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Success Advice

15 Leadership Lessons From the World’s Top Female Founders



Image Credit: Unsplash

The Covid-19 pandemic has tested the leadership skills of global leaders both in government and in the private sector, but have male or female bosses handled these rolling crises better? According to a Harvard Business Review study, it’s the women who have proved to be stronger leaders, but what is their secret?

There is no one secret behind great leadership, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can learn from the women who have made a success out of leading others. OnDeck has gathered 15 essential lessons from some of the top female founders and CEOs, offering inspiration and advice for anyone at any stage of their own leadership journeys.

The first of these comes from Bumble founder Whitney Wolfe Herd, who said: “When you accept that failure is a good thing, it can actually be a huge propeller toward success.” Of course, that’s easier said than done, so how can you look on the bright side of failure? 

The guide offers tips like not worrying what other people think, because most of us are too busy worrying about ourselves to notice what’s happening to someone else. It’s also important to see it as a learning experience on your journey rather than an end point.

Another important lesson comes from Flickr co-founder Caterina Fake: “So often people are working hard at the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard.” As founders it’s often difficult to prioritise, but doing so reduces your stress, improves your productivity and gives you focus.

Lessons like these can transform your leadership style for the better, so why not read the rest of what these female founders have to say and see what a difference it can make to your business?

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