath people’s “kind” or “polite” demeanor resides a dark personality fraught with aggression, insecurities, and self-serving compulsions they actively hide from others. Even more concerning, this dark side seeks expression. And it often seeps out in actions that will confuse or even inflict pain on you. 

20th-century philosopher and psychologist Carl Jung referred to this ugly aspect of human nature as The Shadow. 

Why Understanding This Concept Will Improve Your Life

By recognizing The Shadow in others, you can avoid naivety and protect yourself against malicious people. Better yet, by recognizing it in yourself, you can integrate it into your personality. This process makes you a more “complete” person, allowing you to accept the “ugly” parts of you that you’re either consciously or unconsciously trying to repress. 

Failure to integrate your dark side causes it to seek expression through your behavior in unexpected ways. But benefits to shadow work can include:

  1. Improved creativity
  2. More confidence 
  3. Higher levels of self-esteem
  4. Undiscovered talents/skills
  5. Self-love, acceptance, and respect
  6. Increased personal integrity 

There are many therapeutic services available to help with shadow work if you want to learn more.

Despite the many adversities you’ll experience, remember that with such challenges comes opportunity. Each tribulation helps you to grow and become more. And when you become more, more of life opens up to you, allowing you to enjoy and experience a broader range of what the world offers. 

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Debunking 21 of the Most Common Leadership Myths Fri, 24 Mar 2023 21:00:54 +0000 It has been proved beyond doubt that leaders are made rather than born

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Do you think leaders should be tall and handsome?  Do you opine leaders must know everything? Do you think leaders must have a magic wand? Do you think women cannot make good leaders? Do you think leaders should be intelligent with a strong academic background?

Then you need to reconsider your views on leaders and leadership.  There are several myths associated with leaders and leadership.  And there are several definitions of leader and leadership.  If you hit Google you get a huge number of hits on leaders and leadership, and many definitions of leadership.  Hence, before we define leader and leadership, it is essential to debunk several myths about leaders and leadership.  

Myth # 1: Leaders are born, not made.

Truth: Several theories are highlighting various aspects of leadership such as skills theory, behavioral theory, great man theory, trait theory, etc., Previously people believed that either people had leadership qualities, or not.  

However, through research, it has been proved beyond doubt that leaders are made rather than born.  Just because the father or mother is a leader the son or daughter cannot be a natural leader.  In addition, leadership is a behavior that can be learned through training and practice.

Myth # 2: Leaders must be tall.

Truth: People often think that leaders must be tall with great height so that they will be able to influence others. No doubt, having a great height is an asset but some great leaders were short in height but achieved greatness.  For instance, Alexander was short in height but became great through his conquests more than 2,300 years ago.  

Although Adolf Hitler failed during the Second World War, he was a leader who was short in height.  Similarly, Mahatma Gandhi was also short in height but he achieved India’s independence through truth and non-violence. Hence, height is not the criterion to become a leader. 

Myth # 3: Leaders must be handsome. 

Truth: Leaders must walk their talk and set an example for others to follow.  They must have a vision, be able to influence others, build successful teams, motivate, and finally accomplish their goals and objectives.  Hence, there is no connection between their roles and physical appearance. For instance, Abraham Lincoln was not good-looking, but he proved to be one of the best presidents of America.  

Myth # 4:  Leaders must be highly intelligent.  

Truth: Numerous examples prove beyond doubt that leaders hail from an average academic background.  When we look at the leaders of Fortune 500 companies, it reveals that more than 50 percent of CEOs hail from an average academic background.  

However, having an academic qualification is an asset for a leader.  But every leader must not be academically intelligent. When we look at Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg, they are all college dropouts.  Hence, we can emphatically conclude that most leaders have average intelligence. 

Myth # 5: Leaders must be extroverts. 

Truth: Some leaders are introverts yet proved their leadership qualities. Steve Jobs of Apple Computers was an introvert who proved as an innovation legend during his lifetime. It is the nature of people either to be introverts or extroverts, and it has nothing to do with leadership. 

Myth # 6: Leaders must be veterans. 

Truth: Having experience and being older is an asset to leaders as they make fewer mistakes, and benefit from their vast experience and age.  At times, it proves to be costly for these veterans as they have preconceived ideas with a regimented mindset.  

The young have fire in their bellies and are ready to experiment and explore their ideas, and mostly they achieve and succeed in their lives. Several leaders proved their leadership potential at a relatively young age. For instance, Alexander, the Great achieved greatness by the age of 34 itself and led people of all age groups despite being young. 

Various business leaders such as Michael Dell, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates proved as business leaders at a young age itself. And Barack Obama has become the president of America at the relatively young age of 47 and also, John F. Kennedy became President at a young age. These young leaders broke the age-old myth by leading the veterans.

“The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born ― that there is a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simply either have certain charismatic qualities or not. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.” ―Warren G. Bennis 

Myth # 7: Leaders must be charismatic.

Truth: Charisma is an exclusive charm and magnetism some people possess.  It is the ability to dress well, speak well, present with positive body language, and radiate constant energy and enthusiasm. If leaders possess charisma it is an asset, but not possessing it, is not a liability. Some leaders proved their best without any charisma. Succinctly, character counts, not charisma. 

Myth # 8: Leaders must be orators.  

Truth: It is a fact that good leaders are great orators, but it is not necessary that leaders must be orators.  For instance, Alex Ferguson is a great leader if you consider his results with Manchester United, but he was not a great orator.  Some leaders are not great orators, but they still succeeded as leaders. Leadership is a blend of various traits, skills, and abilities.  

While some possess some qualities, others possess some other qualities.  You must consider leadership holistically with a blend and balance of various aspects. 

Myth # 9: Leaders must have titles and positions.  

Truth: The positions and titles are temporary.  What is important is the individual capacity to lead from the front, not the titles or positions.  If leadership is based on positions, why do we see a few leaders falling apart from their positions?  Leadership is performance-driven, not position, or role-driven.

According to social psychologists, John French and Bertram Raven, power is divided into five forms—legitimate, coercive, reward, expert, and referent power. One who holds his/her power just because of his/her legal standing vested in him/her by an organization is known as legitimate power.  Such people hold power as long as they hold their legitimate positions.

Coercive power is a negative power such as threats, or punishments that usually prevail in autocratic societies, and such people are hardly respected.  Reward power is the ability to reward others and people enjoy their positions as long as they reward others.  

Expert power is the position where people have expertise in some areas.  Precisely, they are domain experts. Finally, referent power is the power where people enjoy status not bestowed by law, or position but because people admire such leaders.  

Leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, and Nelson Mandela enjoyed referent power as people revered and supported them.  Most of the leaders survive on their expert power and fade away in history.  

However, those leaders who passionately deliver goods through their expertise enjoy referent power. Hence, titles and positions don’t make real leaders, but their referent power makes them true leaders. 

Myth # 10: Leaders are self-appointed. 

Truth: You cannot claim yourself to be a leader.  It is the people who must accept and consider you a leader.  It gives you strength as a leader and demonstrates your humility. If you appoint yourself as a leader and blow your own trumpet, you will be treated as a chatterbox and a person who craves hype.  

Myth # 11: Leaders have all solutions for problems.

Truth: Leaders are the people who are not ready with solutions but the people who take responsibility and search for solutions. 

If followers emphasize people and problems, the leaders emphasize prospects. If followers brood on individuals and issues, the leaders invent ideas for resolving various challenges. Most of the time leaders take initiative and discuss with others, create multiple solutions, and then shortlist the best one for implementation. 

Myth # 12: Leadership is observed only in the workplace. 

Truth: As a leader, you are always under the scanner. Don’t assume that your leadership is observed only during working hours, and in the workplace.  People keep an eye on you outside the workplace to observe and learn from you.  Hence, leaders must be careful about, the way they dress, and the way they walk and talk.  

Myth # 13:  Leaders must have a long tenure. 

Truth: Your length and duration of survival as a leader are not the criteria.  In contrast, how well you lead and leave a mark for others to follow is the criterion for leadership.  For instance, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated before the completion of the presidential term. 

However, the impact he made before his presidential tenure is amazing in the history of America.  He has been rated as one of the most influential Presidents of America who survived the challenges of the division of America between the north and the south.  He successfully demonstrated his leadership skills and worked for the unity of America apart from ensuring the abolition of slavery in America.  

When you look at Alexander the Great, he too had a short tenure and died young much before 34 years.  Hence, the quality of presence is more important than the quantity of presence. 

Myth # 14:  Leaders should not have any weaknesses. 

Truth:  Every leader is a human being first.  Every human being has both strengths and weaknesses.  The only greatness with leaders is that they realize their weaknesses and convert them into strengths, and threats into opportunities. Whenever they make mistakes due to their weaknesses they realize, correct, and move forward aggressively without being overly worried about them.  

Myth # 15:  Leaders are masters, not servants. 

Truth:  Robert Greenleaf propounded servant leadership where leadership is serving others with a great heart. Leaders demonstrate and show to others while leading.  Leadership is not in sitting in cushion chairs and making decisions.  Leadership is walking the talk and setting an example for others to emulate and excel. Above all, leadership is to serve others by remaining as a servant with humility. 

Myth # 16:  Leaders grow on trees. 

Truth: Leaders grow from the grass-root level, not the other way round.  It is a bottom-to-top approach rather than a top-to-bottom approach. The kind of experience and exposure churns real leaders at the ground level to come to the fore. It distinguishes cheese from chalk. Indeed, the cream always comes to the top.  Hence, true leaders rise from ranks.   

Myth # 17:  Leadership is a solo act. 

Truth:  Leadership is teamwork.  No individual can take credit for the success of the entire team. Besides, there are several myths such as leaders are born in a particular community, culture, country, race, religion, and language. The truth is that they are born everywhere.  Some complain about destiny for not being born in majority communities. 

The leaders can also emerge from minority communities leading the majority. Barack Obama is an amazing example for all of us who were born black, with a Muslim father and Christian mother with origins outside America but led America and the world from the front. 

Myth # 18: Women cannot excel as leaders. 

Truth: Gender has nothing to do with leadership. It is a fact that women have more challenges than men to prove themselves as leaders as some organizations don’t encourage women to be on par with men although legally women are on par with men.  

Globally very few women did great as leaders leaving exceptions like Queen Elizabeth, Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale, Eleanor Roosevelt, Frances Hesselbein, and Margaret Thatcher. Indra Nooyi, the former Chairman & CEO of PepsiCo is a corporate woman leader who broke the glass ceiling and became a role model for all women. Being born as a woman is not a liability. 

It all depends on how you lead and prove yourself. Women have several advantages over men as they are emotionally more intelligent, better at multitasking, assertive, and have soft skills. Hence, they can prove themselves as successful leaders along with men.

Myth # 19:  Everybody cannot become a leader.  

Truth: Leadership is not the privilege of a few people. The proven fact is that anybody and everybody can excel as a leader if there is a passion to serve and make a difference in the lives of others. Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus in their book titled, Leaders: The strategies for taking charge identified five great leadership myths leadership is a rare skill, leaders are born, not made, leaders are charismatic, leaders exist only at the top of an organization, and the leader controls, directs and manipulates. Hence, debunk all these myths to have the right approach towards leadership. 

Myth # 20: Once a leader is forever a leader.

Truth: Leadership changes from time to time because what worked for some time may not work again due to rapid changes in technology. Hence, leaders must reinvent with changing times. Else, they will soon be forgotten leading to leadership decay. At times, circumstances might favor a person to become a leader, but the same leader fails in different circumstances.  

Jack Welch rightly remarked, “The Jack Welch of the future cannot be like me. I spent my entire career in the United States. The next head of General Electric will be somebody who spent time in Bombay, Hong Kong, in Buenos Aires. 

We have to send our best and brightest overseas and made sure they have the training that will allow them to be the global leaders who will make GE flourish in the future.” To evolve and excel as successful leaders, leaders must learn and grow continuously and they must take feedback constantly. 

Myth # 21: Leadership can’t be taught. 

Truth: Leadership is a skill, not a talent.  Had it been a talent it would have been tough to teach leadership.  But leadership is a skill, and it can be taught.  There is a difference between talents and skills. Talents are inborn where people bring in through heredity.  

In contrast, skills can be cultivated through training, teaching, observation, reading, experience, and practice. Daniel Goleman said that leadership depends more on emotional intelligence and less on an intelligence quotient.  And emotional intelligence can be taught.  Hence, leadership can be taught.

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How to Bounce Back From a Crisis and Become a Better You Fri, 24 Mar 2023 04:43:39 +0000 Each and everyone of us will go through a crisis at some point of their lives. The most important thing is to know how to clean up your mess

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Each and everyone of us will go through a crisis at some point of their lives. The most important thing is to know how to clean up your mess, get yourself together and stand back up again to face the world and achieve your dreams. 

Rather than sinking in your own guilt and self pity until you lose yourself. 

It’s ok to give yourself time to grieve and mourn whatever or whomever you have lost, but don’t let yourself reach a level where, getting back up seems impossible, there is a fine line between reality and depression and you should never cross it.

Here are some pillars to rely on whenever you feel like you have reached your limit:

1. Have faith

Sometimes when we find ourselves in difficult situations we start questioning why hard things only happen to us, however we don’t realize at that moment that everyone in the world goes through hardship in their lives, it’s just that we are too immersed in our own struggle to remember that. 

God’s plans for us are never bad ones, and our plans are not always good ones, they are not going to happen just because we want them to, especially if God doesn’t plan on them happening. That’s why If we believe that God’s plans are what’s best for us, we will feel a certain amount of relief and satisfaction whenever something happens to us because we know for sure that that would have been a bad thing for us if it was to happen..

2. Trust yourself

There is an Arabic quote that says “ The permanence of the state is of the impossible” it means no matter how long a situation takes you have to believe that sooner or later it will end. That’s why you need to prepare yourself for that time and rise from the ashes a reborn person, because if God knew that you wouldn’t survive what happened to you, you would be dead already.

3. Believe in yourself

Knowing you are able to achieve anything you set your mind on will give you a big boost of motivation. Remembering what you have accomplished so far, no matter how small they are  will empower your confidence. 

Whether it was fixing a light bulb or saving someone’s life, you have to acknowledge your actions and credit them for the sake of your self esteem and future self. I suggest making a vision board and including all the accomplishments you are proud of, it will help you stay focused on your final goal and help you keep the motivation to make it happen.

PS: just surviving your birth is the biggest accomplishment.

4. Build a strong support system

Support systems can lend a helping hand and be the push you need to get back up on your feet. One should never underestimate what a good support system can do in times of need. Saying that you don’t need anyone in your life and that you would be fine alone is a mistake that you will regret in the future. Humans are social beings by nature therefore they don’t thrive alone. 

You just need to make sure that your support system is filled with positive and good people that would actually make a difference in your life rather than put you down further into the negativity you could be in.

5. Keep working no matter what

There is a quote that I have on my laptop’s home screen that says “Results happen over time not overnight” understanding that quote will help you beat procrastination and work as hard as you can to achieve your dreams, even I am just starting out, but I plan to keep going until I can say, “Ok this is where I want to be, and how I want to be”.

“Turn every setback into a comeback” – Kobe Bryant

6. Never stop learning

Whether it’s learning from mistakes or learning new things completely, education is the key, it’s the easiest and most accessible method, especially in our modern times, just turn on youtube and you are good to go. Knowledge is the most underrated tool to face your struggles, but it can be the greatest especially if you use it wisely.

7. Work on your mental and physical health

Having a stable and strong mental and physical health is very important, especially if you have no one who can take care of you if you get sick. So you have to take care of yourself first and avoid anything that could make you weak. Always remember the blessings that you have before taking them for granted because without them, even the most underrated one like water, can make life a living hell. 

I recommend having a schedule of exercise, it doesn’t have to be heavy training and lifting weights, but just having a daily 30 minutes walk and fresh air goes a long way. 

I also suggest to avoid eating anything excessively like sugar and salt, they are very bad for your health, it’s good to have nutritious meals that consist of protein, carbs and vegetables, you can always have something sweet to eat but it’s good to limit your intake so you can have a healthy body and a good mood.

8. Never give up 

The most common mistake that people make when working for their goals is quitting halfway through, when it could have been their last step to success. That’s why the number one advice that successful people give is to never quit. 

When you look at the most successful people’s background you will see that they have been through hundreds of failures before reaching their dream, so what better example can we follow than someone who already got to where we want to go.

9. Do something that you enjoy to relieve stress

Having a hobby to have fun and blow some steam is a great way to relieve stress and start fresh the next day, especially if it’s something that you enjoy. Working hard doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t enjoy life at the same time, whether it’s playing video games or reading books, going to basketball games or watching Oprah, as long as you can unwind and recharge, you are good to go.

10. Let go of the past and work on the future

The past is gone, it’s already written, there is nothing you can do now to change what has already been done, not crying, not dwelling in sorrow, not even regretting, it will only be a waste of your time and energy, unless you can turn back time, the past is already over. So what you have to do is focus on what you can control, which is the present and work hard for your future not fall back into the same pit you were in.

Realizing that it will be hard at first will help you not get shocked or overwhelmed when you have to spend 24 hours without sleep or food to finish your task. It’s good for your mental health to always keep in mind what could go wrong or how hard things could get to not lose it when they actually do. 

But you need to know that things will start to get easier as you start getting into the rhythm and especially when you start to see results, So it’s good to always keep your target at your sight.

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There’s Only One Thing You Need for Success Tue, 21 Mar 2023 04:54:21 +0000 The willingness to ask and live and love and overcome and learn and grow and so many other things all stem from one thing. 

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I know, the catchy title has you rolling your eyes and saying to yourself obviously there’s not only one thing that leads to success, but hear me out.

After years of pursuing my career in music, I finally caught a break last year and my single played on over 100 radio stations worldwide, which led to hundreds of interviews in 2022 and closing out the second half of the year being offered my own television show on a new network which was quickly picked up by New Jersey Television.

Of course, this whirlwind of success led to the next logical question that no one has asked me over the last 10 years of struggle; How’d you do that

I’m reminded of the great Chinese proverb about the Chinese bamboo tree.

The story goes that the Chinese bamboo tree does not grow at all for the first 5 years after it is planted but on the sixth year the tree grows 80 feet in just 6 six, which leads to the age old question “did the tree grow in 6 weeks or 5 years and six weeks”?

You are educated and articulate enough that I don’t need to state the obvious that it took 5 years and 6 weeks for that tree to grow, even though it didn’t look like it was growing at all for the first 5 years.

So after meeting with a new student in my course for creatives and business owners and she asked “How’d you do that”? It led me to really dig in to what has now become the whole concept for my television show as well as my courses I teach and it really does come down to one thing.

The obvious and technical answer to her question is hours of research, cold calls, rejection from radio station after radio station, some interviews that were a hit and some interviews where I logged on and the host was smoking weed (true story lol). 

But that’s the obvious answer, and it’s not what she meant, and I knew it. Yea the technical day to day transactions spark curiosity but what she and many others after her really wanted to know was how’d you DO that. How’d you stay so committed? How’d you get through the times when you felt lost? How’d you grind it out when nobody believed in you. HOW did you do it?

I journeyed back through my experience and like so many of us reflecting on life, specific memories began to stand out to me. 

Like the time I went to a music conference, waited in the lobby for all 200 attendees to take a picture with the famous music composer who was the keynote speaker, and then when it got to my turn asked if I could buy him a cup of coffee and if he ever had interns. Then asked for a job and ended up working for him in Hollywood for 3 years. 

Or the time I got fired from 4 different jobs because “I loved music” more than I was dedicated to my job. Yes JCPenney, I do love building my own empire rather than trading my time for $8 an hour. (Minimum wage back then lol).

Or the time I got pulled onto the infamous stage at SOB’s in New York City by the former President of Haiti and after the show his manager pulled me aside and said “You weren’t ready for that”. And the formerly shy, uncomfortable, awkward wallflower inside of me smiled and said, “Yea, maybe not. But I did it. Good for me”.

“The biggest difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people are willing to do what unsuccessful people are not.” – Darren Hardy

So what did all these things have in common. That was the answer.

It was the willingness

The willingness to ask for an opportunity when it was presented to me, and not let the paralyzing fear of asking overcome the paralyzing fear of wondering what if for the rest of my life. 

The willingness to do what I love and pursue a life I love, because why the hell not. Because I understood this precious and unpredictable thing we call life for what it is, just that; unpredictable. Here today and gone tomorrow. Not in a morbid way, but in a live in every moment, soak up every sunshine sort of way.

The willingness to go for it. To take a chance. To not wait “until I was ready” but to live in the moment, and be proud of myself for pushing past limiting beliefs, worry and fear of what people might say and just going for it. 

We all define success differently, but I would argue that whether success looks like a dream job, a fat bank account, a beautiful family or all of the above, the willingness to ask and live and love and overcome and learn and grow and so many other things all stem from one thing. 

You’re right, there are MANY things it takes to be successful, but they are all just a branch on the bamboo tree of willingness.

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How to Use Small Wins to Build Momentum for Success Mon, 20 Mar 2023 12:18:07 +0000 Little victories are incremental triumphs that get us closer to our ultimate objective

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When it comes to defining and attaining objectives, many individuals prefer to focus on the broad picture – the desired outcome. While having a clear end goal in mind is essential, it may also be daunting and scary, particularly if the aim is exceptionally ambitious or complex.

This is where the notion of tiny victories comes into play. Little victories are incremental triumphs that get us closer to our ultimate objective. These minor achievements may appear inconsequential on their own, yet they may have a tremendous influence on our progress toward our objective.

Little victories are significant because they give us a sense of progress and momentum, which can be quite inspiring. When we realize that we are making progress, it strengthens our trust in our capacity to attain our objectives and gives us the confidence to keep going. When we feel stuck or stagnate, though, it is simple to become disheartened and lose motivation.

Little victories also assist in breaking down a bigger objective into more doable steps. When we look at a large objective as its whole, it can be intimidating and difficult to know where to begin. We may focus on each stage separately by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable steps, making the entire aim more feasible.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of small wins in more detail, including how to break down your goals into small steps, celebrate your achievements, track your progress, use small wins to build habits, and stay flexible in your approach. By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of how to use small wins to build momentum and achieve your goals, no matter how big or small they may be.

Breaking Your Goal into Small Steps

Breaking down a big objective into tiny, attainable actions is essential for making progress and developing momentum toward that goal’s completion. But how exactly do you identify those small steps?

One approach is to start by brainstorming all the different tasks or actions that might be involved in achieving your larger goal. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, some of the smaller steps might include:

  • Setting a training schedule
  • Purchasing proper running shoes and gear
  • Running short distances to build endurance
  • Incorporating strength training exercises to prevent injury
  • Adjusting your diet to support your training

When you’ve explored all possible stages, prioritize them based on what would be most helpful in pushing you toward your objective. Some of the larger jobs may need to be broken down into smaller, more detailed phases. For example, the larger task of “setting a training schedule” might involve smaller steps like:

  • Researching different marathon training programs
  • Identifying a program that fits with your schedule and goals
  • Printing out the schedule and posting it somewhere visible
  • Setting reminders to ensure you stick to your training plan

While breaking down your aim into little pieces, keep in mind any potential hurdles or problems that may occur. For example, if your goal is to save money for a down payment on a house, some of the smaller steps might include:

  • Creating a budget
  • Reducing discretionary spending
  • Setting up automatic savings contributions
  • Researching potential homes and neighborhoods

“The great victory, which appears so simple today, was the result of a series of small victories that went unnoticed.” — Paulo Coelho

Yet, it is also critical to address any potential obstacles, such as unexpected spending or changes in income. Anticipating these problems allows you to be better prepared to alter your strategy as needed and stay on track toward your objective.

In addition to the brainstorming and prioritizing approach, there are other strategies you can use to break down your goal into small steps.

Working backward from your ultimate aim is a successful method. Begin by visualizing your desired goal, and then outline the steps you’ll need to take to get there. For example, if you want to run a half marathon, see yourself crossing the finish line. 

Then consider what you should do in the days and weeks leading up to the event, such as tapering your training, getting adequate rest, and correctly fuelling your body. 

Working backward from there, determine the precise training runs you’ll need to accomplish, the lengths you’ll need to run, and any additional steps you’ll need to do along the way.

Another strategy is to group similar tasks. This can help you identify more efficient ways to work towards your goal. For example, if your goal is to start your own business, some of the smaller steps might include:

  • Researching your target market
  • Creating a business plan
  • Registering your business
  • Setting up a website
  • Marketing your business

It’s also crucial to note that modest steps don’t have to be physical activities; they may instead be mental or emotional transformations. For example, if your goal is to improve your mental health, some of the smaller steps might include:

  • Practicing mindfulness
  • Setting boundaries with work and social obligations
  • Prioritizing self-care
  • Focusing on positive self-talk

These steps may not have a specific deadline or tangible action associated with them, but they can still make a big difference in helping you achieve your ultimate goal.

Finally, dividing your objective into little segments is all about figuring out what works best for you. You can determine the most effective measures to take you closer to your goal by trying different techniques and approaches. Remember, no step is too little – even the tiniest acts may help you gain momentum and get closer to your objective.

Using Small Wins to Build Habits

Small wins are not only powerful for achieving larger goals, but they can also be instrumental in establishing healthy habits. Forming a habit necessitates the repeated repeating of a behavior or activity over time. You may build a roadmap for establishing a new habit by breaking down your broader aim into little stages. Here’s how small wins can help establish healthy habits:

  1. Make it manageable: By focusing on a small win, you make it more manageable and achievable. This can help you build momentum toward your larger goal and establish a habit over time. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, you can start by running for just 10 minutes a day. This small win will help you establish a running habit over time.
  2. Create a positive feedback loop: A tiny gain triggers a positive feedback loop, reinforcing the behavior and making it simpler to repeat in the future. This might help you form a habit over time. If you aim to eat healthier, for example, you might begin by replacing one bad snack with a healthier alternative each day. Every time you make this minor modification, you establish a positive feedback loop that reinforces the habit and makes it simpler to repeat in the future.
  3. Build confidence: A minor triumph may help boost confidence and self-efficacy, both of which are essential components of forming a new habit. When you score a minor victory, you demonstrate to yourself that you are capable of effecting positive change. This might help you gain confidence in your capacity to form a new habit over time.
  4. Create a sense of accomplishment: Achieving a small win creates a sense of accomplishment and pride. This might assist drive you to continue working toward your bigger goal and, over time, build a new habit. For example, if your objective is to meditate every day, you can begin by meditating for one minute every day. Every time you meditate, you feel a feeling of success, which drives you to keep meditating and develop a daily meditation habit.

Here are some examples of using small wins to build healthy habits:

  1. Exercise: If your goal is to exercise regularly, you can start by committing to just 10 minutes of exercise a day. This small win will help you establish an exercise habit over time.
  2. Healthy Eating: If your goal is to eat healthier, you can start by replacing one unhealthy snack with a healthier option each day. This small win will help you establish a healthy eating habits over time.
  3. Sleep: If your goal is to improve your sleep, you can start by setting a consistent bedtime each night. This small win will help you establish a healthy sleep habit over time.
  4. Mindfulness: If your goal is to practice mindfulness, you can start by meditating for just one minute a day. This small win will help you establish a mindfulness habit over time.

Understand that developing a new habit takes time and effort. You can create momentum toward your larger objective and form healthy habits that last by concentrating on tiny wins and enjoying each milestone along the way. Therefore, start small, be persistent, and have fun on your road to a healthier and happier self!

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How to Acquire Emotional Intelligence and Why It Matters Mon, 13 Mar 2023 21:00:26 +0000 Blend both IQ and EQ proportionately to achieve leadership effectiveness and success.

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Emotional intelligence (EQ or EI) can be defined as the process of identifying your emotions and that of others, managing your emotions, motivating your emotions, and aligning the emotions to achieve desired objectives. It involves self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, social awareness, and social skills. 

Emotional intelligence is essential to succeed in your personal, professional, and social life. Most successful leaders are emotionally intelligent. It helps them enhance self-awareness, minimize conflicts and boost fraternity. It helps them fast-track their career. 

Empathy is the key element of emotional intelligence.  Empathy is the ability to step into the shoes of others and see things from their perspective. If you observe leaders, they listen more and speak less to be able to empathize with their followers. If followers display sympathy, leaders demonstrate empathy and that causes a fine difference between the followers and the leaders.

Advantages of Emotional Intelligence 

Emotional intelligence enhances self-awareness. It improves decision-making skills by balancing the head, heart, and gut. It helps build relationships. It equips you with soft skills. It enhances empathy. It helps you acquire total control of yourself and the situation around you under unfavorable circumstances. 

It helps you act, not react to the situations, thus allowing stability under stressful conditions. It eliminates conflicts and minimizes stress. It provides you with peace and happiness. You motivate yourself and others. You can identify what turns you on and off and stay equipped with mindfulness.

Research shows that emotional intelligence accounts for as much as 31% of success in management contexts.  It helps minimize conflicts in the workplace as people learn to empathize with and respect others. It promotes healthy relations among people. 

It helps in getting along with various personality types at the workplace by gauging their feelings, moods, and emotions.  It enhances productivity and performance. Above all, it helps in handling difficult people assertively.

“It is very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence, it is not the triumph of heart over head – it is the unique intersection of both.” — David Caruso

Building Emotional Intelligence 

The executives who reach higher positions must have higher emotional intelligence as handling such a profile needs more people skills and less technical skills. It is essential to take the time to recognize the emotions, feelings, and drives of the people around you. 

We must identify with the causes of people’s feelings to understand them better.  We must learn lessons from time to time to bring out behavioral changes in ourselves and improve our score of emotional quotient. 

It is essential to develop empathetic listening to build EQ. Read about some other steps to building emotional intelligence here. 

  • Empathize with others. Step into the shoes of others and understand and appreciate things from their perspective.  It not only makes things easier for you but also helps you earn respect from others.  You can easily build bridges with others. 
  • Be compassionate towards others. Respect their feelings, egos, and emotions. Look for similarities, not differences.  When you create a common ground with others, you can connect with them easily and quickly. 
  • Respect all cultures, languages, creeds, ethnicities, religions, and nationalities.  It creates a broad mindset resulting in wider acceptance. 
  • Link your intentions with actions as it creates credibility with the people around you.  If you want others to be punctual, be the first one to do that before demanding the same from others. 
  • Always keep anger at bay as it is the worst enemy.  Anger drains valuable energies and creates negative vibes.  When in anger, start counting, either in ascending or descending order, to enable you to forget anger by diverting your mind.  Drinking water and breathing exercises help you cool down when in anger.  When you breathe deeply, more oxygen gets inside your brain and relieves you from anxiety.     
  • Be assertive. Neither aggressiveness nor submissiveness works in this world. What works ultimately is assertiveness which is the art of saying ‘No’ firmly, but politely.
  • Take intrapersonal feedback whenever something goes wrong. You are the best judge of your actions and feelings.  You are true to your conscience.  Intrapersonal feedback helps improve behavior.  
  • Blend your head and heart to make decisions based on logic and analysis. Don’t make impulsive decisions. Your best friend having a bad experience with someone doesn’t necessarily mean that a person is bad. 
  • To be high on EQ, people must know their own selves properly to enable them to lead others effectively.  

Challenges in Learning Leadership 

Why is learning leadership challenging for everyone?  The basic problem for people to succeed as leaders is the lack of EQ, and that comes mostly from experience.  When leaders are equipped with EQ their success rate is higher. 

While teaching leadership, educators inspire the audience with several stories and case studies.  That is one side of the coin.  The other side is for the leaders to practice what has been learned in the classroom.  

It is like learning about swimming.  When one gets into water, one realizes the actual challenge.  Similarly, people must practice leadership through active involvement through the trial and error method.  

However, having theoretical knowledge about leadership aspects and concepts helps minimize mistakes and prepares one to face challenges squarely.  

Is EQ Superior to IQ? 

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is inborn whereas Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) is a skill that can be acquired.  There are standard tools and techniques to measure IQ but there are no such effective tools to measure EQ as the intentions and actions of human beings cannot be measured easily. 

Additionally, cross-cultural issues complicate measuring EQ. There is no yardstick to measure human emotions accurately. Although there are psychological tests to measure EQ, their accuracy cannot be proved. 

IQ helps in academic achievement while EQ helps in career achievement. IQ is synonymous with knowledge while EQ is synonymous with the application of knowledge. 

When it is viewed analytically, it is the application of knowledge that is more important than the knowledge itself. 

Daniel Goleman observes, “Simply having an IQ of superior range does not in itself guarantee that they will be superior professionals in their respective areas; the IQ suffers from range restriction in many applied organizational settings and thus is even more limited in its ability to predict performance and career success within a given location.” 

Your IQ remains more or less the same irrespective of your age whereas your EQ can improve if you make the correct effort.  Individuals with high EQ can cope with stress and burnout.  

Additionally, high EQ is a sign of satisfaction while low EQ is a sign of dissatisfaction. Therefore, high EQ certainly leads to success in personal, professional, and social life.  Some people equate EQ with soft skills. 

Then we can equate IQ with hard skills. To put it succinctly, soft skills outsmart hard skills. Hence, EQ supersedes IQ.

Final Thoughts 

As the global economy is rapidly reinventing from manufacturing to services sectors, and employees are fast reinventing themselves as knowledge workers, there is an urgent need to focus on the development of the employees. 

One area that is fast catching up is leadership, and it mostly depends on emotional intelligence. Additionally, it calls for some degree of intelligence quotient.  

Hence, it is essential to blend both IQ and EQ proportionately to achieve leadership effectiveness and success.

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How to Unleash Your Full Potential and Live Your Extraordinary Life Sat, 11 Mar 2023 21:00:08 +0000 Unleashing our full potential doesn't require 100% of our time

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One of our most significant desires is to connect with and unleash our full potential.

We crave to stand in our power. 

We harbor this desire because it’s innate to us; it’s who we are at our center.

We long and desire to embody and live from this place, yet we’ve been conditioned to do the opposite. 

To shrink, to hide, to not stand out from the crowd.

The first word most babies hear is “Shh.”

As we grow, we understand fitting in is easier than standing out. 

If we step outside the norm of our group, we risk being ridiculed and judged. 

It’s better to follow the slice of lemmings than step outside the flow and forge our own path. 

Our families, friends, and society erode our potential with the slow drip of phrases like,

“Don’t be cocky.”

“You can’t do that.”

“No one likes a show-off.”

“Who do you think you are?”

“Remember where you came from.”

And many more.

Each of these unto themselves is merely a drip; collectively, they create a river, carving beliefs around how we believe we must show up to be safe. 

Because that’s all fitting in and hiding are, a bastion of safety in the “unsafe” world outside of our beliefs. 

At around the midpoint of our lives, we often find ourselves lost, frustrated, disillusioned, and longing for more, even if we’ve reached the pinnacle of professional and materialistic success. 

We begin to grasp how far we’ve traveled from our true selves and our full potential. 

We feel it growing inside, but we have no idea how to let it out. 

It lives, breathes, and rattles the cage of the self-imposed cell we’ve imprisoned it in. 

“The big challenge is to become all that you have the possibility of becoming. You cannot believe what it does to the human spirit to maximize your human potential and stretch yourself to the limit.” – Jim Rohn

Knowing there’s more to ourselves and our capabilities but not being able to access and express them is one of the most painful experiences of our shared human existence. 

It gnaws at us from the inside out, and we’ll do what we’ve been conditioned to do to fill the void.

Seize the next rung on the corporate ladder, earn more money, and buy more status and prestige. 

When none of those work and the success-sized void in our lives grows even more painful, we seek escapes.

Whether at the bottom of a bottle, mindlessly scrolling social media, consuming massive amounts of porn or binging on Netflix, even the golf course can be an escape.

The pain is numbed but never gone because nothing outside ourselves will ever fill our inner void. 

Unfortunately, far too many fall victim to the belief that this is how life is meant to be and confuse “numb” with being alive. 

Residing in the “Land of Just Enough” while our power and full potential remain unfulfilled and untapped, existing but not living. 

The amount of regret we experience at the end of our lives is directly proportional to the amount of potential we leave untapped and unexpressed. 

So how do we tap into our full potential in the next chapter of our lives, stand fully in our power, and live the lives we’ve always imagined?

We reinvent ourselves and how we show up in the world. 

Reinvention is a journey, and these are the first 3 Steps:

1. Identify Core-Values

Core values are the foundation of our full potential. 

We stand firmly in our power and potential when we identify and embody our core values. 

We know what we stand for, we know what to say “yes” to, and more importantly, what to say “no” to. 

We can identify our core values through inquiry; here are 3 powerful questions to examine.

  • What truly matters?
  • Who do we want to be?
  • What do we want on our tombstones?

When we operate from our core values, we feel aligned with ourselves, and when we feel aligned, we kick open the door to the next step of our reinvention. 

2. Living Intentionally

We imprison our full potential when we operate from our default autopilot mode. 

We become unconscious passengers, merely coasting and existing and not fully living. 

We’ll never realize our full potential if we follow the same routine, day after day and eventually year after year. 

To access and embody our full potential, we must become intentional with our actions, which in fact, are our lives. 

Living intentionally can be as simple as breaking our routine and asking ourselves “why” we’re doing what we’re about to do. 

When we become intentional about our actions, we break free from autopilot, and our lives evolve,

“On Purpose.” 

When we live “On Purpose,” we open ourselves to cultivating and creating the most impactful way to embody our full potential and live extraordinary lives.

3. Having A Mission

We’re conditioned to pursue money, status, and titles in our 20’s and 30’s. 

It’s the blueprint we’ve been given, and we follow it diligently. 

It becomes a single-minded focus, and it’s only when we reach our 40s that the holes in this practice become known. 

We have no sense of agency. 

We have a success-sized hole in our lives.

We have no purpose, meaning, or fulfillment. 

Our relationships are stagnant or non-existent.

We’re carrying more weight around the waistline than ever before.

We become brutally aware that the days behind us are less than the days before us. 

What we need, what we crave, is a mission. 

Having a mission, something that’s bigger than ourselves is the ultimate tool to unleash our full potential. 

When we grow tired of living in that success-sized hole, we must start thinking about what mission we want to take on. 

  • What’s a message you want people to know?
  • What’s something that makes you come alive?
  • What injustices in the world strike deep inside you?

To show up every day and make meaningful progress on our mission, we must evolve into the person who embodies their full potential; there’s no other way. 

Rewriting our next chapter so we can unleash our full potential and live the lives we’ve always imagined is a journey.

But we don’t have to give up everything we’ve worked so hard to create to make this journey. 

All it takes is committing to these practices for one hour a day.

Why one hour?

One hour makes it real. 

One hour is enough time that it requires a commitment; it stands out on our calendars. 

One hour embodies the saying, “Sawdust makes a pile.” An hour a day stretched throughout a life equals thousands of hours.

An hour, when used correctly, is enough to create massive change in our lives.

Here’s the thing:

Unleashing our full potential doesn’t require 100% of our time. However, it requires 100% of our effort for the time we commit to it. 

This is what it means to unleash our full potential.

Ready To Achieve Your Goals? Read more blogs about reaching your goals and success on Addicted 2 Success

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10x Powerful Grant Cardone Quotes That Have Changed My Life Thu, 09 Mar 2023 21:00:49 +0000 Ten powerful quotes by Grant Cardone have profoundly impacted my life and helped me achieve my goals

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Grant Cardone is a renowned entrepreneur, motivational speaker, Real Estate mogul, and author known for his powerful and inspiring quotes that have impacted the lives of millions of people. In this article, we will delve into the top 10 quotes that have had a profound impact on my life and the lives of others.

“Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility”

This is a powerful call to action. It reminds us that we are responsible to ourselves and those around us to achieve success. This quote has instilled a sense of purpose and urgency to pursue my goals relentlessly. It has taught me to take full responsibility for my life and be proactive in creating my desired life. 

By viewing success as a duty, I have been able to overcome fear and doubt and take bold steps toward achieving my dreams. This quote inspires me to live up to my full potential and create a life of purpose, impact, and abundance.

“Average is a failing formula”

This quote emphasizes the importance of aiming for excellence and refusing to settle for mediocrity. This quote has been a driving force in my life, motivating me to strive for greatness and never settle for less. 

The idea of being average is a self-imposed limitation that limits our potential and hinders our growth. Instead, we should set ambitious goals and work tirelessly towards achieving them. By embracing this mindset, we can unlock our full potential and achieve things we never thought possible. 

This quote has changed my life by encouraging me to take risks and push beyond my limits, and it can do the same for anyone who embraces it.

“Most opportunities are disguised as problems”

This is a powerful quote that has transformed how I perceive challenges. This quote reminds us that every problem we encounter is an opportunity in disguise, waiting to be uncovered. By shifting our perspective and viewing problems as opportunities, we can approach them with a positive mindset and discover creative solutions that lead to growth and success. 

This quote has changed my life by enabling me to see challenges as a pathway to success and helping me overcome obstacles that I once thought were insurmountable. It has taught me to embrace change, stay optimistic, and seek opportunities where others see only problems.

“The more value you provide, the more money you make.”

This quote has driven my pursuit of success. This quote highlights the importance of adding value to others and focusing on their needs to achieve financial success. By prioritizing the needs of others and delivering exceptional value, we create a sense of trust and loyalty, ultimately leading to increased revenue and success. 

This quote has changed my life by encouraging me to focus on serving others, adding value, and building meaningful relationships. It has taught me that true success is not just about making money but about creating a positive impact on the lives of others.

“Be obsessed or be average”

This is one of the most powerful quotes that has inspired many individuals to strive for greatness. This quote reminds us that one must have an unwavering focus and relentless drive to succeed. 

The concept of being obsessed with success is not about becoming consumed by it but pursuing it relentlessly. By choosing to be obsessed with one’s goals, we put in the necessary time, effort, and dedication to make them a reality. This quote has pushed me to step out of my comfort zone, set bigger goals, and work tirelessly toward them. 

It has also helped me realize that average is not a destination but a choice.

“Never lower your target. Increase your actions”

This powerful quote has changed my perspective on goal setting and success. This quote reminds us that we should never compromise on our goals or settle for less; instead, we should increase our efforts to achieve them. By taking massive action toward our goals, we can overcome challenges and obstacles and ultimately achieve our desired success. This quote has inspired me to stay committed to my goals and persistently pursue them with unwavering focus and determination. It has taught me to embrace a growth mindset, stay optimistic, and take bold steps toward success.

 “10x the actions, 10x the goals, and you’ll get everything you ever dreamed of.” 

This idea has profoundly impacted my approach to achieving my goals. It emphasizes the importance of taking action toward our goals and never settling for mediocrity. By increasing your efforts by 10X, you can achieve extraordinary results and fulfill your dreams. 

This is taught in his book The 10X Rule. This quote has motivated me to step out of my comfort zone, push beyond my limits, and take bold steps toward creating the life I desire. It has become my mindset for how I approach everything. 

I was among the first to have a 10X tattoo as a daily reminder. 

“Do what others refuse to do”

This is a powerful motivator for personal and professional life. It reminds us that success is not just about talent or skill but also about taking action and doing what others are unwilling to do. This quote inspires us to embrace hard work, perseverance, and grit and seek opportunities where others see only obstacles.

 It has taught me to be proactive and innovative and continually seek ways to add value. This quote has encouraged me to be a trailblazer, to take calculated risks, and to create my path toward success.

“Obscurity is a bigger problem than money” 

This highlights the importance of visibility and the value of being known in today’s hyper-connected world. It emphasizes the significance of building a personal brand and a strong reputation to stand out in a crowded market. 

This quote has inspired me to intentionally build my personal brand, leverage social media, and network with like-minded individuals. It has taught me that obscurity is a significant hurdle to overcome in today’s digital age, and investing in building a brand that differentiates me from the competition is essential. 

This quote has motivated me to prioritize my visibility, to be authentic, and to create a powerful personal brand that sets me apart.

“If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse” 

This emphasizes the importance of taking ownership of our actions and responsibility for our goals. This quote reminds us that your success is in your hands and that you’re responsible for creating the life that you want. 

It has taught me that if I am genuinely committed to achieving my goals, I must find a way to overcome any obstacle. This quote has inspired me to be more self-motivated, to stay focused on my goals, and to take action toward achieving them. 

It has also taught me the importance of prioritizing my goals and not allowing excuses to hold me back.

In conclusion, these ten powerful quotes by Grant Cardone have profoundly impacted my life and helped me achieve my goals and live a more fulfilling life. They have encouraged me to be more driven, focused, and confident in my abilities and never give up on what I truly want to achieve. 

If you are looking for inspiration and guidance in your life, consider exploring Grant Cardone’s work and incorporating his powerful quotes into your daily mindset and habits.

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How to Start Your Day Relaxed Tue, 07 Mar 2023 21:00:24 +0000 Try these tips to help kick off your day in a calm, relaxed state of mind.

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There are a group of people in the world who are very lucky. These are the ones who never seem to worry about anything. Stress washes over them, and they are able to just take whatever the world throws at them and deal with it, all the time keeping their blood pressure in check.

For most of us, it’s a lot more work than that to keep calm and be relaxed even in our normal, day-to-day lives. With this in mind, we need to make an effort to try and adjust our habits to include some stress-relieving tricks and help us find a little calmer in our day.

Start The Day Off Right

Experts agree that allowing the body to wake naturally is far better for you, and less stressful, than having a jarring alarm interrupt your beauty sleep. Of course, that’s the ideal, but when there is a job to get to, and a family to get fed and out of the door, it’s just not practical. 

As a compromise, try and see if you can have at least one day a week when you can turn off the alarm and let the daylight gradually wake you. Just one day a week will give your body a break from the routine.

Take A Deep Breath

Various studies have been done on how important it is to breathe ‘right’, so once you’re up, open a window and take a good few, deep breaths. 

Don’t worry if it’s raining or snowing, or if the sun’s beaming down. The weather doesn’t matter. It’s getting that air into your lungs that’s the important thing. 

Obviously, if you live next to an overpass or similar, feel free to give this step a miss.

“Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths”. – Etty Hillesum

Wash That Stress Right Out of Your Hair

Most of us enjoy a nice long soak in the bath, but it’s best to save that for the evening. In the morning, take a shower instead to help get the blood pumping. 

Don’t listen to the doom and gloom of the early morning news while you are in there, either. Belt out a couple of upbeat songs. 

Don’t worry about whether you’re in tune, or getting the words right, just let it go and release the energy.

Color Me Happy

Although there are those who proclaim that what we wear is not important and that clothes do not define us, there is another side to the story. Of course, they don’t define us, but they can be important in helping us feel good and calm and more able to face the day. 

Plenty of us have an outfit that we love and that makes us feel confident and good when we wear it, but there’s more to clothes than that. 

Color can play an important part too. White has associations with innocence and peace, whilst blue and green are both linked to tranquility, calmness, and balance.

Alternatively, if you want to inject a bit of optimism into your day, go for a splash of yellow. 

Need to feel strong and powerful? Put on something red. 

Don’t worry, you don’t have to dress in that color head to foot, just a tie, or a piece of jewelry in your happy color will all be of benefit.

Eat Right, Feel Right

Next, it’s that ‘most important meal of the day’, breakfast. There are plenty of people who skip breakfast, replacing it instead with a coffee grabbed on the way to work, but there’s a definite benefit, both physically and mentally, by making sure you get a decent start to the day, food-wise. 

If you think about it, you’ve been effectively fasting all night, so it’s time to refuel your body for the day ahead. Going out on an empty stomach before taking in a big hit of caffeine isn’t going to do anything to build up that calm, relaxed state of mind you’re aiming for. 

Porridge is a great start to the day as the oats not only release their energy gradually, but they’re also rich in B vitamins, which are useful in the fight against stress.

These vitamins are found in many whole grain foods, so if you don’t fancy a bowl of steaming porridge in the summer, try a bowl of muesli topped off with a fresh banana, and you’ll be setting your body up for a calm and relaxed morning.

Think Positive

Now you’re ready to head out of the door, there’s just one more thing; the power of positive thinking. Say to yourself, ‘I am calm and relaxed’. Repeat this several times. Although some studies indicate that saying this out loud is the most effective, in real life, it might not always be possible, so just take a few moments to yourself and repeat it in your head.

There’s plenty for us to stress about these days, both at home and in the world in general, but the more we can do, however small, to try to calm and prepare ourselves against these factors, the better we will feel. And the better we feel, the better those around us feel, which can only be good news.

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5 Easy Ways to Find Motivation When You’re Feeling Stuck Mon, 06 Mar 2023 05:27:47 +0000 One of the easiest and most beneficial ways to get motivated is to get up and get active

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We’ve all had those days when we feel like we just can’t get motivated to do anything. Whether it’s an important task that needs to be done or something we just don’t feel like doing, it can be hard to get going.

But don’t worry – there are some simple steps you can take to get motivated and make the most of your day.

1. Get Moving

One of the easiest and most beneficial ways to get motivated is to get up and get active. Even something as simple as taking a walk around the block or doing a few jumping jacks can help give you a much-needed boost of energy.

This is particularly helpful on days when you feel like you might not be able to muster any enthusiasm or energy.

Additionally, by exercising on a regular basis, you can improve your energy levels over the long term, allowing you to remain motivated for longer.

So, if you’re in need of a quick pick-me-up, don’t delay – go outside and get your body moving. The endorphins you release will give you the extra energy and morale boost that you need!

Benefits of exercise include:

  • Improved mood and mental wellbeing
  • Improved energy levels
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Improved concentration and focus

2. Stay Positive

It’s absolutely essential to maintain a positive attitude and keep your eyes on the prize, no matter how hard it may seem at times. Reminding yourself of the ultimate outcome of your efforts can be a great way to stay motivated and focused on the task at hand.

When you think about how great you will feel once the task is complete, it can often be the boost you need to stay determined and driven to reach the end goal. Visualizing the end result can be a powerful tool to help you stay on track and keep pushing forward, even when it feels like the task is too much to handle.

“Your ultimate success will be worth all the hard work, so don’t give up and you’ll be sure to achieve your desired outcome.Often people talk about how they feel ‘stuck’ in a situation. You’re never stuck! You may be a little frustrated, you may not have clear answers, but you’re not stuck. The minute you represent the situation to yourself as being stuck, though, that’s exactly how you’ll feel. We must be very careful about the metaphors we allow ourselves to use.” – Tony Robbins

3. Break Down Your Tasks

Breaking up large tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks is an effective way to stay motivated, as it provides a clear plan, breaks down the task into achievable goals, and makes the task seem less daunting.

Additionally, taking things one step at a time and focusing on each step as it comes can help you to stay on track and work more efficiently.

This strategy can also help to keep you from feeling overwhelmed by the scope of the task. You can use it to break down the task into smaller, achievable goals that you can focus on one at a time.

This way, you can stay motivated and organized and work in a more efficient and productive manner, achieving your goals in less time.

Remember that you can break down every big task. Even the ones that feel impossible, so just do it and then execute on the smaller ones until you reach your goal.

By taking these simple steps, you can get back on track and stay motivated, no matter how difficult the task may seem. With a positive attitude and a clear plan, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish!

4. Change Your Environment

Sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated and productive when you’re stuck in the same routine day after day. To inject some much-needed variety into your life, why not try changing up your scenery?

If you’re feeling stagnant and uninspired, try relocating your workspace, or take a few minutes to go outside and enjoy the natural beauty that’s all around us.

The mental stimulation of a change of environment, combined with the amazing benefits of being outdoors, can help to rekindle your motivation and get you back on track.

Taking a few moments to appreciate your surroundings can also help to clear your mind, relax your body, and get your creativity flowing – all of which are essential components of a productive workday.

Whether it’s a whole new landscape or just your own backyard, getting outdoors can be a beneficial and rewarding experience that can help to bring some much-needed inspiration into your life.

5. Take a Break

If all else fails, sometimes the most beneficial course of action is to take a break. Even a few minutes of respite can be enough to help you recharge, allowing for a fresh start and a clean slate.

Taking a break can also provide much-needed downtime to give yourself the opportunity to let your mind wander and come up with new and creative solutions to any problems you might be facing, as well as reduce stress levels.

This can be as simple as taking a few minutes to sit in a quiet space, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths, or it can be something more structured such as a yoga class or a long walk.

Whatever it is, it’s important to take the time to step away from the situation, and give yourself the opportunity to reset and refocus. Not only will it help restore your energy and clarity, but it can also help you gain a new perspective on the situation, allowing you to approach it in a more creative and effective way.

If you’re feeling really overwhelmed, it might even be beneficial to take a few days off from work to give yourself the space and time you need to regroup and restart.


It can be difficult to get motivated, and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed, but there are some simple steps you can take to get yourself going.

  • Exercising, among lots of other benefits, will increase your overall mood, well-being, and motivation.
  • Setting achievable goals for yourself and breaking them down into smaller, manageable tasks can help to keep you motivated and focused on your path.
  • Changing your environment by moving somewhere new or different can be a great way to gain a new perspective.
  • Taking a break and doing something that relaxes you, such as listening to music, will get you in the right frame of mind.
  • Additionally, starting a journaling practice will help you achieve any kind of dreams you have, along with providing you with mental clarity.

With a little effort, you can make a big difference in your motivation and who you are as a person.

Ready To Achieve Your Goals? Read more blogs about reaching your goals and success on Addicted 2 Success

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4 Key Factors to Determining Ultimate Success Sun, 26 Feb 2023 21:00:59 +0000 having tangible metrics can help recognize success when it is attained

The post 4 Key Factors to Determining Ultimate Success appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

Success means a burgeoning business, a nice house, and at least one luxury car. Or does it?

For many entrepreneurs, defining success can be a tricky exercise. Business leaders, entrepreneurs, and anyone with a career all want to be successful but rarely engage with what exactly that means. Even more challenging is the idea of setting up applicable metrics to gauge their progress toward that success.

Looking back at my own career, there were a few goalposts I aimed for when defining my own sense of success. In the early years, success meant having more control over my life and never worrying about being replaced or passed over for promotion.

However, that definition of success has changed over the years. Now, success means having less stress, enjoying more time with family and friends, and being able to travel the world. The consensus among most experienced entrepreneurs is that money doesn’t define success, at least not on its own. 

The majority of entrepreneurs point to other milestones as markers of success, but their metrics for success demonstrate some hugely varied responses — feel-good buzzwords like “making a positive impact” and “building a legacy.”

And yet, as entrepreneurs, we need tangible ways of measuring success, not just fairy-tale sentiments. That said, the entrepreneur alone defines success.

Entrepreneurs must also understand the difference between a business being successful and a person being successful. An entrepreneur might achieve a profitable business while feeling unsuccessful in their personal life, but by setting your own success metrics, you can decide when you’ve reached success.

“The secret of success in every field is redefining what success means to you. It can’t be your parent’s definition, the media’s definition, or your neighbor’s definition. Otherwise, success will never satisfy you.” – RuPaul

Why are setting success metrics necessary?

Metrics define achievements, and having tangible metrics can help recognize success when it is attained or a goal when it’s completed. These signposts help us recognize success and feel a sense of achievement.

Metrics also help us adapt our expectations for success, which often comes at various stages in life. Case in point, success for a budding entrepreneur will mean something different for someone with years of experience.

For those determined to set down their standards for success, four concepts can help entrepreneurs actualize their goals.

Drive: The drive of an entrepreneur is an overarching idea encompassing the traits that allow them to pursue their goals and dreams, even in the face of failure. Drive can also mean never settling for less or second-best. Although this can have setbacks, second place isn’t always a bad place to be. While it depends on the industry, sometimes being the highest revenue earner can mean lower profits, bloated staff counts, and burnout. Don’t allow “drive” to become your sole measurement of success.

DisciplineOf course, we all know what this means — getting up and doing the grind even when you don’t want to. It means not just doing the work when it’s fun and exciting; it’s keeping control of your emotions and vision even as challenges try to pull your focus away. Self-discipline helps entrepreneurs manage their time and resources efficiently. Discipline can also mean having the discipline to realize I can always do better.

Adaptability: Having drive and discipline is great. Even with those traits, however, you must have the ability to adapt when faced with new facts and realities. Taking a failure and turning it into success is crucial to entrepreneurial success. Many entrepreneurs have failed because they continued pushing an idea despite mounting evidence that a change was needed.

Grit: This combines drive with passion. Without grit, an entrepreneurial idea can’t succeed. However, grit must be combined with adaptability to reach its potential. Conversely, while grit may be a leading factor in the success of your business, it doesn’t necessarily lead to personal success and happiness. Take time to smell the roses: it’ll make your achievements all the sweeter.

Developing these attributes provides a solid framework for conceptualizing success and establishing achievable goals.

A different definition of success

Success is measured by having time to do what you enjoy. Consider the following example: An entrepreneur makes $100 million every year but works 60-hour weeks, 52 weeks a year. Clearly, they’ve achieved financial success; however, this entrepreneur wishes they had more time to travel with their family. Have they found success?

Instead, a better measure of success here would be to set concrete goals, such as: “My goal is to be so successful in business that I can take two months off per year to travel or only work 20 hours a week.”

However, this is only an example; there is no one-size-fits-all metric for measuring success among different entrepreneurs. But since entrepreneurs agree that money is not always the best measure, consider measuring the time available to enjoy your favorite things.

Setting up your own success metrics

With all these characteristics of a successful entrepreneur, the key here is learning to apply them. Here are three strategies that consider your drive, discipline, adaptability, and grit. These can help you move from an “I want to be successful” attitude to an “I want to achieve this specific kind of success in this timeframe” mindset.

  1. Define success for yourself – The first and most important step in this process is to replace the word “successful” with a list of what you want to achieve. For example, do you want to get out of debt or have more time with your children? When exactly do you want to have these measures met in your daily life? Get specific with a timeline in which you want to achieve these goals.
  2. Success doesn’t come all at once – Entrepreneurs need to understand that success comes in stages. Every several years, evaluate your current goals, update your definition of success, and then work toward it again.
  3. Practice gratitude – Being content with what you’ve already achieved while still being driven to accomplish more is the key to happiness for an entrepreneur. If you aren’t content with what you have now, you won’t be content with what you have and accomplish in the future. Simply put, practicing gratitude is a must.

While the insatiable desire to do more is tantamount to what makes an entrepreneur, too many believe that success and happiness are always around the corner, never taking time to appreciate what they’ve already achieved. Without this recognition, they can become depressed, lose touch with their close relationships, and even burn out.

Don’t save the feeling of success for retirement. Entrepreneurs should strive to find a measure of personal success before they exit from the world stage. Remember, you define success for yourself.

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Top Gun Thinking: How a Combat Pilot Makes Important Decisions Sat, 25 Feb 2023 21:00:39 +0000 if you put these practices into application, you’ll be an ace decision maker

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You are in your office. It’s the end of the month. Deadlines are closing in. The pressure is mounting. The scrutiny of the entire company fixes its focus on you and your team to make the right decisions to get the company across the finish line and close out the month strong. 

You are no stranger to pressure.

Now imagine your office is narrowly avoiding incoming munitions and is moving one-hundred and fifty miles per hour, one to three feet off of the ground, and the difference between everything being fine and everything being a fiery catastrophic disaster of twisted metal and burning turbine fuel is a fraction of a second and one slightly miscalculated decision.

For retired Army Chief Warrant Officer III (CW3) Derek Zaleski, that pressure was just another day at the office.

After serving as a pilot in AH-64 Apache helicopters for the United States Army for nine of his nearly twenty years of service, Derek fulfills various project management roles for the government currently. 

The extraordinary trust that is placed in his ability to make sound and timely decisions under extreme pressure makes his leadership skillset a high-value and high-demand commodity in the corporate marketplace today. 

A decision-making faculty that was forged and polished over several years in the cockpit of a multi-role attack helicopter.

So, how does a pilot like Derek condition himself to make good decisions with precision execution when the pressure gets real?

Here’s what this veteran high-pressure decision-making professional credits his calculated decisiveness to (let’s all take notes):

Care, care, care

Taking care of yourself by eating right, exercising, hydrating and ensuring your body gets plenty of rest is a pivotal component to keeping you sharp and balanced. 

When your body receives the nutrients and minerals it needs to sustain itself it helps support a better functioning autonomic nervous system which can be the difference between high performance decision making and neurotransmission dysfunction at the worst possible times. Engage in good self-care.

“Truly successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking.” – Malcolm Gladwell

Education, education, education

The mind needs as much conditioning as the body does. Never stop learning and growing. Seek information related to your field of expertise as well as challenging yourself to learn new things every day. 

This keeps the electrochemical organ between your ears in tip-top shape and ready to tackle difficult decisions and high-pressure scenarios. Keep your mind sharp.

Train, train, train

Prior to operating an aircraft on the tarmac and in the air, pilots in-training will spend countless hours in simulators gaining a spatial awareness of the aircraft they specialize in and being presented with a myriad of stress-inducing scenarios from engine loss to instrumentation failure. 

This type of stimulus response training contributes to a level of readiness and preparedness that keep pilots calm, cool, and collected when the most important decisions need to be made under the most extreme circumstances. 

Train yourself and your people on worst-case scenarios and ensure there are plans in place to assist you and your team while making decisions in difficult or extreme circumstances so that extreme circumstances aren’t new when they’re experienced in real-time.

Analyze, analyze, analyze

For every one hour of flight a pilot can pretty much plan on two or more hours of debriefing afterward. This reflective period post-flight will be spent analyzing every second of flight from engine start-up to engine shutdown. 

The objective of this is to allow critique from the pilot and the team on factors that influenced the success or failure of each mission. Accepting and applying feedback from the data and the team empowers the pilot in the future to make even better and more educated decisions when the pressure is at its peak. 

During these periods of analysis, pilots are able to determine if improvements to processes are necessary and invite perspectives from a diverse team of fellow aviators who may be able to articulate deficiencies in the flight analysis that the pilot in the cockpit wasn’t able to see through their own lens. 

Hold frequent meetings with your team with the purpose and intent of improving synergy and decision-making performance.

Even if the nature of your work is not a matter of national security or life and death, if you put these practices into application, you’ll be an ace decision maker in no time; ready to stand up to the pressure and navigate your team towards success.

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How to Level Up Your Productivity With One Simple Change Thu, 23 Feb 2023 21:00:16 +0000 It’s easy to feel heavy these days, especially when logging on to LinkedIn.

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It’s easy to feel heavy these days, especially when logging on to LinkedIn. Like dominos, tech companies are announcing layoffs after layoffs. It’s a never-ending stream of depressing social posts, from “every story has an ending” to “my role has been impacted,” followed by well-meaning bystanders offering support and networking introductions.

When companies slash workers, they often place the blame on employees’ lower-than-expected productivity. But what exactly is productivity? How is it measured?

Defining Productivity

Wall Street and company CFOs have their own definition: Productivity is measured as the total output divided by total input, which includes labor. If revenue and profit drop below analysts’ expectations, especially if the company has gone on a hiring spree, productivity appears low.

Individuals, on the other hand, often think about productivity as it relates to their workflow. How fast are they completing the tasks on their to-do lists? What hacks can they use to improve their personal productivity, like the Pomodoro technique or zero-inbox?

As you can see, context matters.

According to the dictionary, productivity is defined as “the ability to generate, create, improve, or bring forth goods and services.”

Wall Street and individuals both use aspects of this definition, but they measure it differently. Wall Street looks at generating monetary wealth. Individuals, in contrast, focus on what they or their team can create: those to-do lists that ultimately lead to bringing forth goods and services.

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul J. Meyer

Every Company Can Improve Productivity by Reducing “Work about Work”

Every company can improve its productivity. (And no, I don’t expect us all to turn into robots.)

Why am I so sure? There are always inputs (think labor, resources, and attention) that don’t generate meaningful outputs.

According to Asana’s Anatomy of Work report, employees spend an average of 60% of their time on non-value-add activities that are “work about work,” such as communicating about work, searching for information, switching between apps, managing shifting priorities, and chasing status updates. Only 40% of an employee’s time is spent on skilled or strategic work.

Looking at our definition of productivity, we can see that “work about work” is a bug in the system; it cuts into the time employees could be spending on generating skilled or strategic work. Indeed, Asana’s report concluded that nearly three months of an employee’s time per year could be eliminated without negatively impacting outputs.

Let me repeat: Based on current work patterns, most employees could take the entire summer off without affecting their productivity.

According to Asana’s research:

Every week, workers are losing an average of nearly three hours on unnecessary meetings. Every day, they are bombarded with 32 emails. Every hour, their attention is fractured between disconnected tools and having to constantly switch between them.

“Work about work” is an entrenched part of modern organizations and is still the biggest barrier to productivity—one that organizations shouldn’t take lightly. Too many workers are stuck in this black hole, sucked into a world of small tasks that add up to an enormous burden.

By reducing the time you spend on “work about work,” you can immediately improve your productivity equation.

3 Practical Ways to Reduce Your “Work about Work” and Increase Your Productivity

So how can you get started?

1. Conduct a meeting audit to reduce unnecessary work communication

Review all the meetings you and your team have held over the past two weeks (or a month, if you’d like a more accurate snapshot). For each meeting, note whether it was needed and how you could change the cadence, length, or attendees to reduce the meeting’s burden. Then, experiment with these changes in the upcoming weeks.

2. Do some spring cleaning to make it easier to search for information

We all have that “junk drawer” at home. You know, the one stuffed with old restaurant takeout menus and loose change. Similarly, there may be folders or random documentation scattered on your computer desktop or in your project management tool.

Carve out some time to clean up your knowledge base, or as we call it, your “digital house.” Consider scheduling a “cleaning day” quarterly, and make sure that your documentation is up to date, with everything in the right place and with a clear owner.

3. Use templates to reclaim time spent chasing status updates or recreating the wheel.

What type of work do you repeat week after week? Maybe it’s adding a contact into the Salesforce CRM or creating a quarterly review presentation for your client. Perhaps you’re a product manager and collect the same requirements sprint after sprint.

Whatever it is, if it’s repeatable, stop reinventing the wheel. Instead, develop a plug-and-play template—once and for all—and then move on. This might mean designing a standard presentation deck, a recurring Asana task, or programming a Zapier automation. Spending the time upfront to templatize can save you and your team time and energy down the road.

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How to Thrive and Survive When You Work for a Bad Boss Tue, 21 Feb 2023 21:00:36 +0000 Let’s face it, we all have worked for a bad boss.  It doesn’t, however, need to be total misery every day. 

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Being a good leader of others matters now more than ever.  Great leaders have regular one-on-ones with their staff, they give and seek feedback, they set goals, and communicate progress regularly.  Yet, nearly all of us have worked for a bad leader: someone who doesn’t have time for us, always has a “better” way of doing an assigned task, creates last minute emergency work for the team, and have limited availability to speak with us about project work, or more importantly our career.

Adam Grant, a renown organizational psychologist at Wharton Business school reminds us, “bad bosses keep people stuck in the same job; good bosses create opportunities to grow and advance.”  Statistics from 2022 research at DDI, a leadership consulting firm, found that 57% of employees who leave their jobs, leave because they can’t stand their boss.  

Forbes recently identified four key behaviors bad bosses demonstrate that encourage employees to leave their job:  they diminish employees by micromanaging them, they don’t solicit employee input, they encourage agreement while discouraging dissent, and they can’t be bothered to remove obstacles.  

Further, reports that forty-seven percent of new supervisors receive no supervisor training before being promoted. And, according to the Corporate Executive Board, sixty percent of new managers fail within their first 24 months.

I remember one bad boss I had.  The signs were there before I started:  interviews kept getting rescheduled, even after I showed up! The offer was weeks in making and wrong when I received it.  My manager loved being in charge, but he didn’t want to do the work that came with it.  He rarely spent time with any of us individually because he was too busy billing client hours. 

“You are not your resume, you are your work.” — Seth Godin

He handed off work that was uninteresting and low profile.  One time, he wanted to represent my work at another firm as work of his own.  Needless to say, I left after 9 months.  

I start my leadership programs by asking participants to think of a great leader they’ve worked for.  What did they do that was so compelling?  Inevitably, someone says, “what if you never worked for a good boss?”  Everyone laughs, but sadly it’s true!  Why?  Most likely it’s because organizations don’t take time to develop their aspiring leaders.  

So, you feel stuck.  You work for one of these bad managers, yet you enjoy your work and connect to the company’s mission.  Below are some tips for working with a difficult, even bad manager. These allow you to get you through the experience and continue to learn for yourself along the way.

Take the lead yourself. 

All employees deserve regular interactions with their employees.  These interactions can’t only focus on the work and tasks at hand, they must also focus on you.  Here’s a simple framework for a 1:1 with your boss:  Describe how you’re doing and your well-being.  If you feel constantly overworked, say so.  

Share recent accomplishments.  Discuss what you learned and what you’d do differently next time.  Discuss your challenges and describe ways you can address them, ask your manager to help.  Agree on next steps.  

If this isn’t happening regularly, take the lead.  Schedule 30 minutes with your manager every other week.  Be prepared and send a list of topics like the ones above.  

Find a stress outlet.  

Work out, spend time in nature, work on a hobby, create art, journal, meditate – whatever it takes to keep yourself grounded. Self-care is essential.

Don’t go it alone.  

Find a group of people you can safely talk to about the situation so you can stay sane while trying to make things work. For those who need to talk things out, having a safe place to do so is critical.  Consider talk therapy.  Sometimes it’s not only your manager’s problem; you might be experiencing a rough patch in your life and difficult interactions with your boss make it worse.  

Most employers have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) included in their benefits.  The resources they recommend are usually covered by your benefit plan and your conversation with them will be completely confidential.  

Be clear about your goals.  

You work with someone who isn’t particularly supportive and even difficult, so take a moment to describe for yourself why you like your job.  You are a smart and capable person, but even the best of the best can be beaten down by tough situations and tough people. 

Avoid fighting so hard and long that you lose who you are in the process.  What are you learning from it?  Even if you work for a bad boss but are learning every day and doing engaging work, the bad boss can be tolerable.  

Find a mentor inside your organization.  

Mentors are usually more senior than you and in a different department.  They understand the politics of the organization and “how we do things here.”  Their insight may help you understand your own manager better. Avoid complaining about your manager to your mentor; it’s just bad form.  

Instead, focus on your aspirations.  Your mentor may even suggest other roles in the organization that you could pursue.  While most senior leaders love to mentor, they won’t reach out to you, so you need to reach out to them.  

Talk to HR if it gets too bad.  

Foul language, sexual innuendos, or just not being available are never acceptable behaviors.  Talk to HR about your challenges.  If you are experiencing a bad boss, most likely others have too.  They will keep your information confidential, but most likely not tell you what actions they might take, because these are confidential issues too.  

Find another role in the company.  

You love the company, but hate your boss?  Seek out other roles inside the company.  Some organizations require you to work in a role for a year before seeking another role so that may limit your options.  You are far better off, however, staying at the company you know than moving to another that you don’t know.  

Know when to cut bait. 

There may come a time when you have had enough. That is OK. This does not make you a quitter; it makes you a survivor. Update your LinkedIn profile; let others find you.  Interact on LinkedIn regularly by finding new connections in organizations you admire. 

Remember:  you don’t have to take a job just because it’s offered to you!  Getting that offer may give you peace of mind to know you have value in the market.

Don’t make the same mistake twice. 

When we end up working for a bad boss, we can often look back and see signs of trouble even before we took the job.  Interview your potential manager after the offer is extended:  What are the goals for the team?  Tell me about your 1:1s. What are your team meetings like?  These questions will give you insights into the role you are moving into, so you avoid a bad manager again.  

Let’s face it, we all have worked for a bad boss.  It doesn’t, however, need to be total misery every day.  Get clear on your professional aspirations and assess whether they are being met, despite your bad boss.  Initiate regular 1:1 check-ins with your boss; aim to broaden the conversation from “what have you done for me lately,” to “here’s a bit more about me and what I’m interested in.”

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