A key distinction between traditional and modern marketing is targeting.
If you want it to be successful, you need to identify your customers, find the best ways to speak to them, then optimize your website for...
With a degree in marketing and 10 years experience working with companies like Land Rover and Leadpages, I started my own business in 2014 as a...
Imagine you want to launch a new ice cream brand. As an early-stage entrepreneur, the pressure to succeed is extremely high. You set up a launch...
While starting your own business is an exhilarating experience, many start-up founders struggle with successful marketing more than any other area of business. So if you’re...
If you’re wondering how powerful branding is then this will help. Building a strong personal brand can set you apart from your competitors, which means that...
They say your net worth is equivalent to the five closest people in your network. This is also true for your level of influence, where your...