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7 Things To Remember If You Dream To Have Your Own Business



7 Things To Remember If You Dream To Have Your Own Business

It is about 7:00 PM Sunday now, and you are getting a sick feeling about going to work tomorrow. You must get up early on Monday morning and get ready for the office. Now even the distraction of the idiot-box could not stop this anxious feeling.

A thought strikes that you may feign sickness tomorrow and take one day – just one smallish day off but the client meetings and responsibilities at your office will not let you do so. You want an extra day’s rest from the dog-eat-dog corporate world but you cannot do so.

This anxiety is simply because you are not able to tap your inner bliss and passion. You are not living up to your best potential. Rather than being in the moment you are living more in the past or future. When you live a fulfilled life you spread happy moments throughout each day.There is something to enjoy even on Mondays, your boss does not look any different on Monday! Does he? Maybe you are not pursuing what you always wanted to do!

Maybe you wanted to have your own business, or become an entrepreneur or open a restaurant near your favourite location. Maybe you wanted to be a writer? Think back, what dreams did you have growing up? I am sure it’s not the Dilbert’s cubicle you dreamt of! Maybe you always a wanted a business which allows you to visit Paris, London, Zurich, Spain, Portugal, whole Europe and live for an extended period of time there. Maybe you wanted to go to wild safaris in Africa, snorkel in Australian reefs or watch Monasteries in Japan.

“Know yourself and you will win all battles.” – Lao Tzu

Due to family pressure and social norms you had to school yourself for ‘a good job’. When I was in college I wanted to have a business, what business? I had no idea. I did start a sales business but could not stick with it. Why? Because parental and social pressure says you must have a ‘good job’. I got into a good job but I always wanted something more, something that gives me freedom and passion.

Think of this freedom like your relationship. Suppose your partner always taunts you for your clothes, what would you do? You will push back like “I don’t need your free advice; I am OK (which you are).” But if your partner bought you brand new Fashion-TV type clothes and marvels how good you look then chances are you will look into the mirror and think “hmm… now this is something I like.”  Which will make the relationship grow strong.

The imperial corporate world is built differently by its ‘champions’ and ‘leaders’, because they mean only business. “Work hard and go home, keep your feelings with yourself.” Most importantly the current profile and enormous responsibility at your office are not translating your dreams into reality. The only hope of getting out of the rat-race in a job is winning the lottery.

I know you can’t just leave your job and get set for your dreams, unless you have a good chance of consistent stream of income. I know it is not that easy – but yeah with correct knowledge and drive we can fulfill our destiny.

Now working at a Fortune 500 Bank in Loans and Credits Department for six years I was always tempted to compare successful companies or businesses and their successful owners to losing companies and their losing owners. I have worked right from the front-line desk guys who consult prospects for loans (and their dreams); to the cabins where dreams of entrepreneurs are presented and sanctioned. I can tell you what I have learnt from many successful entrepreneurs and what I am observing to be working best.

Here are the 7 Lessons I have learned:


1. Interact and validate your business idea

If you want to open a restaurant, then go out and meet some successful restaurant owners. Winners are good at heart. You will be surprised by their readiness to teach an open young mind. They can tell you critical information about the suppliers, buyers, market condition and more.

If you wanted to be a real estate agent, then meet few agents in your locality. They will be able to provide you some insider knowledge that you must know to start. They may offer you commissions if you bring business to them, and this way you learn in the process.

You can contact on email or phone first and then take 15-20 minutes appointment. Before becoming a success coach I interacted with lots of people by email and Facebook. Some responded some didn’t, that’s OK. But I met some really nice souls this way and they motivated me to pursue my passion of becoming a success and life coach.

Another shortcut, take your banker out on lunch and ask them, how the industry is doing? Are the loans or other accounts doing well? If most of them are bad, it does not make any sense for you to enter, as many professionals are not making money in the industry.


2. Start taking baby steps towards what you want

Do some free work for people and you will discover some new knowledge in the field. You do not have to see the whole stair case to go up the stairs, just climb one step at a time.

Author, Mike Dooley observed that in his earlier business of selling T-shirts whenever he was out for marketing, even if he didn’t sell anything, someone at the office would receive an order. So make a definite plan and start taking action from today.


3. Winners are students throughout life

Brace yourself to learn entrepreneurship, marketing, communications, and networking. There are some things that you can outsource, but marketing, communications and maintaining relationships with your clients – you cannot and should not outsource that.

Learn as much as you possibly can about the industry you want to make a career in. A lot of people assume learning stops when you graduate High School or University. Little do they know that is when the learning actually begins.


4. Take a course in communication and marketing

If you did not take the course on communications at your college then take one now. You will be amazed to know how to communicate from your clients’ perspective, what do they want and critical non-verbal communications and body-language.

Most of the companies start with these types of courses during probation so maybe you have already done that. If not then make some arrangements this weekend. It can make or break your chances of success.


5. Do not become cocky at your new business

I have made costly mistakes of loaning to cocky people, assuming it is a sort of self-confidence. Cockiness can get you a few dates at the Pub but not long-term repeat clients. Nobody cares how hot your business idea may be.

Venture Capitalists, unlike bankers, are ruthless to break through cockiness and decide if the idea is viable or not. Take care of your clients like your own brothers and sisters and they will take care of your business and expand it.


6. Maintain savings for at least two years before you leave your job

Generally speaking new businesses often take somewhere around one to one-and-half years to break-even. You may break into profit even earlier also but it makes sense to have at least two years worth of savings with you.

If it is hard for you maybe due to the high credit card debt in our society then you must first pay off the debt as soon as possible before you even think of leaving your job and becoming an entrepreneur full-time.

“Only the educated are free.” – Epictetus

7. Take your business as a part time hobby first

Now before you go full-time in your business. You must have family responsibilities and rent to be paid. So instead of going all out with that restaurant plan, why not follow another plan and open a food-truck first, this way you accelerate your learning. Or if you want to become an author, complete your novel in free time and try to get it published.

Famous fiction Author, Stephen King, did not leave his teaching job long before he started earning enough from his published books. Thereafter, he churned out over fifty popular fiction books.

You must test the waters first and take an overall view for what it takes to launch a business. You will find water is deep indeed, but like Mr. Darby and his uncle of the famed story ‘Three Feet from Gold’ said, you must persist before you see the success you always wanted. Do remember to have fun throughout the journey.


You can visit my website here. I can show you how to live a more fulfilled life!

Thank you for reading my article! Please leave comments below!


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15 Business Lessons From Napoleon’s Playbook



Business Lessons and strategies from Napoleon Bonaparte for Entrepreneurs and CEO's
Image Credit | Joel Brown

Unleash your business potential by harnessing Napoleon’s strategic genius.

From dreaming big and thinking bold to moving fast and staying agile, these time-tested tactics are your blueprint for success.

Learn how creative leadership, detailed planning, and relentless execution can transform your business landscape. Boost morale, lead with clarity, and embrace hard work to conquer your industry.

Don’t just survive—thrive with the power of Napoleon’s lessons.

Here are 15 Powerful Lessons You Can Learn From Napoleon Bonaparte


1. Dream Big, Think Bold

Napoleon wasn’t just playing small; he believed that “Imagination rules the world.” In the business world, boldness and creativity are game-changers. Don’t just aim to fit in—push boundaries and set ambitious goals that make you stand out.

Think of Steve Jobs, who didn’t just want to make computers; he wanted to revolutionize entire industries. Your vision should be so grand it almost feels unreachable. When you dream big, you inspire those around you to believe in the impossible and work together to achieve extraordinary outcomes.

2. Move Fast, Stay Agile

Napoleon’s quick and secretive moves gave him an edge. In business, you gotta be nimble. Adapt quickly, move fast, and you’ll often find yourself ahead of the game, capturing opportunities your competitors miss.

Companies like Amazon and Tesla thrive because they constantly innovate and pivot when needed. Speed is your friend; it allows you to react to market changes and customer demands faster than the competition, ensuring you remain relevant and ahead of the curve.

3. Creative Leadership

Napoleon thrived on chaos and wasn’t afraid to switch things up. Unlike rigid leaders, he was flexible and adaptive. In business, embrace change and let chaos work for you. Being adaptable can turn unpredictable situations into opportunities.

Think of how Netflix transitioned from DVD rentals to a streaming giant. Flexibility and creativity in leadership allow you to navigate through turmoil and emerge stronger, transforming challenges into stepping stones.


4. Organize Like a Pro

Napoleon’s mind was like a supercomputer, processing vast amounts of info to make smart moves. Businesses should do the same—stay organized, use real-time data, and adapt strategies based on fresh insights to keep that competitive edge.

Utilize modern tools like CRM systems, analytics software, and AI to manage information efficiently. Staying organized and informed means you can make better decisions, foresee potential issues, and react promptly.


5. Keep It Simple

Napoleon knew the power of simplicity. Overcomplicating things can bog you down. In business, streamline processes and focus on what truly matters to hit your goals efficiently.

Apple’s product design philosophy under Jobs was about simplicity and user-friendliness.When you remove unnecessary complexity, you reduce errors, speed up processes, and make it easier for your team to focus on what’s important, driving efficiency and effectiveness.


6. Execute Relentlessly

Once Napoleon decided on a course of action, he went all in. In business, once you pick a direction, pursue it with full commitment. Execution is where success is truly made.

Look at how Elon Musk commits to his vision for SpaceX and Tesla. Relentless execution means overcoming obstacles, staying focused on your goals, and not getting distracted by setbacks. It’s the determination and persistence in execution that ultimately leads to triumph.


7. Play to Your Strengths

Napoleon only fought battles he knew he could win. In business, focus on your strengths and avoid head-to-head fights in areas where you’re weak. Know your advantages and leverage them.

Microsoft leverages its strength in software development and cloud services rather than trying to compete directly in hardware. Understanding and maximizing your strengths ensures you play a game you can win, using your unique capabilities to outshine competitors.


8. Plan in Detail

Napoleon planned for every possible scenario. Businesses should do the same—conduct thorough planning and prepare for various outcomes.

Detailed planning helps you stay ready for anything. Scenario planning and SWOT analysis are tools that can help you foresee different futures and prepare accordingly. When you’re prepared for multiple scenarios, you can adapt smoothly and continue to drive forward, no matter what challenges arise.


9. Seize Opportunities

Napoleon saw luck as the ability to capitalize on accidents. In business, be prepared and ready to grab unexpected opportunities. Agility is key.

Companies like Uber and Airbnb seized gaps in the market by being ready to pounce on opportunities when they arose. Always be on the lookout for opportunities, and when they come, don’t hesitate. Preparation and readiness to act quickly can turn unexpected moments into major breakthroughs.


10. Learn from the Past

Napoleon studied the greats who came before him. Entrepreneurs should always be learning from the successes and failures of others. History is full of lessons waiting to be applied.

Warren Buffett is famous for studying businesses and market histories. By learning from the past, you can avoid repeating mistakes, understand what works, and build on proven strategies. Continuous learning from history helps refine your strategies and improve decision-making.


11. Boost Morale

Napoleon knew how to keep his troops motivated. Business leaders should do the same—keep your team inspired and engaged. High morale leads to high productivity.

Companies like Google and Salesforce invest heavily in employee well-being and motivation. When your team feels valued and motivated, they are more productive, innovative, and loyal. High morale fosters a positive work environment where people are excited to contribute and excel.


12. Lead with Clarity

Napoleon believed in the power of a strong, decisive leader. In business, clear direction and strong leadership are crucial. Ensure everyone knows the plan and follows it.

Leaders like Jeff Bezos provide a clear vision and direction, ensuring their teams know what they’re working towards. Clear, decisive leadership aligns your team, fosters trust, and drives coordinated efforts towards achieving your business goals.


13. Reflect on Failures

Napoleon analyzed both his wins and losses. Businesses should review their successes and failures to keep improving. Learn from mistakes to avoid repeating them.

Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Associates emphasizes the importance of learning from failure in his book Principles. By conducting post-mortems, you can understand what went wrong, make necessary adjustments, and continuously refine your strategies to avoid future pitfalls and drive success.


14. Action-Oriented

Napoleon was all about turning thoughts into actions. In business, decisiveness and execution are vital. Don’t just plan—act on those plans with energy and determination.

Entrepreneurs like Richard Branson embody this principle by constantly moving from ideas to actions. Action orientation ensures that you don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis but instead drive forward, making things happen and turning visions into reality.


15. Embrace Hard Work

Napoleon lived and breathed work, saying, “Work is my element; I am born and built for work.”

In business, a strong work ethic and relentless dedication are key to success. Think of how Howard Schultz rebuilt Starbucks through sheer hard work and determination. Embracing hard work means being willing to put in the necessary effort, staying dedicated to your mission, and continuously pushing towards your goals, no matter the challenges.


By implementing these lessons from Napoleon, businesses can sharpen their strategies, strengthen leadership, and execute with precision, driving sustained success.

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